
Defines functions calcEm_HoribaPitot calcEm

Documented in calcEm calcEm_HoribaPitot

##emission calculations


#functions to calculate emissions


#to do



#kr 23/01/2012 v 0.0.6

#what it does
#calculates Emissions

#most urgent
#confirm inputs to calcEmHoribaPitot
##what exhaust parameters are needed? 
##what delay offset is being applied to conc.co2
##round up/round down?

#need to tidy the this.call
#handling give current
#not parent call!!!
#need to tidy calcEmHoribaPitot
#error catchers to add
#tempGet to be tidied 
#fix to be tidied

#to do
#make test more robust?



calcEm <- function(conc = NULL,  
                    calc.method = calcEm_HoribaPitot, analyte = NULL,
                    ..., data = NULL, fun.name = "calcEm", force = FALSE, 
                    this.call = NULL){
    dots <- quos(...)
        this.call <- match.call() 
    settings <- calcChecks(fun.name, ..., data = data)

    #get what there is 
    conc <- getPEMSElement(!!enquo(conc), data, ref.name="conc")

    temp <- attr(conc, "name")
        if(length(grep("^conc.", temp))<1) 
            checkIfMissing(if.missing = settings$if.missing, 
                           reply = paste("'", temp, "' should be concentration, \n\tdenoted conc.[analyte]", sep=""), 
                           suggest = "select suitable input or force if sure ?calcEm", if.warning = NULL, 
                           fun.name = fun.name)
    temp <- gsub("^conc.", "", temp)
        analyte <- temp
        if(temp != analyte)
            checkIfMissing(if.missing = settings$if.missing, 
                           reply =  "Input type does not match assigned 'analyte'", 
                           suggest = "select suitable input or force if sure ?calcEm", if.warning = NULL, 
                           fun.name = fun.name)

#this is based on current calcVSP approach
#but need to send it data and analyte...


        #strip output because calcVSP packing this...
        if("output" %in% names(dots))
        em <- eval_tidy(quo(calc.method(conc=conc, data=data, fun.name=fun.name,
                                        analyte=analyte, this.call=this.call, !!!dots)))
        return(pemsOutput(em, output = settings$output, data = data,  
                          fun.name = fun.name, this.call = this.call))

    checkIfMissing(if.missing = settings$if.missing, 
                   reply = "could not run calc.method!", 
                           suggest = "check ?calcEm if reason unclear", if.warning = "returning NULL", 
                           fun.name = fun.name)


#various error catchers needed

calcEm_HoribaPitot <- function(conc = NULL, time = local.time,
                    exflow = exh.flow.rate, extemp = exh.temp, 
                    express = exh.press, analyte = NULL, delay = NULL, mm = NULL,  
                    ..., force = force, data = NULL, fun.name = "calcEm_HoribaPitot", 
                    this.call = NULL){
    settings <- calcChecks(fun.name, ..., data = data)

    #get all but conc - handled by calcEM...
        time <- getPEMSElement(!!enquo(time), data, if.missing="return")
        exflow <- getPEMSElement(!!enquo(exflow), data, if.missing="return")
        extemp <- getPEMSElement(!!enquo(extemp), data, if.missing="return")
        express <- getPEMSElement(!!enquo(express), data, if.missing="return")

#    if(!force & !is.null(time)){
        #check that time is equidistant

#    }

#could pull this out as function for next few?
#note some check ref.chem, some don't

tempGet <- function(..., id=NULL, data=NULL, default=NULL){

           extra.args <- list(...)
           if(id %in% names(extra.args)) return(extra.args[[id]])
                  if(id %in% names(getPEMSConstants(data)))
              if(id %in% names(data)) return(data[[id]])
              if(id %in% names(default)) return(default[[id]])

#need to rethink mm.hc options
#maybe extend this to calcVSP etc?

         mm <- tempGet(..., id=paste("mm.", analyte[1], sep=""), data=data, default=ref.chem)
     if(is.null(mm) & analyte[1]=="hc"){
         mm.h <- tempGet(..., id="mm.h", data=data, default=ref.chem)
         alpha.exhaust.hc  <- tempGet(..., id="alpha.exhaust.hc", data=data, default=ref.chem)
         mm.c <- tempGet(..., id="mm.c", data=data, default=ref.chem)
         temp <- mm.h * alpha.exhaust.hc + mm.c
         thc.c6 <- tempGet(..., id="thc.c6", data=data, default=ref.chem)
         mm <- temp * thc.c6

#error catchers for missing cases

         delay <- tempGet(..., id=paste("delay.", analyte[1], sep=""), data=data)

#to do

    #units of all inputs
    conc <- convertUnits(conc, to = "vol%",  
                         if.missing = settings$if.missing, 
                         unit.convesions = settings$unit.conversions)
    exflow <- convertUnits(exflow, to = "L/min",  
                           if.missing = settings$if.missing, 
                           unit.convesions = settings$unit.conversions)

        conc <- c(conc[(floor(delay[1])+1): length(conc)], rep(NA, floor(delay[1])))

    em <- conc * mm * exflow * (1/60) * (1/100) * (1/22.415)  * (273.15/293.15)
    em <- pems.element(em, name=paste("em.", analyte[1], sep=""), units="g/s")
    pemsOutput(em, output = settings$output, data = data,  
               fun.name = fun.name, this.call = this.call)

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pems.utils documentation built on March 31, 2023, 3:01 p.m.