
Defines functions .statFix .threshold .getEvalThresholds .occurrence .deviance_binomial .deviance_poisson .deviance_gaussian .deviance_laplace .cmx .evaluate.cmx .auc .cor .rmse .mae .evaluate.binomial .evaluate.numerical .extractEvaluation ._getPerformance .getEvalTable

# Author: Babak Naimi, naimi.b@gmail.com
# Date (last update):  Jan. 2017
# Version 1.4
# Licence GPL v3

.statFix <- function(x) {
  if (is.numeric(x)) {
    x <- ifelse(x > 15,15,x)
    x <- ifelse(x < 1,1,x)
    x <- unique(x)
    x <- c('sensitivity','specificity','TSS','Kappa','NMI','phi','ppv','npv','ccr','mcr','or','ommission','commission','predicted.prevalence')[x]
  } else {
    x <- tolower(x)
    for (i in seq_along(x)) {
      if (any(!is.na(pmatch(c("se"),x[i])))) x[i] <- 'sensitivity'
      else if (any(!is.na(pmatch(c("sp"),x[i])))) x[i] <- 'specificity'
      else if (any(!is.na(pmatch(c("ts"),x[i])))) x[i] <- 'TSS'
      else if (any(!is.na(pmatch(c("ka"),x[i])))) x[i] <- 'kappa'
      else if (any(!is.na(pmatch(c("nm"),x[i])))) x[i] <- 'NMI'
      else if (any(!is.na(pmatch(c("pp"),x[i])))) x[i] <- 'ppv'
      else if (any(!is.na(pmatch(c("np"),x[i])))) x[i] <- 'npv'
      else if (any(!is.na(pmatch(c("cc"),x[i])))) x[i] <- 'ccr'
      else if (any(!is.na(pmatch(c("mc"),x[i])))) x[i] <- 'mcr'
      else if (any(!is.na(pmatch(c("or"),x[i])))) x[i] <- 'or'
      else if (any(!is.na(pmatch(c("om"),x[i])))) x[i] <- 'ommission'
      else if (any(!is.na(pmatch(c("com"),x[i])))) x[i] <- 'commission'
      else if (any(!is.na(pmatch(c("pr"),x[i])))) x[i] <- 'predicted.prevalence'
      else if (any(!is.na(pmatch(c("ph"),x[i])))) x[i] <- 'phi'
    x <- unique(x)
    w <- which(x %in% c('sensitivity','specificity','TSS','Kappa','NMI','phi','ppv','npv','ccr','mcr','or','ommission','commission','predicted.prevalence'))
    x <- x[w]

.threshold <- function(o,p,th,stat=0) {
  if (missing(th)) th <- sort(unique(p))
  else th <- sort(unique(th))
  e <- matrix(nrow=length(th),ncol=16)
  colnames(e) <- c('threshold','sensitivity','specificity','TSS','Kappa','NMI','phi','ppv','npv','ccr',
  e[,1] <- th
  for (i in seq_along(th)) {
    w <- which(p >= th[i])
    pt <- rep(0,length(p))
    pt[w] <- 1
    e[i,2:16] <- .evaluate.cmx(.cmx(o,pt))
  w <- which(is.na(e[,"ppv"]) | is.na(e[,'npv']))
  if (length(w) > 0) e <- e[-w,,drop=FALSE]
  # 1: Se=SP
  w1 <- which.min(abs(e[,"sensitivity"] - e[,"specificity"]))
  # 2: Max(Se+Sp)
  w2 <- which.max(e[,"sensitivity"]+e[,"specificity"])
  # 3: Min.cost:
  w3 <- which.min((1 - e[,"sensitivity"])*e[,"prevalence"] + (1 - e[,"specificity"] )*(1 - e[,"prevalence"]))
  # 4: ROC:
  w4 <- which.min(((1 - e[,"sensitivity"])^2) + ((e[,"specificity"] -1)^2))
  # 5: Max(Kappa):
  w5 <- which.max(e[,"Kappa"])
  # 6: Max(npv+ppv) 
  w6 <- which.max(e[,"ppv"] + e[,"npv"])
  # 7: ppv=npv
  w7 <- which.min(abs(e[,"ppv"] - e[,"npv"]))
  # 8: Max(NMI):
  w8 <- which.max(e[,"NMI"])
  # 9: Max(CCR):
  w9 <- which.max(e[,"ccr"])
  # 10: PredictedPrevalence=ObservedPrevalence
  w10 <- which.min(abs(e[,"prevalence"] - e[,"obsPrevalence"]))
  # 11: Fixed_sensitivity:
  #w11 <- which.min(e[,"sensitivity"] > se)
  th.criteria <- c("sp=se","max(se+sp)","min(cost)","minROCdist","max(kappa)","max(ppv+npv)","ppv=npv","max(NMI)","max(ccr)","prevalence")
  th <- e[c(w1,w2,w3,w4,w5,w6,w7,w8,w9,w10),unique(c(1,stat+1))]

.getEvalThresholds <- function(o,p,stat) {
  th <- sort(unique(p))
  e <- matrix(nrow=length(th),ncol=2)
  colnames(e) <- c('threshold',stat)
  e[,1] <- th
  for (i in seq_along(th)) {
    w <- which(p >= th[i])
    pt <- rep(0,length(p))
    pt[w] <- 1
    e[i,2] <- .evaluate.cmx(.cmx(o,pt))[stat]
  if (stat == 'ppv' | stat == 'npv') e <- e[which(!is.na(e[,stat])),]


.occurrence <- function(x) {
  if (is.logical(x)) {
    xx <- rep(0,length(x))
    xx[which(x)] <- 1
  } else if (is.character(x) | is.factor(x)) {
  } else return(x)
.deviance_binomial <- function(obs,pr,w=NULL) {
  pr <- ifelse(pr <= 0,0.001,pr)
  pr <- ifelse(pr >= 1,0.999,pr)
  o <- log( pr*obs + (1-pr)*(1-obs) )
  o <- o[o != -Inf]
  if (!is.null(w) && length(w) == length(o)) {
    w <- w / sum(w,na.rm=FALSE)
    o <- o * w
  (-2 * sum(o)) / length(o)
.deviance_poisson <- function(obs,pr,w=NULL) {
  o <- ifelse(obs == 0, 0, (obs * log(obs/pr))) - (obs - pr)
  if (!is.null(w) && length(w) == length(o)) {
    w <- w / sum(w,na.rm=FALSE)
    o <- o * w
  (-2 * sum(o)) / length(o)
.deviance_gaussian <- function(obs,pr,w=NULL) {
  o <- (obs - pr) * (obs - pr)
  if (!is.null(w) && length(w) == length(o)) {
    w <- w / sum(w,na.rm=FALSE)
    o <- o * w
  sum(o) / length(o)

.deviance_laplace <- function(obs,pr,w=NULL) {
  o <- abs(obs - pr)
  if (!is.null(w) && length(w) == length(o)) {
    w <- w / sum(w,na.rm=FALSE)
    o <- o * w
  sum(o) / length(o)
.cmx <- function(o,p) {
  colnames(cmx) <- rownames(cmx) <- c('P','A')
  cmx[1,1] <- length(which(o == 1 & p == 1))
  cmx[2,2] <- length(which(o == 0 & p == 0))
  cmx[1,2] <- length(which(o == 0 & p == 1))
  cmx[2,1] <- length(which(o == 1 & p == 0))
  cmx[] <- as.numeric(cmx)

.evaluate.cmx <- function(cmx) {
  N <- sum(cmx)
  prev <- (TP+FN) / N
  pred.prev <- (TP + FP) / N
  ccr <- (TP+TN) / N
  sens <- TP / (TP + FN)
  spec <- TN / (FP + TN)
  ppv <- TP / (TP + FP)
  npv <- TN / (TN + FN)
  or <- (TP * TN) / (FP * FN)
  commission = FP/(FP + TN)
  ommission = FN/(TP + FN)
  mcr = (FP + FN)/N
  phi <- (TP*TN - FP*FN)/(sqrt((TP+FN)*(TN+FP)*(TP+FP)*(TN+FN)))
  Kappa <- ((TN + TP) - ((((TP + FN)*(TP + FP)) + ((FP + TN)*(FN + TN))) /N)) / 
  v <- as.vector(cmx) ; pp <- apply(cmx,1,sum) ; op <- apply(cmx,2,sum)
  v <- ifelse(v == 0,0.00001,v)
  pp <- ifelse(pp == 0,0.00001,pp)
  op <- ifelse(op == 0,0.00001,op)
  NMI <- 1-((-sum(v*log(v)) + sum(pp*log(pp))) / (N*log(N) - sum(op*log(op))))
  TSS <- sens+spec-1
.auc <- function(o,p) {
  w1 <- which(o == 1)
  w0 <- which(o == 0)
  auc <- as.numeric(NA)
  if (length(w1) > 0 & length(w0) > 0) {
    auc <- as.vector(wilcox.test(p[w1], p[w0])$statistic)/(length(w1)*length(w0))

.cor <- function(o,p,method='pearson') {
  co <- try(cor(p, o, method=method), silent = TRUE)
  co.t <- try(cor.test(p, o, method=method), silent = TRUE)
  if (class(co) != "try-error") {
    co <- round(co,3)
    if (class(co.t) != "try-error") return(c(cor=co,p.value=co.t$p.value))
    else return(co)
  } else return(as.numeric(NA))
.rmse <- function(o,p) {
  o <- o - p
  sqrt(mean(o * o))

.mae <- function(o,p) {
  o <- o - p

# if (!isGeneric("sdmEvaluate")) {
#   setGeneric("sdmEvaluate", function(data,model,...)
#     standardGeneric("sdmEvaluate"))
# }  
# setMethod('sdmEvaluate', signature(model='sdmModel'),
#           function(data, model,...) {
#             #
#           }
# )

.evaluate.binomial <- function(o,p) {
  e <- new('sdmEvaluate')
  e@observed <- o
  e@predicted <- p
  e@statistics[['Prevalence']] <- round(length(which(o == 1)) / length(o),3)
  e@statistics[['AUC']] <- .auc(o,p)
  e@statistics[['COR']] <- .cor(o,p)
  e@statistics[['Deviance']] <- .deviance_binomial(o,p)
  e@threshold_based <- .threshold(o,p,stat=c(1:9,14))

.evaluate.numerical <- function(o,p,distribution='gaussian') {
  e <- new('sdmEvaluate')
  e@observed <- o
  e@predicted <- p
  e@statistics[['COR']] <- .cor(o,p)
  if (distribution %in% c('gaussian','normal')) e@statistics[['Deviance']] <- .deviance_gaussian(o,p)
  else if (distribution == 'poisson') e@statistics[['Deviance']] <- .deviance_poisson(o,p)
  else if (distribution == 'laplase') e@statistics[['Deviance']] <- .deviance_laplace(o,p)
  e@statistics[['RMSE']] <- .rmse(o,p)
  e@statistics[['MAE']] <- .mae(o,p)

if (!isGeneric("evaluates")) {
  setGeneric("evaluates", function(x,p,...)

setMethod('evaluates', signature(x='vector',p='vector'),
          function(x, p,distribution) {
            w <- which(!is.na(x) & !is.na(p))
            p <- p[w]; x <- x[w]
            if (length(x) != length(p)) stop('observed and predicted vectors should have the same length')
            if (missing(distribution)) {
              if (.isBinomial(x)) distribution <- 'binomial'
              else {
                # guessing!!
                if (mean(round(x,0) - x) == 0) distribution <- 'poisson'
                else distribution <- 'gaussian'
            if (distribution %in% c('binomial','bernouli')) {
              x <- .occurrence(x)
            } else {
              .evaluate.numerical(x,p,distribution = distribution)

.extractEvaluation <- function(x,id,wtest=NULL,stat=NULL,opt=NULL) {
  mi <- x@run.info
  mi <- mi[mi$success,]
  if (missing(id) || is.null(id)) id <- mi$modelID
  if (is.null(wtest)) wtest <- colnames(mi)[9:7][which(as.matrix(mi[1,c(9,8,7)]))[1]]
  else {
    wtest <- .pmatch(wtest,c('training','test.dep','test.indep'))[1]
    if (is.na(wtest)) wtest <- colnames(mi)[9:7][which(as.matrix(mi[1,c(9,8,7)]))[1]]
  s1 <- c('AUC','COR','Deviance','obs.prevalence')
  s2 <- c('threshold','sensitivity','specificity','TSS','Kappa','NMI','phi','ppv','npv','ccr','prevalence')
  if (!is.null(stat)) {
    stat <- .pmatch(stat,c(s1,s2))
    stat <- stat[!is.na(stat)]
    if (length(stat) == 0) stat <- c('AUC','COR','Deviance','TSS')
  } else stat <- c('AUC','COR','Deviance','TSS')
  s1 <- stat[stat %in% s1]
  s2 <- stat[stat %in% s2]
  if (length(s1) == 0) s1 <- NULL
  else if ('obs.prevalence' %in% s1) s1[s1 == 'obs.prevalence'] <- 'Prevalence'
  if (length(s2) == 0) s2 <- NULL
  th.criteria <- c("sp=se","max(se+sp)","min(cost)","minROCdist","max(kappa)","max(ppv+npv)","ppv=npv","max(NMI)","max(ccr)","prevalence")
  if (!is.null(opt)) {
    if (is.numeric(opt)) {
      if (!opt %in% 1:10) {
        opt <- 2
        warning('opt (the criteria for optimum threshold) should be a number between 1:10; opt=2 is considered (i.e., max(se+sp))')
    } else {
      opt <- .pmatch(opt,th.criteria)
      opt <- opt[!is.na(opt)]
      if (length(opt) == 0) {
        warning('opt (the criteria for optimum threshold) is not understood! max(se+sp) is considered...')
        opt <- 2
      } else {
        opt <- opt[1]
        opt <- which(th.criteria == opt)
  } else opt <- 2
  mi <- mi[mi[,wtest],]
  w <- mi$modelID %in% id
  mi <- mi[w,]
  id <- as.character(mi$modelID)
  rownames(mi) <- id
  for (i in c(2,3,4)) mi[,i] <- as.character(mi[,i])
  o <- list()
  names(s1) <- s1
  names(s2) <- s2
  for (i in id) {
    sp <- mi[i,2]
    mo <- mi[i,3]
    r <- mi[i,4]
    if (!is.null(s1)) {
      o[[i]] <- lapply(s1,function(j) x@models[[sp]][[mo]][[i]]@evaluation[[wtest]]@statistics[[j]][[1]])
    if (!is.null(s2)) {
      o[[i]] <- c(o[[i]],lapply(s2,function(j) x@models[[sp]][[mo]][[i]]@evaluation[[wtest]]@threshold_based[opt,j]))

._getPerformance <- function(x,id,wtest=NULL,s1=NULL,s2=NULL,opt=2) {
  #internal function: given the exact parameters, the stat values are extracted from a model
  mi <- x@run.info
  w <- mi$modelID %in% id
  mi <- mi[w,]
  id <- as.character(mi$modelID)
  rownames(mi) <- id
  if (is.null(wtest)) wtest <- colnames(mi)[9:7][which(as.matrix(mi[1,c(9,8,7)]))[1]]
  else {
    wtest <- .pmatch(wtest,c('training','test.dep','test.indep'))[1]
    if (is.na(wtest)) wtest <- colnames(mi)[9:7][which(as.matrix(mi[1,c(9,8,7)]))[1]]
  for (i in c(2,3,4)) mi[,i] <- as.character(mi[,i])
  o <- list()
  names(s1) <- s1
  names(s2) <- s2
  ws <- vector('list',length(c(s1,s2))) # for the case of NA in the evaluation
  names(ws) <- c(s1,s2)
  ws[] <- NA
  for (i in id) {
    sp <- mi[i,2]
    mo <- mi[i,3]
    if (!is.null(x@models[[sp]][[mo]][[i]]@evaluation[[wtest]])) {
      if (!is.null(s1)) {
        o[[i]] <- lapply(s1,function(j) x@models[[sp]][[mo]][[i]]@evaluation[[wtest]]@statistics[[j]][[1]])
      if (!is.null(s2)) {
        o[[i]] <- c(o[[i]],lapply(s2,function(j) x@models[[sp]][[mo]][[i]]@evaluation[[wtest]]@threshold_based[opt,j]))
    } else {
      o[[i]] <- c(o[[i]],ws)
.getEvalTable <- function(x,id,wtest,stat=NULL) {
  # This is to get evaluation table for a single model!
  # stat can be 1 (threshold-independent) OR 2 (threshold-dependent)
  mi <- x@run.info
  w <- which(mi$modelID == id)
  if (length(w) == 1) {
    if (missing(wtest) || is.null(wtest)) wtest <- colnames(mi)[9:7][which(as.matrix(mi[1,c(9,8,7)]))[1]]
    else {
      wtest <- .pmatch(wtest,c('training','test.dep','test.indep'))[1]
      if (is.na(wtest)) wtest <- colnames(mi)[9:7][which(as.matrix(mi[1,c(9,8,7)]))[1]]
    sp <- as.character(mi$species)[w]
    mo <- as.character(mi$method)[w]
    i <- as.character(mi$modelID)[w]
    if (is.null(stat)) list(threhsold_independent=x@models[[sp]][[mo]][[i]]@evaluation[[wtest]]@statistics,
    else if (stat == 1) x@models[[sp]][[mo]][[i]]@evaluation[[wtest]]@statistics
    else if (stat == 2) x@models[[sp]][[mo]][[i]]@evaluation[[wtest]]@threshold_based

if (!isGeneric("getEvaluation")) {
  setGeneric("getEvaluation", function(x,w,wtest,stat,opt,...)

setMethod('getEvaluation', signature(x='sdmModels'),
          function(x, w, wtest,stat,opt,...) {
            if (missing(w)) w <- NULL
            if (missing(wtest)) wtest <- NULL
            if (missing(stat)) stat <-c('AUC','COR','Deviance','TSS')
            if (missing(opt)) opt <- 2
            if (!is.null(w) && length(w) == 1 && all(stat %in% 1:2)) {
              .getEvalTable(x,id = w,wtest=wtest,stat=stat)
            } else {
              e <- .extractEvaluation(x,id=w,wtest=wtest,stat=stat,opt=opt)
              if (length(e) > 0) {
                stat <- names(e[[1]])
                o <- data.frame(matrix(ncol=length(stat)+1,nrow=length(e)))
                colnames(o) <- c('modelID',stat)
                if (length(stat) > 1) o[,2:ncol(o)] <- t(sapply(e,function(x) unlist(x)))
                else o[,2] <- sapply(e,function(x) unlist(x))
                o[,1] <- as.numeric(names(e))
              } else stop('No evaluation results for the specified models!')

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