

# start at c(200,30)
predatorprey <- function(lambda=1, epsilon=.001,delta=1, eta=.001){
        if (is.null(y)) {
            y <- x[2]; x <- x[1];
        dx <- (lambda - epsilon*y)*x;
        dy <- (-delta + eta*x)*y;
        return( c(dx, dy))

competition <- function(mu=2, lambda=2, Kx=1000, Ky=500) {
        if (is.null(y)) {
            y<- x[2]; x <- x[1];
        dx <- mu*(1-(x+y)/Kx)*x;
        dy <- lambda*(1-(x+y)/Ky)*y;
        return( c(dx, dy) );

newtoncooling <- function(a1,a2) {
        if (is.null(y)) {
            y<- x[2]; x <- x[1];
        dx <- a1*(y-x);
        dy <- a2*(x-y);
        return( c(dx, dy) );

fhn <- function(gamma=2.5, epsilon=1, a=0.3) {
        if (is.null(y)) {
            y<- x[2]; x <- x[1];
#  gamma = 2.5;
#  epsilon=1;
#  a = 0.3;
        dx <- -x*(x-a)*(x-1) - y;
        dy <- epsilon*(x - gamma*y);
        return( c(dx, dy) );

disease <- function(b=1,mu=1,C=2){
        if (is.null(y)) {
            y<- x[2]; x <- x[1];
        dx <- b-C*x*y;
        dy <- C*x*y - mu*y;
        return( c(dx, dy) );

linear <- function(x0,y0,a,b,c,d,e=0,f=0) {
    foo <- function(x,y=NULL) {
        if (is.null(y)) {
            y<- x[2]; x <- x[1];
        dx <- a*(x-x0) + b*(y-y0) + e;
        dy <- c*(x-x0) + d*(y-y0) + f;
        return( c(dx, dy) );

spring1 <- linear(0,0,0,1,-2,-1);
spring2 <- linear(0,0,0,1,-2,-5);
spring3 <- linear(0,0,0,1,-2,.3);
#pp <- predatorprey(.08, .001, .002, .00002);
pp <- predatorprey(1, .001, 1, .001);
comp <- competition(1,2,1000000,10000000);
linsys <- linear(0,0,.8,.5,-.1,1.0)

eulerxy <- function(fun,x0,tstart=0,tend=1) {
    dt <- min(.005, (tend - tstart)/100);
    nsteps <- round( .5+(tend-tstart)/dt);
    xout <- matrix(0,nsteps+1,length(x0));
    tout <- matrix(0, nsteps+1, 1);
    tout[1] = tstart;
    xout[1,] <- x0;
    for (k in 2:(nsteps+1)) {
        x0 <- x0 + dt*fun(x0);
        xout[k,] <- x0;
        tout[k] <- tout[k-1]+dt;

# Jacobian at a point.
jacobianAtXY <- function(fun,x=NULL, y=NULL){
    if (is.null(x) | is.null(y)) {
        x0 <- locator(n=1);
        x <- x0$x; 
        y <- x0$y;  
    foo <- fun(x,y);
    h <- .000001;
    foox <- fun(x+h,y);
    fooy <- fun(x,y+h);
    A <- (foox[1] - foo[1])/h;
    B <- (fooy[1] - foo[1])/h;
    C <- (foox[2] - foo[2])/h;
    D <- (fooy[2] - foo[2])/h;
    return(matrix( c(A,B,C,D ), 2,2, byrow=T))

# runge-kutta
rk <- function(fun,x0,tstart=0,tend=1) {
    dt <- min(.02, (tend - tstart)/100);
    nsteps <- round( .5+(tend-tstart)/dt);
    xout <- matrix(0,nsteps+1,length(x0));
    tout <- matrix(0,nsteps+1,1);
    tout[1] <- tstart;
    xout[1,] <- x0;
    for (k in 2:(nsteps+1)) {
        k1 <- dt*fun(x0);
        k2 <- dt*fun(x0+k1/2);
        k3 <- dt*fun(x0+k2/2);
        k4 <- dt*fun(x0+k3);
        x0 <- x0 + (k1+k4+(k2+k3)*2)/6;
        xout[k,] <- x0;
        tout[k] <- tout[k-1]+dt;
    return( list(x=xout,t=tout) );

showcontours <- function(fun,xlims, ylims, resol=50,add=F, colors=c('red', 'blue')) {
    x <- matrix(seq(xlims[1],xlims[2], length=resol), byrow=F, resol,resol);
    y <- matrix(seq(ylims[1],ylims[2], length=resol), byrow=T, resol, resol);
    npts = resol*resol;
    z <- fun(x,y);
    z1 <- matrix(z[1:npts], resol, resol);
    z2 <- matrix(z[(npts+1):(2*npts)], resol, resol);
    contour(x[,1],y[1,],z1, add=add, col=colors[1]);
    contour(x[,1],y[1,],z2, add=T, col=colors[2]); 

nullclines <- function(fun,xlims, ylims, resol=50, add=F,colors=c('red', 'blue')) {
    x <- matrix(seq(xlims[1],xlims[2], length=resol), byrow=F, resol,resol);
    y <- matrix(seq(ylims[1],ylims[2], length=resol),byrow=T, resol, resol);
    npts = resol*resol;
    z <- fun(x,y);
    z1 <- matrix(z[1:npts], resol, resol);
    z2 <- matrix(z[(npts+1):(2*npts)], resol, resol);
    contour(x[,1],y[1,],z1,levels=c(0), add=add, col=colors[1]);
    contour(x[,1],y[1,],z2,levels=c(0), add=T, col=colors[2]); 

phasearrows <- function(fun,xlims,ylims,resol=10, col='black', add=F) {
    if (add==F) {
        plot(1,xlim=xlims, ylim=ylims, type='n');
    x <- matrix(seq(xlims[1],xlims[2], length=resol), byrow=T, resol,resol);
    y <- matrix(seq(ylims[1],ylims[2], length=resol),byrow=F, resol, resol);
    npts <- resol*resol;
    xspace <- abs(diff(xlims))/(resol*5);
    yspace <- abs(diff(ylims))/(resol*5);
    x <- x + matrix(runif(npts, -xspace, xspace),resol,resol);
    y <- y + matrix(runif(npts, -yspace, yspace),resol,resol);
    z <- fun(x,y);
    z1 <- matrix(z[1:npts], resol, resol);
    z2 <- matrix(z[(npts+1):(2*npts)], resol, resol);
    maxx <- max(abs(z1));
    maxy <- max(abs(z2));
    dt <- min( abs(diff(xlims))/maxx, abs(diff(ylims))/maxy)/resol;
    lens <- sqrt(z1^2 + z2^2);
    lens2 <- lens/max(lens); 
    arrows(c(x), c(y), c(x+dt*z1/((lens2)+.1)), c(y+dt*z2/((lens2)+.1)),length=.04, col=col);

phasetraj <- function(fun,tdur=1,tstart=0,tend=tstart+tdur,color='orange'){
    x0 <- locator(n=1);
    traj <- rk(fun,c(x0$x, x0$y),tstart,tend);
    lines(traj$x[,1], traj$x[,2], col=color);


nullclines(fhn(),c(-.3,1.2),c(-.2,.5), 40);
phasearrows(fhn(),c(-.3,1.2),c(-.2,.5), 20);
#phasetraj(fhn(),c(-.3,1.2),c(-.2,.5), 40);
#phasetraj(fhn(),c(-.3,1.2),c(-.2,.5), 40);

#nullclines(disease(),c(-.3,3),c(-.3,3), 40);
#phasearrows(disease(),c(-.3,3),c(-.3,3), 20);

#nullclines(predatorprey, c(-10,2000),c(-10,2000), 80);
#phasearrows(predatorprey, c(-10,2000),c(-10,2000), 20);
#phasetraj(predatorprey, c(-10,2000),c(-10,2000), 80);

#nullclines(competition, c(-10,1100),c(-10,1100), 80);
#phasearrows(competition, c(-10,1100),c(-10,1100), 20);

#nullclines(newtoncooling, c(-10,100), c(-10,100), 50);
#phasearrows(newtoncooling, c(-10,100), c(-10,100), 20);

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pplane documentation built on May 2, 2019, 6:07 p.m.