
Defines functions dichotomize dichotomizeCN dichotomizeMethy dichotomizeExpr Zscore2Binary bimodalIndex

Documented in dichotomize dichotomizeCN dichotomizeExpr dichotomizeMethy

## BI computation from OOMPA Suite
bimodalIndex <- function(x) {
  mc <- try(Mclust(x, G = 2, modelNames = "E"), silent=TRUE)
  if(!inherits(mc, 'try-error')) {
    sigma <- sqrt(mc$parameters$variance$sigmasq)
    delta <- abs(diff(mc$parameters$mean))/sigma
    pi <- mc$parameters$pro[1]
    bi <- delta * sqrt(pi * (1 - pi))
    res <- c(mc$parameters$mean, sigma, delta, pi, bi)
  } else {
    res <- rep(NA, 6)
  names(res) <- c("mu1", "mu2", "sigma", "delta", "pi", "BI")    
Zscore2Binary <- function(Zscore, tau1=-2, tau2=2) {
  binaryRes <- Zscore
  binaryRes[which(Zscore<tau2 & Zscore>tau1, arr.ind=T)] <- 0 
  binaryRes[which(Zscore>=tau2 | Zscore<=tau1, arr.ind=T)] <- 1

# expr: tumor expression matrix
# exprCtr: normal control expression matrix, same number of rows as tumor; may contain 
#		   missing values and will propogate
# refUseMean: logical indicating whether to use mean or median of normal samples as reference.
#			default use median which is more robust
# BIthr: threshold of bimodality index to flag bimodal genes
# parallel: logical indicating whether to use parallel backend for BI computation; 
#			since the computation is fast, when gene number is small, parallel is actually slower.
dichotomizeExpr <- function(expr, exprCtr, refUseMean=FALSE, BIthr=NULL, tau1=-2.5, tau2=2.5, parallel=FALSE){
  if(is.null(BIthr)) BIthr <- ifelse(ncol(expr)>50, 1.1, 2) # guess BI threshold
	## BI computation for tumor samples
  compBI <- function(ind) {bimodalIndex(expr[ind, ])}
  i <- NULL # to quiet R CMD check
		# call a function defined elsewhere; might be changed to: .packages='intIRT'
    BIinfo <- foreach(i=seq_len(nrow(expr)), .combine='rbind', .export='bimodalIndex') %dopar% compBI(i)
  } else {
    BIinfo <- foreach(i=seq_len(nrow(expr)), .combine='rbind') %do% compBI(i)
	## computation of Zmat
  if(refUseMean==TRUE) {
    normalRef <- apply(exprCtr, 1, mean, na.rm=T)
  } else {
    normalRef <- apply(exprCtr, 1, median, na.rm=T)
  sd_normal <- apply(exprCtr, 1, sd, na.rm=T)
  sd_tumor <- apply(expr, 1, sd, na.rm=T)
  sd_tumor_2component <- BIinfo[, 'sigma'] # 2-component SD
  BIs <- BIinfo[, 'BI']
  indBimodal <- which(BIs>=BIthr) # index for bimodal genes; works even no bimodal genes are selected
  sd_tumorUsed <- sd_tumor # SD of tumor to be used on the computation
  sd_tumorUsed[indBimodal] <- sd_tumor_2component[indBimodal]
	# plot(sd_tumor, sd_tumorUsed); abline(0, 1, col=4, lty=2)
	# plot(sd_normal, sd_tumorUsed); abline(0, 1, col=4, lty=2)
  sd_adjusted <- sqrt(sd_tumorUsed^2+sd_normal^2/ncol(exprCtr)) # adjusted SD as in the denominator
	# plot(sd_tumorUsed, sd_adjusted); abline(0, 1, col=4, lty=2)
  matTumor_centered <- expr - normalRef
  Zmat <- matTumor_centered
  Zmat <- sweep(matTumor_centered, 1, sd_adjusted, '/')
  ## binary mat
  BinaryMat <- Zscore2Binary(Zmat, tau1=tau1, tau2=tau2)	
# no parallel is needed since all comutation are vectorized
dichotomizeMethy <- function(methy, methyCtr, refUseMean=FALSE){
  if(refUseMean==TRUE) {
    normalRef <- apply(methyCtr, 1, mean, na.rm=T)
  } else {
    normalRef <- apply(methyCtr, 1, median, na.rm=T)
  myCut <- function(t, labels=c('low', 'mid', 'high')) {	
		## there are several instances of beta being 0, hence, the first break should be less than 0, otherwise, NA returned
    cut(t, breaks=c(-0.01, 0.25, 0.75, 1), labels=labels)
	# mat of 3 status formed by cut
  TriMatMethyByCut <- t(apply(methy, 1, myCut))
  ref <- as.character(myCut(normalRef))
  res <- matrix(as.numeric(sweep(TriMatMethyByCut, 1, ref, '!=')), byrow=F, nrow=nrow(methy))
  rownames(res) <- rownames(methy)
  colnames(res) <- colnames(methy)
dichotomizeCN <- function(CN, CNctr=NULL, tau1=-0.3, tau2=0.3){
  if(!is.null(CNctr) & ncol(CN)==ncol(CNctr)){
    mat <- CN-CNctr # when paired samples are specified, correct for germline CN change
  } else {
    mat <- CN # when no normal control available or not paired, no correction is performed
  Zscore2Binary(mat, tau1=tau1, tau2=tau2)
# a wrapper of the 3 dichtomizing methods
dichotomize <- function(mat, matCtr, assayType=c('Expr', 'Methy', 'CN'), ...){
  assayType <- try(match.arg(assayType, c('Expr', 'Methy', 'CN'), several.ok=FALSE), silent=TRUE)
	# stop if assays not recognizable.
  if(inherits(assayType, 'try-error')) stop('Assays other than expression, methylation or copy number is specified. Please
		dichotomize them mannually!\n')
  res <- switch(assayType, 'Expr'=dichotomizeExpr(mat, matCtr, ...),
                'Methy'=dichotomizeMethy(mat, matCtr, ...),
                'CN'=dichotomizeCN(mat, matCtr, ...))	

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integIRTy documentation built on Sept. 9, 2022, 3:09 p.m.