
Defines functions starting.values

starting.values <- function(family, link, vlink, rn, model, Kw, X, y, id, cl, start, other){
    # the relevant length for the start vector provided by the user is
    # either : 0 (nothing), K (the length of the beta vector or the
    # number of the additional parameter (1 most of the time, but 2 for
    # the negbin model)
    ls <- length(start)
    K <- ncol(X)
    if (family == "binomial"){
        if (model == "pooling"){
        # use Phi^-1(ybar) as starting value for the intercept and 0 for
        # the other coefficients
            if (!ls %in% c(0, K)) stop("irrelevant length for the start vector")
            if (ls == 0){
                interc <- ifelse(link == "probit", qnorm(mean(y)), - log(1 / mean(y) - 1))
                start <- c(interc, rep(0, ncol(X) - 1))
                names(start) <- colnames(X)
        if (model == "random"){
            if (!ls %in% c(0, 1, K + 1)) stop("irrelevant length for the start vector")
            if (ls <= 1){
            # the case where start is null or of length one (the sigma
            # parameter). In these cases, compute the pooling model
                startcl <- cl
                startcl[c('model', 'method', 'print.level')] <- c('pooling', 'nr', 0)
                glmest <- eval(startcl, parent.frame())
                if (ls == 0){
                # when start is null compute the starting value of sigma
                    sigma <- lnl.binomial(coef(glmest), y = y, X = X, id = id,
                                          link = link, model = "pooling", start.sigma = TRUE)
                    start <- c(coef(glmest), sigma = sigma)
                else start <- c(coef(glmest), sigma = start)

    if (family == "ordinal"){
        J <- length(unique(y))
        if (model == "pooling"){
            if (!ls %in% c(0, K + J - 2)) stop("irrelevant length for the start vector")
            if (ls == 0){
                fy <- prop.table(table(y))
                fyc <- qnorm(cumsum(fy))
                beta0 <- - fyc[1]
                sup.coef <- fyc[2:(J-1)] + beta0
                start <- c(beta0, rep(0, K-1), sup.coef)
            names(start) <- c(colnames(X), paste("mu", 1:(J - 2), sep = "_"))
        if (model == "random"){
            sup.coef.names <- "sigma"
            if (!ls %in% c(0, 1, K + J - 1)) stop("irrelevant length for the start vector")
            if (ls <= 1){
                # the case where start is null or of length one (the sigma
                # parameter). In these cases, compute the pooling model
                startcl <- cl
                startcl[c('model', 'method', 'print.level')] <- c('pooling', 'nr', 0)
                glmest <- eval(startcl, parent.frame())
                if (ls == 0){
                # when start is null compute the starting value of sigma
                    sigma <- lnl.ordinal(coef(glmest), y = y, X = X, id = id,
                                         link = link, model = "pooling", start.sigma = TRUE)
                    start <- c(coef(glmest), sigma = sigma)
                else start <- c(coef(glmest), sigma = start)
    if (family == "poisson"){
        if (model == "pooling"){
        # use Phi^-1(ybar) as starting value for the intercept
            if (!ls %in% c(0, K)) stop("irrelevant length for the start vector")
            if (ls == 0){
                start <- c(log(mean(y)), rep(0, K - 1))
                names(start) <- colnames(X)
            if (model == "within") relevant.values <- c(0, Kw)
            else relevant.values <- c(0, 1, K + 1)
            if (!ls %in% relevant.values) stop("irrelevant length for the start vector")
            if (ls <= 1){
            # the case where start is null or of length one (the sigma
            # parameter). In these cases, compute the pooling model
                startcl <- cl
                startcl$start <- NULL
                startcl[c('model', 'method', 'print.level')] <- c('pooling', 'nr', 0)
                glmest <- eval(startcl, parent.frame())
                if (ls == 0){
                    if (model == "within") start <- coef(glmest)[Kw]
                        if (FALSE){
                            big <- 100
                            init.val <- ifelse(other == "inv", big, 1/big)
                            haty <- lnl.poisson(coef(glmest), y = y, X = X, id = id,
                                                link = link, model = "pooling")
                            haty <- attr(haty, "fitted.values")
                            alphait <- y / haty
                            alphai <- tapply(alphait, id, mean)
                            sigma <- lnl.poisson(c(coef(glmest), init.val), y = y, X = X, id = id,
                                                 link = link, model = model)
                            g <- apply(attr(sigma, "gradient"), 2, sum)
                            g <- g[length(g)]
                            h <- attr(sigma, "hessian")
                            h <- h[nrow(h), nrow(h)]
                            sigma <- init.val - g / h
                            start <- c(coef(glmest), sigma = sigma)
                        start <- c(coef(glmest), sigma = 1.2)
                else start <- c(coef(glmest), sigma = start)
    if (family == "negbin"){
        if (model == "pooling"){
         # Use the Poisson model for starting values
            startcl <- cl
            startcl[c('model', 'method', 'print.level', 'family')] <- c('pooling', 'nr', 0, poisson)
            glmest <- eval(startcl, parent.frame())
            haty <- lnl.poisson(coef(glmest), y = y, X = X, id = id,
                                link = link, model = "pooling")
            haty <- attr(haty, "fitted.values")
            res <- y - haty
            V <- var(res)
            E <- mean(y)
            if (vlink == 'nb1'){
                alpha <- V / E - 1
            if (vlink == 'nb2'){
                alpha <- V / E^2 - 1 / E
##         print(alpha)
##         print(summary(lm(I(res^2/haty) ~ haty )))
##         print(summary(lm(I(res^2/haty) ~ haty -1)))
##         alpha <- coef(lm(I(res^2/haty)~ haty - 1)) - 1
##         print(alpha)
            start <- c(coef(glmest), sigma = alpha)
            if (model != "within") relevant.values <- c(0, K + 1L)
            else relevant.values <- c(0, 2, K + 3L)
            if (!ls %in% relevant.values) stop("irrelevant length for the start vector")
            if (ls <= 1){
        # the case where start is null or of length one (the sigma
        # parameter). In these cases, compute the pooling model
                startcl <- cl
                startcl[c('model', 'method', 'print.level', 'family')] <- c('pooling', 'nr', 0, poisson)
                glmest <- eval(startcl, parent.frame())
                if (ls == 0){
                    if (model == "within") start <- coef(glmest)#[within.var]
                    else start <- c(coef(glmest), a = 2, b = 1)
                else start <- c(coef(glmest), a = 2, b = 1)
    if (family == "gaussian"){
        if (is.null(other)) other <- "sd"
        if (is.null(start)){
            if (FALSE){
                startcl <- cl
                startcl[[1]] <- as.name("plm")
                startcl$family<- NULL
                startcl$model <- "random"
                glmest <- eval(startcl, parent.frame())
                theta <- glmest$ercomp$theta
                sigma2 <- glmest$ercomp$sigma2$idios
                sigmu <- glmest$ercomp$sigma2$id^0.5
                sigeps <- glmest$ercomp$sigma2$idiod^0.5
                m <- match(c("formula", "data", "subset", "na.action"),names(cl),0)
                lmcl <- cl[c(1,m)]
                lmcl[[1]] <- as.name("lm")
                lmcl <- eval(lmcl, parent.frame())
                eb <- tapply(resid(lmcl), id, mean)[as.character(id)]
                sig2mu <- var(eb)
                ew <- resid(lmcl) - eb
                sig2eta <- var(ew)
                gamma <- sig2mu / sig2eta
            if (other == "sd"){
                start <- c(coef(lmcl), sd.id = sqrt(sig2mu), sd.idios = sqrt(sig2eta))
                start <- c(coef(lmcl), gamma = gamma, sig2eta = sig2eta)

    if (family == "tobit"){
        if (model == "pooling"){
            if (!ls %in% c(0, K + 1)) stop("irrelevant length for the start vector")
            if (ls == 0){
                m <- match(c("formula", "data", "subset", "na.action"),names(cl),0)
                lmcl <- cl[c(1,m)]
                lmcl[[1]] <- as.name("lm")
                lmcl <- eval(lmcl, parent.frame())
                sig2 <- deviance(lmcl) / df.residual(lmcl)
                if (is.null(other)) other <- "sd"
                if (other == "var") sigma <- sig2
                if (other == "sd") sigma <- sqrt(sig2)
                if (other == "lsd") sigma <- log(sqrt(sig2))
                start <- c(coef(lmcl), sd.idios = sigma)
            if (ls <= 1){
                startcl <- cl
                startcl$model <- "pooling"
                pglmest <- eval(startcl, parent.frame())
                thestart <- coef(pglmest)
                if (ls == 1){
                    start <- c(thestart, start)
                    sigma <- lnl.tobit(coef(pglmest), y = y, X = X, id = id,
                                       link = link, model = "pooling", start.sigma = TRUE)
                    start <- c(thestart, sd.id = sigma)

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pglm documentation built on Jan. 16, 2020, 3 p.m.