
w <- gwindow("Example of gWidgetsWWW widgets")
g1 <- ggroup(cont=w, horizontal=FALSE)
l <- glabel("This page shows the status of several of the widgets in gWidgetsWWW.",cont=g1)

g = gexpandgroup("gmenu", cont=g1)
handler = function(h,...) gmessage("called handler", parent=g)
action = gaction(label = "hello", icon="stop", handler = handler, parent=w)
menulist = list(action = action,
          b =list(separator=TRUE),
          c = gaction(label="a label", handler = handler, parent=w),
          d = list(action = action,
                   c = gaction(label="a different label", handler = handler, parent=w))
mb = gmenu(menulist, cont=w)

g = gexpandgroup("glabel", cont=g1)
widget = glabel("label", cont=g)
font(widget) = c("weight" = "bold", color="red")

g = gexpandgroup("gbutton", cont=g1)
widget = gbutton("button", cont=g)

g = gexpandgroup("ghtml", cont=g1)
##widget = ghtml(asURL("ex-widgets.txt"), cont=g)
## \" preferred to ' here, as it gets properly escaped when widget is produced
widget = ghtml("Can be <b>marked</b> <em>up</em> or a <a href=\"\">url</a>",

g = gexpandgroup("gcheckbox", cont=g1)
widget = gcheckbox("label", cont=g)

g = gexpandgroup("gcheckboxgroup", cont=g1)
widget = gcheckboxgroup([1:5], cont=g)

g = gexpandgroup("gradio", cont=g1)
widget = gradio(letters[1:3], cont=g)

g = gexpandgroup("gslider", cont=g1)
widget = gslider(from=0, to=100, by=1,value=50, cont=g)

g = gexpandgroup("gspinbutton -- no trigger icons show, but arrows work", cont=g1)
widget = gspinbutton(from=0, to=100, by=1,value=50, cont=g)

g = gexpandgroup("gedit", cont=g1)
widget = gedit("edit me", cont=g)

g = gexpandgroup("gtext", cont=g1)
widget = gtext("edit me", cont=g)
size(widget) = c(200,200)

g = gexpandgroup("gimage", cont=g1)
widget = gimage("", cont=g)

g = gexpandgroup("gcombobox", cont=g1)
## 3 columns is max: values, icon, tooltip
m = data.frame(a = letters[1:4],
rep("images/bullet.gif",4), c= as.character(1:4))
widget = gcombobox(m, cont=g)

g = gexpandgroup("gcombobox to look gike gedit. Uses non API proto command", cont=g1)
glabel("Start typing a state name:  ",cont=g)
widget = gcombobox(, cont=g, editable=TRUE, selected=0)
widget$..hideTrigger = TRUE

g = gexpandgroup("gcalendar", cont=g1)
widget = gcalendar("select a date", cont=g)

g = gexpandgroup("gfilebrowser", cont=g1)

if(gWidgetsWWWIsLocal()) {
  gfile("only svalue works though", cont=g)
} else {
  glabel("no gfilebrowse for non-local yet", cont=g)

g = gexpandgroup("gtable", cont=g1)
widget = gtable(mtcars, cont=g, multiple=TRUE)
size(widget) = c(500,250)

g = gexpandgroup("gdf", cont=g1)
widget = gdf(mtcars[1:5, 1:6], cont=g)
size(widget) <- c(300,300)

g <- gexpandgroup("gbigtable -- paging", cont=g1)
widget <- gbigtable(mtcars, cont=g)
size(widget) <- c(300,300)

g = gexpandgroup("gtree", cont=g1)
offspring <- function(path, ...) {
  x <- rbinom(2, 1, .5)
  nms <- paste(path, 0:1, sep=":")
  icons <- c("dismiss","ok")[x+1]
  data.frame(id=nms, hasoffspring=as.logical(x), icons=icons, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
tr <- gtree(offspring=offspring, icon.FUN=TRUE, cont=g)
size(tr) <- c(300,300)
b <- gbutton("Try again", cont=g, handler=function(h,...) tr$update())

g = gexpandgroup("gtoolbar", cont=g1)
glabel("gtoolbar is done through gmenubar -- only one", cont=g)

g = gexpandgroup("gstatusbar", cont=g1)
widget = gstatusbar("statusbar text", cont=w)

gstatusbar("Powered by RApache and gWidgetsWWW", cont = w)
visible(w) <- TRUE

Try the gWidgetsWWW package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

gWidgetsWWW documentation built on May 2, 2019, 4:47 p.m.