
Defines functions ggenericwidget autogenerategeneric

Documented in autogenerategeneric ggenericwidget

##' @include guiComponents.R

##' Class for creating a widget based on function values or markup specified by a list

##' Constructor for "generic widget"
##' @export
ggenericwidget <- function(
                           lst,  cli = NULL, container = NULL,
                           ... ,

  ## if lst is a function, we much fix
  fName <- NULL
    fName <- deparse(substitute(lst))
  widget <- .ggenericwidget (toolkit,
                             lst=lst, cli=cli, container=container , fName=fName, ...
  obj = new( 'guiComponent',widget=widget,toolkit=toolkit) 

##' generic for toolkit dispatch
##' @alias ggenericwidget
setGeneric( '.ggenericwidget' ,
                    lst, cli = NULL,
                    container = NULL, ... )
           standardGeneric( '.ggenericwidget' ))

## This is basically a hack, but it kinda works so I'm not touching it

         representation = representation("gComponentANY",

                   cli = NULL,          # iCLi object for output
  ) {

            ## ReadParseEvaL -- saves typing
            rpel = function(string, envir=.GlobalEnv) {
              eval(parse(text=string), envir=envir)

            theArgs <- list(...)
              lst <- theArgs$fName      # to pass in fun name

            if(is.character(lst)) {
              if(rpel(Paste("is.function(",lst,")"))) {
                ## run automenugenerator
                lst = rpel(autogenerategeneric(lst), environment())
              } else {
                gwCat(paste("Can not create genericwidget from", lst,"\n",sep=" "))
                return(glabel("", container = container))

##             if(!is.list(lst) && is.character(lst)) {
##               if(rpel(Paste("is.function(",lst,")"))) {
##                 ## run automenugenerator
##                 lst = rpel(autogenerategeneric(lst))
##               } else if(is.function(lst)) {
##                 lst = rpel(autogenerategeneric(lst))
##               }
##             }
            ## error check
            if(!is.list(lst)) {
              warning("ggenericwidget needs to be called with a list, a function name or a function to work\n")
              return(glabel("", container = container))

            ## store widgets here
            vals = list()
            ## add to this box, this is what gets returned
            mainGroup = ggroup(horizontal=FALSE, spacing=10,
              container=container, ...)
            ## Data
            if(!is.null(lst$variableType)) {
              if(lst$variableType == "univariate") {
                vals$Data = gunivariate(...,
                  container=mainGroup, anchor=c(-1,0), expand=TRUE)
              } else if(lst$variableType == "univariatetable") {
                vals$Data = gunivariatetable(...,
                  container=mainGroup, anchor=c(-1,0), expand=TRUE) 
              } else if(lst$variableType == "fileurl") {
                vals$Data = gfileurl(...,
                  container=mainGroup, anchor=c(-1,0), expand=TRUE) 
              } else if(lst$variableType == "bivariate") {
                vals$Data = gbivariate(...,
                  container=mainGroup, anchor=c(-1,0), expand=TRUE) 
              } else if(lst$variableType == "model") {
                vals$Data = gmodel(...,
                  container=mainGroup, anchor=c(-1,0), expand=TRUE) 
              } else if(lst$variableType == "lattice") {
                vals$Data = glattice(...,
                  container=mainGroup, anchor=c(-1,0), expand=TRUE) 
              } else if(lst$variableType == "lmer") {
                vals$Data = glmer(...,
                  container=mainGroup, anchor=c(-1,0), expand=TRUE) 
              } else {
                cat(Paste("Need to implement variableType ",lst$variableType,"\n"))
                vals$Data = NULL

            ## arguments
            if(!is.null(lst$arguments)) {
              frame = gframe(text="Arguments",
                horizontal=FALSE, container=mainGroup,
                anchor=c(-1,0), expand=TRUE, fill="x")
              font(frame) <- c(weight="bold", size="small")

              group = ggroup(horizontal=FALSE, container=frame)
              table = glayout(container=group)        # k rows, 4 cols
              trow = 1; tcol= 1
              ## function for recursing down list
              addWidgetToDialog = function(name, lstele) {
                if(is.null(lstele$type) || is.list(lstele$type)) {
                  ## recurse after adding seperator
                                        #        gseparator(horizontal=FALSE, container=group)
                  if(name != "arguments") {
                    ## add some indication that this is a seperate group. Not in a frame
                    ## but this might end up looking better if in a frame
                    label = glabel(name, container=table)
                    font(label) <- c(style="italic", weight="bold")
                    table[trow,1] <<- label
                    table[trow,2:4] <<- gseparator(horizontal=TRUE, container=table)
                    trow <<- trow+1; tcol <<- 1
                  for(i in names(lstele)) {
                  ## increment rows
                  trow <<- trow+1; tcol <<- 1
                } else {
                  ## the listelement use the argument names so do.call just works.
                  if(!is.list(lstele$type) && lstele$type == "ilabel") {
                    table[trow,2:4] <<- glabel(lstele$text, container=table)
                    trow <<- trow+1; tcol <<- 1
                    ##        glabel(lstele$text, container=group)
                  } else {
                    ## not a label
                    table[trow,tcol, anchor=c(1,0)] <<- glabel(name,
                                                handler = function(h,...) {
                                                  showHelpAtArgument(name, lst$help)

                    lstele$container <- table # need this for tcltk
                    vals[[name]] <<- do.call(lstele$type, lstele[-1])
                    table[trow,tcol + 1, anchor=c(-1,0)] <<- vals[[name]]
                    visible(vals[[name]]) <- TRUE

                    if(tcol == 3) trow <<- trow + 1
                    tcol <<- (tcol+2) %% 4
              ## now call function to recurse down list
              ## now we need to make table visible
              visible(table) <- TRUE
            ## do we assignto?
            assignto = NULL                       # initialize
            if(!is.null(lst$assignto)) {
              frame = gframe("Assign output to:",container=mainGroup, anchor=c(-1,0), expand=TRUE, fill="x")
              font(frame) <- c(weight="bold")
              assignto = gedit("",container=frame)
              ##    adddroptarget(assignto)
            ## now add buttons
            ok.cb = function(h,...) {
              vals = h$action$vals            # contains the object
              lst = h$action$lst              # original list

              ## assignto
                assignto = svalue(h$action$assignto)
              head <- lst$action$beginning
              tail <- lst$action$end
              args <- c()  
              for(i in names(vals)) {
                val = svalue(vals[[i]])

                if(is.empty(val)) next
                if(i == "..." | i == "Data" ) {
                  args = c(args,val)
                } else {
                  ## combine with name
                  args = c(args,Paste(i,"=",val))
              str = Paste(head, PasteWithComma(args), tail)
                names(str) = make.names(assignto)
                assignto = NULL

              ## send to fcommandline instance
              if(is.null(h$action$cli)) {
                cli <- gcommandline(command=str, assignto=assignto,
                  useGUI = FALSE, useConsole = TRUE,
              } else {
                cli = h$action$cli
                command <- str; names(command) <- assignto
                svalue(cli) <- command
            cancel.cb = function(h,...) {
              action = h$action
            help.cb = function(h,...) {
              helppage = h$action
              win = gwindow(Paste("Help on ", helppage), visible=TRUE)
              size(win) <- c(600, 400)
              group = ggroup(horizontal = FALSE, container=win)
              ghelp(topic=helppage, container=group, expand=TRUE)
              closeGroup = ggroup(container=group)
              gbutton("cancel", handler = function(h,...) dispose(win),
            buttongroup = ggroup(container=mainGroup)
            addSpring(buttongroup)               # push to right
            gbutton("ok", action=list(vals=vals,lst=lst,assignto = assignto,cli=cli),
                    handler = ok.cb, container=buttongroup)
            addSpace(buttongroup, 25)
            gbutton("help",action = lst$help,  handler = help.cb, container=buttongroup)

            ## return the container now that it has all the stuff in in.
            obj = new("gGenericWidgetANY",
              block=mainGroup, widget=mainGroup,
              ID = getNewID(), toolkit=toolkit,
              lst = lst)

### methods
## return the list
          function(obj, toolkit, index=NULL, drop=NULL, ..) {

### returns a string that evaluates to a list
autogenerategeneric = function(f,
  help = fName,                             # name of help function
  variableType = NULL   # one ofc(NULL,"univariate","bivariate","model","lattice"),
  ) {

  if(missing(fName)) {
    if(is.function(f)) {
      fName = deparse(substitute(f))
    } else{                               # f is a string
      fName = f 
      f = get(f)
  lst = formals(f)

  ## figure out variableType: univariate, bivariate, model or lattice
  if(is.null(variableType)) {
    firstArg = names(lst)[1]

    if(firstArg == "formula") {
      variableType = "model"
      lst[['formula']] <- NULL
      lst[['data']] <- NULL
      lst[['subset']] <- NULL
    } else if(firstArg == "file") {
      variableType = "fileurl"
      lst[['file']] <- NULL
    } else if(firstArg == "x" & length(names(lst)) > 1) {
      secondArg = names(lst)[2]
      if(secondArg == "y") {
        variableType = "bivariate"
        lst[['x']] <- NULL
        lst[['y']] <- NULL
      } else {
        variableType = "univariate"
        lst[['x']] <- NULL

  ## make list as a string
  out = Paste(fName,".LIST <- list(", "\n")
  out = Paste(out, "\ttitle = \"",fName,"\",\n")
  out = Paste(out, "\thelp = \"",help,"\",\n")
  out = Paste(out, "\tvariableType = \"",variableType,"\",\n")
  out = Paste(out, "\tassignto = ","TRUE",",\n")
#  out = Paste(out, "\taction = list\(\n")
    out = Paste(out, "\taction = list(\n")
  out = Paste(out, "\t\tbeginning = \"",fName,"(\", \n")
  out = Paste(out, "\t\tending = \")\"),\n")
#  out = Paste(out, "\targuments = list\(\n")
    out = Paste(out, "\targuments = list(\n")
#  out = Paste(out, "\t\tArguments = list\(\n") # add or change these


  for(i in names(lst)) {
    ## intercept the type
    name = i
    val = lst[[i]]
    type = str1(lst[[i]])$type

#    cat(f,":",i,"is of type",type,"\n")
    if(0) {
      ### want to test for empty
      ## what do do here -
      out = Paste(out,"\t\t\t\"","...",'"',"=list(\n")
      out = Paste(out,"\t\t\t\ttype= \"gedit\",\n")
      out = Paste(out,"\t\t\t\ttext=",'""'  ,"),\n")
    } else {
      ## these vals we handle generically
      val1 = "placeholder"
             "name" = {
               out = Paste(out,"\t\t\t\"",name,'"',"=list(\n")
               out = Paste(out,"\t\t\t\ttype= \"gedit\",\n")
               out = Paste(out,"\t\t\t\ttext=", '""'  ,"),\n")
             "numeric" = {
               out = Paste(out,"\t\t\t\"",name,'"',"=list(\n")
               out = Paste(out,"\t\t\t\ttype= \"gedit\",\n")
               out = Paste(out,"\t\t\t\tcoerce.with= as.numeric,\n")
               out = Paste(out,"\t\t\t\ttext=\"", val  ,"\"),\n")
             "logical" ={
               out = Paste(out,"\t\t\t\"",name,'"',"=list(\n")
               out = Paste(out,"\t\t\t\ttype= \"gdroplist\",\n")
               out = Paste(out,"\t\t\t\tindex= FALSE,\n")
               if(!is.na(val) && !is.null(val) && is.logical(val) && val == FALSE) {
                 out = Paste(out,"\t\t\t\titems=", 'c(\"FALSE\", \"TRUE\"),',
               } else {
                 out = Paste(out,"\t\t\t\titems=", 'c(\"TRUE\",\"FALSE\"),',
             "character" = {
               out = Paste(out,"\t\t\t\"",name,'"',"=list(\n")
               out = Paste(out,"\t\t\t\ttype= \"gedit\",\n")
               out = Paste(out,"\t\t\t\tcoerce.with= as.character,\n")               
               out = Paste(out,"\t\t\t\ttext=\"\'", val  ,"\'\"),\n")
             "call" = {
               ## only handle c(...)
               ## others are just blank gentry
               callVal = as.character(val)
               if(callVal[1] == "c") {
                 items = eval(val)
                 quoteIt = '\"'
                 if(class(items) == "numeric")
                   quoteIt = ""

                 ## combin
 #                theValue = "c("
#                 for(j in 2:length(callVal)) {
#                   theValue=Paste(theValue, quoteIt,callVal[j],quoteIt, ',')
 #                }
#                 theValue=Paste(theValue,'"")') #add emput
                 tmp = paste(quoteIt, items, quoteIt, sep = "", collapse=", ")
                 theValue = paste("c(", tmp, ")",sep="")
                 out = Paste(out,"\t\t\t\"",name,'"',"=list(\n")
                 if(length(callVal) >3) {
                   out = Paste(out,"\t\t\t\ttype= \"gdroplist\",\n")
                   if(class(items) == "character")
                     out = Paste(out,"\t\t\t\tdo.quote= TRUE,\n")
                 } else {
                   out = Paste(out,"\t\t\t\ttype= \"gradio\",\n")
                   out = Paste(out,"\t\t\t\tindex= FALSE,\n")
                 out = Paste(out,"\t\t\t\titems=", theValue  ,"),\n")
               } else {
                 ## just leavl blank
                 out = Paste(out,"\t\t\t\"",name,'"',"=list(\n")
                 out = Paste(out,"\t\t\t\ttype= \"gedit\",\n")
                 out = Paste(out,"\t\t\t\ttext=\"\"),\n")
             "NULL" = {
               out = Paste(out,"\t\t\t\"",name,'"',"=list(\n")
               out = Paste(out,"\t\t\t\ttype= \"gedit\",\n")
               out = Paste(out,"\t\t\t\ttext=", "\"NULL\""  ,"),\n")
             },                           # default
             out = Paste(out,"Don't know what to do\n")
  ## finish up
  out = gsub(",\n$","",out)
  out = Paste(out, "))\n")              # trimmed a ) for Arguments


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Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

gWidgets documentation built on May 2, 2019, 6:22 p.m.