
## class definitions

## class unions
setClassUnion("MefaMatrix", c("matrix","dgCMatrix"))
setClassUnion("MefaDataFrame", c("data.frame","NULL"))

## virtual classes to old mefa classes
setClass("stcs", representation("VIRTUAL"))
setClass("mefa", representation("VIRTUAL"))

## main Mefa class
        xtab = "MefaMatrix",
        samp = "MefaDataFrame",
        taxa = "MefaDataFrame",
        join = "character"),
    prototype = list(
        xtab = as(matrix(0,0,0), "dgCMatrix"),
        samp = NULL,
        taxa = NULL,
        join = "left"),
    validity = function(object) {
        if (is.null(dim(object@xtab)))
            return("'xtab' must have a 'dim' attribute")
        if (length(dim(object@xtab)) != 2)
            return("'xtab' dimension must be 2")
        if (!is.null(object@samp) &&
            !identical(rownames(object@xtab), rownames(object@samp)))
            return("Inconsistent 'xtab' and 'samp' dimnames")
        if (!is.null(object@taxa) &&
            !identical(colnames(object@xtab), rownames(object@taxa)))
            return("Inconsistent 'xtab' and 'taxa' dimnames")
        if (!(object@join %in% c("left", "inner")))
            return("'join' must be in c(\"left\", \"inner\")")
#        if (is.null(object@samp) &&
#            is.null(object@taxa) &&
#            object@join != "left")
#            return("'join' must be \"left\" if both 'samp' and 'taxa' slots are 'NULL'")

## creator functions

Xtab <-
function(formula = ~., data = parent.frame(), 
rdrop, cdrop,
subset, na.action, exclude = c(NA, NaN), drop.unused.levels = FALSE)
    ## this code is taken from Matrix::xtabs
    ## and modified by P Solymos

    ## cannott use only data, formula is needed
    if (missing(formula)) 
        stop("must supply 'formula'")
    if (!missing(formula)) {
        formula <- as.formula(formula)
        if (!inherits(formula, "formula")) 
            stop("'formula' missing or incorrect")
    if (any(attr(terms(formula, data = data), "order") > 1)) 
        stop("interactions are not allowed")
    m <- match.call(expand.dots = FALSE)
    if (is.matrix(eval(m$data, parent.frame()))) 
        m$data <- as.data.frame(data)
    m$... <- m$exclude <- m$drop.unused.levels <- m$sparse <- NULL
    m$rdrop <- m$cdrop <- NULL
    m[[1]] <- as.name("model.frame")
    mf <- eval(m, parent.frame())
    if (length(formula) == 2) {
        by <- mf
        y <- NULL
    else {
        i <- attr(attr(mf, "terms"), "response")
        by <- mf[-i]
        y <- mf[[i]]
    by <- lapply(by, function(u) {
        if (!is.factor(u)) 
            u <- factor(u, exclude = exclude)
        u[, drop = drop.unused.levels]
#    if (length(by) != 2)
#        stop("function applies only to two-way tables")
    if (!(length(by) %in% 2:3))
        stop("function applies only to two- or three-way tables")
    rows <- by[[1]]
    cols <- by[[2]]
    rl <- levels(rows)
    cl <- levels(cols)
    if (is.null(y)) 
        y <- rep.int(1, length(rows))
    if (!is.numeric(y))
        stop("lhs of formula not numeric")
    ## this is how it is constructed, then converted into dgCMatrix
    out <- as(new("dgTMatrix", 
        i = as.integer(rows) - 1L, 
        j = as.integer(cols) - 1L, 
        x = as.double(y), 
        Dim = c(length(rl), length(cl)), 
        Dimnames = list(rl, cl)), "CsparseMatrix")
    rkeep <- 1:nrow(out)
    ckeep <- 1:ncol(out)
    if (!missing(rdrop)) {
        if (is.logical(rdrop)) {
            if (rdrop)
                rkeep <- which(rowSums(out) > 0)
        } else if (is.numeric(rdrop)) {
            rkeep <- setdiff(rkeep, rdrop)
        } else if (is.character(rdrop)) {
            rkeep <- setdiff(rownames(out), rdrop)
        } else stop("inappropriate 'rdrop' value")
    if (!missing(cdrop)) {
        if (is.logical(cdrop)) {
            if (cdrop)
                ckeep <- which(colSums(out) > 0)
        } else if (is.numeric(cdrop)) {
            ckeep <- setdiff(ckeep, cdrop)
        } else if (is.character(cdrop)) {
            ckeep <- setdiff(colnames(out), cdrop)
        } else stop("inappropriate 'cdrop' value")
    if (length(by) == 2) {
        out <- out[rkeep, ckeep, drop=FALSE]
        out <- drop0(out)
        out <- as(out, "dgCMatrix")
    if (length(by) == 3) {
        segm <- by[[3]]
        sl <- levels(segm)
        out <- vector("list", length(sl))
        names(out) <- sl
        for (i in 1:length(sl)) {
            id <- which(as.integer(segm) == i)
            out[[sl[i]]] <- as(new("dgTMatrix", 
                i = as.integer(rows[id]) - 1L, 
                j = as.integer(cols[id]) - 1L, 
                x = as.double(y[id]), 
                Dim = c(length(rl), length(cl)), 
                Dimnames = list(rl, cl)), "CsparseMatrix")
            out[[sl[i]]] <- out[[sl[i]]][rkeep, ckeep, drop=FALSE]
            out[[sl[i]]] <- drop0(out[[sl[i]]])
#        class(out) <- "sparseMatrixList"

Mefa <-
function(xtab, samp, taxa,
join = c("left", "inner"), drop = FALSE) {
    if (missing(xtab))
        stop("'xtab' must be supplied")
    if (is.null(dimnames(xtab))) {
        dimnames(xtab) <- list(1:nrow(xtab), 1:ncol(xtab))
        warnings("dimnames for 'xtab' added, it was NULL")
    if (missing(samp)) {
        samp <- NULL
        sid <- rownames(xtab)
    } else sid <- rownames(samp)
    if (missing(taxa)) {
        taxa <- NULL
        tid <- colnames(xtab)
    } else tid <- rownames(taxa)
    xrid <- rownames(xtab)
    xcid <- colnames(xtab)
    join <- match.arg(join)
    if (join == "left") {
        rkeep <- xrid
        ckeep <- xcid
    if (join == "inner") {
        rkeep <- if (!is.null(samp))
            intersect(xrid, sid) else xrid
        ckeep <- if (!is.null(taxa))
            intersect(xcid, tid) else xcid
    xtab <- xtab[rkeep, ckeep, drop=FALSE]
    if (!is.null(samp)) {
        samp <- samp[rkeep,,drop=FALSE]
        rownames(samp) <- rkeep
    if (!is.null(taxa)) {
        taxa <- taxa[ckeep,,drop=FALSE]
        rownames(taxa) <- ckeep
    if (drop) {
        samp[] <- lapply(samp, function(z) z[drop = TRUE])
        taxa[] <- lapply(taxa, function(z) z[drop = TRUE])
        xtab = as(xtab, "dgCMatrix"), 
        samp = samp, taxa = taxa,
        join = join)

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mefa4 documentation built on May 2, 2019, 6:15 p.m.