
`rwmGetColours` <-
function(colourPalette, numColours)

#if invalid option is chosen it's set to palette at end
paletteList <- c("white2Black","black2White","palette","heat","topo","terrain","rainbow","negpos8","negpos9")

#!next add some of these neg pos options work out how to make them flexible to numCats  
#'negpos9zero': begin
#  names=['dblue','blue','lblue','lgreen','lgrey','yellow','orange','red','purple']

#to allow user specified colours
#! this could test whether colours are valid
if( length(colourPalette) > 1 ) #only if the colourPalette passed is a vector of length > 1
		#coloursToUse <- colourPalette
	  #If the palette has a different number of colours to the number of breaks, interpolation is used.
    #if(length(colourPalette)==numColours) {coloursToUse<-colourPalette}
    if(length(colourPalette)==numColours) {coloursToUse<-as.character(colourPalette)}
         warning(length(colourPalette)," colours specified and ", numColours," required, using interpolation to calculate colours")
         #coloursToUse<-colorRampPalette(colourPalette,space = "Lab")(numColours) #tried this to preserve transparency, didn't work
	} else
	  #! later add that these can cope with diff num cats too
		coloursToUse <- c('darkblue','blue','lightblue','lightgreen','grey','yellow','orange','red','darkred')#'purple')
	} else		
		coloursToUse <- c('darkblue','blue','lightblue','lightgreen','yellow','orange','red','darkred')#'purple')
	} else
   coloursAbove <- colorRampPalette(c('yellow','red2'))(floor(numColours/2))
   coloursBelow <- colorRampPalette(c('darkblue','lightgreen'))(floor(numColours/2))   			

	if ( numColours%%2 == 0 ) #even
	    coloursToUse <- c(coloursBelow,coloursAbove)				   
	   } else #i.e. odd
	    #adding colour for central break
	    coloursToUse <- c(coloursBelow,'white',coloursAbove)	    
	} else
		white2Black <- colorRampPalette(c(grey(0.8),grey(0.2)))
		coloursToUse <- white2Black(numColours)
	} else

		black2White <- colorRampPalette(c(grey(0.2),grey(0.8)))
		coloursToUse <- black2White(numColours)
	} else

	  #If the palette has a different number of colours to the number of breaks, interpolation is used.
	  #This makes custom palettes easier to use. You can change numCats in a mapping call with out changing the palette.
	  #It also makes it easier to use custom palettes with pretty or quantiles, where the number of categories is always numCats.
    if(length(palette())==numColours) {coloursToUse<-palette()}
         warning(length(palette())," colours specified and ", numColours," required, using interpolation to calculate colours")
  } else
if(colourPalette=="heat") { coloursToUse <- rev(heat.colors(numColours))	
	} else
if(colourPalette=="topo") { coloursToUse <- rev(topo.colors(numColours))	
	} else
if(colourPalette=="terrain") { coloursToUse <- rev(terrain.colors(numColours))	
	} else
if(colourPalette=="rainbow") { coloursToUse <- rev(rainbow(numColours))	
	} else	
    warning("colourPalette should be set to either a vector of colours or one of :",paste(paletteList,""),"\nsetting to heat colours as default") 
		coloursToUse <- rev(heat.colors(numColours))


} #end of rwmGetColours

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rworldmap documentation built on May 2, 2019, 4:50 p.m.