
# Author: Oscar Perpinan Lamigueiro oscar.perpinan@upm.es
# Date :  September 2011
# Version 0.10
# Licence GPL v3
setGeneric('vectorplot', function(object, ...){standardGeneric('vectorplot')})

          definition = function(object, layers,
            narrows=2e3, lwd.arrows=0.6, length=unit(5e-2, 'npc'),
            maxpixels=1e5, region=TRUE,
            isField=FALSE, reverse=FALSE, unit='radians',
            if (!missing(layers)) {
              object <- subset(object, subset=layers)
            } else {}

            dat <- sampleRegular(object, size=narrows, asRaster=TRUE)
            x <- getValues(init(dat, v='x'))
            y <- getValues(init(dat, v='y'))

            fooSlopeAspect <- function(s, skip, unit, reverse){
              aspX <- xres(s)*0.6 ## maybe use a non-constant value...
              aspY <- yres(s)*0.6

              if (!skip){s <- terrain(s, opt=c('slope', 'aspect'))}
              ##If s is a vector field, the first layer is the magnitude (slope)
              ##and the second is the angle (aspect)
              slope <- getValues(subset(s, 1))
              aspect <- getValues(subset(s, 2))
              if (unit=='degrees' & skip) {aspect <- aspect/180*pi}
              if (reverse) aspect <- aspect + pi

              slope <- scale(slope, center=FALSE) ##center=FALSE to get only positive values of slope
              dx <- slope*sin(aspect)*aspX ##sin due to the angular definition of aspect
              dy <- slope*cos(aspect)*aspY

              x <- getValues(init(s, v='x'))
              y <- getValues(init(s, v='y'))

              data.frame(x, y, dx, dy)

            if (nlayers(object)>1 && !isField){ ##slopeAspect works only for RasterLayer
              sa <- lapply(unstack(dat), fooSlopeAspect, skip=FALSE, unit=unit, reverse=reverse)
              sa <- do.call(rbind, sa)
            } else {
              sa <- fooSlopeAspect(dat, skip=isField, unit=unit, reverse=reverse)

            ## fooPanel <- function(x, y, z, subscripts, sa, length, lwd.arrows,...) {
            ##   ## if (region) {panel.levelplot.raster(x, y, z, subscripts, interpolate=TRUE,...)}
            ##   xs <- x[subscripts]
            ##   ys <- y[subscripts]
            ##   ## zs <- z[subscripts]

            ##   ## Although sa does not store the subscripts information,
            ##   ## it is in the same order so it is safe to use it this way
            ##   sas <- sa[subscripts,]
            ##   panel.arrows(xs, ys, xs+sas$dx, ys+sas$dy,
            ##                length=length,
            ##                lwd=lwd.arrows)
            ## }

            if (isField) object <- subset(object, 1) ##only uses the magnitude for the region

            ## p <- levelplot(object, maxpixels=narrows,
            ##                colorkey=FALSE,
            ##                sa=sa, length=length,
            ##                lwd.arrows=lwd.arrows,
            ##                panel=fooPanel, ...)

            levelplot(object, maxpixels=maxpixels, region=region,...) +
              xyplot(y~x, data=sa, dx=sa$dx, dy=sa$dy,
                     length=length, lwd.arrows=lwd.arrows,
                     panel=function(x, y, dx, dy, length, lwd.arrows, ...){
                       panel.arrows(x, y, x+dx, y+dy,
                                    length=length, lwd=lwd.arrows, ...)

Try the rasterVis package in your browser

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rasterVis documentation built on May 2, 2019, 6:49 p.m.