
`rwmGetClassBreaks` <-
function(dataColumn, catMethod, numCats, verbose=TRUE, midpoint=0)

#! I should offer option to set min & max (& centre for diverging)


functionName <- as.character(sys.call()[[1]])

catMethodList <- c("fixedWidth","diverging","quantiles","pretty","logFixedWidth","categorical")

if( ! catMethod %in% catMethodList)
   warning("classification method should be set to one of :",paste(catMethodList,""),"\nsetting to fixedWidth as default\n")

			#Categorising the data, fixed width intervals
			minVal <- min(dataColumn,na.rm=TRUE)
			maxVal <- max(dataColumn,na.rm=TRUE) 
			cutVector <- minVal + ( ((0:numCats)/numCats) * (maxVal-minVal) )				
		} else
			#Categorising the data, fixed width intervals
			minVal <- min(dataColumn,na.rm=TRUE)
			maxVal <- max(dataColumn,na.rm=TRUE) 
			#?set the break interval across the whole range
			#?or have options for diff scales above & below
			#will probably eventually need to have extra arguments
			above <- abs(maxVal-midpoint)
			below <- abs(midpoint-minVal)
			#num categories above or below
			#if numCats is odd this will include .5
      sideCats <- numCats/2
			interval <- max(c(above,below)) / sideCats
			if ( numCats%%2 == 0 ) #even
			    fromAbove <- midpoint + interval
			    fromBelow <- midpoint - interval
			   } else #i.e. odd
			    fromAbove <- midpoint + interval/2
			    fromBelow <- midpoint	- interval/2		    
			cutsAbove <- seq(from=fromAbove, to=midpoint+(sideCats*interval), by=interval)
			cutsBelow <- seq(from=fromBelow, to=midpoint-(sideCats*interval), by=-interval)
			if ( numCats%%2 == 0 ) #even
			    #adding in the midpoint
			    cutVector <- c(rev(cutsBelow),midpoint,cutsAbove)				   
			   } else #i.e. odd
			    cutVector <- c(rev(cutsBelow),cutsAbove)	    
		} else	
			#Categorising the data, using Quantiles.

    #03/04/2009 12:04:35 Matthew (whole catMethod=="quantiles" section)

   #Using Quantiles will crash if the data contains too many repeats and numCats is high.
   #The break points must be unique. The algorithm below will use numCats if it can.
   #If numCats does not produce unique breakpoints,
   #it will keep reducing the number of quantiles it will use, till unique break points are found.
   #It will also warn if the number of quantiles used was less than asked for.

    testNumCats<-numCats              #The next number of quantiles to try. starts at numCats, and decreases till unique breeakpoints are found.
    uniqueBreaksFlag<-FALSE           #Flags if unique breaks have been found. When TRUE, the while loop stops, and the current value of testNumCats is used to produce quantiles.
    while(uniqueBreaksFlag==FALSE && testNumCats > 0 )
              testQuantiles<-quantile(dataColumn,probs = seq(0, 1, 1/testNumCats),na.rm=TRUE)

              if(length(testQuantiles)==length(unique(testQuantiles)))     #Are the breaks unique?
                    uniqueBreaksFlag<-TRUE   #Stop looping
                    testNumCats<-testNumCats-1         #Carry on looping, trying one fewer quantile.
    if(testNumCats!=numCats && verbose )message(paste("You asked for",numCats,"quantiles, only",testNumCats,"could be created in quantiles classification"))  #Warning if the number of quantiles was reduced.

    cutVector <-  quantile(dataColumn, probs=seq(0,1, 1/testNumCats), na.rm=TRUE)

    } else
			#Compute a sequence of about n+1 equally spaced ‘round’ values
      #which cover the range of the values in x.
      #The values are chosen so that they are 1, 2 or 5 times a power of 10.

			cutVector <- pretty(dataColumn, n=numCats)

			#03/04/2009 12:04:08   Matthew  ( pretty() warning)
			#Pretty will choose a number of categories similar to the number of categories asked for.
			#The following code warns when pretty has used a different number of breaks to that which was asked for.

      if(actualNumberOfBreaks!=numCats && verbose ) message(paste("You asked for",numCats,"categories,",actualNumberOfBreaks, "were used due to pretty() classification"))

		} else

# if min = 0 adds 0.01 to avoid problems with zeroes
if ( catMethod=="logFixedWidth") 
      # to do for Logs will want to Log the data calc the CutVector then antiLog
      # to get a cutVector that can be directly applied to the data
      if (min( dataColumn, na.rm=TRUE ) < 0 ) 
         {stop("negative values in your data cannot be classified using catMethod=logFixedWidth")
         } else if (min( dataColumn, na.rm=TRUE ) == 0 )
          if (verbose) message("zero values are replaced with NA as they can't be logged in catMethod=logFixedWidth")

          dataColumn[which(dataColumn==0)] <- NA
          #dataColumnLogged <- log(addTo0ForLog+dataColumn)         
          dataColumnLogged <- log(dataColumn) 
         } else
          dataColumnLogged <- log(dataColumn) 
      minVal <- min(dataColumnLogged,na.rm=TRUE)
			maxVal <- max(dataColumnLogged,na.rm=TRUE) 
			maxValNotLogged <- max(dataColumn,na.rm=TRUE)
			#there was a rounding problem with this, that meant that highest value could get excluded
			cutVector <- minVal + ( ((0:numCats)/numCats) * (maxVal-minVal) )	
      #cutVector <- exp(cutVector) -  exp(log(addTo0ForLog))
      cutVector <- exp(cutVector)

      #to correct potential rounding problem, make sure upper val is equal to max value
      cutVector[length(cutVector)] <- maxValNotLogged

      #earlier version
      #change to a log index with num categories defined by numCats
      #sGDF$indexToPlot <- as.integer( numCats * ((log(addTo0ForLog+sGDF[[attrName]]) - minAtt) / rangeAtt ))
      #16/3/09 changed as.integer to round
      #sGDF$indexToPlot <- round( numCats * ((log(addTo0ForLog+sGDF[[attrName]]) - minAtt) / rangeAtt ))

if(length(catMethod)==1 && catMethod=="categorical")
			stop(functionName," shouldn't be called when catMethod == 'categorical'")
		} else 
} #end of rwmGetClassBreaks

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