
Defines functions assignValue addChild getWidgetByID addStore getStoreById reload

##  Copyright (C) 2010 John Verzani
##  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
##  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
##  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
##  (at your option) any later version.
##  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
##  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
##  GNU General Public License for more details.
##  A copy of the GNU General Public License is available at
##  http://www.r-project.org/Licenses/

## XXX would like to integrate layout manager into this
## Should be a big panel with menubar and toolbar and statusbar areas
## ... contains width=, height= for gsubwindow call
## if container is not null, then a subwindow is made
## handler called on unload

## Trait for top-level windows
EXTTopLevel <- EXTContainer$new()

##' Property. Where to render this window to. Default is the entire webpage
##' May not work otherwise, needs testing
EXTTopLevel$..renderTo <- "Ext.getBody()"

##' assign values
##' @param . self
##' @param id id of widget
##' @param value value to assign
EXTTopLevel$assignValue <- function(., id, value) {
  widget <- .$getWidgetByID(id)

## track Children
##' Add a child to list of children
##' @param . self
##' @param child child to add (widget instance)
EXTTopLevel$addChild <- function(., child) {
    l <- list()
    l <- .$..children
  l[[child$ID]] <- child
  .$..children <- l

##' retrieve child instance from its ID
##' @param .  self
##' @param id id of child (child$ID yields this)
EXTTopLevel$getWidgetByID <- function(., id) {
  if(.$has_local_slot("..children")) {
    l <- .$..children
  } else {

## handlers for proxy stores
## These methods are used by gbigtable and by gtree to dynamically populate data
## XXX Might make sense to make all objects with stores use this (gcombobox, ...)

##' Property. We need to look up proxy stores when we process. This needs to be set in widget
EXTTopLevel$proxyStores <- list()

##' add a proxy store for later lookup
##' @param . self
##' @param store store instance. Stores within list
EXTTopLevel$addStore <- function(., store) {
  l <- .$proxyStores
  l[[store$asCharacter()]] <- store
  .$proxyStores <- l

##' get a proxy store from its id
##' @param . self
##' @param id id of store, eg. gWidget34store
##' @return store instance
EXTTopLevel$getStoreById <- function(., id) {

##' Reload the window
EXTTopLevel$reload <- function(.) {
  if(.$has_local_slot("..shown")) {

##' Main top level window
##' Each script needs to have one and only one instance as a global
##' variable. The visible argument is ignored. One must call
##' \code{visible<-} with a value of \code{TRUE} after the page is
##' layed out. (This prints the javascript to the browser).
##' @param title Page title
##' @param visible ignored. Must set visibility TRUE after GUI construction is done.
##' @param width size in in pixels. (Mostly only for a subwindow)
##' @param height size in pixels (For subwindows)
##' @param parent If non-\code{NULL} creates a sub window.
##' @param handler assigned to page unload event
##' @param action passed to handler
##' @param ... ignored
##' @return a gwindow instance. Many methods but key one is \code{visible<-}.
##' @note There are some \pkg{proto} properties that can be set to adjust the values. These are \code{loadingText}; \code{doLoadingText}; \code{..show\_error\_message}; \code{AJAXtimeout}
##' @examples
##' \dontrun{
##' w <- gwindow("hello test")  ## must be global
##' gbutton("Click me", cont=w, handler=function(h,...) galert("Hello world", parent=w))
##' visible(w) <- TRUE          ## call to cat out values to web browser
##' }
##' @export
gwindow <- function(title="title", visible=TRUE,
                    width = NULL, height = NULL, parent = NULL,
                    handler=NULL, action=NULL,...) {

  ## width, height  for subwindows
  ## changed container argument to  parent to match gWidgets
  container <- parent

   ## make a subwindow?
     return(gsubwindow(title=title,handler=handler, action=action,
                        width = width, height = height,

  w <- EXTTopLevel$new(
                        ..actions = list(),
                       ..children = list())
  class(w) <- c("gWindow",class(w))

  ## no parent container -- so no ID. We fix this
  w$ID <- "gWidgetID0"                  # XXX Issue if more than one per page!
  w$sessionID <- makeSessionID()
  w$toplevel <- w
  w$..renderTo <- String("Ext.getBody()") # can override
  w$..show_error_messages <- gWidgetsWWWIsLocal()         # set to NULL to not show
  w$doLoadingText <- gWidgetsWWWIsLocal() # do we print a message when calling a handler
  w$loadingText <- gettext("Loading...")  # prints when a handler is called to indicate a request.
  ##  w$..visible <- FALSE
  w$x.hidden <- FALSE                   # don't hide.


  w$jscriptHandlers <- list()        # handlers in parent winoow
  w$JSQueue <- character()           # output of JS handlers
  w$toplevel <- w
  w$..IDS <- c()
  w$..blocked_handlers <- c()           # IDs of handlers not to call
  theArgs <- list(...)
  w$..AJAXtimeout <- ifelse(is.null(theArgs$AJAXtimeout), 10000, theArgs$AJAXtimeout)
  w$proxyStores <- list()         # local instance
  ## store name in title for handlers.
##XXX  w$titlename <- make.names(title)
##XXX  assign(w$titlename,w, enxvir=.GlobalEnv)

  ## Find values from apache config or from local config

  ## find URL for AJAX call, place into toplevel for later reference
  if(!exists("gWidgetsWWWAJAXurl") || is.null(gWidgetsWWWAJAXurl))
    gWidgetsWWWAJAXurl <- getOption("gWidgetsWWWAJAXurl")
  if(is.null(gWidgetsWWWAJAXurl))  {
    gWidgetsWWWAJAXurl <- "/gWidgetsWWW"
  w$..gWidgetsWWWAJAXurl <- gWidgetsWWWAJAXurl
  w$..gWidgetsWWWrunUrl <- getWithDefault(getOption("gWidgetsWWWrunUrl"), "/gWidgetsWWWrun")
  #### methods ####
  ##' run a handler
  ##' id is id of handler. Can be used for blocked handlers
  ##' context is named list of values to pass into "h" object
  ##' Handlers that don't run raise an error
  w$runHandler <- function(., id, context) {
    id <- as.numeric(id)
    if(! (id %in% .$..blocked_handlers)) {
      lst <- .$jscriptHandlers[[as.numeric(id)]]
      h <- list(obj=lst$obj, action = lst$action)
      if(!missing(context) &&  is.list(context)) {
        for(i in names(context)) 
          h[[i]] <- context[[i]]
      ## Each XXXJS call  adds to the JSQueue, it isn't done here
      out <- try(lst$handler(h), silent=TRUE)          # add to JS Queue
      if(inherits(out, "try-error"))
        stop(sprintf("<br />Error running handler: %s", out))
    .$runJSQueue()                      # run the queue

  ## for top-level window visible same as print
  w$setVisible <- function(., value) {
      stop(sprintf("Can't hide top level window"))
  ## can't dispose of top-level window
  w$visible <- function(.) {}

  w$addAction <- function(., action) 
    .$..actions <- c(.$..actions, action)
  ## set title
  ## XX should this be just for Ext.getBody() cases?
  w$setValueJS <- function(.,...) {
    if(exists("..setValueJS", envir=., inherits=FALSE))
    out <- sprintf("document.title = %s;", ourQuote(.$..data))
   ## css and scripts are different for gwindow instances, as these
   ## are the toplevel instances -- sub classes place there values into
   ## these lists.
   ## css is a list keyed by class.
   w$css <- list("gWindow"=list(obj=w,FUN=function(.) {return("")}))
   w$scripts <-
     list("gWindow" = list(obj=w,
            FUN = function(.) {
              ## Scripts, this gets placed into a
              ## list keyed by the class of the object
              out <- String()

              ## add Library and Style Sheets
              ## use "script" to add library
              ## use "link" to add style sheet for type
##               out <- out +
##                 'AddLibrary = function(type, file){' +
##                   'var NewNode=document.createElement(type);' +
##                     'NewNode.src=file;' +
##                        'document.body.appendChild(NewNode);' +
##                          '};' + '\n'

              ## runHandlerJS is key to linking in R with the web page
              ## we pass in an ID and optionally some values with keys.

              ## Some javascript functions
              ## XXX make better

              if(.$has_local_slot("..show_error_messages")) {
                processFailure <-
                  paste("function processFailure(response, options) {",
                        "Ext.example.msg('Error:', response.responseText, 4);",
                        if(.$has_local_slot("..statusBar")) {
                          sprintf("sbwidget=Ext.getCmp('%sstatusBar');sbwidget.clearBusy();", .$ID)
              } else {
                processFailure <-
                  paste("function processFailure(response, options) {",
                        if(.$has_local_slot("..statusBar")) {
                          sprintf("sbwidget=Ext.getCmp('%sstatusBar');sbwidget.clearBusy();", .$ID)
              out <- out +
                processFailure +
                  "\n" +
                    paste("function evalJSONResponse(response, options) {",
                          "  eval(response.responseText);", 
                                 sprintf("sbwidget=Ext.getCmp('%sstatusBar');sbwidget.clearBusy();", .$ID),
              ## code to run a javascript handler
              out <- out +
                paste('runHandlerJS = function(id,context) {',
                                    sprintf("sbwidget=Ext.getCmp('%sstatusBar'); sbwidget.setBusyText('busy...   ');", .$ID),
                                    sprintf("Ext.getBody().mask('%s');", .$loadingText)
                      sprintf("  url: '%s',",.$..gWidgetsWWWAJAXurl),
                      "  success: evalJSONResponse,",
                      "  failure: processFailure,",
                      "  method: 'POST', " ,
                      sprintf("  timeout: %s,", .$..AJAXtimeout),
                      "  params: { type: 'runHandler', ",
                      "    sessionID: sessionID,",
                      "    id: id,",
                      "    context: context",
                      "  }",

              ## show loading text box if requested
              if(.$doLoadingText) {
                out <- out +
                  paste("Ext.Ajax.on('requestcomplete', function() {Ext.getBody().unmask() }, this);",
                        "Ext.Ajax.on('requestexception', function() {Ext.getBody().unmask()}, this);",
                        "\n", sep="")
              ## transportToR copies data in widget back into R
              ## using a global variable IDXXX
              ## We don't expect a return value
              out <- out +
                paste('_transportToR = function(id, val) {',
                             sprintf("sbwidget=Ext.getCmp('%sstatusBar'); sbwidget.setBusyText('Transferring...   ');", .$ID),                             
                      sprintf("  url: '%s',", gWidgetsWWWAJAXurl),

                      ## What to do with return value. This commented out code ignores.
                      ## we added in an eval in case there is some reason we want to return from an assign
                      ## it makes sense as then R can communicate back to WWW when a value is assigned
                      ## we get some XML back, not JSON
                      ## "  success: function(response, opts)",
                      ## ifelse(.$has_local_slot("..statusBar"),
                      ##        sprintf("{sbwidget=Ext.getCmp('%sstatusBar');sbwidget.setText(sbwidget.oldtext);},", .$ID),
                      ##        "{},"),
                      "  success: evalJSONResponse,",
                      "  failure: processFailure,",
                      sprintf("timeout: %s,", .$..AJAXtimeout),
                      "  method: 'POST'," ,
                      "  params: { type: 'assign', ",
                      "    sessionID: sessionID,",
                      "    variable: id,",
                      "    value: val",
                      "  }",
              out <- out +
                paste('function clearSession() {',
                      sprintf("  url: '%s',", gWidgetsWWWAJAXurl),
                      "  method: 'POST',",
                      "  params: {",
                      "    type: 'clearSession', ",
                      "    sessionID: sessionID",
                      "  }",

              ## this is for tooltips in, say, gnotebook tabs.
              out <- out +


   w$ExtConstructor <- "Ext.Panel" ## inherits
   w$ExtCfgOptions <- function(.) { ## ih
     out <- list(
                 renderTo= .$..renderTo,
                 border = TRUE,
#                 bodyBorder = FALSE,
                 hideBorders = FALSE,
                 autoScroll = TRUE
#                 ,layout="fit"           # one item only, will expand

   ## code to set up iconclasses for use with buttons, toolbar, menubar
   w$iconDir <- ""
   w$makeIconClasses <- function(.) {
     ## XXX -- this doesn't work with IE so we cut it out.
     ## old below
     out <- String()
     x <- getStockIcons();
     nms <- names(x)
     for(i in 1:length(x)) {
       out <- out +
         'Ext.util.CSS.createStyleSheet("' +
           paste("button.",nms[i], "{background-image:url(",x[i],")};", sep="",
                 collapse="") +
           '");' + '\n'


  ## simple header
   w$header <- function(.) {
     out <- String() + .$makeIconClasses()

  w$footer <- function(.) {
     ## ## clear out any old IDS
     ## remove(list=ls(pat="^gWidgetID",envir=.),envir=.)

     ## doLayout()
     out <- String()

     out <- out +
       sprintf("%s.doLayout();\n", .$asCharacter())

     ## hide children if requested
     hide <- function(.) {
       if(.$has_local_slot("children")) {
         sapply(.$children, hide)
       if(.$has_local_slot("..visible") && !.$..visible) {
         out <<- out + .$setVisibleJS()

     ## set title 
     out <- out +

     ## write out sessionID
     out <- out +
       sprintf("var sessionID = %s;\n", ourQuote(.$sessionID))

  ## w$..setHandlers <- function(.) {
  ##    ## deprecated, see addHandler now
  ##    return("")
  ##  }

  ## unload handler
    w$addHandler("onunload",handler, action=action)


##' gsubwindow
##' a subwindow appears on top of a regular window
##' style properties width, height (size) and x, y are used
##' should be draggable -- but doesn't seem to work
##' svalue<- sets title
##' visible(obj) TRUE is showing
##' visible(obj) <- FALSE/TRUE hides/shows
##' @param title title of window
##' @param visible ignored
##' @param width width of subwindow
##' @param height height of subwindow
##' @param handler close handler
##' @param action value passed to handler
##' @param container parent container for subwindow
##' @param ... passed to container's add method
gsubwindow <- function(title="Subwindow title", visible=TRUE,
                        width=500, height=300,
                        handler = NULL, action=NULL, container=NULL,...) {

  widget <- EXTContainer$new(toplevel=container$toplevel,
                             ..visible = as.logical(visible)
  class(widget) <- c("gSubwindow",class(widget))
  if(is.null(width)) width <- 500
  if(is.null(height)) height <- 300
  widget$..style <- c("width"=width, height=height)
  ## methods
  widget$addAction <- function(., action) 
     .$..actions <- c(.$..actions, action)

  widget$dispose <- function(.) visible(.) <- FALSE

  ## set title
  widget$setValueJS <- function(., ...) {
  out <-  sprintf("%s.setTitle(%s);\n", .$asCharacter(), ourQuote(escapeHTML(.$..data)))

  ## visible
  widget$setVisible <- function(., value) {
    value <- as.logical(value)
    .$..visible <- value

  widget$setVisibleJS <- function(.) {
    ## opposite -- we already changed if we got here
    out <- sprintf("%s.%s();", .$asCharacter(),
                   ifelse(.$..visible, "show", "hide"))
## XXX    .$addJSQueue(out)

  widget$ExtConstructor = "Ext.Window"
  widget$ExtCfgOptions <- function(.) {
    style <- .$..style
    width <- style['width']
    height <- style['height']
    out <- list(
                'title' = .$..data,
                'layout' = "auto",      # not fit
                'width' = as.numeric(width),
                'height' =  as.numeric(height),
                'closeAction' = "hide",
                'autoScroll' = TRUE,
                'plain' = TRUE,
                'button' = String('[{text: "Close", handler: function(){') +
                'o' + .$ID + '.hide();}}]'
    ## statusbar. Menu? Tool?
    if(.$has_local_slot("..statusBar")) {
      sbText <- String() +
        paste('new Ext.ux.StatusBar({',    # as of 3.0 not in ext -- uses toolbar instead
              sprintf('  id: "%sstatusBar",', .$ID),
              sprintf('defaultText: "Powered by %s, extjs and gWidgetsWWW."',
                      ifelse(gWidgetsWWWIsLocal(), "the R help server",
              sprintf('text: %s', ourQuote(.$..statusBarText)),
      out[['bbar']] <- sbText
      .$..statusBar$..shown <- TRUE

  widget$header <- function(.) {}
  widget$footer <- function(.) {
    ## render and show
    out <- String() +
      sprintf("%s.render();", .$asCharacter())

    ## show if ready
      out <- out +
        sprintf("%s.show();", .$asCharacter())


  ## we don't add. The subwindow prints out
  container$add(widget, ...)

  ## return

##' Reload document
##' Reloads document from server
##' @param object gwindow object
##' @param ... ignored
##' @export
update.gWindow <- function(object, ...) object$reload()

Try the gWidgetsWWW package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

gWidgetsWWW documentation built on May 2, 2019, 4:47 p.m.