## l i n p r o g . R Linear Programming Solver
linprog <- function(cc, A = NULL, b = NULL, Aeq = NULL, beq = NULL,
lb = NULL, ub = NULL, x0 = NULL, I0 = NULL,
bigM = 100, maxiter = 20, maximize = FALSE)
.lp.check(cc, A, b, Aeq, beq, lb, ub, x0, I0)
if (maximize) cc <- -cc
# there are only inequality constraints
if (is.null(Aeq) && all(b >= 0)) {
# go and find a base vector and index set
Pin <- .lp.create(cc, A, b, lb, ub)
Sin <- .lp.solve(Pin$cc, Pin$A, Pin$b, Pin$x0, Pin$I0,
maxiter = maxiter)
# find a feasible base vector first
} else {
# there are only equality constraints
if (is.null(A) && is.null(lb) && is.null(ub)) {
A <- Aeq
b <- beq
cc0 <- cc
# there are both equality and inequality constraints
} else {
Pin <- .lp.create(cc, A, b, lb, ub)
Ain <- Pin$A
bin <- Pin$b
cc0 <- Pin$cc
if (!is.null(Aeq)) {
Aeq <- cbind(Aeq, matrix(0, nrow = nrow(Aeq),
ncol = ncol(Ain)-ncol(Aeq)))
A <- rbind(Ain, Aeq)
b <- c(Pin$b, beq)
} else {
A <- Ain
b <- bin
# only equalities; now guarantee that b >= 0
inds <- which(b < 0)
if (length(inds) > 0) {
A[inds, ] <- -A[inds, ]
b[inds] <- -b[inds]
# all constraints combined in one equality matrix A and vectors b, cc
m <- nrow(A); n <- ncol(A)
A0 <- cbind(A, diag(m))
b0 <- b
x0 <- c(rep(0, n), b0)
I0 <- (n+1):(n+m)
if (bigM > 0) { # big-M approach
M <- bigM
k <- 1; kmax <- 8
while (k < kmax) {
f <- c(cc0, rep(M, m))
Sin <- .lp.solve(f, A0, b0, x0, I0, maxiter = maxiter)
if (Sin$errno < 0 || all(Sin$x[I0] == 0)) break
M <- 10 * M
k <- k + 1
# browser()
if (k >= kmax) {
Sin$errno <- -4
} else { # phase-I approach
f <- rep(1, n+m)
Sin <- .lp.solve(f, A0, b0, x0, I0, maxiter = maxiter)
if (Sin$errno < 0) {
Sin$errno <- -5
} else {
x1 <- Sin$x[1:n]; z1 <- Sin$x[(n+1):(n+m)]
I1 <- which(x1 != 0)
if (length(I1) != m) {
Sin$errno <- -5
} else if (all(z1 == 0)) {
Sin <- .lp.solve(cc0, A, b, x1, I1, maxiter = maxiter)
} else
Sin$errno <- -2
errno <- Sin$errno
errmsg <- c("Maximum no. of iterations exceeded.",
"Problem is most likely unfeasible.",
"Problem is most likely unbounded.",
"Big-M appraoch not successful.",
"Phase-I approach not successful.")
if (errno < 0) {
mess <- errmsg[abs(errno)]
return(list(x = NA, fval = NA, errno = errno, message = mess))
} else {
mess <- "Solver LP converged successfully."
x <- Sin$x[1:length(cc)]
y <- Sin$y[1:length(b)]
f <- sum(cc * x)
if (maximize) f <- -f
return(list(x = x, fval = f, errno = errno, message = mess))
cat("LP solver stopped.\n")
.lp.check <- function(cc, A, b, Aeq, beq, lb, ub, x0, I0) {
if (is.numeric(lb) && length(lb) != length(cc) ||
is.numeric(ub) && length(ub) != length(cc))
stop("Arguments 'cc', 'lb', and 'ub' must have equal lengths.")
if (!is.null(A)) {
if (is.null(b)) stop("Vector 'b' must be present if 'A' is.")
if (!is.matrix(A)) stop("Argument 'A' must be a matrix.")
m <- nrow(A); n <- ncol(A)
if (length(cc) != n) stop("Length of 'cc' does not fit to 'ncol(A)'.")
if (length(b) != m) stop("Length of 'b' does not fit to 'nrow(A)'.")
.lp.create <- function(cc, Ain, bin, lb, ub) {
A <- Ain
b <- bin
if (is.null(Ain)) {
m_in <- 0
n <- length(cc)
} else {
m_in <- nrow(Ain)
n <- ncol(Ain)
# upper bounds
if (!is.null(ub)) {
inds <- which(is.finite(ub))
m1 <- length(inds)
B <- matrix(0, nrow = m1, ncol = n)
for (k in 1:m1) B[k, inds[k]] <- 1
A <- rbind(A, B)
b <- c(b, ub[inds])
# lower bounds
if (!is.null(lb)) {
inds <- which(lb > 0) # all(lb >= 0)
m2 <- length(inds)
B <- matrix(0, nrow = m2, ncol = n)
for (k in 1:m2) B[k, inds[k]] <- -1
A <- rbind(A, B)
b <- c(b, -lb[inds])
# slack variables and base vector
m <- nrow(A) # m <- m_in + m1 + m2
A <- cbind(A, diag(m))
cc <- c(cc, rep(0, m))
v <- c(rep(0, n), b)
I <- (n+1):(n+m)
return(list(A = A, b = b, cc = cc, x0 = v, I0 = I))
.lp.solve <- function(cc, A, b, x, I, maxiter = maxiter) {
# Linear program A x = b, minimize cc * x.
# x is assumed to be a base vector with index set I.
stopifnot(is.numeric(A), is.numeric(b), is.numeric(x))
if (!is.matrix(A))
stop("Argument 'A' must be a numeric matrix.")
m <- nrow(A); n <- ncol(A)
if (length(b) != m || length(x) != n)
stop("One of arguments 'x' or 'b' does not have correct length.")
# cat("Start value:", cc %*% x, "\n")
# check I: must be a strict subset of {1, ..., n}
iter <- 0
errno <- 0
while (iter < maxiter) {
iter <- iter + 1
J <- setdiff(1:n, I)
B <- A[, I]; N <- A[, J]
x_I <- x[I]; x_J <- x[J]
c_I <- cc[I]; c_J <- cc[J]
# Transform base vector
y <- solve(t(B), c_I)
u <- numeric(n)
for (j in J)
u[j] <- cc[j] - t(A[, j]) %*% y
# Case 1: x is a solution of the LP
if (all(u >= 0)) {
# cat("Solution found!\n")
errno <- 1
# Case 2: r in J with u[j] < 0
r <- which(u < 0)
if (length(r) > 1) r <- r[sample(1:length(r), 1)]
dd <- solve(B, A[, r])
d <- numeric(n)
d[I] <- dd
# Case 2a: The LP does not have a solution
if (all(d <= 0)) {
# cat("LP is infeasible!\n")
errno <- -2
# Case 2b: i in I with d[i] > 0
i0 <- which(d > 0)
t <- min(x[i0]/d[i0])
s <- which(x[i0]/d[i0] == t); s <- i0[s]
if (length(s) > 1)
s <- s[sample(1:length(s), 1)]
z <- numeric(n)
z[r] <- t
z[I] <- x_I - t*d[I]
# Define a new base vector
x <- z
is <- which(I == s)
I[is] <- r
# cat("New base vector:", cc %*% x, "\n")
if (iter >= maxiter) {
errno <- -1
if (errno < 0) {
x <- y <- NA
return(list(x = x, dual.x = y, errno = errno))
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