gmpm: Creating and Estimating Generalized Multilevel Permutation...

Description Usage Arguments Details Value Author(s) References See Also Examples

View source: R/helpers.R


gmpmCreate creates a GMPM object without performing permutation runs. gmpmEstimate performs permutation runs, and gmpm is a convenience function that performs a call to gmpmCreate followed by a call to gmpmEstimate.


gmpmCreate(formula, family, data=parent.frame(), ivars, gmpmControl=list(), ...)

gmpmEstimate(x, gmpmControl)

gmpm(formula, family, data = parent.frame(), ivars, gmpmControl=list(), ...)



A symbolic formula describing the regression model to be fitted, including a multilevel blocking factor following the '|' symbol. Details of model specification can be found in the section ‘Details’.


One of the following options: a valid glm class (e.g., binomial, gaussian, poisson, etc.), “multinomial”, and “user” (for a user-defined model). Options “multinomial” and “user” must be entered within quotation marks.


A data frame containing the data model will be fit to. If left unspecified, gmpm will search for the data within the parent environment.


Names of all independent variables (IVs) included as predictors in the model formula, entered as a vector of character strings. All other predictors in the model will be considered ‘covariates’ and will not be subject to randomization.


A gmpmControl object used to control the fitting function. This is a list one or more of the following options. Any option not specified in the list will be given a default value.

  • maxrunsThe number of Monte Carlo runs to be performed (default = 999).

  • report.intervalThe run interval at which to intermittently report, during the fitting process, the number of runs completed and the estimated time remaining (default = 10).

  • nCoresThe number of processing cores to use (default = "all"). Using more processors will generally result in faster performance. This variable can either be the character expression "all" (use all available cores), the character expression "" (leave one core out so that the system is not bogged down) or an integer. The multicore package must be installed, otherwise the number of cores will default to one.


A GMPM object


Other arguments to be passed on to the underlying function that performs the actual regression (see below).


Generalized Multilevel Permutation Models use regression to fit a model to the data under the original labeling of experimental conditions, and then compares the parameter estimates from this “original fit” against null-hypothesis distributions obtained from fits to random relabelings of the data set. These functions are especially useful for time-series data with difficult or unknown sources of dependency. They can also be used for multivariate analyses. Currently, p-values are provided for categorical predictors and interactions between categorical predictors and continuous covariates, but not for continuous covariates themselves.

The ‘formula’ option to the model specifies the form of the model to be fit. The left side of the formula identifies the dependent variable (DV), which is usually a vector of: real numbers (for continuous data), whole numbers (for counts), or 0s and 1s (for binomial data). It can also be a factor with two-levels (binomial data) or more (multinomial data). Lastly, one can also use the cbind syntax for binomial or multinomial DVs (see example below).

The right hand side of the formula specifies the predictors in the regression model, using standard R format (see glm for further information). The predictors can include both design variables (IVs) and covariates. Any IVs to be randomized must be identified in the ‘ivars’ option; all other variables are assumed to be covariates, and will not be randomized. All IVs will be treated as categorical factors; continuous IVs are not allowed. The IVs are internally coded using ‘deviation’ coding, such that the codes sum to zero. The function getFactorCodes can be used to retrieve this internal coding.

The ‘family’ option specifies the type of dependent variable. This option determines which of various regression subroutines are used to fit the model. All of the options for generalized linear models (glms) are available (see family for details); if you choose one of these options then gmpm will call the underlying regression function glm to perform the actual regression. If the option ‘multinomial’ is chosen, then gmpm will fit a multinomial model using multinom in package nnet. In case tweaks to these underlying functions are necessary, it is possible to specify options to gmpm or gmpmCreate that will be passed along during the fitting process. For example, with multinomial models it is often necessary to increase the maximum number of iterations, which can be done by the argument ‘maxit’. User-defined models are not yet implemented, but left for future development.


Each function returns a GMPM object.


Dale J. Barr <>


Barr, D. J. (in preparation). Generalized Multilevel Permutation Models.

See Also

See example kb07 for an example of usage with binomial data.



# create a df for a within-subject design
# with no main effect
df1 <- data.frame(SubjID=rep(1:20,each=2),

# parametric and non-parametric analyses should look similar
df1.gmpm <- gmpm(Y ~ A | SubjID, gaussian, df1, c("A"))

# parametric and non-parametric analyses should look similar
summary(aov(Y ~ A + Error(SubjID), df1))

# now create horrible dependencies by reduplicating observations
df2 <- rbind(df1,df1,df1,df1,df1,df1,df1,df1,df1)

# parametric analysis more likely to give Type I error
summary(aov(Y ~ A + Error(SubjID), df2))
df2.gmpm <- gmpm(Y ~ A | SubjID, gaussian, df2, c("A"))

gmpm documentation built on May 2, 2019, 5:27 p.m.