
Defines functions .statsStandingTrees

#   This file holds the S4 definition for the constructors of standingTrees
#   generic and methods. This is used for a collection or population of
#   "standingTrees"
#   Constructors include signatures for...
#     1. numeric, matrix: number of trees to generate within an sp bbox
#        matrix--uses method (5) after calling sampleTrees for the data frame
#     2. numeric, missing: sampling from within a bounded area as defined 
#        by the xlim & ylim args--object is the number of trees to be
#        generated--uses method (1) after turning limits into a matrix
#     3. numeric, bufferedTract: generate trees with centers lying inside 
#        the buffer of a bufferedTract object--calls method (1) with
#        the buffer as matrix
#     4. list, missing: passing a list of already created "downLog" 
#        objects--good for an existing population--creates the object directly
#     5. data.frame, missing: allows one to pass a data frame of trees that
#        have been generated by the sampleTrees function--turns the data frame
#        into a list and calls method (4) directly
#   From the above, we can see that all methods lead to method (4), the list
#   method; i.e., 2-->1-->5-->4 & 3-->1-->5-->4. Therefore, any real additions
#   on what is finally generated should be to method 4, which will affect all
#   the other constructors.
#   Note: In 3. I have put an explicit check in to make sure units desired for
#         trees are the same a those for the bufferedTract; unfortunately, this
#         is not possible for 1. or 2., so the user is on their own.
#   Also included at the end is the function .statsDownLogs() for calculating
#   basic statistics on the tree collection.
#   Returns...
#     a valid "standingTrees" object.
#   **Please note that this was written a year after the downLogs components
#     and is patterned exactly after those constructors. It might not have been
#     the best way to do things in hindsight, but it is now the most pragmatic
#     good or bad.
#Author...									Date: 26-Oct-2011
#	Jeffrey H. Gove
#	USDA Forest Service
#	Northern Research Station
#	271 Mast Road
#	Durham, NH 03824
#	jhgove@unh.edu
#	phone: 603-868-7667	fax: 603-868-7604
#   generic definition...
#if (!isGeneric("standingTrees")) 
             function(object, container, ...) standardGeneric('standingTrees'),
             signature = c('object', 'container')

#  1. method for function for synthetic simulation of trees; this takes the number
#     of trees to generate and a bbox matrix from wihtin which the tree centers are
#     drawn...
          signature(object = 'numeric', container='matrix'),
function(object,                            #number of trees to generate
         container,                         #within these bounds--a bbox matrix
         units = 'metric',
         dbhs = c(8, 40),                    #cm for object construction!
         topDiams = c(0.4, 0.9),            #proportion multiplier
         heights = c(5,15),
         solidTypes = c(1,10),
         species = .StemEnv$species,
#   first some checks...
    if(object < 1 || length(object)>1 || !is.numeric(object))
      stop('"object" (number of trees) must be a positive numeric scalar!')
#   make sure we have a valid "bbox" type matrix...    

    numTrees = object               #a little easier to understand
    sampleRect = container          #again

#   draw the population of trees using the general tree sampling function...
    strees = sampleTrees(numTrees, dbhs=dbhs, topDiams=topDiams,
                         heights = heights,
                         solidTypes = solidTypes, species=species,
                         sampleRect = sampleRect,
    dlo = standingTrees(strees, units=units, ...) #call the data.frame method

}   #standingTrees method for synthetic
)   #setMethod

#  2. method for function for synthetic simulation of trees within a set of
#     xlim & ylim coordinate--just turn these into a matrix and call the
#     matrix container routine...
          signature(object = 'numeric', container='missing'),
function(object,                            #number of trees to generate
         xlim = c(0,100),                   #within these bounds
         ylim = c(0,50),
         units = 'metric',
    numTrees = object
#   create bbox rectangle as a matrix from limits...
    sampleRect = matrix(c(xlim, ylim),
                        nrow = 2, byrow = TRUE,
                        dimnames = list(c('x','y'),c('min','max'))
    sts = standingTrees(numTrees, sampleRect, units=units, ...)

}   #standingTrees method for synthetic with x,y limit vectors bbox
)   #setMethod

#  3. method for function for synthetic simulation of trees from within a
#     bufferedTract internal bbox--just call the matrix container method using
#     the buffer for drawing the tree centers...
          signature(object = 'numeric', container='bufferedTract'),
function(object,                                 #number of trees to generate
         container,                              #within these bounds
         units = 'metric',
    numTrees = object

#   quick check to make sure all trees are same units as bufferedTract...
    for(i in seq_len(numTrees))
      if(units != container@units)
        stop('standingTrees: Units for trees and container do not match!')
    sts = standingTrees(numTrees, container@bufferRect, units=units, ...)

}   #standingTrees method for synthetic with bufferedtract bbox
)   #setMethod

#  4. method for function for a previously made collection of standingTree objects, 
#     stored within a list; note that the constructor will check all the individual
#     trees to make sure they are in fact each valid standingTree objects; in addition,
#     the diameters should already have been correctly converted to units of length
#     within these original objects...
          signature(object = 'list', container='missing'),
         description = '',
    trees = object
    numTrees = length(trees)
    if(numTrees < 1)
      stop('"object" must be at least one tree in the list')

    names(trees) = paste('tree',1:numTrees,sep='.')

#   group all polygons into one SpatialPolygons to get the overall bbox...
    sp = vector('list', numTrees)
    for(i in seq_len(numTrees)) 
      sp[[i]] = trees[[i]]@spDBH@polygons$pgsDBH
    sps = SpatialPolygons(sp)
    bbox = bbox(sps)

    stats = .statsStandingTrees(trees)
#   create the object directly, let the constructor check the rest...
    sto = new('standingTrees', trees=trees, bbox=bbox, units=trees[[1]]@units,
              stats=stats, description=description)
}   #standingTrees method for list
)   #setMethod

#  5. method for function for a previously made collection of trees generated from
#     the sampleTrees() function, which returns a data frame object...
          signature(object = 'data.frame', container='missing'),
         units = 'metric',
#   assuming a data frame in the form returned by sampleTrees() here, a simple
#   check for this follows...
    n.stn = length(.StemEnv$sampleTreesNames)
    if(!length(na.omit(match(names(object), .StemEnv$sampleTreesNames))) == n.stn)
      stop('Names of data frame with trees must match those returned from "sampleTrees"!')
    trees = object
    numTrees = nrow(trees)

#   standingTree constructor will convert from in/cm to feet/meters...
    stl = vector('list', numTrees)
    for(i in seq_len(numTrees))  
      stl[[i]] = standingTree(dbh = trees[i,'dbh'],    #in cm or inches!
                              topDiam = trees[i,'topDiam'],      #ibid
                              height = trees[i, 'height'],
                              solidType = trees[i, 'solidType'],
                              centerOffset = c(x=trees[i, 'x'], y=trees[i, 'y']),
                              species = trees[i, 'species'],
                              units = units,
                              ...   #not individualized, applies to all trees
    sts = standingTrees(stl, units=units, ...)  #call the list method
}   #standingTrees method for data.frame
)   #setMethod

.statsStandingTrees = function(trees) 
#   calculates summary statistics on the trees in the list...
    attrNames = c('volume', 'height', 'surfaceArea', 'basalArea', 'biomass','carbon')
    numTrees = length(trees)
    nvars = length(attrNames)
    treeAttr = matrix(NA, nrow=numTrees, ncol=nvars) #tree attributes
    colnames(treeAttr) = attrNames
    for(i in seq_len(numTrees)) {
      treeAttr[i,1] = trees[[i]]@treeVol
      treeAttr[i,2] = trees[[i]]@height
      treeAttr[i,3] = trees[[i]]@surfaceArea
      treeAttr[i,4] = trees[[i]]@ba
      treeAttr[i,5] = trees[[i]]@biomass
      treeAttr[i,6] = trees[[i]]@carbon

#   carbon and biomass can be all NAs and will throw warnings of no non-NA values when
#   calculated some stats (like min) below; so keep it quiet...
    stats = data.frame(matrix(NA, nrow=6, ncol=nvars)) #stats as rows, vars as columns
    colnames(stats) = attrNames
    rownames(stats) = c('mean','total','sd','var', 'min','max')
    #stats[1,] = apply(treeAttr, 2, mean, na.rm=TRUE)
    stats[1,] = colMeans(treeAttr, na.rm=TRUE)
    stats[2,] = colSums(treeAttr, na.rm=TRUE)
    stats[3,] = apply(treeAttr, 2, sd, na.rm=TRUE)
    stats[4,] = apply(treeAttr, 2, var, na.rm=TRUE)
    stats[5,] = apply(treeAttr, 2, min, na.rm=TRUE)
    stats[6,] = apply(treeAttr, 2, max, na.rm=TRUE)

    }) #suppressWarnings

#   and clean these up if necessary...
      stats[,'biomass'] = NA
      stats[,'carbon'] = NA
}   #statsStandingTrees


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