Man pages for robKalman
Robust Kalman Filtering

0robKalman-packagerobKalman - routines for robust Kalman filtering
ACMfiltACM filter - S-Plus type arguments
arGMGM-estimates for AR parameters
calibrateRLSCalibration of clipping height b
internalACMInternal functions of package robKalman for the ACM filter
internalarGMInternal functions of package robKalman - psi functions
internalKalmanInternal functions of package robKalman for the classical...
internalpsiInternal functions of package robKalman - psi functions
internalrLSInternal functions of package robKalman for the rLS filter
recFilterSeveral recursive filters: the classical Kalman filter, the...
simulateSScontRoutines for the simulation of AO-contaminated state space...
utilUtility functions of package robKalman
robKalman documentation built on May 2, 2019, 4:50 p.m.