
# Unit tests for RNG formatting functions
# Author: Renaud Gaujoux


checkFun <- function(fn, name){
	function(x, ...){
		oldRNG <- RNGseed()
		if( !missing(x) ){
			d <- fn(x)
			obj <- getRNG(x)
			cl <- class(x)
			d <- fn()
			obj <- getRNG()
			cl <- 'MISSING'
		newRNG <- RNGseed()
		msg <- function(x, ...) paste(name, '-', cl, ':', x, '[', ..., ']')
		checkIdentical(oldRNG, newRNG, msg("does not change RNG", ...))
		checkTrue( isString(d), msg("result is a character string", ...))
		checkIdentical(d, fn(obj), msg("digest is from the RNG setting", ...))

test.RNGdigest <- function(){
	RNGkind('default', 'default')
	on.exit( RNGrecovery() )
	fn <- c('RNGdigest', 'RNGstr')
	sapply(fn, function(f){
		fn <- getFunction(f, where='package:rngtools')
		checker <- checkFun(fn, f)

		checker(1:3, 'Valid seed')
		checker(2:3, 'Invalid seed')
		x <- list(10, rng=c(401L, 1L, 1L))
		checker(x, 'list with rng slot')

checkRNGtype <- function(x, ..., expL=2L){
	fn <- RNGtype
	oldRNG <- getRNG()
	if( !missing(x) ){
		d <- fn(x)
		obj <- getRNG(x)
		cl <- str_c(class(x), '(', length(x), ')')
		d <- fn()
		obj <- getRNG()
		cl <- 'MISSING'
	newRNG <- getRNG()
	msg <- function(x, ...) paste(cl, ':', x, '[', ..., ']')
	checkIdentical(oldRNG, newRNG, msg("does not change RNG", ...))
	checkTrue( is.character(d), msg("result is a character vector", ...) )
	checkIdentical( length(d), expL, msg("result has correct length (", expL, ")", ...) )

test.RNGtype <- function(){
	RNGkind('default', 'default')
	on.exit( RNGrecovery() )
	checker <- checkRNGtype
	checker(1234, 'Valid single numeric seed')
	checker(1:3, 'Valid seed')
	checker(402L, 'Valid encoded kind')
	checkTrue( !identical(RNGtype(402), RNGtype(402L)), "Single integer and real number does not give the same result")
	x <- list(10, rng=c(401L, 1L, 1L))
	checker(x, 'list with rng slot')
	# errors
	oldRNG <- getRNG()
	checkException(RNGtype(2:3), "Error with invalid length seed")
	checkIdentical(oldRNG, getRNG(), "RNG still valid after error")
    oldRNG <- getRNG()
    checkException(RNGtype(123L), "Error with invalid RNG kind")
    checkIdentical(oldRNG, getRNG(), "RNG still valid after error")
    checkException(RNGtype(1234L), "Error with invalid RNG integer")
    checkIdentical(oldRNG, getRNG(), "RNG still valid after error")

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rngtools documentation built on May 2, 2019, 5 p.m.