
#### create herbarium labels in RTF, default size of paper is A4.

herbarium_label <- function(dat = NULL, spellcheck = TRUE, 
theme = c("KFBG", "PE", "KUN", "HU"), 
outfile = "herblabel.rtf", 
font = c("Roman","Arial"),
font_size = 1
        stop("\'dat\' should be specified")
    theme <- match.arg(theme)
    font  <- match.arg(font )
    herbdat000 <- dat
    herbdat000[herbdat000 == ""] <- NA
    dat$LAT_FLAG <- toupper(dat$LAT_FLAG)
    dat$LON_FLAG <- toupper(dat$LON_FLAG)
    #### Check the dataset
        stop(paste("\"HERBARIUM\" not provided for row: ", 
             paste(which(is.na(herbdat000$HERBARIUM))+1, collapse = ", ")))
        stop(paste("\"COLLECTOR\" not provided for row: ", 
             paste(which(is.na(herbdat000$COLLECTOR))+1, collapse = ", ")))
        stop(paste("\"COLLECTOR_NUMBER\" not provided for row: ", 
             paste(which(is.na(herbdat000$COLLECTOR_NUMBER)) + 1, collapse = ", ")))
        stop(paste("\"DATE_COLLECTED\" not provided for row: ", 
             paste(which(is.na(herbdat000$DATE_COLLECTED)) + 1, collapse = ", ")))
    if(any(is.na(herbdat000$FAMILY) )){
        warning(paste("\"FAMILY\" not provided for row: ", 
             paste(which(is.na(herbdat000$FAMILY)) + 1, collapse = ", ")))
        warning(paste("\"GENUS\" must be provided for row: ", 
             paste(which(is.na(herbdat000$GENUS)) + 1, collapse = ", ")))
        stop(paste("\"COUNTRY\" not provided for row: ", 
             paste(which(is.na(herbdat000$COUNTRY)) + 1, collapse = ", ")))
        warning(paste("\"STATE_PROVINCE\" not provided for row: ", 
             paste(which(is.na(herbdat000$STATE_PROVINCE)) + 1, collapse = ", ")))
        warning(paste("\"COUNTY\" not provided for row: ", 
             paste(which(is.na(herbdat000$COUNTY)) + 1, collapse = ", ")))
             herbdat000$COUNTY[is.na(herbdat000$COUNTY)] <- " "
        warning(paste("\"LOCALITY\" not provided for row: ", 
             paste(which(is.na(herbdat000$LOCALITY)) + 1, collapse = ", ")))
        warning(paste("\"IDENTIFIED_BY\" not provided for row: ", 
             paste(which(is.na(herbdat000$DETERMINOR)) + 1, collapse = ", ")))
        warning(paste("\"DATE_IDENTIFIED\" not provided for row: ", 
             paste(which(is.na(herbdat000$DATE_IDENTIFIED)) + 1, collapse = ", ")))

    print(paste(nrow(herbdat000), "herbarium specimen labels to create:"))
    #### Load the internal Data base to check Genus-Family relationship in APGIII system
    pgenus <- herblabel::pgenus
    #### Formating Date
    formatdate <- function(x){
        if(!is.na(suppressWarnings(as.integer(x))) ){
            if(!grepl("^darwin", R.version$os)){  
                x <- as.Date(as.integer(x), origin="1899-12-30")   ### Default in MacOS
            } else {                              
                x <- as.Date(as.integer(x), origin = "1904-01-01") ### Default in Windows
        res <- format(as.Date(x),"%d %B %Y")
    formatdate2 <- function(x){
        if(!is.na(suppressWarnings(as.integer(x))) ){
            if(!grepl("^darwin", R.version$os)){
                x <- as.Date(as.integer(x), origin="1899-12-30")
            } else {
                x <- as.Date(as.integer(x), origin = "1904-01-01")
        res <- format(as.Date(x))
    #### Convert the first Letter to capital
    Cap <- function(x) {
        paste(toupper(substring(x, 1, 1)), tolower(substring(x, 2)), sep = "")
    #### Conver the first Letter to capital, but left the rest as they are. 
    Cap2 <- function(x) {
        paste(toupper(substring(x, 1, 1)), substring(x, 2), sep = "")
        #### replace the whitespace from the start or end of a string
    replace_space <- function(x){gsub("^[[:space:]]+|[[:space:]]+$", "", x)}
    #### replace multiple commas and white space, and delete comma if it is the last one.
    REPLACE <- function(x){
        if(length(x) > 1){
           stop("only one string is allowed")
        bbb <- gsub(" +", " ", gsub(",+", ", ", gsub(", +", ",", x)))
        bbb <- gsub("^[[:space:]]+|[[:space:]]+$", "", bbb)
        endchar <- substr(bbb, nchar(bbb), nchar(bbb))
        if(endchar == ","){ 
            yyy <- gregexpr(pattern = ",", bbb)
            res <- substr(bbb, start = 1, stop = ifelse(unlist(lapply(yyy, function(x){max(x)-1})) > 1, 
                          unlist(lapply(yyy, function(x){max(x)-1})) , nchar(bbb)))
        } else {
            res <- bbb
        res <- gsub("^[[:space:]]+|[[:space:]]+$", "", res)
    latin_source <- herblabel::latin_source
    genera_names <- as.character(pgenus$GENUS)
    #### Change the Scientific names in the Remarks section into Italic. 
    italic_latin <- function(x) {
        res.split <- unlist(strsplit(x, split = " "))
        res.split2 <- tolower(gsub(",|\\.", "", res.split))
        res.split3 <- gsub(",|\\.", "", res.split) ### will be compared with the Genera
        found <- res.split2 %in% latin_source
        genus_found <- Cap(res.split3) %in% genera_names
        res.split[genus_found] <- res.split[genus_found]
        res.split[found] <- paste("\\cf3 \\i ",res.split[found], "\\i0\\cf0 ", sep = "")
        paste(res.split, collapse = " ", sep = "")
    same_families <- c("Palmae","Arecaceae","Gramineae","Poaceae","Leguminosae",

    #### To keep all of the fields clean and tidy.
    herbdat000$FAMILY                           <- toupper(herbdat000$FAMILY)
    herbdat000$GLOBAL_UNIQUE_IDENTIFIER         <- replace_space(herbdat000$GLOBAL_UNIQUE_IDENTIFIER         )
    herbdat000$HERBARIUM                        <- replace_space(herbdat000$HERBARIUM                        )
    herbdat000$TITLE                            <- replace_space(herbdat000$TITLE                            )
    herbdat000$COLLECTOR                        <- replace_space(herbdat000$COLLECTOR                        )
    herbdat000$ADDITIONAL_COLLECTOR             <- replace_space(herbdat000$ADDITIONAL_COLLECTOR             )
    herbdat000$COLLECTOR_NUMBER                 <- replace_space(herbdat000$COLLECTOR_NUMBER                 )
    herbdat000$DATE_COLLECTED                   <- replace_space(herbdat000$DATE_COLLECTED                   )
    herbdat000$LOCAL_NAME                       <- replace_space(herbdat000$LOCAL_NAME                       )
    herbdat000$FAMILY                           <- replace_space(herbdat000$FAMILY                           )
    herbdat000$GENUS                            <- replace_space(herbdat000$GENUS                            )
    herbdat000$SPECIES                          <- replace_space(herbdat000$SPECIES                          )
    herbdat000$AUTHOR_OF_SPECIES                <- replace_space(herbdat000$AUTHOR_OF_SPECIES                )
    herbdat000$INFRASPECIFIC_RANK               <- replace_space(herbdat000$INFRASPECIFIC_RANK               )
    herbdat000$INFRASPECIFIC_EPITHET            <- replace_space(herbdat000$INFRASPECIFIC_EPITHET            )
    herbdat000$AUTHOR_OF_INFRASPECIFIC_RANK     <- replace_space(herbdat000$AUTHOR_OF_INFRASPECIFIC_RANK     )
    herbdat000$COUNTRY                          <- replace_space(herbdat000$COUNTRY                          )
    herbdat000$STATE_PROVINCE                   <- replace_space(herbdat000$STATE_PROVINCE                   )
    herbdat000$COUNTY                           <- replace_space(herbdat000$COUNTY                           )
    herbdat000$LOCALITY                         <- replace_space(herbdat000$LOCALITY                         )
    herbdat000$IMAGE_URL                        <- replace_space(herbdat000$IMAGE_URL                        )
    herbdat000$RELATED_INFORMATION              <- replace_space(herbdat000$RELATED_INFORMATION              )
    herbdat000$LAT_DEGREE                       <- replace_space(herbdat000$LAT_DEGREE                       )
    herbdat000$LAT_MINUTE                       <- replace_space(herbdat000$LAT_MINUTE                       )
    herbdat000$LAT_SECOND                       <- replace_space(herbdat000$LAT_SECOND                       )
    herbdat000$LAT_FLAG                         <- replace_space(herbdat000$LAT_FLAG                         )
    herbdat000$LON_DEGREE                       <- replace_space(herbdat000$LON_DEGREE                       )
    herbdat000$LON_MINUTE                       <- replace_space(herbdat000$LON_MINUTE                       )
    herbdat000$LON_SECOND                       <- replace_space(herbdat000$LON_SECOND                       )
    herbdat000$LON_FLAG                         <- replace_space(herbdat000$LON_FLAG                         )
    herbdat000$ELEVATION                        <- replace_space(herbdat000$ELEVATION                        )
    herbdat000$ATTRIBUTES                       <- replace_space(herbdat000$ATTRIBUTES                       ) ### Change the first letter to Upper Case.
    herbdat000$REMARKS                          <- replace_space(herbdat000$REMARKS                          ) ### Change the first letter to Upper Case.
    herbdat000$GEOREFERENCE_SOURCES             <- replace_space(herbdat000$GEOREFERENCE_SOURCES             )
    herbdat000$PROJECT                          <- replace_space(herbdat000$PROJECT                          )
    herbdat000$IDENTIFIED_BY                    <- replace_space(herbdat000$IDENTIFIED_BY                    )
    herbdat000$DATE_IDENTIFIED                  <- replace_space(herbdat000$DATE_IDENTIFIED                  )
    herbdat000$TYPE_STATUS                      <- replace_space(herbdat000$TYPE_STATUS                      )
    herbdat000$PROCESSED_BY                     <- replace_space(herbdat000$PROCESSED_BY                     )
    herbdat000$DATE_LASTMODIFIED                <- replace_space(herbdat000$DATE_LASTMODIFIED                )

    ##### truncated the digits introduced by openxlsx for seconds
    herbdat000$LAT_DEGREE   <- as.character(as.integer(herbdat000$LAT_DEGREE ))
    herbdat000$LAT_MINUTE   <- as.character(as.integer(herbdat000$LAT_MINUTE ))
    ### truncated the the very small error introduced by openxlsx
    herbdat000$LAT_SECOND   <- as.character(round(as.numeric(herbdat000$LAT_SECOND ), digits = 2)) 
    herbdat000$LON_DEGREE   <- as.character(as.integer(herbdat000$LON_DEGREE ))
    herbdat000$LON_MINUTE   <- as.character(as.integer(herbdat000$LON_MINUTE ))
    ### truncated the the very small error introduced by openxlsx
    herbdat000$LON_SECOND   <- as.character(round(as.numeric(herbdat000$LON_SECOND ), digits = 2)) 

    #### Check the spelling of the scientific names
    #### Issue a warning if the names generated do not match with the accepted names at the Plant List Website
    ##### For storaging comments
    comment_genus  <- rep("", length(herbdat000$GENUS))
    comment_family <- rep("", length(herbdat000$FAMILY))
        sptemp <- paste( ifelse(is.na(herbdat000$GENUS)                       , "",  herbdat000$GENUS                       ),
                         ifelse(is.na(herbdat000$SPECIES)                     , "",  herbdat000$SPECIES                     ),
                         ifelse(is.na(herbdat000$AUTHOR_OF_SPECIES)           , "",  herbdat000$AUTHOR_OF_SPECIES           ),
                         ifelse(is.na(herbdat000$INFRASPECIFIC_RANK)          , "",  herbdat000$INFRASPECIFIC_RANK          ),
                         ifelse(is.na(herbdat000$INFRASPECIFIC_EPITHET)       , "",  herbdat000$INFRASPECIFIC_EPITHET       ),
                         ifelse(is.na(herbdat000$AUTHOR_OF_INFRASPECIFIC_RANK), "",  herbdat000$AUTHOR_OF_INFRASPECIFIC_RANK), 
                         sep = " ")
        sptemp2 <- c()
        for(i in 1:length(sptemp)){
            sptemp2[i] <- REPLACE(sptemp[i])   
        tplsplist <- herblabel::tplsplist
        ind <- !sptemp2 %in% tplsplist
        if(length(which(ind)) > 0){
             message_txt <- paste("Species:\n", paste(sptemp2[ind], collapse = "\n"), 
                       "\nin row", paste( which(ind), collapse = ","), 
                 "\n are not accepted in The Plant List Database Ver 1.1, \ncheck spelling or synonyms for the scientific names" )
             ### warning(message_txt)
             ### cat(message_txt, file = paste(gsub(":", "", Sys.time()), "herblabel_scientific_name_warning.txt", sep = ""))  
        herbdat000$GENUS[ind] <- ifelse(is.na(herbdat000$GENUS[ind]), "(Empty Species)", herbdat000$GENUS[ind])
        herbdat000$GENUS[ind] <- paste("\\cf3\\i0 This species can not be found in the embedded database in herblabel package. Check Spelling or Validity at {\\field{\\*\\fldinst{HYPERLINK \"http://www.theplantlist.org/\"}}{\\fldrslt{\\ul\\cf3 http://www.theplantlist.org/}}} or {\\field{\\*\\fldinst{HYPERLINK \"http://frps.eflora.cn/\"}}{\\fldrslt{\\ul\\cf3 http://frps.eflora.cn/}}} for:\\i  ", herbdat000$GENUS[ind], sep = "")
        comment_genus[ind] <- paste("This species can not be found in the embedded database in herblabel package", dat$GENUS[ind])
        herbdat000$AUTHOR_OF_INFRASPECIFIC_RANK[ind] <- paste(ifelse(is.na(herbdat000$AUTHOR_OF_INFRASPECIFIC_RANK[ind]), 
                                                                     "", herbdat000$AUTHOR_OF_INFRASPECIFIC_RANK[ind]), "", sep = "")
   lat_check_ind_1 <- rep(FALSE, nrow(herbdat000))
   lat_check_ind_2 <- rep(FALSE, nrow(herbdat000))
   lat_check_ind_3 <- rep(FALSE, nrow(herbdat000))
   lon_check_ind_1 <- rep(FALSE, nrow(herbdat000))
   lon_check_ind_2 <- rep(FALSE, nrow(herbdat000))
   lon_check_ind_3 <- rep(FALSE, nrow(herbdat000))
   herbdat000$LAT_FLAG <- toupper(herbdat000$LAT_FLAG)
   herbdat000$LON_FLAG <- toupper(herbdat000$LON_FLAG)
   for(i in 1:nrow(herbdat000)){
        herbdat_temp <- herbdat000[i, ]
        #### Check the Lat Flag
        if(any(!is.na(herbdat_temp$LAT_DEGREE), !is.na(herbdat_temp$LAT_MINUTE), !is.na(herbdat_temp$LAT_SECOND)) & is.na(herbdat_temp$LAT_FLAG)){
            lat_check_ind_1[i] <- TRUE
        if(all(!is.na(herbdat_temp$LAT_DEGREE), !is.na(herbdat_temp$LAT_MINUTE), !is.na(herbdat_temp$LAT_SECOND)) & is.na(herbdat_temp$LAT_FLAG)){
            lat_check_ind_2[i] <- TRUE
        if(!herbdat_temp$LAT_FLAG %in% c("N", "S", NA)){
            lat_check_ind_3[i] <- TRUE
        #### Check the LON Flag
        if(any(!is.na(herbdat_temp$LON_DEGREE), !is.na(herbdat_temp$LON_MINUTE), !is.na(herbdat_temp$LON_SECOND)) & is.na(herbdat_temp$LON_FLAG)){
            lon_check_ind_1[i] <- TRUE
        if(all(!is.na(herbdat_temp$LON_DEGREE), !is.na(herbdat_temp$LON_MINUTE), !is.na(herbdat_temp$LON_SECOND)) & is.na(herbdat_temp$LON_FLAG)){
            lon_check_ind_2[i] <- TRUE
        if(!herbdat_temp$LON_FLAG %in% c("E", "W", NA)){
            lon_check_ind_3[i] <- TRUE
        lat_check_ind_1_msg <- paste("Degree, Minutes and Seconds for Latitude not completed in row:", paste(which(lat_check_ind_1), collapse = ", "))
        lat_check_ind_2_msg <- paste("LAT_FLAG not specified in row:", paste(which(lat_check_ind_2), collapse = ", "))
        lat_check_ind_3_msg <- paste("Only N or S is allowed for the LAT_FLAG in row:", paste(which(lat_check_ind_3), collapse = ", "))
        lon_check_ind_1_msg <- paste("Degree, Minutes and Seconds for Longitude not completed in row:", paste(which(lon_check_ind_1), collapse = ", "))
        lon_check_ind_2_msg <- paste("LON_FLAG must be specified in row:", paste(which(lon_check_ind_2), collapse = ", "))
        lon_check_ind_3_msg <- paste("Only N or S is allowed for the LON_FLAG in row:", paste(which(lon_check_ind_3), collapse = ", "))
    if (font == "Roman"){
        fonttab <- "{\\fonttbl{\\f0\\froman\\fcharset134 SimSun;}{\\f1\\froman\\fcharset134 Times New Roman;}}"
    if( font == "Arial"){
        fonttab <- "{\\fonttbl{\\f0\\fswiss\\fcharset134 SimSun;}{\\f1\\fswiss\\fcharset134 Arial;}}"
    temp1 <- paste("{\\rtf1\\ansi\\ansicpg936\\deflangfe2052\\fcharset134\\deff1",fonttab,
    "{\\stylesheet{\\*\\cs3 Default Paragraph Font;}}{\\colortbl\\red0\\green0\\blue0;\\red255\\green0\\blue0;\\red0\\green255\\blue0;\\red0\\green0\\blue255;}\\paperw12240\\paperh15840\\margl1800\\margr1800\\margt1440\\margb1440\\gutter0\\ftnbj\\aenddoc\\jcompress1\\viewkind4\\viewscale100\\asianbrkrule\\allowfieldendsel\\snaptogridincell\\viewkind4\\sectd\\sbkpage\\pgwsxn11906\\pghsxn16838\\marglsxn600\\margrsxn600\\margtsxn720\\margbsxn10\\guttersxn0\\headery720\\footery720\\pgbrdropt0\\sectdefaultcl\\cols2\\colsx1080\\linebetcol1\\endnhere", sep = "")
    #### Herbarium Label
    #### Default Font Size is 18
    #### Default font is Times New Roman
    temp2 <- c()
    temp_count <- seq(0, nrow(herbdat000), by = 5)  ### Counter
    temp_count[1] <- 1
    NEW_DATE_COLLECTED <- as.character(c())
    NEW_DATE_IDENTIFIED <- as.character(c())
    herbdat_row1 <- herbdat000[1,]
    for(i in 1:nrow(herbdat000)){
        herbdat <- herbdat000[i,]
        if(nrow(herbdat000) > 5){  ### Imply the progress of printing
            if(i %in% temp_count){
                print(paste("Making label for row: ", i))
        ########## Highlighting the names with problem 
        ### Check the genus spelling 
        if(spellcheck){ ### = TRUE
            temp.genus <- herbdat$GENUS
            if(!grepl("This species can not be found in the embedded database in herblabel package", as.character(temp.genus))){
                 ### It the name is accepted, then check the match of the genus/family
                     if(!Cap(as.character(temp.genus)) %in% Cap(as.character(pgenus$GENUS)) ){### 
                        if(!grepl("Genus not accepted at The Plant List Website", as.character(temp.genus))){
                            herbdat$GENUS <- paste("\\cf3 ", as.character(temp.genus), 
                                "\\cf3 \\i0  (Genus not accepted at The Plant List Website.)", sep = "")
                            ### For comments in the excel
                            comment_genus[i] <- paste(as.character(temp.genus), "(Genus not accepted at The Plant List Website.)", sep = "")
            #### Check the family spelling 
            temp.family <- herbdat$FAMILY
            if(!Cap(as.character(temp.family)) %in% c(Cap(as.character(pgenus$FAMILY)), same_families)){  ### Consider the equal names for some families
                if(is.na(temp.family)&!grepl("Empty Family", as.character(comment_family[i]))){
                    temp.family <- "(Empty Family)"
                herbdat$FAMILY <- paste("\\cf3 ", as.character(temp.family),  "\\cf3 (Family not accepted at The Plant List Website.) ", sep = "")
                comment_family[i] <- paste(gsub("\\\\\\cf3", "", as.character(temp.family)), "Family not accepted at The Plant List Website.")  ### For comments in the excel
            ### check if the family provided in the excel matches APGIII or not
            fam.genus.temp <- data.frame(FAMILY = as.character(herbdat$FAMILY), 
                                         GENUS = as.character(herbdat$GENUS))
            fgmerge.temp <- merge(x = fam.genus.temp, y = pgenus, by.x = "GENUS", by.y = "GENUS", 
                             all.x = TRUE, sort = FALSE)
            if(any(as.character(Cap(fgmerge.temp$FAMILY.x)) !=  as.character(Cap(fgmerge.temp$FAMILY.y)) & !is.na(as.character(fgmerge.temp$FAMILY.y)))){
                          %in% as.character(Cap(fgmerge.temp$FAMILY.y)) & !grepl("could also be under",  as.character(temp.genus))){
                    herbdat$FAMILY <- paste("\\cf3 ", unique(as.character(fgmerge.temp$FAMILY.x)), 
                                        "  ", sep = "")
                    herbdat$GENUS  <- paste("\\cf3 ", unique(as.character(fgmerge.temp$GENUS)), 
                                       "\\i0\\cf3  (could also be under \"", 
                                        toupper(paste(as.character(Cap(fgmerge.temp$FAMILY.y))[!as.character(Cap(fgmerge.temp$FAMILY.y)) %in% as.character(Cap(fgmerge.temp$FAMILY.x))],   collapse = "\", \"")) ,
                                       "\" according to The Plant List Website.) ", sep = "")
                    comment_genus[i] <- paste(unique(as.character(fgmerge.temp$GENUS)), 
                                        "(could also be under ", 
                                        toupper(paste(as.character(Cap(fgmerge.temp$FAMILY.y))[!as.character(Cap(fgmerge.temp$FAMILY.y)) %in% as.character(Cap(fgmerge.temp$FAMILY.x))], collapse = ",")) ,
                                        "according to The Plant List Website.) ", sep = "")

                } else{
                if(!grepl("should be under",  as.character(temp.genus))){
                    #### herbdat$FAMILY <- paste("\\cf3 ", unique(as.character(fgmerge.temp$FAMILY.x)), " ", sep = "")
                    comment_family[i] <- paste(unique(gsub("\\\\\\cf3", "", as.character(fgmerge.temp$FAMILY.x))), collapse = "")
                        if(!toupper(as.character(fgmerge.temp$FAMILY.x)) %in% toupper(same_families)){
                            herbdat$GENUS <- paste("\\cf3 ", unique(as.character(fgmerge.temp$GENUS)), 
                                                   "\\i0 \\cf3 (should be under \"", 
                                                   collapse = "\", \"")) ,
                                                   "\" according to The Plant List Website.) ", sep = "")
                            comment_genus[i] <- paste(" (should be under", toupper(paste(as.character(fgmerge.temp$FAMILY.y), collapse = ",")) ,
                                                       "according to The Plant List Website.)", sep = "")
        ######################### KFBG ###############################
        if(theme == "KFBG"){
        res <- c(
            #### Title of the Herbarium
                    herbdat$HERBARIUM,"\\b0\\par }", sep = ""),
            ### FLORA OF SOME PLACE
            ifelse(is.na(herbdat$TITLE), "", 
                   paste("{\\pard\\keep\\keepn\\fi0\\li0\\fs",trunc(font_size*18),"\\qc\\sb10\\sa100\\b ",
                    herbdat$TITLE,"\\b0 \\par }", sep = "")),
            #### FAMILY, in BOLD FACE, must be either in Flora of Hong Kong, or The Plant List
            ifelse(is.na(herbdat$FAMILY), paste("{\\pard\\keep\\keepn\\fi0\\li0\\qc\\sb10\\sa100\\fs",trunc(font_size*18),"\\b ",
                   "\\b0\\qc0 \\par }", sep = ""), paste("{\\pard\\keep\\keepn\\fi0\\li0\\qc\\sb10\\sa100\\fs",trunc(font_size*18),"\\b ",
                   herbdat$FAMILY,"\\b0\\qc0 \\par }", sep = "")),
            #### SPECIES INFO
            ifelse(is.na(herbdat$GENUS) & is.na(herbdat$SPECIES) & is.na(herbdat$AUTHOR_OF_SPECIES) & is.na(herbdat$INFRASPECIFIC_RANK) & is.na(herbdat$INFRASPECIFIC_EPITHET) & is.na(herbdat$AUTHOR_OF_INFRASPECIFIC_RANK), 
                        paste("{\\pard\\keep\\keepn\\fi-288\\li288\\sb100\\sa200\\fs",trunc(font_size*20),"\\b\\i ",
                        REPLACE(paste(ifelse( is.na(herbdat$GENUS), "", herbdat$GENUS),"\\i0 \\i", 
                                      ifelse( is.na(herbdat$SPECIES),                           "\\i0 ",    paste(" ", as.character(herbdat$SPECIES),                          sep = "")), "\\i0",
                                      ifelse( is.na(herbdat$AUTHOR_OF_SPECIES),                  "",         paste(" ", as.character(herbdat$AUTHOR_OF_SPECIES),                sep = "")),
                                      ifelse( is.na(herbdat$INFRASPECIFIC_RANK),                 "",         paste(" ", as.character(herbdat$INFRASPECIFIC_RANK),               sep = "")), "\\i",
                                      ifelse( is.na(herbdat$INFRASPECIFIC_EPITHET),              "",         paste(" ", as.character(herbdat$INFRASPECIFIC_EPITHET),            sep = "")), "\\i0",
                                      ifelse( is.na(herbdat$AUTHOR_OF_INFRASPECIFIC_RANK),       "",         paste(" ", as.character(herbdat$AUTHOR_OF_INFRASPECIFIC_RANK),     sep = "")), sep = " ")),
                                      "\\b0\\par}", sep = "")),
            ##### COUNTY and LOCALITY
            paste("{\\pard\\keep\\keepn\\fi0\\li0\\sb120\\sa20\\fs",trunc(font_size*18)," ", 
                REPLACE(paste(toupper(ifelse(is.na(herbdat$COUNTRY), "", herbdat$COUNTRY)),", ", 
                                      ifelse(is.na(herbdat$STATE_PROVINCE), "", herbdat$STATE_PROVINCE),
                                      ", ", 
                                      ifelse(is.na(herbdat$COUNTY), "", herbdat$COUNTY), 
                                      ", ", 
                                      ifelse(is.na(herbdat$LOCALITY), "", as.character(herbdat$LOCALITY)), sep = "")), 
                                      "\\par}",sep = ""), 
            REPLACE(ifelse(is.na(herbdat$LAT_DEGREE), "", 
                   paste("{\\pard\\keep\\keepn\\fi0\\li0\\sb20\\sa150\\fs",trunc(font_size*18),"\\qj ",
                         herbdat$LAT_DEGREE,"\\u176;", herbdat$LAT_MINUTE, "\\u39;",herbdat$LAT_SECOND, 
                         "\\u34;", herbdat$LAT_FLAG,", ",herbdat$LON_DEGREE,"\\u176;",herbdat$LON_MINUTE,
                         "\\u39;",herbdat$LON_SECOND,"\\u34;", herbdat$LON_FLAG, 
                         ifelse(is.na(herbdat$ELEVATION), "", paste("; ", herbdat$ELEVATION, "m", sep = "")),"\\par }",sep = ""))),
            ##### Attributes and Remarks
            ifelse((is.na(herbdat$ATTRIBUTES)) & (is.na(herbdat$REMARKS)), "",
                    italic_latin(gsub("\\.  ", "\\. ", gsub(" \\.", "\\.", gsub("\\. \\.", "\\. ", gsub("\\. +", "\\. ", 
                                 REPLACE(paste("{\\pard\\keep\\keepn\\fi0\\li0", paste("\\fs",trunc(font_size*18), sep = ""),"\\sb60", 
                                                ifelse(is.na(herbdat$ATTRIBUTES), "", Cap2(as.character(herbdat$ATTRIBUTES))),
                                                ifelse(is.na(herbdat$ATTRIBUTES), "", ". "),
                                                ifelse(is.na(herbdat$REMARKS)   , "", Cap2(as.character(herbdat$REMARKS))), 
                                                 "\\sa80\\par}", sep = " ")))))))), 
            ##### COLLECTOR and COLLECTION NUMBER !
                paste("{\\pard\\keep\\keepn\\fi0\\sb200\\sa100\\fs",trunc(font_size*18),"\\tqr\\tx4850\\b ",
                       herbdat$COLLECTOR,", #" ,herbdat$COLLECTOR_NUMBER,"\\b0", 
                       "  ",ifelse(nchar(paste(herbdat$COLLECTOR,herbdat$ADDITIONAL_COLLECTOR,", #", herbdat$COLLECTOR_NUMBER )) > 40, "\\line", "  "), " \\tab ",
                       error= function(e) {print("Warning: Date format incorrect, using original string"); 
                       "\\par}",sep = ""), 
                paste("{\\pard\\keep\\keepn\\fi0\\sb200\\sa100",paste("\\fs",trunc(font_size*18), sep = ""),"\\tqr\\tx4850\\b ",
                       herbdat$COLLECTOR,", ",herbdat$ADDITIONAL_COLLECTOR,"  #" ,
                       herbdat$COLLECTOR_NUMBER, "\\b0", "  ",
                       ifelse(nchar(paste(herbdat$COLLECTOR,herbdat$ADDITIONAL_COLLECTOR,", #", herbdat$COLLECTOR_NUMBER )) > 40, "\\line", "  ")," \\tab ",
                       error= function(e) {print("Warning: Date format incorrect, using original string");
                       "\\par}",sep = "")
            ##### Project
            ifelse(is.na(herbdat$PROJECT), "", 
                   paste("{\\pard\\keep\\keepn\\fi0\\li0\\sa160\\fs",trunc(font_size*18),"\\ql\\b ",
                          as.character(herbdat$PROJECT) ,
                         "\\ql0\\b0\\par }",sep = "")
            ##### "    ", gsub("_", "", as.character(herbdat$GLOBAL_UNIQUE_IDENTIFIER)),  
                      ifelse(is.na(herbdat$GLOBAL_UNIQUE_IDENTIFIER) & is.na(herbdat$TYPE_STATUS  ) & 
                             is.na(herbdat$IDENTIFIED_BY  ) & is.na(herbdat$DATE_IDENTIFIED         ) , 
                             "", paste("{\\pard\\keep\\sa40\\keepn\\fi0\\li0\\fs",trunc(font_size*18),"\\tqr\\tx4850 ",
                              gsub("_", "", ifelse(is.na(herbdat$GLOBAL_UNIQUE_IDENTIFIER), 
                                                   "", as.character(herbdat$GLOBAL_UNIQUE_IDENTIFIER))), 
                              " \\tab ", 
                              ifelse(is.na(herbdat$TYPE_STATUS), "",herbdat$TYPE_STATUS),
                              ifelse(is.na(herbdat$IDENTIFIED_BY),"",paste(" Det.: ",herbdat$IDENTIFIED_BY)),
                              ifelse(is.na(herbdat$DATE_IDENTIFIED), "", ", "), 
                              ifelse(is.na(herbdat$DATE_IDENTIFIED), "", 
                                     error= function(e) {print("Warning: Date format incorrect, using original string"); 
                                     herbdat$DATE_IDENTIFIED})), "\\par}",sep = "")),
            paste("{\\pard\\keep\\keepn\\sa100\\fs",trunc(font_size*18), sep = "")," \\par }", 
            paste("{\\pard\\keep\\qc\\fs",trunc(font_size*18), sep = ""),"  .                  .                   .\\par}" 
             )                             ### End of one label
         ######################### PE ###############################
         if(theme == "PE"){
         #### TAGS
         #### \\pard     new paragraph
         #### \\par      Resets to default paragraph properties.
         #### \\keep     Keep paragraph intact.
         #### \\keepn    Keep paragraph with the next paragraph.
         #### \\fi0      First-line indent (the default is 0).
         #### \\li0      Left indent (the default is 0).
         #### \\brsp20   Space in twips between borders and the paragraph. 
         #### \\sbXX     Space before (the default is 0).
         #### \\saXX     Space after (the default is 0).
         #### \\fsXX     Font size in half-points (the default is 24).
         #### \\b        turns on bold,
         #### \\b0       whereas \b0 turns off bold. 
         #### \\ql       Left-aligned (the default).
         #### \\qr       Right-aligned.
         #### \\qj       Justified.
         #### \\qc       Centered.
         #### \\tx4850   Tab position in twips from the left margin.
         res <- c(
            #### Title of the Herbarium
            paste("{\\pard\\keep\\keepn\\fi0\\li0\\brsp20\\qc\\sb350", ifelse(!is.na(herbdat$TITLE), "\\sa200", "\\sa400"), "\\fs",trunc(font_size*20),"\\ ", 
                    herbdat$HERBARIUM,"\\b0\\par }", sep = ""),
            ### FLORA OF SOME PLACE
            ifelse(is.na(herbdat$TITLE), "", 
                   paste("{\\pard\\keep\\keepn\\fi0\\li0", paste("\\fs", trunc(font_size*18), sep = ""),"\\qc\\sb10\\sa200\\b ",
                    herbdat$TITLE,"\\b0 \\par }", sep = "")),
            ##### COLLECTOR and COLLECTION NUMBER !
            paste("{\\pard\\keep\\keepn\\fi0\\sb100\\sa100\\fs",trunc(font_size*18),"\\tqr\\b Collector: \\b0 ",
                       paste(herbdat$COLLECTOR, sep = ""),"\\par}", sep = ""),  
            paste("{\\pard\\keep\\keepn\\fi0\\sb100\\sa100\\fs",trunc(font_size*18),"\\tx2500\\tqr\\b No.: \\b0 ",
                       herbdat$COLLECTOR_NUMBER,"\\tab \\b       Date of Coll.: \\b0 ", tryCatch(formatdate(herbdat$DATE_COLLECTED), 
                       error= function(e) {print("Warning: Date format incorrect, using original string"); 
                       herbdat$DATE_COLLECTED}),"\\par}", sep = ""),
            ##### COUNTY and LOCALITY
            paste("{\\pard\\keep\\keepn\\fi0\\li0\\sb100\\sa100\\fs",trunc(font_size*18)," \\b Location: \\b0", 
                REPLACE(paste(toupper(ifelse(is.na(herbdat$COUNTRY), "", herbdat$COUNTRY)),", ", 
                                      ifelse(is.na(herbdat$STATE_PROVINCE), "", herbdat$STATE_PROVINCE),
                                      ", ", 
                                      ifelse(is.na(herbdat$COUNTY), "", herbdat$COUNTY), 
                                      ", ", 
                                      ifelse(is.na(herbdat$LOCALITY), "", as.character(herbdat$LOCALITY)), sep = "")), 
                                      "\\par}",sep = ""),
            ##### Description
            ifelse((is.na(herbdat$ATTRIBUTES)), "",
                    italic_latin(gsub("\\.  ", "\\. ", gsub(" \\.", "\\.", gsub("\\. \\.", "\\. ", gsub("\\. +", "\\. ", 
                                 REPLACE(paste("{\\pard\\keep\\keepn\\fi0\\li0", paste("\\fs",trunc(font_size*18), sep = ""),"\\sb100\\sa100\\b Description: \\b0", 
                                                ifelse(is.na(herbdat$ATTRIBUTES), "", Cap2(as.character(herbdat$ATTRIBUTES))),
                                                ifelse(is.na(herbdat$ATTRIBUTES), "", ". "), 
                                                 "\\sa80\\par}", sep = " ")))))))),
            ##### Remarks
            italic_latin(gsub("\\.  ", "\\. ", gsub(" \\.", "\\.", gsub("\\. \\.", "\\. ", gsub("\\. +", "\\. ", 
                                 REPLACE(paste("{\\pard\\keep\\keepn\\fi0\\li0", paste("\\fs",trunc(font_size*18), sep = ""),"\\b Remarks: \\b0", ifelse(is.na(herbdat$REMARKS), "", Cap2(as.character(herbdat$REMARKS))), 
                                                 "\\sa80\\par}", sep = " "))))))),
            REPLACE(paste("{\\pard\\keep\\keepn\\fi0\\li0\\sb100\\sa100\\fs",trunc(font_size*18),"\\qj\\b Alt.: \\b0 ", 
                         ifelse(is.na(herbdat$ELEVATION), "", paste(herbdat$ELEVATION, "m; ", sep = "")), 
                         ifelse(is.na(herbdat$LAT_DEGREE), "", paste("\\b Lat.: \\b0 ", herbdat$LAT_DEGREE,"\\u176;", herbdat$LAT_MINUTE, "\\u39;",herbdat$LAT_SECOND, "\\u34;", herbdat$LAT_FLAG, sep = "")),
                         ifelse(is.na(herbdat$LON_DEGREE), "", paste(", \\b Lon.: \\b0 ",herbdat$LON_DEGREE,"\\u176;",herbdat$LON_MINUTE,"\\u39;",herbdat$LON_SECOND,"\\u34;", herbdat$LON_FLAG, sep = "")), 
                         "\\par }", sep = "")), 
            #### FAMILY, in BOLD FACE
            ifelse(is.na(herbdat$FAMILY), paste("{\\pard\\keep\\keepn\\fi0\\li0\\tx3000\\sb100\\sa100\\fs",trunc(font_size*18),"\\b Family: ",
                   "\\b0 ", "\\tab\\b Local Name: \\b0     ", ifelse(is.na(herbdat$LOCAL_NAME), "", herbdat$LOCAL_NAME), "\\par }", sep = ""), paste("{\\pard\\keep\\keepn\\fi0\\li0\\tx3000\\sb100\\sa100\\fs",trunc(font_size*18),"\\b Family: \\b0 ",
                   Cap(herbdat$FAMILY), "\\tab\\b       Local Name: \\b0 ", ifelse(is.na(herbdat$LOCAL_NAME), "", herbdat$LOCAL_NAME), "\\par }", sep = "")),
            #### SPECIES INFO
            ifelse(is.na(herbdat$GENUS) & is.na(herbdat$SPECIES) & is.na(herbdat$AUTHOR_OF_SPECIES) & is.na(herbdat$INFRASPECIFIC_RANK) & is.na(herbdat$INFRASPECIFIC_EPITHET) & is.na(herbdat$AUTHOR_OF_INFRASPECIFIC_RANK), 
                        paste("{\\pard\\keep\\keepn\\fi-288\\li288\\sb100\\sa100\\fs",trunc(font_size*18),"\\b Species: \\b0\\i ",
                        REPLACE(paste(ifelse( is.na(herbdat$GENUS), "", herbdat$GENUS),"\\i0 \\i", 
                                      ifelse( is.na(herbdat$SPECIES),                           "\\i0 ",     paste(" ", as.character(herbdat$SPECIES),                          sep = "")), "\\i0",
                                      ifelse( is.na(herbdat$AUTHOR_OF_SPECIES),                  "",         paste(" ", as.character(herbdat$AUTHOR_OF_SPECIES),                sep = "")),
                                      ifelse( is.na(herbdat$INFRASPECIFIC_RANK),                 "",         paste(" ", as.character(herbdat$INFRASPECIFIC_RANK),               sep = "")), "\\i",
                                      ifelse( is.na(herbdat$INFRASPECIFIC_EPITHET),              "",         paste(" ", as.character(herbdat$INFRASPECIFIC_EPITHET),            sep = "")), "\\i0",
                                      ifelse( is.na(herbdat$AUTHOR_OF_INFRASPECIFIC_RANK),       "",         paste(" ", as.character(herbdat$AUTHOR_OF_INFRASPECIFIC_RANK),     sep = "")), sep = " ")),
                                      "\\par}", sep = "")),
            paste("{\\pard\\keep\\keepn\\sa100\\fs",trunc(font_size*18), sep = "")," \\par }", 
            paste("{\\pard\\keep\\qc\\fs",trunc(font_size*18), sep = ""),"  .                  .                   .\\par}" 
             )                             ### End of one label
         ######################### KUN ###############################
         if(theme == "KUN"){
         res <- c(
            #### Title of the Herbarium
            paste("{\\pard\\keep\\keepn\\fi0\\li0\\brsp20\\qc\\sb350",ifelse(!is.na(herbdat$TITLE), "\\sa200", "\\sa400"),"\\fs",trunc(font_size*20),"\\b ", 
                    herbdat$HERBARIUM,"\\b0\\par }", sep = ""),
            ####  FLORA OF SOME PLACE
            ifelse(is.na(herbdat$TITLE), "", 
                   paste("{\\pard\\keep\\keepn\\fi0\\li0\\fs",trunc(font_size*18),"\\qc\\sb0\\sa250\\b ",
                    herbdat$TITLE,"\\b0 \\par }", sep = "")),
            ##### COLLECTOR
            paste("{\\pard\\keep\\keepn\\fi0\\fs",trunc(font_size*18),"\\tqr\\b Col.: \\b0 ",
                       paste(herbdat$COLLECTOR, sep = ""),"\\par}", sep = ""), 
            ##### COLLECTOR NUMBER
            paste("{\\pard\\keep\\keepn\\fi0\\fs",trunc(font_size*18),"\\tqr\\b No.: \\b0 ",
                       herbdat$COLLECTOR_NUMBER, "\\par}", sep = ""),
            ##### COLLECTION DATE
            paste("{\\pard\\keep\\keepn\\fi0", paste("\\fs",trunc(font_size*18), sep = ""),"\\tqr\\b Date.: \\b0", tryCatch(formatdate(herbdat$DATE_COLLECTED), 
                       error= function(e) {print("Warning: Date format incorrect, using original string"); 

            ##### LOCATION
            paste("{\\pard\\keep\\keepn\\fi0\\li0\\fs",trunc(font_size*18)," \\b Loc: \\b0", 
                REPLACE(paste(toupper(ifelse(is.na(herbdat$COUNTRY), "", herbdat$COUNTRY)),", ", 
                                      ifelse(is.na(herbdat$STATE_PROVINCE), "", herbdat$STATE_PROVINCE),
                                      ", ", 
                                      ifelse(is.na(herbdat$COUNTY), "", herbdat$COUNTY), 
                                      ", ", 
                                      ifelse(is.na(herbdat$LOCALITY), "", as.character(herbdat$LOCALITY)), sep = "")), 
                                      "\\par}",sep = ""),
            REPLACE(ifelse(is.na(herbdat$LAT_DEGREE), "", 
                         "\\b Lat.: \\b0 ",herbdat$LAT_DEGREE,"\\u176;", herbdat$LAT_MINUTE, "\\u39;",herbdat$LAT_SECOND, "\\u34;", herbdat$LAT_FLAG,
                         ", \\b Lon.: \\b0 ",herbdat$LON_DEGREE,"\\u176;",herbdat$LON_MINUTE,"\\u39;",herbdat$LON_SECOND,"\\u34;", herbdat$LON_FLAG, 
                         "\\par }",sep = ""))), 
            ##### Elevation
            REPLACE(paste("{\\pard\\keep\\keepn\\fi0\\li0\\fs",trunc(font_size*18),"\\qj\\b Alt.: \\b0 ",paste(herbdat$ELEVATION, "m", sep = ""), "\\par }",sep = "")), 
            ##### Remarks
            italic_latin(gsub("\\.  ", "\\. ", gsub(" \\.", "\\.", gsub("\\. \\.", "\\. ", gsub("\\. +", "\\. ", 
                                 REPLACE(paste("{\\pard\\keep\\keepn\\fi0\\li0", paste("\\fs",trunc(font_size*18), sep = ""),"\\b Remarks: \\b0", ifelse(is.na(herbdat$REMARKS), "", Cap2(as.character(herbdat$REMARKS))), 
                                                 "\\sa80\\par}", sep = " "))))))),
            ##### Habitat
            italic_latin(gsub("\\.  ", "\\. ", gsub(" \\.", "\\.", gsub("\\. \\.", "\\. ", gsub("\\. +", "\\. ", 
                                 REPLACE(paste("{\\pard\\keep\\keepn\\fi0\\li0", paste("\\fs",trunc(font_size*18), sep = ""),"\\b Description: \\b0", 
                                                ifelse(is.na(herbdat$ATTRIBUTES), "", Cap2(as.character(herbdat$ATTRIBUTES))),
                                                ifelse(is.na(herbdat$ATTRIBUTES), "", ". "), 
                                                 "\\sa80\\par}", sep = " "))))))),
            paste("{\\pard\\keep\\keepn\\sa50", paste("\\fs",trunc(font_size*18), sep = ""), "")," \\par }",
            #### FAMILY, in BOLD FACE
            ifelse(is.na(herbdat$FAMILY), paste("{\\pard\\keep\\keepn\\fi0\\li0\\fs",trunc(font_size*18),"\\b Family: ",
                   "\\b0 \\par }", sep = ""), paste("{\\pard\\keep\\keepn\\fi0\\li0\\fs",trunc(font_size*18),"\\b Family: \\b0 ",
                   Cap(herbdat$FAMILY),"\\par }", sep = "")),
            paste("{\\pard\\keep\\keepn\\fs",trunc(font_size*18)," \\b Local Name: \\b0 ", ifelse(is.na(herbdat$LOCAL_NAME), "", herbdat$LOCAL_NAME)," \\par }", sep = ""),
            #### SPECIES INFO
            ifelse(is.na(herbdat$GENUS) & is.na(herbdat$SPECIES) & is.na(herbdat$AUTHOR_OF_SPECIES) & is.na(herbdat$INFRASPECIFIC_RANK) & is.na(herbdat$INFRASPECIFIC_EPITHET) & is.na(herbdat$AUTHOR_OF_INFRASPECIFIC_RANK), 
                paste("{\\pard\\keep\\keepn\\fi-288\\li288\\fs",trunc(font_size*18),"\\b Species: \\b0\\i ",
                REPLACE(paste(ifelse( is.na(herbdat$GENUS), "", herbdat$GENUS),"\\i0 \\i", 
                    ifelse( is.na(herbdat$SPECIES),                           "\\i0 ",     paste(" ", as.character(herbdat$SPECIES),                          sep = "")), "\\i0",
                    ifelse( is.na(herbdat$AUTHOR_OF_SPECIES),                  "",         paste(" ", as.character(herbdat$AUTHOR_OF_SPECIES),                sep = "")),
                    ifelse( is.na(herbdat$INFRASPECIFIC_RANK),                 "",         paste(" ", as.character(herbdat$INFRASPECIFIC_RANK),               sep = "")), "\\i",
                    ifelse( is.na(herbdat$INFRASPECIFIC_EPITHET),              "",         paste(" ", as.character(herbdat$INFRASPECIFIC_EPITHET),            sep = "")), "\\i0",
                    ifelse( is.na(herbdat$AUTHOR_OF_INFRASPECIFIC_RANK),       "",         paste(" ", as.character(herbdat$AUTHOR_OF_INFRASPECIFIC_RANK),     sep = "")), sep = " ")),
                    "\\par}", sep = "")),
            paste("{\\pard\\keep\\keepn\\sa100\\fs",trunc(font_size*18), sep = "")," \\par }", 
            paste("{\\pard\\keep\\qc\\fs",trunc(font_size*18), sep = ""),"  .                  .                   .\\par}" 
             )                             ### End of one label
         ######################### HU ###############################
         if(theme == "HU"){
         res <- c(
            ####  Title of the Herbarium
            ifelse(is.na(herbdat$TITLE), "", 
                   paste("{\\pard\\keep\\keepn\\fi0\\li0\\fs",trunc(font_size*22),"\\qc\\sb100\\sa250\\b ",
                    herbdat$TITLE,"\\b0 \\par }", sep = "")),
            #### FAMILY, in BOLD FACE
            ifelse(is.na(herbdat$FAMILY), "", paste("{\\pard\\keep\\keepn\\fi0\\li0", paste("\\fs",trunc(font_size*18), sep = ""),"\\b ",
                   Cap(REPLACE(herbdat$FAMILY)),"\\b0 \\par }", sep = "")),        
            #### SPECIES INFO
            ifelse(is.na(herbdat$GENUS) & is.na(herbdat$SPECIES) & is.na(herbdat$AUTHOR_OF_SPECIES) & is.na(herbdat$INFRASPECIFIC_RANK) & is.na(herbdat$INFRASPECIFIC_EPITHET) & is.na(herbdat$AUTHOR_OF_INFRASPECIFIC_RANK), 
                paste("{\\pard\\keep\\keepn\\fi-288\\li288\\fs",trunc(font_size*18),"\\sa200\\i ",
                REPLACE(paste(ifelse( is.na(herbdat$GENUS), "", herbdat$GENUS),"\\i0 \\i", 
                    ifelse( is.na(herbdat$SPECIES),                           "\\i0 ",     paste(" ", as.character(herbdat$SPECIES),                          sep = "")), "\\i0",
                    ifelse( is.na(herbdat$AUTHOR_OF_SPECIES),                  "",         paste(" ", as.character(herbdat$AUTHOR_OF_SPECIES),                sep = "")),
                    ifelse( is.na(herbdat$INFRASPECIFIC_RANK),                 "",         paste(" ", as.character(herbdat$INFRASPECIFIC_RANK),               sep = "")), "\\i",
                    ifelse( is.na(herbdat$INFRASPECIFIC_EPITHET),              "",         paste(" ", as.character(herbdat$INFRASPECIFIC_EPITHET),            sep = "")), "\\i0",
                    ifelse( is.na(herbdat$AUTHOR_OF_INFRASPECIFIC_RANK),       "",         paste(" ", as.character(herbdat$AUTHOR_OF_INFRASPECIFIC_RANK),     sep = "")), sep = " ")),
                    "\\par}", sep = "")),
            ##### LOCATION
                REPLACE(paste(ifelse(is.na(herbdat$STATE_PROVINCE), "", paste(as.character(herbdat$STATE_PROVINCE),", ", sep = "")),
                              ifelse(is.na(herbdat$COUNTY),         "", paste(as.character(herbdat$COUNTY), ", "       , sep = "")), 
                              ifelse(is.na(herbdat$LOCALITY),       "", paste(as.character(herbdat$LOCALITY)           , sep = "")), sep = "")),". ",
                      ##### LONGITUDE, LATITUDE
                   REPLACE(ifelse(is.na(herbdat$LAT_DEGREE), "", 
                      paste(herbdat$LAT_DEGREE,"\\u176;", herbdat$LAT_MINUTE, "\\u39;",herbdat$LAT_SECOND, "\\u34;", herbdat$LAT_FLAG,
                                     ", ",herbdat$LON_DEGREE,"\\u176;",herbdat$LON_MINUTE,"\\u39;",herbdat$LON_SECOND,"\\u34;", herbdat$LON_FLAG, sep = ""))), 
                      #### ELEVATION
                      ifelse(is.na(herbdat$LAT_DEGREE), "", "; "), ifelse(is.na(herbdat$ELEVATION),"", paste(herbdat$ELEVATION, "m. ",sep = "")),
                      ##### Description
                      gsub("\\.  ", "\\. ", gsub(" \\.", "\\.", gsub("\\. \\.", "\\. ", gsub("\\. +", "\\. ", 
                          REPLACE(paste( ifelse(is.na(herbdat$ATTRIBUTES), "", Cap2(as.character(herbdat$ATTRIBUTES))),
                          ifelse(is.na(herbdat$ATTRIBUTES), "", ". "), 
                           sep = " ")))))), 
                      ##### Remarks
                      italic_latin(gsub("\\.  ", "\\. ", gsub(" \\.", "\\.", gsub("\\. \\.", "\\. ", gsub("\\. +", "\\. ", 
                           REPLACE(paste(ifelse(is.na(herbdat$REMARKS), "", Cap2(as.character(herbdat$REMARKS))), sep = " "))))))), sep = ""
                 "\\par}",sep = ""
            ##### COLLECTOR
            paste("{\\pard\\keep\\keepn\\fi0\\fs",trunc(font_size*18),"\\tqr ",
                       paste(herbdat$COLLECTOR, sep = ""),"\\par}", sep = ""), 
            ##### COLLECTOR NUMBER and Date
            paste("{\\pard\\keep\\keepn\\fi0", paste("\\fs", trunc(font_size*18), sep = ""),"\\tqr\\tx4500",
                       herbdat$COLLECTOR_NUMBER, "\\tab",tryCatch(formatdate(herbdat$DATE_COLLECTED), 
                       error= function(e) {print("Warning: Date format incorrect, using original string"); 
                       herbdat$DATE_COLLECTED}), "\\par}"),
            paste("{\\pard\\keep\\keepn\\sa100", paste("\\fs",trunc(font_size*18), sep = ""), sep = "")," \\par }", 
            paste("{\\pard\\keep\\keepn\\fi0\\li0\\brsp20\\qc\\sb500\\sa100\\fs",trunc(font_size*20), sep = ""),"\\b ", herbdat$HERBARIUM,"\\b0\\par }", sep = ""),
            "{\\pard\\keep\\qc", paste("\\fs",trunc(font_size*18), sep = ""),"  .              .              .\\par}" 
             )                             ### End of one label
        NEW_DATE_COLLECTED[i] <- tryCatch(formatdate2(herbdat$DATE_COLLECTED), 
                   error= function(e) {herbdat$DATE_COLLECTED})
        NEW_DATE_IDENTIFIED[i] <- tryCatch(formatdate2(herbdat$DATE_IDENTIFIED), 
                                 error= function(e) {herbdat$DATE_IDENTIFIED}) 
        temp2 <- c(temp2, res)         ### Add label to the RTF file.
        herbdat_row1 <- rbind(herbdat_row1, herbdat)
    template <- c(temp1, temp2, "}")   ## End of the RTF file
    res <- template[!template %in% ""] ## Omit the rows without any information
    res <- res[!res %in% " "]          ### Omit the rows without any information
    res <- replace_space(res)          ### replace the space at the beginning or ending. 

    ###### replace multiple commas or space from the string
    res <- iconv(x = res, from = "UTF-8", to = "GB18030")
    writeLines(res, outfile)

    ### Notice
    cat("Herbarium Labels have been saved to:\n", 
         file.path(getwd(), outfile),"\n", sep = "")
    modified_dat <- herbdat_row1[-1,]
    modified_dat$GENUS  <- comment_genus
    modified_dat$FAMILY <- comment_family
    #### Convert the dates to character string, and replace them
    return(invisible(list(dat = dat, modified_dat = modified_dat)))

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herblabel documentation built on May 2, 2019, 4:47 p.m.