
#' getSymbols from an environment
#' method to getSymbols from an environment
#' @param Symbols character vector of names of objects
#' @param pos where to look for the object (see \code{\link{get}}); if omitted, 
#' the function will search as if the name of the object appeared unquoted in 
#' an expression.
#' @param verbose be verbose?
#' @param ... other arguments
#' @return either the names of objects that were stored if called with 
#'   \code{auto.assign=TRUE}, or an object of type \code{return.class}
#' @author Garrett See
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' e <- new.env()
#' getSymbols("SPY", src='yahoo', env=e) #data stored at e$SPY
#' getSymbols("SPY", src='pos', pos=e) #fetch data from e and store in .GlobalEnv
#' }
#' @export
getSymbols.pos <- function (Symbols, pos=.GlobalEnv, verbose=TRUE, ...) {
    # getSymbols from an environment
    this.env <- environment()
    for(var in names(list(...))) {
        assign(var,list(...)[[var]], this.env)

    # Find out if user provided a value for each formal
    if (hasArg.pos <- hasArg(pos)) .pos <- pos
    # Now get the values for each formal that we'll use if not provided
    # by the user and not found in the SymbolLookup table
    default.pos <- pos

    # quantmod:::getSymbols will provide auto.assign and env
    # so the next 2 if statements should always be TRUE
    auto.assign <- if(hasArg(auto.assign)) {auto.assign} else TRUE
    env <- if(hasArg(env)) {env} else .GlobalEnv 

    # make an argument matching function to sort out which values to use for each arg
    pickArg <- function(x, Symbol) {
        if(get(paste('hasArg', x, sep="."))) {
            get(paste(".", x, sep=""))
        } else if(!is.null(SymbolLookup[[Symbol]][[x]])) {
        } else get(paste("default", x, sep="."))

    SymbolLookup <- getSymbolLookup()
    fr <- NULL
    datl <- lapply(1:length(Symbols), function(i) {
        pos <- pickArg("pos", Symbols[[i]])
        if(isTRUE(verbose)) cat("loading ",Symbols[[i]],".....")
        fr <- get(Symbols[[i]], pos=pos)
        #fr <- quantmod:::convert.time.series(fr=fr,return.class=return.class)
        Symbols[[i]] <-make.names(Symbols[[i]]) 
        tmp <- list()
        tmp[[Symbols[[i]]]] <- fr
        if(isTRUE(verbose)) cat("done.\n")

    if (length(Filter("+", lapply(datl, length))) == 0) {
        warning("No data found.")

    datl.names <- do.call(c, lapply(datl, names))
    missing <- Symbols[!Symbols %in% datl.names]
    if (length(missing) > 0) warning('No data found for ', paste(missing, collapse=" "))
    if(auto.assign) {
        #invisible(lapply(datl, function(x) if (length(x) > 0) assign(names(x), x[[1]], pos=env)))
        out <- Filter(function(x) length(x) > 0, datl)
        invisible(lapply(out, function(x) assign(names(x), x[[1]], pos=env)))
    } else {
        #NOTE: Currently, NULLs aren't filtered out.  If there are data for any Symbol,
        # the returned list will have an element for each symbol requested even if some don't contain data.
        out <- lapply(datl, function(x) {
            if (length(x) > 0) x[[1]]
        if (length(out) == 1)
        else {
            names(out) <- Symbols

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qmao documentation built on May 2, 2019, 4:54 p.m.