
#' A file to get publications for sites or datasets in the Neotoma Database using the API.
#' The function takes the parameters, defined by the user, and returns a table with
#'    publication information from the Neotoma Paleoecological Database.
#' @import RJSONIO RCurl
#' @param pubid Numeric Publication ID value, either from \code{get.datasets} or known.
#' @param contactid Numeric Contact ID value, either from \code{get.datasets} or \code{get.contacts}
#' @param datasetid Numeric Dataset ID, known or from \code{get.datasets}
#' @param author Character string for full or partial author's name.  Can include wildcards such as 'Smit*' for all names beginning with 'Smit'.
#' @param pubtype Character string, one of eleven allowable types, see \code{get.table('PublicationTypes')}
#' @param year Numeric publication year.
#' @param search A character string to search for within the article citation.
#' @author Simon J. Goring \email{simon.j.goring@@gmail.com}
#' @return A table is returned with several fixed columns, and a variable number
#'    of author fields:
#' \itemize{
#'  \item{PublicationID}{Unique database record identifier for the publication.}
#'  \item{PubType}{Publication type}
#'  \item{Year}{Year of publication.}
#'  \item{Citation}{The complete citation in a standard style. For legacy citations inherited from other databases, this field holds the citation as ingested from the other databases.}
#'  \item{Authors}{Array of author objects, can be of variable length.  Includes \code{Authors.ContactName.n}, \code{Authors.ContactID.n}, \code{Authors.Order.n}, where n ranges from 1 to the maximum number of authors returned by the API call.  When the maximum number of authors is 1 the number is excluded.}
#' }
#' @examples \dontrun{
#' #  To find all publications from 1998:
#' year.cont <- get_publication(year = 1998)
#' # To find all data contributors who have the last name "Smith"
#' smith.cont <- get_publication(author = 'Smith')
#' }
#' @references
#' Neotoma Project Website: http://www.neotomadb.org
#' API Reference:  http://api.neotomadb.org/doc/resources/contacts
#' @keywords Neotoma Palaeoecology API
#' @export
get_publication <- function(pubid, contactid, datasetid, author, pubtype, year, search){

  base.uri <- 'http://api.neotomadb.org/v1/data/publications'

  cl <- as.list(match.call())
  cl[[1]] <- NULL
  cl <- lapply(cl, eval, envir=parent.frame())

  #  Parameter check on pubid:
  if('pubid' %in% names(cl)){
      stop('The pubid must be numeric.')

  #  Parameter check on contactid:
  if('contactid' %in% names(cl)){
      stop('The contactid must be numeric.')

  #  Parameter check on datasetid:
  if('datasetid' %in% names(cl)){
      stop('The datasetid must be numeric.')

  #  Parameter check on author:
  if('author' %in% names(cl)){
      stop('The author must be a character string.')

  if('pubtype' %in% names(cl)){
      stop('The pubtype must be a character string.  Use get.table(\'PublicationTypes\') to find acceptable tables.')

  if('year' %in% names(cl)){
      stop('The year used must be numeric.')

  #  Parameter check on author:
  if('search' %in% names(cl)){
      stop('The search string must be a character string.')

  aa <- try(fromJSON(getForm(base.uri, .params = cl), nullValue = NA))

  if(aa[[1]] == 0){
    stop(paste('Server returned an error message:\n', aa[[2]]), call.=FALSE)
  if(aa[[1]] == 1){
    aa <- aa[[2]]
    cat('The API call was successful, you have returned ', length(aa), 'records.\n')

  if(class(aa) == 'try-error' | length(aa) == 0) output <- NA
      ## This line doesn't do anything
      ##names(aa) <- sapply(aa, function(x)x$SiteName)

      ## This line looses all the author information beyond the first
      ## suspect it is not needed
      ##aa <- lapply(aa, lapply, function(x) ifelse(length(x) == 0, NA, x))

      ## This is back now doing what is documented to do
      ## could be neater though - how about returning a list with
      ## 2 components, the first everything but the Authors array, the
      ## second the authors array *with* a link to PublicationID??
      output <- suppressMessages(melt(lapply(aa, data.frame)))
      output <- dcast(output, formula = ... ~ variable)
      output <- output[, -which(names(output) %in% "L1")]
      cols <- c("PublicationID","PubType","Year","Citation")
      cnames <- names(output)
      cnames <- cnames[!cnames %in% cols]
      cols <- c(cols, cnames)
      output <- output[, cols]


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neotoma documentation built on May 2, 2019, 5:55 p.m.