
Defines functions TypeInfo is.TypeInfo getTypeInfo getTypeInfoByName align makeFieldInfo makeStructInfo parseStructInfos makeUnionInfo parseUnionInfos as.struct new.struct unpack.struct pack.struct print.struct

Documented in as.struct getTypeInfo new.struct parseStructInfos parseUnionInfos print.struct TypeInfo

# Package: rdyncall
# File: R/dynstruct.R
# Description: Handling of aggregate (struct/union) C types

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# dynport basetype sizes

.basetypeSizes <- c(

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# dynport type information

TypeInfo <- function(name, type = c("base","pointer","struct","union"), size = NA, align = NA, basetype = NA, fields = NA, signature = NA) 
  type <- match.arg(type)
  x <- list(name = name, type = type, size = size, align = align, basetype = basetype, fields = fields, signature = signature)
  class(x) <- "typeinfo"

is.TypeInfo <- function(x)
  inherits(x, "typeinfo")

getTypeInfo <- function(name, envir=parent.frame())
  if (is.character(name)) {
    getTypeInfoByName(name, envir)
  } else if (is.TypeInfo(name)) {
  } else {
    stop("unknown type")

getTypeInfoByName <- function(typeName, envir=parent.frame())
  char1 <- substr(typeName, 1, 1)
    "*"=TypeInfo(name=typeName, type="pointer", size=.Machine$sizeof.pointer, align=.Machine$sizeof.pointer, basetype=substr(typeName,2,nchar(typeName)), signature=typeName),
      x <- getTypeInfo(substr(typeName, 2,nchar(typeName)-1), envir=envir) 
      if (!is.null(x)) 
        return(TypeInfo(name=typeName, type="struct"))
      # try as basetype
      basetypeSize <- unname(.basetypeSizes[typeName])
      if ( !is.na(basetypeSize) ) return(TypeInfo(name=typeName,type="base", size=basetypeSize, align=basetypeSize, signature=typeName))
      # try lookup symbol
      else if (exists(typeName,envir=envir) ) {
        info <- get(typeName,envir=envir)
        if (!inherits(info, "typeinfo")) stop("not a type information symbol")
      # otherwise fail
      else NULL
      # else stop("unknown type info: ",typeName)

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# align C offsets

align <- function(offset, alignment)
  as.integer( as.integer( (offset + alignment-1) / alignment ) * alignment )

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# field information (structures and unions)

makeFieldInfo <- function(fieldNames, types, offsets)
  data.frame(type=I(types), offset=offsets, row.names=fieldNames)  

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# parse structure signature

makeStructInfo <- function(name, signature, fieldNames, envir=parent.frame())
  # computations:
  types    <- character()
  offsets  <- integer()
  offset   <- 0
  maxAlign <- 1
  # scan variables:
  n        <- nchar(signature)
  i        <- 1
  start    <- i
  while(i <= n)
    char  <- substr(signature,i,i)
    if (char == "*") { 
      i <- i + 1 ; next
    } else if (char == "<") {
      i <- i + 1
      while (i < n) {
        if ( substr(signature,i,i) == ">" ) break
        i <- i + 1
    typeName  <- substr(signature, start, i)
    types     <- c(types, typeName)
    typeInfo  <- getTypeInfo(typeName, envir=envir)
    alignment <- typeInfo$align
    maxAlign  <- max(maxAlign, alignment)
    offset    <- align( offset, alignment )
    offsets   <- c(offsets, offset)
    # increment offset by size
    offset    <- offset + typeInfo$size

    # next token
    i         <- i + 1
    start     <- i
  # align the structure size (compiler-specific?)
  size    <- align(offset, maxAlign)
  # build field information
  fields  <- makeFieldInfo(fieldNames, types, offsets)

parseStructInfos <- function(sigs, envir=parent.frame())
  # split functions at ';'
  sigs <- unlist( strsplit(sigs, ";") )  
  # split name/struct signature at '('
  sigs <- strsplit(sigs, "[{]")
  infos <- list()
  for (i in seq(along=sigs)) 
    n <- length(sigs[[i]])
    if ( n == 2 ) {
      # parse structure name
      name     <- sigs[[i]][[1]]
      name     <- gsub("[ \n\t]*","",name)
      # split struct signature and field names
      tail     <- unlist( strsplit(sigs[[i]][[2]], "[}]") )
      sig      <- tail[[1]]
      if (length(tail) == 2)
        fields   <- unlist( strsplit( tail[[2]], "[ \n\t]+" ) ) 
        fields   <- NULL
      assign(name, makeStructInfo(name, sig, fields, envir=envir), envir=envir)

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# parse union signature

makeUnionInfo <- function(name, signature, fieldNames, envir=parent.frame())
  # computations:
  types    <- character()
  maxSize  <- 0
  maxAlign <- 1 
  # scan variables:
  i       <- 1
  start   <- i
  n       <- nchar(signature)
  while(i <= n) {
    char  <- substr(signature,i,i)
    if (char == "*") {
      i <- i + 1 ; next
    } else if (char == "<") {
      i <- i + 1
      while (i < n) {
        if ( substr(signature,i,i) == ">" ) break
        i <- i + 1
    typeName <- substr(signature,start,i)
    types    <- c(types, typeName)
    typeInfo <- getTypeInfo(typeName, envir)
    maxSize  <- max( maxSize, typeInfo$size )
    maxAlign <- max( maxAlign, typeInfo$align )
    # next token
    i        <- i + 1
    start    <- i
  offsets <- rep(0, length(types) )
  fields  <- makeFieldInfo(fieldNames, types, offsets)  
  TypeInfo(name=name, type="union", fields=fields, size=maxSize, align=maxAlign)

parseUnionInfos <- function(sigs, envir=parent.frame())
  # split functions at ';'
  sigs <- unlist( strsplit(sigs, ";") )  
  # split name/union signature at '|'
  sigs <- strsplit(sigs, "[|]")
  infos <- list()
  for (i in seq(along=sigs)) 
    n <- length(sigs[[i]])
    if ( n == 2 ) {
      # parse union name
      name     <- sigs[[i]][[1]]
      name     <- gsub("[ \n\t]*","",name)
      # split union signature and field names
      tail     <- unlist( strsplit(sigs[[i]][[2]], "[}]") )
      sig      <- tail[[1]]
      if (length(tail) == 2)
        fields   <- unlist( strsplit( tail[[2]], "[ \n\t]+" ) ) 
        fields   <- NULL
      assign( name, makeUnionInfo(name, sig, fields, envir=envir), envir=envir )

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# raw backed struct's (S3 Class)

as.struct <- function(x, type)
  if (is.TypeInfo(x)) structName <- type$name 
  attr(x, "struct") <- type
  class(x) <- "struct"

new.struct <- function(type)
  if (is.character(type)) {
    name <- type
    type <- getTypeInfo(type)
  } else if (is.TypeInfo(type)) {
    name <- type$name
  } else {
    stop("type is not of class TypeInfo and no character string")
  if (! type$type %in% c("struct","union") ) stop("type must be C struct or union.")
  x <- raw( type$size )
  class(x) <- "struct"
  attr(x, "struct") <- type$name

"$.struct" <- 
unpack.struct <- function(x, index)
  structName <- attr(x, "struct")
  structInfo <- getTypeInfo(structName)
  fieldInfos <- structInfo$fields
  offset <- fieldInfos[index,"offset"]
  if (is.na(offset)) stop("unknown field index '", index ,"'")
  fieldTypeName   <- as.character(fieldInfos[[index,"type"]])
  fieldTypeInfo   <- getTypeInfo(fieldTypeName)
  if (fieldTypeInfo$type %in% c("base","pointer")) {
    .unpack(x, offset, fieldTypeInfo$signature)
  } else if ( !is.null(fieldTypeInfo$fields) ) {
    if (is.raw(x)) {
      size <- fieldTypeInfo$size
      as.struct( x[(offset+1):(offset+1+size-1)], fieldTypeName)
    } else if (is.externalptr(x)) {
      as.struct( offsetPtr(x, offset), fieldTypeName) 
  } else {
    stop("invalid field type '", fieldTypeName,"' at field '", index )

"$<-.struct" <- 
pack.struct <- function( x, index, value )
  structName   <- attr(x, "struct")
  structInfo   <- getTypeInfo(structName)
  fieldInfos   <- structInfo$fields
  offset <- fieldInfos[index,"offset"]
  if (is.na(offset)) stop("unknown field index '", index ,"'")
  fieldTypeName <- as.character(fieldInfos[index,"type"])
  fieldTypeInfo <- getTypeInfo(fieldTypeName)
  if ( fieldTypeInfo$type %in% c("base","pointer") ) {
    .pack( x, offset, fieldTypeInfo$signature, value )
  else if ( !is.null(fieldTypeInfo$fields) ) {
    # substructure
    size <- fieldTypeInfo$size
    x[(offset+1):(offset+1+size-1)] <- as.raw(value)
  else {
    stop("invalid field type '", fieldTypeName,"' at field '", index )

print.struct <- function(x, indent=0, ...)
  structName <- attr(x, "struct")
  structInfo <- getTypeInfo(structName)
  fieldInfos <- structInfo$fields
  fieldNames <- rownames(fieldInfos)
  cat( "struct ", structName, " ")
  if (typeof(x) == "externalptr") {
    cat ("*")
    if (is.nullptr(x)) {
  # print data without last
  for (i in seq(along=fieldNames)) 
    cat( rep("  ", indent+1), fieldNames[[i]] , ":" )
    val <- unpack.struct(x, fieldNames[[i]])
    if (typeof(val) == "externalptr") val <- "ptr" # .extptr2str(val)        
    if (class(val) == "struct") { print.struct(val, indent=indent+1) }
    else cat( val, "\n" )
  cat( rep("  ", indent), "}\n")

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rdyncall documentation built on May 2, 2019, 6:15 p.m.