
Defines functions mvProbit

Documented in mvProbit

mvProbit <- function( formula, data, start = NULL, startSigma = NULL,
   method = "BHHH", finalHessian = "BHHH", algorithm = "GHK", nGHK = 1000,
   intGrad = TRUE, oneSidedGrad = FALSE, eps = 1e-6, 
   random.seed = 123, ... ) {

   # checking argument 'formula'
   if( is.list( formula ) ) {
      stop( "using different regressors for the dependent variables",
         " has not been implemented yet. Sorry!" )
   } else if( !inherits( formula, "formula" ) ) {
      stop( "argument 'formula' must be a formula" )

   # checking argument 'intGrad'
   if( length( intGrad ) != 1 ) {
      stop( "argument 'intGrad' must be a single logical value" )
   } else if( !is.logical( intGrad ) ) {
      stop( "argument 'intGrad' must be a logical value" )

   # checking argument 'oneSidedGrad'
   if( length( oneSidedGrad ) != 1 ) {
      stop( "argument 'oneSidedGrad' must be a single logical value" )
   } else if( !is.logical( oneSidedGrad ) ) {
      stop( "argument 'oneSidedGrad' must be a logical value" )
   if( oneSidedGrad && !intGrad ) {
      warning( "ignoring argument 'oneSidedGrad' as argument 'intGrad'",
         " is FALSE" )
      oneSidedGrad <- FALSE

   # checking argument 'data'
   if( !is.data.frame( data ) ) {
      stop( "argument 'data' must be a data frame" )

   # preparing model matrix
   mc <- match.call( expand.dots = FALSE )
   m <- match( "data", names( mc ), 0 )
   mf <- mc[ c( 1, m ) ]
   mf$formula <- formula
   attributes( mf$formula ) <- NULL
   mf$na.action <- na.pass
   mf[[ 1 ]] <- as.name( "model.frame" )
   mf <- eval( mf, parent.frame() )
   mt <- attr( mf, "terms" )
   xMat <- model.matrix( mt, mf )

   # preparing model response
   yMat <- model.response( mf )
   if( !is.matrix( yMat ) ) {
      stop( "at least two dependent variables",
         " must be specified in argument 'formula'",
         " (e.g. by 'cbind( y1, y2 ) ~ ...')" )
   } else if( !all( yMat %in% c( 0, 1,TRUE, FALSE ) ) ) {
      stop( "all dependent variables must be either 0, 1, TRUE, or FALSE" )

   # number of dependent variables
   nDep <- ncol( yMat )

   # number of regressors
   nReg <- ncol( xMat )

   # number of model coefficients
   nCoef <- nDep * nReg

   # number of observations
   nObs <- nrow( xMat )

   # determining dummy variables (to be returned, for computing marginal effects)
   dummyVars <- NULL
   if( nReg > 1 ) {
      for( i in 2:nReg ) {
         if( all( xMat[ , i ] %in% c( 0, 1, TRUE, FALSE ) ) ) {
            dummyVars <- c( dummyVars, colnames( xMat )[ i ] )

   # obtaining starting values for model coefficients if they are not specified
   if( is.null( start ) ) {
      uvProbit <- list()
      for( i in 1:nDep ) {
         uvProbit[[ i ]] <- suppressWarnings( glm( yMat[ , i ] ~ xMat - 1, 
            family = binomial( link = "probit" ) ) )
         start <- c( start, coef( uvProbit[[ i ]] ) )

   # obtaining starting values for correlations if they are not specified
   if( is.null( startSigma ) && length( start ) != nCoef + nDep * ( nDep - 1 ) / 2 ) {
      yHat <- matrix( NA, nrow = nObs, ncol = nDep )
      for( i in 1:nDep ) {
         yHat[ , i ] <- pnorm( xMat %*% 
            start[ ( ( i - 1 ) * nReg + 1 ):( i * nReg ) ] )
      startSigma <- cor( yMat - yHat )

   # checking and preparing model coefficients and correlation coefficients
   coef <- mvProbitPrepareCoef( yMat = yMat, nReg = nReg, coef = start, 
      sigma = startSigma )

   # starting values
   start <- c( coef$beta, coef$sigma[ lower.tri( coef$sigma ) ] )
   names( start ) <- mvProbitCoefNames( nDep = nDep, nReg = nReg )

   # wrapper function for maxLik for calling mvProbitLogLikInternal
   logLik <- function( param, yMat, xMat,
      llAlgorithm, llNGHK, llIntGrad, llOneSidedGrad, llEps, llRandom.seed, ... ) {

      logLikVal <- mvProbitLogLikInternal( yMat = yMat, xMat = xMat, 
         coef = param, sigma = NULL, algorithm = llAlgorithm, nGHK = llNGHK,
         returnGrad = llIntGrad, oneSidedGrad = llOneSidedGrad, eps = llEps, 
         randomSeed = llRandom.seed, ... )

      return( logLikVal )

   result <- maxLik( logLik = logLik, start = start, method = method, 
      finalHessian = finalHessian, 
      yMat = yMat, xMat = xMat, llAlgorithm = algorithm, llNGHK = nGHK,
      llIntGrad = intGrad, llOneSidedGrad = oneSidedGrad, llEps = eps, 
      llRandom.seed = random.seed, ... )

   # return also some other useful information
   result$call <- match.call()
   result$start <- start
   result$nDep <- nDep
   result$nReg <- nReg
   result$nObs <- nObs
   result$dummyVars <- dummyVars

   class( result ) <- c( "mvProbit", class( result ) )

   return( result )

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mvProbit documentation built on March 4, 2020, 3 p.m.