
Defines functions onLoad onUnload postponeAction runPostponedAction simpleRegistry

Documented in onLoad onUnload postponeAction runPostponedAction simpleRegistry

# Package hooks
# Author: renaud
# Creation: 26 Jun 2012

#' @include utils.R
#' @include devutils.R
#' @import stats
#' @import methods

#' Default Load/Unload Functions
#' @inheritParams base::.onLoad
#' @inheritParams base::library.dynam
#' @export
#' @rdname load
#' @examples
#' # in a package namespace:
#' .onLoad <- function(libname=NULL, pkgname){
#' 	pkgmaker::onLoad(libname, pkgname)
#' }
onLoad <- function(libname=NULL, pkgname, chname=packageName()){
	# load compiled library normally or in devmode
	if( !is.null(libname) ){
		if( file.exists(packagePath('libs')) ){
			sapply(chname, library.dynam, package=pkgname, lib.loc=libname)
		compile_src() # compile source files and load

#' @inheritParams base::.onUnload
#' @export
#' @rdname load
#' @examples
#' # in a package namespace:
#' .onUnload <- function(libpath){
#' 	pkgmaker::onUnload(libpath)
#' }
onUnload <- function(libpath) {
	# unload compiled library normally or in devmode
	dlls <- base::getLoadedDLLs()
	pname <- packageName()
	if ( pname %in%  names(dlls) ){
		if( !missing(libpath) )	library.dynam.unload(pname, libpath)
		else dyn.unload(dlls[[pname]][['path']])

#' Postponing Actions
#' This function implement a mechanism to postpone actions, which can be executed
#' at a later stage.
#' This is useful when developing packages, where actions that need to be run in the 
#' \code{link{.onLoad}} function but can be defined close to their context.
#' @param expr expression that define the action to postpone.
#' Currently only functions are supported.
#' @param key identifier for this specific action.
#' It should be unique across the postponed actions from the same group. 
#' @param group optional parent action group.
#' This enables to define meaningful sets of actions that can be run all at once.
#' @param envir environment in which the action should be executed.
#' Currently not used.
#' @param verbose logical that toggles verbose messages.
#' @import digest
#' @export
#' @examples
#' opt <- options(verbose=2)
#' # define actions
#' postponeAction(function(){print(10)}, "print")
#' postponeAction(function(){print(1:10)}, "more")
#' postponeAction()
#' # execute actions
#' runPostponedAction()
#' runPostponedAction()
#' # restore options
#' options(opt)
postponeAction <- function(expr, key=digest(tempfile()), group=NULL, envir=topns(strict=FALSE), verbose=getOption('verbose')){
	# do not do anything if already running delayed actions
	if( isRunningPostponedAction() ) return()
	ns <- topns(strict=FALSE)
	taskObj <- simpleRegistry('.__delayedTasks__', envir=ns)
	if( !missing(expr) ){
		if( missing(key) ){
			stop("Missing required argument `key` for registering/cancelling delayed action.")
		# add group prefix
		if( !is.null(group) )
			key <- str_c(group, '::', key)
		#qe <- if( !is.language(expr) ) substitute(expr) else expr
		qe <- expr
		if( verbose ){
			if( !is.null(qe) ) message("# Postponing action '", key, "'")
				message("# Cancelling postponed action '", key, "'")
		taskObj$set(key, list(action=qe, envir=envir))

#' @rdname postponeAction
#' @export
runPostponedAction <- function(group=NULL, verbose=getOption('verbose')){
	ns <- topns(strict=FALSE)
	taskObj <- simpleRegistry('.__delayedTasks__', envir=ns)
	if( verbose ){
		message("# Executing postponed "
				, if( !is.null(group) ) paste("'", group, "' ", sep='')
				, "action(s) in package '"
				, packageName(ns, .Global=TRUE), "' ... "
				, appendLF = FALSE)
	# set up running flag
	# execute actions
	t <- taskObj$names()
	if( !is.null(group) ) t <- grep(str_c("^", group), t, value=TRUE)
	if( verbose > 1 && length(t) ) message()
	sapply(t, function(x){
				act <- taskObj$get(x)
				if( verbose > 1 ){
					message("** Action '", x, "' [", packageName(act$envir, .Global=TRUE), ']')
				taskObj$set(x, NULL)
				#eval(x$expr, x$envir)
	if( verbose ) message('OK [', length(t), ']')

# Tells if one is executing deferred tasks via \code{onLoad}
isRunningPostponedAction <- sVariable(FALSE)

#' Simple Package Registry
#' @param name name of the registry object, with which it will
#' be assigned in \code{envir}.
#' @param envir environment where to store the registry object.
#' Defaults to the caller's top environment.
#' @param verbose logical that toggle a verbose message when 
#' the object is first created.
#' @export
simpleRegistry <- function(name, envir=topenv(parent.frame()), verbose=FALSE){
	# return stored instance if it exists
	if( exists(name, envir=envir) ){
		return( invisible(get(name, envir=envir)) )
	if( verbose ) message("# Setup simple registry '", name, "' in ", packageName(envir, .Global=TRUE))
	.name <- name
	.envir <- envir
	.data <- list()
	.get <- function(x){
		if( .has(x) ){
	.set <- function(x, value){
		if( is.null(value) ){
			if( .has(x) ){
				.data[[x]] <<- NULL
			.data[[x]] <<- value
	.has <- function(x){
		x %in% names(.data)
	.cleanup <- function(){
		rm(.name, envir=.envir)
	.names <- function(){
	.length <- function(){
	.obj <- list(get=.get, set=.set, has=.has
			, cleanup=.cleanup, names=.names
			, length = .length)
	# assign container object
	assign(.name, .obj, envir=.envir)

#' Defunct Functions in pkgmaker
#' These functions have been defunct or superseded by other 
#' functions. 
#' @param ... extra arguments
#' @rdname pkgmaker-defunct
#' @name pkgmaker-defunct

#' Deprecated Functions in pkgmaker
#' These functions have been deprecated and will be defunct in the next release.
#' @param ... extra arguments
#' @rdname pkgmaker-deprecated
#' @name pkgmaker-deprecated

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pkgmaker documentation built on May 2, 2019, 4:42 p.m.