
Defines functions .rasterFromGDAL .gdFixGeoref

# Author: Robert J. Hijmans
# Date : June 2008
# Version 1.0
# Licence GPL v3

.gdFixGeoref <- function(mdata) {
	gdversion <- getOption('rasterGDALVersion')
	test <- gdversion < '1.8.0'	
	if (test) {
		if (! is.null(mdata) ) {
			for (i in 1:length(mdata)) {
				if (mdata[i] == "AREA_OR_POINT=Area") {
				} else if (mdata[i] == "AREA_OR_POINT=Point") {

.rasterFromGDAL <- function(filename, band, type, sub=0, RAT=TRUE, silent=TRUE, warn=TRUE, crs="", ...) {	

	if (sub > 0) {
		gdalinfo <- rgdal::GDALinfo(filename, silent=TRUE, returnRAT=FALSE, returnCategoryNames=FALSE)
		sub <- round(sub)
		subdsmdata <- attr(gdalinfo, 'subdsmdata')

		i <- grep(paste("SUBDATASET_", sub, "_NAME", sep=''), subdsmdata)
		if (length(i) > 0) {
			x <- subdsmdata[i[1]]
			filename <- unlist(strsplit(x, '='))[2]
		} else {
			stop(paste('subdataset "sub=', sub, '" not available', sep=''))
	w <- getOption('warn')
	on.exit(options('warn' = w))
	gdalinfo <- try ( rgdal::GDALinfo(filename, silent=silent, returnRAT=RAT, returnCategoryNames=RAT) )
	options('warn'= w) 

	if ( inherits(gdalinfo, "try-error")) {
		gdalinfo <- rgdal::GDALinfo(filename, silent=silent, returnRAT=FALSE, returnCategoryNames=FALSE)
		warning('Could not read RAT or Category names')

	nc <- as.integer(gdalinfo[["columns"]])
	nr <- as.integer(gdalinfo[["rows"]])

	xn <- gdalinfo[["ll.x"]]
	xn <- round(xn, digits=9)

	xx <- xn + gdalinfo[["res.x"]] * nc
	xx <- round(xx, digits=9)

	yn <- gdalinfo[["ll.y"]]
	yn <- round(yn, digits=9)
	yx <- yn + gdalinfo[["res.y"]] * nr
	yx <- round(yx, digits=9)

	nbands <- as.integer(gdalinfo[["bands"]])

	if (isTRUE(attr(gdalinfo, "ysign") == 1)) {
		warning("data seems flipped. Consider using: flip(x, direction='y')")

	rotated <- FALSE
	if (gdalinfo['oblique.x'] != 0 | gdalinfo['oblique.y'] != 0) {
		rotated <- TRUE

		## adapted from rgdal::getGeoTransFunc
		if (warn) {
			warning('\n\n This file has a rotation\n Support for such files is limited and results of data processing might be wrong.\n Proceed with caution & consider using the "rectify" function\n')
		rotMat <- matrix(gdalinfo[c('res.x', 'oblique.x', 'oblique.y', 'res.y')], 2)
		ysign <- attr(gdalinfo, 'ysign')
		rotMat[4] <- rotMat[4] * ysign

		invMat <- solve(rotMat)
		offset <- c(xn, yx)
		trans <- function(x, inv=FALSE) {
			if (inv) {
				x <- t(t(x) - c(offset[1], offset[2]))
				x <- round( x %*% invMat  + 0.5 )
				x[x < 1] <- NA
				x[x[,1] > nc  | x[,2] > nr, ] <- NA
			} else {
				x <- (x - 0.5) %*% rotMat
				x <- t(t(x) + c(offset[1], offset[2])) 
		crd <- trans(cbind(c(0, 0, nc, nc), c(0, nr, 0, nr))+0.5)
		rot <- methods::new(".Rotation")
		gtr <- gdalinfo[c('ll.x', 'res.x', 'oblique.x', NA, 'oblique.y', 'res.y')]
		gtr[4] <- yx
		gtr[6] <- gtr[6] * ysign
		rot@geotrans <- gtr
		rot@transfun <- trans

		xn  <- min(crd[,1])
		xx  <- max(crd[,1])
		yn  <- min(crd[,2])
		yx  <- max(crd[,2])
	mdata <- attr(gdalinfo, 'mdata')
	fixGeoref <- FALSE
	try( fixGeoref <- .gdFixGeoref(mdata), silent=TRUE )

	# for ENVI files
	bnames <- unique(mdata[grep("Band_", mdata)])
	if (length(bnames) > 0) {
		bn <- sapply(strsplit(bnames, '='), function(x) x[2])
		bi <- gsub("Band_", "", sapply(strsplit(bnames, '='), function(x) x[1]))
		bnames <- try(bn[order(as.integer(bi))], silent=TRUE)
		if ( inherits(bnames, "try-error") ) {
			bnames <- NULL
	} else {
		gobj <- rgdal::GDAL.open(filename)
		bnames <- rep("", nbands)
		for (i in 1:nbands) {
			objbnd <- rgdal::getRasterBand(gobj, i)
			bnames[i] <- rgdal::getDescription(objbnd)
	if (type == 'RasterBrick') {
		r <- brick(ncols=nc, nrows=nr, xmn=xn, ymn=yn, xmx=xx, ymx=yx, crs="")
		r@file@nbands <- r@data@nlayers <- nbands
		band <- 1:nbands
	} else {
		r <- raster(ncols=nc, nrows=nr, xmn=xn, ymn=yn, xmx=xx, ymx=yx, crs="")
		r@file@nbands <- as.integer(nbands)
		band <- as.integer(band)
		if ( band > nbands(r) ) {
			stop(paste("band too high. Should be between 1 and", nbands))
			#if (warn) {
				#stop("band too high. Set to nbands")
			#band <- nbands(r) 
		if ( band < 1) { 
			stop(paste("band should be 1 or higher"))		
			#if (warn) {
				#stop("band too low. Set to 1")
			#band <- 1 
		r@data@band <- as.integer(band)
		nbands <-1 
	if (rotated) {
		r@rotated <- TRUE
		r@rotation <- rot

	crs <- .getProj(attr(gdalinfo, 'projection'), crs)
	r@crs <- CRS(crs, TRUE) 
	#r@crs <- CRS(crs, FALSE) 
	# F to avoid warnings about other than WGS84 datums or ellipsoids  
#  	r@history[[1]] <- mdata

	bi <- attr(gdalinfo, 'df')
	GDType <- as.character(bi[['GDType']])
	hasNoDataValues <- bi[['hasNoDataValue']]
	NoDataValue <- bi[['NoDataValue']]
#	if (getOption('rasterNewRGDALVersion')) {	
#		sbi <- attr(gdalinfo, 'sdf')
#		Bmin <- sbi[['Bmin']]
#		Bmax <- sbi[['Bmax']]	
#	} else {
		Bmin <- bi[['Bmin']]
		Bmax <- bi[['Bmax']]
#	}
	RATlist <- attr(gdalinfo, 'RATlist')
	CATlist <- attr(gdalinfo, 'CATlist')

	blockrows <- integer(nbands)
	blockcols <- integer(nbands)
	x <- rgdal::GDAL.open(filename, silent=TRUE)
	ct <- rgdal::getColorTable( x )
	if (! is.null(ct)) { 
		r@legend@colortable <- ct 
	for (i in 1:nbands) {
		bs <- rgdal::getRasterBlockSize( rgdal::getRasterBand(x, i) )
		blockrows[i] <- bs[1]
		blockcols[i] <- bs[2]

	r@file@blockrows <- blockrows
	r@file@blockcols <- blockcols

	if (fixGeoref) {
		message('Fixing "AREA_OR_POINT=Point" georeference')
		rs <- res(r)
		xmin(r) <- xmin(r) - 0.5 * rs[1]
		xmax(r) <- xmax(r) - 0.5 * rs[1]
		ymin(r) <- ymin(r) + 0.5 * rs[2]
		ymax(r) <- ymax(r) + 0.5 * rs[2]
	if (type == 'RasterBrick') {
		ub <- unique(bnames)
		if ((!all(ub == "")) && (length(ub) == nlayers(r))) {
			names(r) <- bnames		
		} else {
			names(r) <- rep(gsub(" ", "_", extension(basename(filename), "")), nbands)
	} else {
		lnames <- gsub(" ", "_", extension(basename(filename), ""))
		if (nbands > 1) {
			lnames <- paste0(lnames, '_', band)
		names(r) <- lnames
	r@file@name <- filename
	r@file@driver <- 'gdal' 

	r@data@fromdisk <- TRUE
	datatype <- "FLT4S"
	minv <-	rep(Inf, nlayers(r))
	maxv <-	rep(-Inf, nlayers(r))
	try ( minv <- as.numeric( Bmin ) , silent=TRUE ) 
	try ( maxv <- as.numeric( Bmax ) , silent=TRUE ) 
	minv[minv == -4294967295] <- Inf
	maxv[maxv == 4294967295] <- -Inf
	try ( datatype <- .getRasterDType ( GDType[1] ), silent=TRUE )
	if ( all(c(is.finite(minv), is.finite(maxv)))) {
		r@data@haveminmax <- TRUE 
	r@file@datanotation <- datatype
	r@data@min <- minv[band]
	r@data@max <- maxv[band]

	rats <- ! sapply(RATlist, is.null) 
	if (any(rats)) {
		att <- vector(length=nlayers(r), mode='list')
		for (i in 1:length(RATlist)) {
			if (! is.null(RATlist[[i]])) {
				dr <- data.frame(RATlist[[i]], stringsAsFactors=TRUE)
				wv <- which(colnames(dr)=='VALUE')
				if (length(wv) > 0) {
					if (wv != 1) {
						dr <- data.frame(dr[,wv,drop=FALSE], dr[,-wv,drop=FALSE])
					colnames(dr)[1] <- 'ID'
				} else {
					if (all((colnames(dr) %in% c('Red', 'Green', 'Blue', 'Opacity', 'Histogram')))) {
						# this is really a color table
						rats[i] <- FALSE
						if (is.null(ct)) { 
							r@legend@colortable <- grDevices::rgb(dr$Red, dr$Green, dr$Blue, dr$Opacity)
					} else {
						j <- which(colnames(dr) == 'Histogram')
						if (isTRUE(j>0) & ncol(dr) > 1) {
							dr <- data.frame(ID=0:(nrow(dr)-1), COUNT=dr[,j], dr[,-j,drop=FALSE])
						} else {
							dr <- data.frame(ID=0:(nrow(dr)-1), dr)
				att[[i]] <- dr
		r@data@attributes <- att[band]
		r@data@isfactor <- rats[band]
	} else {
		cats <- ! sapply(CATlist, is.null) 
		if (any(cats)) {
			att <- vector(length=nlayers(r), mode='list')
			for (i in 1:length(CATlist)) {
				if (! is.null(CATlist[[i]])) {
					att[[i]] <- data.frame(ID=(1:length(CATlist[[i]]))-1, category=CATlist[[i]], stringsAsFactors=TRUE)
			r@data@attributes <- att[band]
			r@data@isfactor <- cats[band]

Try the raster package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

raster documentation built on Jan. 5, 2021, 3:01 a.m.