## Structural changes made to plm's original data transformation functions
## need to be mimicked in the *.collapse(.*) versions and vice versa.
## 1) Give the base-R version of the functions defined in tool_transformations.R
## a new name (*.baseR).
## 2) Implement wrapper switched which call the *.baseR or *.collapse versions
## based on the option (a logical, can be set via R's regular option
## mechanism: options("" = TRUE).
## ad 1) new name for base R functions defined in tool_transformations.R
Sum.default.baseR <- plm:::Sum.default
Sum.pseries.baseR <- plm:::Sum.pseries
Sum.matrix.baseR <- plm:::Sum.matrix
between.default.baseR <- plm:::between.default
between.pseries.baseR <- plm:::between.pseries
between.matrix.baseR <- plm:::between.matrix
Between.default.baseR <- plm:::Between.default
Between.pseries.baseR <- plm:::Between.pseries
Between.matrix.baseR <- plm:::Between.matrix
Within.default.baseR <- plm:::Within.default
Within.pseries.baseR <- plm:::Within.pseries
Within.matrix.baseR <- plm:::Within.matrix
pseriesfy.baseR <- plm:::pseriesfy # ... in tool_pdata.frame.R:
## ad 2) implement wrapper switches
#### Sum wrapper switches ####
Sum.default <- function(x, effect, ...) {
if(!isTRUE(getOption(""))) {
Sum.default.baseR(x, effect, ...) } else {
if(!isTRUE(getOption(""))) stop(, call. = FALSE)
Sum.default.collapse(x, effect, ...) }
Sum.pseries <- function(x, effect = c("individual", "time", "group"), ...) {
if(!isTRUE(getOption(""))) {
Sum.pseries.baseR(x, effect, ...) } else {
if(!isTRUE(getOption(""))) stop(, call. = FALSE)
Sum.pseries.collapse(x, effect, ...) }
Sum.matrix <- function(x, effect, ...) {
if(!isTRUE(getOption(""))) {
Sum.matrix.baseR(x, effect, ...) } else {
if(!isTRUE(getOption(""))) stop(, call. = FALSE)
Sum.matrix.collapse(x, effect, ...) }
#### Between wrapper switches ####
Between.default <- function(x, effect, ...) {
if(!isTRUE(getOption(""))) {
Between.default.baseR(x, effect, ...) } else {
if(!isTRUE(getOption(""))) stop(, call. = FALSE)
Between.default.collapse(x, effect, ...) }
Between.pseries <- function(x, effect = c("individual", "time", "group"), ...) {
if(!isTRUE(getOption(""))) {
Between.pseries.baseR(x, effect, ...) } else {
if(!isTRUE(getOption(""))) stop(, call. = FALSE)
Between.pseries.collapse(x, effect, ...) }
Between.matrix <- function(x, effect, ...) {
if(!isTRUE(getOption(""))) {
Between.matrix.baseR(x, effect, ...) } else {
if(!isTRUE(getOption(""))) stop(, call. = FALSE)
Between.matrix.collapse(x, effect, ...) }
#### between wrapper switches ####
between.default <- function(x, effect, ...) {
if(!isTRUE(getOption(""))) {
between.default.baseR(x, effect, ...) } else {
if(!isTRUE(getOption(""))) stop(, call. = FALSE)
between.default.collapse(x, effect, ...) }
between.pseries <- function(x, effect = c("individual", "time", "group"), ...) {
if(!isTRUE(getOption(""))) {
between.pseries.baseR(x, effect, ...) } else {
if(!isTRUE(getOption(""))) stop(, call. = FALSE)
between.pseries.collapse(x, effect, ...) }
between.matrix <- function(x, effect, ...) {
if(!isTRUE(getOption(""))) {
between.matrix.baseR(x, effect, ...) } else {
if(!isTRUE(getOption(""))) stop(, call. = FALSE)
between.matrix.collapse(x, effect, ...) }
#### Within wrapper switches ####
Within.default <- function(x, effect, ...) {
if(!isTRUE(getOption(""))) {
Within.default.baseR(x, effect, ...) } else {
if(!isTRUE(getOption(""))) stop(, call. = FALSE)
Within.default.collapse(x, effect, ...) }
Within.pseries <- function(x, effect = c("individual", "time", "group", "twoways"), ...) {
if(!isTRUE(getOption(""))) {
Within.pseries.baseR(x, effect, ...)
} else {
if(!isTRUE(getOption(""))) stop(, call. = FALSE)
if(is.null(getOption(""))) options("" = "collapse")
"collapse" = Within.pseries.collapse(x, effect, ...), # collapse only,
"fixest" = Within.pseries.collapse.fixest(x, effect, ...), # collapse for 1-way FE + fixest for 2-way FE,
"lfe" = Within.pseries.collapse.lfe(x, effect, ...), # collapse for 1-way FE + lfe for 2-way FE,
stop("unknown value of option ''"))
Within.matrix <- function(x, effect, rm.null = TRUE, ...) {
if(!isTRUE(getOption(""))) {
Within.matrix.baseR(x, effect, ...)
} else {
if (!isTRUE(getOption(""))) stop(, call. = FALSE)
if(is.null(getOption(""))) options("" = "collapse")
"collapse" = Within.matrix.collapse(x, effect, ...), # collapse only,
"fixest" = Within.matrix.collapse.fixest(x, effect, ...), # collapse for 1-way FE + fixest for 2-way FE,
"lfe" = Within.matrix.collapse.lfe(x, effect, ...), # collapse for 1-way FE + lfe for 2-way FE,
stop("unknown value of option ''"))
#### Sum ####
Sum.default.collapse <- function(x, effect, ...) {
# print("Sum.default.collapse")
# browser()
# argument 'effect' is assumed to be a factor
if(!is.numeric(x)) stop("The Sum function only applies to numeric vectors")
# check for presence of na.rm in dots, if not present set to FALSE
na.rm <- if(missing(...) || is.null(na.rm <- list(...)$na.rm)) FALSE else na.rm
res <- collapse::fsum(x, g = effect, w = NULL, na.rm = na.rm, TRA = "replace")
names(res) <- as.character(effect)
Sum.pseries.collapse <- function(x, effect = c("individual", "time", "group"), ...) {
# print("Sum.pseries.collapse")
# browser()
effect <- match.arg(effect)
# check for presence of na.rm in dots, if not present set to FALSE
na.rm <- if(missing(...) || is.null(na.rm <- list(...)$na.rm)) FALSE else na.rm <- switch(effect,
"individual" = 1L,
"time" = 2L,
"group" = 3L,
stop("unknown value of argument 'effect'"))
xindex <- unclass(attr(x, "index")) # unclass for speed
checkNA.index(xindex) # index may not contain any NA
eff.fac <- xindex[[]]
res <- collapse::fsum(x, g = eff.fac, w = NULL, na.rm = na.rm, TRA = "replace")
names(res) <- as.character(eff.fac)
res <- add_pseries_features(res, attr(x, "index"))
Sum.matrix.collapse <- function(x, effect, ...) {
# print("Sum.matrix.collapse")
# browser()
# if no index attribute, argument 'effect' is assumed to be a factor
eff.fac <- if(is.null(xindex <- attr(x, "index"))) {
} else {
if(!is.character(effect) && length(effect) > 1L)
stop("for matrices with index attributes, the effect argument must be a character")
if(! effect %in% c("individual", "time", "group"))
stop("irrelevant effect for a Sum transformation") <- switch(effect,
"individual" = 1L,
"time" = 2L,
"group" = 3L,
stop("unknown value of argument 'effect'"))
xindex <- unclass(xindex) # unclass for speed
checkNA.index(xindex) # index may not contain any NA
# check for presence of na.rm in dots, if not present set to FALSE
na.rm <- if(missing(...) || is.null(na.rm <- list(...)$na.rm)) FALSE else na.rm
res <- collapse::fsum(x, g = eff.fac, w = NULL, na.rm = na.rm, drop = FALSE, TRA = "replace")
rownames(res) <- as.character(eff.fac)
attr(res, "index") <- NULL
#### B/between ####
# Need separate implementations of Between.pseries and between.pseries due to different NA handling
Between.default.collapse <- function(x, effect, ...) {
# print("Between.default.collapse")
# browser()
# argument 'effect' is assumed to be a factor
if(!is.numeric(x)) stop("The Between function only applies to numeric vectors")
# check for presence of na.rm in dots, if not present set to FALSE
na.rm <- if(missing(...) || is.null(na.rm <- list(...)$na.rm)) FALSE else na.rm
nms <- as.character(effect)
res <- collapse::fbetween(x, g = effect, w = NULL, na.rm = na.rm)
names(res) <- nms
between.default.collapse <- function(x, effect, ...) {
# print("between.default.collapse")
# browser()
# argument 'effect' is assumed to be a factor
if(!is.numeric(x)) stop("The Between function only applies to numeric vectors")
# check for presence of na.rm in dots, if not present set to FALSE
na.rm <- if(missing(...) || is.null(na.rm <- list(...)$na.rm)) FALSE else na.rm
res <- collapse::fbetween(x, g = effect, w = NULL, na.rm = na.rm, fill = TRUE)
keep <- !duplicated(effect)
res <- res[keep]
names(res) <- as.character(effect[keep])
# bring into factor level order (not order as appears in orig. data)
lvl <- levels(collapse::fdroplevels(effect))
res <- res[lvl]
Between.pseries.collapse <- function(x, effect = c("individual", "time", "group"), ...) {
# print("Between.pseries.collapse")
# browser()
# translate arguments
effect <- match.arg(effect)
# check for presence of na.rm in dots, if not present set to FALSE
na.rm <- if(missing(...) || is.null(na.rm <- list(...)$na.rm)) FALSE else na.rm <- switch(effect,
"individual" = 1L,
"time" = 2L,
"group" = 3L,
stop("unknown value of argument 'effect'"))
xindex <- unclass(attr(x, "index")) # unclass for speed
checkNA.index(xindex) # index may not contain any NA
nms <- as.character(xindex[[]])
na.x <-
# must be fill = TRUE [to catch case when 1 obs of an individual is NA (otherwise result could contain non-intended NA)]
res <- collapse::fbetween(x, effect =, w = NULL, na.rm = na.rm, fill = TRUE)
names(res) <- nms
res[na.x] <- NA
between.pseries.collapse <- function(x, effect = c("individual", "time", "group"), ...) {
# print("between.pseries.collapse")
# browser()
effect <- match.arg(effect)
# check for presence of na.rm in dots, if not present set to FALSE
na.rm <- if(missing(...) || is.null(na.rm <- list(...)$na.rm)) FALSE else na.rm <- switch(effect,
"individual" = 1L,
"time" = 2L,
"group" = 3L,
stop("unknown value of argument 'effect'"))
xindex <- unclass(attr(x, "index")) # unclass for speed
checkNA.index(xindex) # index may not contain any NA
i <- xindex[[]]
# must be fill = TRUE [to catch case when 1 obs of an individual is NA
# (otherwise result could contain non-intended NA)]
res <- collapse::fbetween(x, effect =, w = NULL, na.rm = na.rm, fill = TRUE)
res <- remove_pseries_features(res)
keep <- !duplicated(i)
res <- res[keep]
names(res) <- as.character(i[keep])
# bring into factor level order (not order as appears in orig. data)
lvl <- levels(collapse::fdroplevels(i))
res <- res[lvl]
Between.matrix.collapse <- function(x, effect, ...) {
# print("Between.matrix.collapse")
# browser()
# if no index attribute, argument 'effect' is assumed to be a factor
eff.fac <- if(is.null(xindex <- attr(x, "index"))) {
} else {
if(!is.character(effect) && length(effect) > 1L)
stop("for matrices with index attributes, the effect argument must be a character")
if(! effect %in% c("individual", "time", "group"))
stop("irrelevant effect for a between transformation") <- switch(effect,
"individual" = 1L,
"time" = 2L,
"group" = 3L,
stop("unknown value of argument 'effect'"))
xindex <- unclass(xindex) # unclass for speed
checkNA.index(xindex) # index may not contain any NA
# check for presence of na.rm in dots, if not present set to FALSE
na.rm <- if(missing(...) || is.null(na.rm <- list(...)$na.rm)) FALSE else na.rm
na.x <-
res <- collapse::fbetween(x, g = eff.fac, w = NULL, na.rm = na.rm, fill = TRUE)
attr(res, "index") <- NULL
rownames(res) <- as.character(eff.fac)
res[na.x] <- NA
between.matrix.collapse <- function(x, effect, ...) {
# print("between.matrix.collapse")
# browser()
# if no index attribute, argument 'effect' is assumed to be a factor
eff.fac <- if(is.null(xindex <- attr(x, "index"))) {
} else {
if(!is.character(effect) && length(effect) > 1L)
stop("for matrices with index attributes, the effect argument must be a character")
if(! effect %in% c("individual", "time", "group"))
stop("irrelevant effect for a between transformation") <- switch(effect,
"individual" = 1L,
"time" = 2L,
"group" = 3L,
stop("unknown value of argument 'effect'"))
xindex <- unclass(xindex) # unclass for speed
checkNA.index(xindex) # index may not contain any NA
# check for presence of na.rm in dots, if not present set to FALSE
na.rm <- if(missing(...) || is.null(na.rm <- list(...)$na.rm)) FALSE else na.rm
res <- collapse::fbetween(x, g = eff.fac, w = NULL, na.rm = na.rm, fill = TRUE)
rownames(res) <- as.character(eff.fac)
# compress data to number of unique individuals (or time periods)
res <- res[!duplicated(eff.fac), , drop = FALSE]
# bring into factor level order (not order as appears in orig. data)
lvl <- levels(collapse::fdroplevels(eff.fac))
res <- res[lvl, , drop = FALSE]
#### Within ####
# Within - default
Within.default.collapse <- function(x, effect, ...) {
# print("Within.default.collapse")
# browser()
# argument 'effect' is assumed to be a factor
if(!is.numeric(x)) stop("the within function only applies to numeric vectors")
# check for presence of na.rm in dots, if not present set to FALSE
na.rm <- if(missing(...) || is.null(na.rm <- list(...)$na.rm)) FALSE else na.rm
res <- collapse::fwithin(x, g = effect, w = NULL, na.rm = na.rm)
# =(plm)= res <- x - Between(x, effect, ...)
names(res) <- as.character(effect)
Within.pseries.collapse <- function(x, effect = c("individual", "time", "group", "twoways"), ...) {
# print("Within.pseries.collapse")
# browser()
effect <- match.arg(effect)
# check for presence of na.rm in dots, if not present set to FALSE
na.rm <- if(missing(...) || is.null(na.rm <- list(...)$na.rm)) FALSE else na.rm
xindex <- unclass(attr(x, "index")) # unclass for speed
checkNA.index(xindex) # index may not contain any NA
if(effect != "twoways") { <- switch(effect,
"individual" = 1L,
"time" = 2L,
"group" = 3L,
stop("unknown value of argument 'effect'"))
res <- collapse::fwithin(x, effect =, w = NULL, na.rm = na.rm, mean = 0)
} else {
eff.ind.fac <- xindex[[1L]]
eff.time.fac <- xindex[[2L]]
if(is.pbalanced(eff.ind.fac, eff.time.fac)) {
# effect = "twoways" - balanced
res <- collapse::fwithin( x, effect = 1L, w = NULL, na.rm = na.rm, mean = "overall.mean") -
collapse::fbetween(x, effect = 2L, w = NULL, na.rm = na.rm, fill = TRUE)
# =(plm)= res <- x - Between(x, "individual", ...) - Between(x, "time", ...) + mean(x, ...)
} else {
# effect = "twoways" - unbalanced
Dmu <- model.matrix(~ eff.time.fac - 1)
W1 <- collapse::fwithin(x, effect = 1L, w = NULL, na.rm = na.rm, mean = 0) # pseries interface
WDmu <- collapse::fwithin(Dmu, g = eff.ind.fac, w = NULL, na.rm = na.rm, mean = 0) # matrix interface
W2 <-, x)$fitted.values
res <- W1 - W2
Within.matrix.collapse <- function(x, effect, rm.null = TRUE, ...) {
# print("Within.matrix.collapse")
# browser()
if(is.null(xindex <- attr(x, "index"))) {
# non-index case, 'effect' needs to be a factor
result <- Within.default(x, effect, ...)
othervar <- colSums(abs(x)) > sqrt(.Machine$double.eps)
if(rm.null) {
result <- result[ , othervar, drop = FALSE]
attr(result, "constant") <- character(0)
else attr(result, "constant") <- colnames(x)[! othervar]
else {
# index case
xindex <- unclass(xindex) # unclass for speed
checkNA.index(xindex) # index may not contain any NA
# check for presence of na.rm in dots, if not present set to FALSE
na.rm <- if(missing(...) || is.null(na.rm <- list(...)$na.rm)) FALSE else na.rm
if(effect != "twoways") {
eff.fac <- switch(effect,
"individual" = xindex[[1L]],
"time" = xindex[[2L]],
"group" = xindex[[3L]],
stop("unknown value of argument 'effect'"))
result <- collapse::fwithin(x, g = eff.fac, w = NULL, na.rm = na.rm, mean = 0)
# =(plm)= result <- x - Between(x, effect)
} else {
# effect = "twoways"
eff.ind.fac <- xindex[[1L]]
eff.time.fac <- xindex[[2L]]
if(is.pbalanced(eff.ind.fac, eff.time.fac)) {
# balanced twoways
result <- collapse::fwithin( x, g = eff.ind.fac, w = NULL, na.rm = na.rm, mean = "overall.mean") -
collapse::fbetween(x, g = eff.time.fac, w = NULL, na.rm = na.rm, fill = TRUE)
# =(plm)= result <- x - Between(x, "individual", ...) - Between(x, "time", ...) +
# matrix(colMeans(x, ...), nrow = nrow(x), ncol = ncol(x), byrow = TRUE)
else { # unbalanced twoways
# as factor is used twice below, make it a collapse::GRP object -> should give some speed-up
eff.ind.fac <- collapse::GRP(eff.ind.fac, group.sizes = FALSE, return.groups = FALSE, call = FALSE)
Dmu <- model.matrix(~ eff.time.fac - 1)
W1 <- collapse::fwithin(x, g = eff.ind.fac, w = NULL, na.rm = na.rm, mean = 0)
WDmu <- collapse::fwithin(Dmu, g = eff.ind.fac, w = NULL, na.rm = na.rm, mean = 0)
W2 <-, x)$fitted.values
result <- W1 - W2
#### These functions use collpase::fhdwithin (using internally fixest::demean)
#### or lfe::demeanlist respectively, for
#### the 2-way within transformation which are dramatically faster than
#### the implementation via separate collapse::fwithin calls (due to the special
#### algorithms used to partial out the fixed effects)
Within.pseries.collapse.fixest <- function(x, effect = c("individual", "time", "group", "twoways"), ...) {
# print("Within.pseries.collapse.fixest")
# browser()
effect <- match.arg(effect)
# check for presence of na.rm in dots, if not present set to FALSE
na.rm <- if(missing(...) || is.null(na.rm <- list(...)$na.rm)) FALSE else na.rm
xindex <- unclass(attr(x, "index")) # unclass for speed
checkNA.index(xindex) # index may not contain any NA
if(effect != "twoways") { <- switch(effect,
"individual" = 1L,
"time" = 2L,
"group" = 3L,
stop("unknown value of argument 'effect'"))
# in 1-way case fwithin seems faster than fhdwithin, so keep 1-way and 2-way
# cases separated
res <- collapse::fwithin(x, effect =, w = NULL, na.rm = na.rm, mean = 0)
} else {
# effect = "twoways"
# dispatches to pseries method
res <- collapse::fhdwithin(x, effect = 1:2, w = NULL, na.rm = na.rm)
Within.matrix.collapse.fixest <- function(x, effect, rm.null = TRUE, ...) {
# print("Within.matrix.collapse.fixest")
# browser()
if(is.null(xindex <- attr(x, "index"))) {
# non-index case, 'effect' needs to be a factor
result <- Within.default(x, effect, ...)
othervar <- colSums(abs(x)) > sqrt(.Machine$double.eps)
if(rm.null) {
result <- result[ , othervar, drop = FALSE]
attr(result, "constant") <- character(0)
else attr(result, "constant") <- colnames(x)[! othervar]
else {
# index case
xindex <- unclass(xindex) # unclass for speed
checkNA.index(xindex) # index may not contain any NA
# check for presence of na.rm in dots, if not present set to FALSE
na.rm <- if(missing(...) || is.null(na.rm <- list(...)$na.rm)) FALSE else na.rm
if(effect != "twoways") {
eff.fac <- switch(effect,
"individual" = xindex[[1L]],
"time" = xindex[[2L]],
"group" = xindex[[3L]],
stop("unknown value of argument 'effect'"))
## result <- collapse::fhdwithin(x, eff.fac) # needs pkg fixest
# --> for one-way effect, this seems slower than collapse::fwithin
result <- collapse::fwithin(x, g = eff.fac, w = NULL, na.rm = na.rm, mean = 0)
# =(plm)= result <- x - Between(x, effect)
} else {
# effect = "twoways"
# no need to distinguish between balanced/unbalanced
# as this is fully handled by collapse::fhdwithin()
# collapse::fhdwithin needs pkg fixest as it uses fixest::demean
result <- collapse::fhdwithin(x, fl = xindex[1:2], w = NULL, na.rm = na.rm)
Within.pseries.collapse.lfe <- function(x, effect = c("individual", "time", "group", "twoways"), ...) {
# print("Within.pseries.collapse.lfe")
# browser()
effect <- match.arg(effect)
xindex <- unclass(attr(x, "index"))
checkNA.index(xindex) # index may not contain any NA
# check for presence of na.rm in dots, if not present set to FALSE
na.rm <- if(missing(...) || is.null(na.rm <- list(...)$na.rm)) FALSE else na.rm
if(effect != "twoways") { <- switch(effect,
"individual" = 1L,
"time" = 2L,
"group" = 3L,
stop("unknown value of argument 'effect'"))
# collapse::fwithin is faster in 1-ways case than lfe::demanlist, so
# keep cases separated
res <- collapse::fwithin(x, effect =, w = NULL, na.rm = na.rm, mean = 0)
} else {
# effect = "twoways"
# no need to distinguish between balanced/unbalanced
# as this is fully handled by lfe::dmeanlist()
res <- unlist(lfe::demeanlist(x, fl = xindex[1:2], na.rm = na.rm))
res <- add_pseries_features(res, attr(x, "index")) # index needs to be a proper pindex here!
Within.matrix.collapse.lfe <- function(x, effect, rm.null = TRUE, ...) {
# print("Within.matrix.collapse.lfe")
# browser()
if(is.null(xindex <- attr(x, "index"))) {
# non-index case, 'effect' needs to be a factor
result <- Within.default(x, effect, ...)
othervar <- colSums(abs(x)) > sqrt(.Machine$double.eps)
if(rm.null) {
result <- result[ , othervar, drop = FALSE]
attr(result, "constant") <- character(0)
else attr(result, "constant") <- colnames(x)[! othervar]
else {
# index case
xindex <- unclass(xindex)
checkNA.index(xindex) # index may not contain any NA
# check for presence of na.rm in dots, if not present set to FALSE
na.rm <- if(missing(...) || is.null(na.rm <- list(...)$na.rm)) FALSE else na.rm
if(effect != "twoways") {
eff.fac <- switch(effect,
"individual" = xindex[[1L]],
"time" = xindex[[2L]],
"group" = xindex[[3L]],
stop("unknown value of argument 'effect'"))
# collapse::fwithin is faster in 1-ways case than lfe::demanlist, so
# keep cases separated
result <- collapse::fwithin(x, g = eff.fac, w = NULL, na.rm = na.rm, mean = 0)
# =(plm)= result <- x - Between(x, effect)
} else {
# effect = "twoways"
# no need to distinguish between balanced/unbalanced
# as this is fully handled by lfe::dmeanlist()
# lfe::demeanlist (lfe vers. 2.8-6) return value for matrix input is
# inconsistent / depends on value of argument na.rm,
# see
result <- lfe::demeanlist(x, fl = xindex[1:2], na.rm = na.rm)
if(is.list(result)) result <- result[[1L]]
attr(result, "index") <- attr(x, "index") # index needs to be a proper pindex here!
#### wrapper for pseriesfy ####
# both pseriesfy functions are in file tool_pdata.frame.R
pseriesfy <- function(x, ...) {
if(!isTRUE(getOption(""))) {
pseriesfy.baseR(x, ...) } else {
if(!isTRUE(getOption(""))) stop(, call. = FALSE)
pseriesfy.collapse(x, ...) }
.onAttach <- function(libname, pkgname) {
# options("" = TRUE) # not yet the default, maybe in Q3/2021,
# would need pkg collapse as hard dependency
# determine when pkg plm is attached whether pkg collapse, fixest, and lfe are
# available and set (non-documented) options, which packages are available.
# These options are used to determine in the wrappers if fast mode can be used
# and if the speed up by fixest or lfe for the 2-way FE case can be used.
avail.collapse <- requireNamespace("collapse", quietly = TRUE)
avail.fixest <- requireNamespace("fixest", quietly = TRUE)
avail.lfe <- requireNamespace("lfe", quietly = TRUE)
if(avail.collapse) {
options("" = TRUE)
options("" = "collapse")
# fixest wins over lfe
if(avail.fixest) {
options("" = "fixest")
} else {
if(avail.lfe) {
options("" = "lfe")
else options("" = FALSE)
#' Option to Switch On/Off Fast Data Transformations
#' A significant speed up can be gained by using fast (panel) data transformation
#' functions from package `collapse`.
#' An additional significant speed up for the two-way fixed effects case can be
#' achieved if package `fixest` or `lfe` is installed (package `collapse`
#' needs to be installed for the fast mode in any case).
#' @details By default, this speed up is not enabled.
#' Option `` can be used to enable/disable the speed up. The option is
#' evaluated prior to execution of supported transformations (see below), so
#' `option("" = TRUE)` enables the speed up while
#' `option("" = FALSE)` disables the speed up.
#' To have it always switched on, put `options("" = TRUE)` in your
#' .Rprofile file.
#' See **Examples** for how to use the option and for a benchmarking example.
#' By default, package `plm` uses base R implementations and R-based code. The
#' package `collapse` provides fast data transformation functions written
#' in C/C++, among them some especially suitable for panel data.
#' Having package `collapse` installed is a requirement for the speed up.
#' However, this package is currently not a hard dependency for package `plm`
#' but a 'Suggests' dependency.
#' Availability of packages `fixest` and `lfe` is checked for once when
#' package plm is attached and the additional speed up for the two-way fixed
#' effect case is enabled automatically (`fixest` wins over `lfe`),
#' given one of the packages is detected and `options("" = TRUE)` is set.
#' If so, the packages' fast algorithms to partial out fixed effects are
#' used (`fixest::demean` (via `collapse::fhdwithin`), `lfe::demeanlist`).
#' Both packages are 'Suggests' dependencies.
#' Currently, these functions benefit from the speed-up (more functions are
#' under investigation):
#' \itemize{
#' \item between,
#' \item Between,
#' \item Sum,
#' \item Within,
#' \item pseriesfy.
#' }
#' @name
#' @keywords sysdata manip
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' ### A benchmark of plm without and with speed-up
#' library("plm")
#' library("collapse")
#' library("microbenchmark")
#' rm(list = ls())
#' data("wlddev", package = "collapse")
#' form <- LIFEEX ~ PCGDP + GINI
#' # produce big data set (taken from collapse's vignette)
#' wlddevsmall <- get_vars(wlddev, c("iso3c","year","OECD","PCGDP","LIFEEX","GINI","ODA"))
#' wlddevsmall$iso3c <- as.character(wlddevsmall$iso3c)
#' data <- replicate(100, wlddevsmall, simplify = FALSE)
#' rm(wlddevsmall)
#' uniquify <- function(x, i) {
#' x$iso3c <- paste0(x$iso3c, i)
#' x
#' }
#' data <- unlist2d(Map(uniquify, data, as.list(1:100)), idcols = FALSE)
#' data <- pdata.frame(data, index = c("iso3c", "year"))
#' pdim(data) # Balanced Panel: n = 21600, T = 59, N = 1274400 // but many NAs
#' # data <- na.omit(data)
#' # pdim(data) # Unbalanced Panel: n = 13300, T = 1-31, N = 93900
#' times <- 1 # no. of repetitions for benchmark - this takes quite long!
#' onewayFE <- microbenchmark(
#' {options("" = FALSE); plm(form, data = data, model = "within")},
#' {options("" = TRUE); plm(form, data = data, model = "within")},
#' times = times, unit = "relative")
#' summary(onewayFE)
#' ## two-ways FE benchmark requires pkg fixest and lfe
#' ## (End-users shall only set option Option shall
#' ## _not_ be set by the end-user, it is determined automatically when pkg plm
#' ## is attached; however, it needs to be set explicitly in this example for the
#' ## benchmark.)
#' if(requireNamespace("fixest", quietly = TRUE) &&
#' requireNamespace("lfe", quietly = TRUE)) {
#' twowayFE <- microbenchmark(
#' {options("" = FALSE);
#' plm(form, data = data, model = "within", effect = "twoways")},
#' {options("" = TRUE, "" = "collapse");
#' plm(form, data = data, model = "within", effect = "twoways")},
#' {options("" = TRUE, "" = "fixest");
#' plm(form, data = data, model = "within", effect = "twoways")},
#' {options("" = TRUE, "" = "lfe");
#' plm(form, data = data, model = "within", effect = "twoways")},
#' times = times, unit = "relative")
#' summary(twowayFE)
#' }
#' onewayRE <- microbenchmark(
#' {options("" = FALSE); plm(form, data = data, model = "random")},
#' {options("" = TRUE); plm(form, data = data, model = "random")},
#' times = times, unit = "relative")
#' summary(onewayRE)
#' twowayRE <- microbenchmark(
#' {options("" = FALSE); plm(form, data = data, model = "random", effect = "twoways")},
#' {options("" = TRUE); plm(form, data = data, model = "random", effect = "twoways")},
#' times = times, unit = "relative")
#' summary(twowayRE)
#' }
NULL <- paste0("options(\"\") is set to TRUE but package 'collapse'",
"is not available which is needed for fast data transformation functions.",
"Either set 'options(\"\" = FALSE)' or install the",
"missing package, e.g., with 'install.packages(\"collapse\")'.\n",
"Having additionally package 'fixest' or 'lfe' installed ",
"will speed up the two-way fixed effect case further.\n",
"Availability of packages is determined only when ",
"plm is attached, so restart R/reload plm when mentioned ",
"packages have been installed.")
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