
Defines functions mapLevels mapLevels.default mapLevels.character mapLevels.factor mapLevels.list mapLevels.data.frame .unlistLevelsMap print.levelsMap print.listLevelsMap is.levelsMap is.listLevelsMap .isCharacterMap as.levelsMap as.listLevelsMap .checkLevelsMap .checkListLevelsMap c.levelsMap c.listLevelsMap sort.levelsMap unique.levelsMap

Documented in as.levelsMap as.listLevelsMap .checkLevelsMap .checkListLevelsMap c.levelsMap c.listLevelsMap is.levelsMap is.listLevelsMap mapLevels mapLevels.character mapLevels.data.frame mapLevels.default mapLevels.factor mapLevels.list print.levelsMap print.listLevelsMap sort.levelsMap unique.levelsMap

### mapLevels.R
### What: Mapping levels
### $Id: mapLevels.R 1991 2015-04-29 03:27:50Z warnes $
### Time-stamp: <2007-04-26 13:16:18 ggorjan>

### {{{ mapLevels


mapLevels <- function(x, codes=TRUE, sort=TRUE, drop=FALSE,
                      combine=FALSE, ...)

mapLevels.default <- function(x, codes=TRUE, sort=TRUE, drop=FALSE,
                              combine=FALSE, ...)
  stop(sprintf("mapLevels can only be used on %s and %s atomic 'x'",
               dQuote("factor"), dQuote("character")))

mapLevels.character <- function(x, codes=TRUE, sort=TRUE, drop=FALSE,
                                combine=FALSE, ...)
  mapLevels.factor(x=x, codes=codes, sort=sort, drop=drop, ...)

## Could coerce character to factor and then use factor method, but that
## is more expensive than simple unique and length used bellow in factor
## method

mapLevels.factor <- function(x, codes=TRUE, sort=TRUE, drop=FALSE,
                             combine=FALSE, ...)
  ## --- Argument actions ----

  if(is.factor(x)) { # factor
    if(drop) x <- factor(x)
    nlevs <- nlevels(x)
    levs <- levels(x)
  } else {           # character
    levs <- unique(x)
    nlevs <- length(levs)
    if(sort) levs <- sort(levs, ...)

  ## --- Create a map ---

  map <- vector(mode="list", length=nlevs)
  names(map) <- levs
  if(codes) {
    map[1:nlevs] <- 1:nlevs
  } else {
    map[1:nlevs] <- levs
  class(map) <- "levelsMap"

mapLevels.list <- function(x, codes=TRUE, sort=TRUE, drop=FALSE,
                           combine=FALSE, ...)
  map <- lapply(x, mapLevels, codes=codes, sort=sort, drop=drop, ...)
  class(map) <- "listLevelsMap"
  if(combine) {
    if(!codes) {
      return(c(map, sort=sort, recursive=TRUE))
    } else {
      stop(sprintf("can not combine integer %s", dQuote("levelsMaps")))

mapLevels.data.frame <- function(x, codes=TRUE, sort=TRUE, drop=FALSE,
                                 combine=FALSE, ...)
  mapLevels.list(x, codes=codes, sort=sort, drop=drop, combine=combine, ...)

### }}}
### {{{ print.*

.unlistLevelsMap <- function(x, ind=FALSE)
  y <- unlist(x, use.names=FALSE)
  len <- sapply(x, FUN=length)
  names(y) <- rep(names(x), times=len)
  if(ind) {
    return(list(y, rep(1:length(x), times=len), len))
  } else {

print.levelsMap <- function(x, ...)
  x <- .unlistLevelsMap(x)
  print(x, ...)

print.listLevelsMap <- function(x, ...)
  class(x) <- "list"
  print(x, ...)

### }}}
### {{{ [.*

## We need these two since [.list method drops class

"[.levelsMap" <- function(x, i)
  classX <- class(x)
  class(x) <- "list"
  x <- x[i]
  class(x) <- classX

"[.listLevelsMap" <- function(x, i)
  classX <- class(x)
  class(x) <- "list"
  x <- x[i]
  class(x) <- classX

### }}}
### {{{ is.*

is.levelsMap <- function(x)
  inherits(x=x, what="levelsMap")

is.listLevelsMap <- function(x)
  inherits(x=x, what="listLevelsMap")

.isCharacterMap <- function(x)
  if(is(x) == "levelsMap") {
    return(inherits(x=unlist(x), what="character"))
  } else {
    stop(sprintf("can be used only on %s", dQuote("levelsMap")))

### }}}
### {{{ as.*

as.levelsMap <- function(x, check=TRUE, ...)
    .checkLevelsMap(x, method="raw")
  class(x) <- "levelsMap"
  unique(x, ...)

as.listLevelsMap <- function(x, check=TRUE)
    .checkListLevelsMap(x, method="raw")
  class(x) <- "listLevelsMap"

### }}}
### {{{ .check*

.checkLevelsMap <- function(x, method) {
  xLab <- deparse(substitute(x))
  also <- "\b"
  if(method == "class") {
    also <- "also"
      stop(sprintf("'%s' must be a %s", xLab, dQuote("levelsMap")))
  if(!is.list(x) || is.null(names(x)))
    stop(sprintf("'%s' must be %s a named list", xLab, also))

  ## Components can be of different length
  ##  if(!all(sapply(x, FUN=length) == 1))
  ##  stop(sprintf("all components of '%s' must have length 1", xLab))

.checkListLevelsMap <- function(x, method) {
  xLab <- deparse(substitute(x))
  also <- "\b"
  if(method == "class") {
    also <- "also"
      stop(sprintf("'%s' must be a %s", xLab, dQuote("listLevelsMap")))
  if(!is.list(x) || any(!sapply(x, FUN=is.levelsMap)))
    stop(sprintf("'%s' must be %s a list of %s", xLab, also,
  lapply(x, FUN=.checkLevelsMap, method=method)

### }}}
### {{{ c.*

c.levelsMap <- function(..., sort=TRUE, recursive=FALSE)
  x <- list(...)
  class(x) <- "listLevelsMap"
  ## we use recursive=TRUE here because ... is a lists of lists
  c(x, sort=sort, recursive=TRUE)

c.listLevelsMap <- function(..., sort=TRUE, recursive=FALSE)
  x <- list(...)
  lapply(x, FUN=.checkListLevelsMap, method="class")
  x <- unlist(x, recursive=FALSE)
  if(!recursive) {
    class(x) <- "listLevelsMap"
  } else {
    if(any(!sapply(x, FUN=.isCharacterMap)))
      stop(sprintf("can not combine integer %s", dQuote("levelsMaps")))
    if(!is.null(names(x))) names(x) <- NULL
    x <- unlist(x, recursive=FALSE)
    ## how to merge components with the same name?
    class(x) <- "levelsMap"
    if(sort) x <- sort(x)
    x <- unique(x)

### }}}
### {{{ sort

sort.levelsMap <- function(x, decreasing=FALSE, na.last=TRUE, ...)
  x[order(names(x), na.last=na.last, decreasing=decreasing)]

### }}}
### {{{ unique

unique.levelsMap <- function(x, incomparables=FALSE, ...)
  ## Find duplicates
  y <- .unlistLevelsMap(x, ind=TRUE)
  ## Duplicates for values and names combinations
  test <- duplicated(cbind(y[[1]], names(y[[1]])),
                     incomparables=incomparables, ...)
  if(any(test)) {
    if(any(y[[3]] > 1)) { # work with the same structure as in x
      j <- 1
      k <- y[[3]][1]
      empty <- NULL
      for(i in seq(along=x)) { # how slow is this loop?
        tmp <- !test[j:k]
        if(all(!tmp)) { # these components will be empty
          empty <- c(empty, i)
        } else {
          x[[i]] <- x[[i]][tmp]
        j <- j + y[[3]][i]
        k <- k + y[[3]][i + 1]
        x[empty] <- NULL
    } else { # simple one-length components
      x <- x[!test]

### }}}
### {{{ mapLevels<-


"mapLevels<-" <- function(x, value)

"mapLevels<-.default" <- function(x, value)
  ## --- Checks ---

  classX <- c("integer", "character", "factor")
  if(any(!(class(x) %in% classX)))
    stop(sprintf("'x' must be either: %s", paste(dQuote(classX), collapse=", ")))

  .checkLevelsMap(x=value, method="class")

  ## --- Mapping levels in x ---

  char <- all(sapply(value, is.character))
  int <- all(sapply(value, is.integer))

  if(int) { # codes=TRUE
    if(is.integer(x)) x <- factor(x)
    if(is.factor(x)) levels(x) <- value
      stop(sprintf("can not apply integer %s to %s",
                   dQuote("levelsMap"), dQuote("character")))
  } else {  # codes=FALSE
      stop("all components of 'value' must be of the same class")
    if(is.character(x)) x <- factor(x)
    if(is.factor(x)) levels(x) <- value
      stop(sprintf("can not apply character %s to %s",
                   dQuote("levelsMap"), dQuote("integer")))

"mapLevels<-.list" <- function(x, value)
  if(!is.listLevelsMap(value)) {
    if(is.levelsMap(value)) {
      value <- as.listLevelsMap(list(value), check=FALSE)
      ## no need for check as default method does checking anyway
    } else {
      stop(sprintf("'x' must be either %s or %s",
                   dQuote("listLevelsMap"), dQuote("levelsMap")))
  x <- mapply(FUN="mapLevels<-", x=x, value=value, SIMPLIFY=FALSE)

"mapLevels<-.data.frame" <- function(x, value)
  x[] <- "mapLevels<-.list"(x, value)

### }}}
### {{{ Dear Emacs
## Local variables:
## folded-file: t
## End:
### }}}

### mapLevels.R ends here

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