
translogRayMargCost <- function( yNames, xNames, wNames,
      data, coef, dataLogged = FALSE ) {

   checkNames( c( yNames, xNames, wNames ), names( data ) )

   if( length( yNames ) != 2 ) {
      stop( "the calculation of marginal costs",
         " from ray production functions with more than two outputs",
         " has not yet been implemented" )

   if( length( xNames ) != length( wNames ) ) {
      stop( "arguments 'xNames' and 'wNames' must have the same length" )

   if( dataLogged ) {
      logData   <- data
   } else {
      logData <- logDataSet( data = data,
         varNames = c( yNames, xNames, wNames ) )

   # number of inputs
   nInput <- length( xNames )

   # coefficients with names as if theta was a normal input
   coefTl <- coef
   coefNamesTl <- names( coef )
   coefNamesTl[ coefNamesTl == "b_t_t" ] <-
      paste( "b", nInput + 1, nInput + 1, sep = "_" )
   coefNamesTl <- sub( "_t$", paste( "_", nInput + 1, sep = "" ),
      coefNamesTl )
   names( coefTl ) <- coefNamesTl

   # calculate distance and theta
   xNamesTheta <- xNames
   distance <- sqrt( exp( logData[[ yNames[ 1 ] ]] )^2 +
      exp( logData[[ yNames[ 2 ] ]] )^2 )
   logData$distance <- log( distance )
   logData$theta <- acos( exp( logData[[ yNames[ 1 ] ]] ) / distance )
   xNamesTheta <- c( xNamesTheta, "theta" )

   # elasticities: d log F / d log x_i
   elaData <- translogEla( xNames = xNamesTheta, data = logData, coef = coefTl,
      dataLogged = TRUE )

   # matrix of beta coefficients
   beta <- matrix( NA, nrow = nInput, ncol = nInput )
   for( i in 1:nInput ) {
      for( j in i:nInput ) {
         beta[ i, j ] <- coef[ paste( "b", i, j, sep = "_" ) ]
         beta[ j, i ] <- beta[ i, j ]

   # marginal costs
   margCost <- matrix( NA, nrow = nrow( logData ), ncol = length( yNames ) )

   for( t in 1:nrow( logData ) ) {
      yVal <- exp( as.numeric( logData[ t, yNames ] ) )
      xVal <- exp( as.numeric( logData[ t, xNames ] ) )
      wVal <- exp( as.numeric( logData[ t, wNames ] ) )
      eVal <- as.numeric( elaData[ t, ] )
      dVal <- distance[ t ]

      # Jacobian matrix of g with respect to x
      gxJac <- matrix( NA, nrow = nInput, ncol = nInput )
      for( j in 1:nInput ) {
         for( i in 1:( nInput - 1 ) ) {
            gxJac[ i, j ] <-
               ( i == j ) * wVal[ nInput ] *
                  ( xVal[ nInput ] / xVal[ j ]^2 ) *
                  eVal[ i ] / eVal[ nInput ] -
               ( j == nInput ) * wVal[ nInput ] * ( 1 / xVal[ i ] ) *
                  eVal[ i ] / eVal[ nInput ] -
               wVal[ nInput ] * ( xVal[ nInput ] / xVal[ i ] ) *
                  ( beta[ i, j ] / xVal[ j ] ) / eVal[ nInput ] +
               wVal[ nInput ] * ( xVal[ nInput ] / xVal[ i ] ) *
                  ( eVal[ i ] / eVal[ nInput ]^2 ) *
                  beta[ nInput, j ] / xVal[ j ]
         gxJac[ nInput, j ] <- eVal[ j ] / xVal[ j ]

      # Jacobian matrix of g with respect to y
      gyJac <- matrix( nrow = nInput, ncol = length( yNames ) )
      # derivatives of theta with respect to the outputs
      derivThetaY <- rep( NA, length( yNames ) )
      for( j in 1:length( yNames ) ) {
         derivThetaY[ j ] <-
            ( yVal[ 1 ] * yVal[ j ] / dVal^3 - ( j == 1 ) / dVal ) /
            ( sqrt( 1 - ( yVal[ 1 ] / dVal )^2 ) )
      # derivatives of theta with respect to the outputs
      derivDistanceY <- rep( NA, length( yNames ) )
      for( j in 1:length( yNames ) ) {
         derivDistanceY[ j ] <- yVal[ j ] / dVal^2
      # and now the Jacobian ...
      for( j in 1:length( yNames ) ) {
         for( i in 1:( nInput - 1 ) ) {
            gyJac[ i, j ] <-
               ( derivThetaY[ j ] * wVal[ nInput ] * xVal[ nInput ] /
                  ( xVal[ i ] * eVal[ nInput ] ) ) *
               ( ( eVal[ i ] / eVal[ nInput ] ) *
                  coef[ paste( "b", nInput, "t", sep = "_" ) ] - 
                  coef[ paste( "b", i, "t", sep = "_" ) ] )
         gyJac[ nInput, j ] <- eVal[ nInput + 1 ] * derivThetaY[ j ] -
            - derivDistanceY[ j ]

      # Jacobian matrix of x with respect to y
      xyJac <- - solve( gxJac, gyJac )

      # marginal costs
      margCost[ t, ] <- t( wVal ) %*% xyJac

   margCost <- as.data.frame( margCost )
   rownames( margCost ) <- rownames( data )
   names( margCost ) <- yNames

   return( margCost )

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