
Defines functions specify.model specifyModel print.semmod classifyVariables strip.white removeRedundantPaths specifyEquations cfa not.number

Documented in cfa classifyVariables print.semmod removeRedundantPaths specifyEquations specify.model specifyModel

# last modified 2012-02-10 by J. Fox

specify.model <- function(...){
	.Deprecated("specifyModel", package="sem")

specifyModel <- function(file="", exog.variances=FALSE, endog.variances=TRUE, covs, suffix="", quiet=FALSE){
	add.variances <- function () {
		variables <- need.variance()
		nvars <- length(variables)
		if (nvars == 0) return(model)
		message("NOTE: adding ", nvars, " variances to the model")
		paths <- character(nvars)
		par.names <- character(nvars)
		for (i in 1:nvars) {
			paths[i] <- paste(variables[i], "<->", variables[i])
			par.names[i] <- paste("V[", variables[i], "]", sep = "")
		model.2 <- cbind(c(model[, 1], paths), c(model[, 2], par.names), 
				c(model[, 3], rep(NA, length(paths))))
		class(model.2) <- "semmod"
	need.variance <- function () {
		all.vars <- classifyVariables(model)
		exo.vars <- all.vars$exogenous
		end.vars <- all.vars$endogenous
		variables <- logical(0)
		for (paths in model[, 1]) {
			vars <- strip.white(paths)
			vars <- sub("-*>", "->", sub("<-*", "<-", vars))
			vars <- sub("<->|<-", "->", vars)
			vars <- strsplit(vars, "->")[[1]]
			if (vars[1] != vars[2]) {
				for (a.variable in vars) {
					if (is.na(variables[a.variable])) variables[a.variable] <- TRUE
			else {
				variables[vars[1]] <- FALSE
		if (!exog.variances && length(exo.vars) > 0) variables[exo.vars] <- FALSE
		if (!endog.variances && length(end.vars) > 0) variables[end.vars] <- FALSE
	model <- scan(file=file, what=list(path="", par="", start=1, dump=""), sep=",", 
			strip.white=TRUE, comment.char="#", fill=TRUE, quiet=quiet) 
	# dump permits comma at line end
	model$par[model$par == ""] <- NA
	model <- cbind(model$path, model$par, model$start)
	if (!(missing(covs))){
		for (cov in covs){
			vars <- strsplit(cov, "[ ,]+")[[1]]
			nvar <- length(vars)
			for (i in 1:nvar){
				for (j in i:nvar){
					row <- c(paste(vars[i], "<->", vars[j]), 
							if (i == j) paste("V[", vars[i], "]", sep="") else paste("C[", vars[i], ",", vars[j], "]", sep=""),
					if (row[2] %in% model[,2]) next
					model <- rbind(model, row)
	model <- removeRedundantPaths(model, warn=FALSE)
	result <- add.variances()
	which.pars <- !is.na(result[, 2])
	result[which.pars, 2] <- paste(result[which.pars, 2], suffix, sep="")
print.semmod <- function(x, ...){
    path <- x[,1]
    parameter <- x[,2]
    parameter[is.na(parameter)] <- "<fixed>"
    startvalue <- as.numeric(x[,3])
    startvalue[is.na(startvalue)] <- " "
    if (all(startvalue == " "))  print(data.frame(Path=path, Parameter=parameter),
    else print(data.frame(Path=path, Parameter=parameter, StartValue=startvalue),
classifyVariables <- function(model) {
	variables <- logical(0)
	for (paths in model[, 1]) {
		vars <- strip.white(paths)
		vars <- sub("-*>", "->", sub("<-*", "<-", vars))
		if (grepl("<->", vars)){
			vars <- strsplit(vars, "<->")[[1]]
			if (is.na(variables[vars[1]])) variables[vars[1]] <- FALSE
			if (is.na(variables[vars[2]])) variables[vars[2]] <- FALSE
		else if (grepl("->", vars)){
			vars <- strsplit(vars, "->")[[1]]
			if (is.na(variables[vars[1]])) variables[vars[1]] <- FALSE
			variables[vars[2]] <- TRUE
		else if (grepl("<-", vars)){
			vars <- strsplit(vars, "<-")[[1]]
			if (is.na(variables[vars[2]])) variables[vars[2]] <- FALSE
			variables[vars[1]] <- TRUE
		else stop("incorrectly specified model")
	list(endogenous=names(variables[variables]), exogenous=names(variables[!variables]))

strip.white <- function(x) gsub(' ', '', x)

removeRedundantPaths <- function(model, warn=TRUE){
	paths <- model[, 1]
	paths <- strip.white(paths)
	paths <- sub("-*>", "->", sub("<-*", "<-", paths))
	start <- regexpr("<->|<-|->", paths)
	end <- start + attr(start, "match.length") - 1
	arrows <- substr(paths, start, end)
	vars <- matrix(unlist(strsplit(paths, "<->|<-|->")), ncol=2, byrow=TRUE)
	for (i in 1:length(arrows)){
		if (arrows[i] == "<-"){
			arrows[i] <- "->"
			vars[i, ] <- vars[i, 2:1]
	vars <- cbind(vars, arrows)
	dupl.paths <- duplicated(vars)
	if (warn && any(dupl.paths)){
		warning("the following duplicated paths were removed: ", paste(model[dupl.paths, 1], collapse=", "))
	model <- model[!dupl.paths, ]
	class(model) <- "semmod"

specifyEquations <- function(file="", ...){
	par.start <- function(coef, eq){
		if (length(grep("\\(", coef)) == 0){
			return(c(coef, "NA"))
		par.start <- strsplit(coef, "\\(")[[1]]
		if (length(par.start) != 2) stop("Parse error in equation: ", eq,
					'\n  Start values must be given in the form "parameter(value)".')
		par <- par.start[[1]]
		start <- par.start[[2]]
		if (length(grep("\\)$", start)) == 0) stop("Parse error in equation: ", eq,
					"\n  Unbalanced parentheses.")
		start <- sub("\\)", "", start)
		return(c(par, start))  
	parseEquation <- function(eqn){
		eq <- eqn
		eqn <- gsub("\\s*", "", eqn)
		eqn <- strsplit(eqn, "=")[[1]]
		if (length(eqn) != 2) stop("Parse error in equation: ", eq,
					"\n  An equation must have a left- and right-hand side separated by =.")
		lhs <- eqn[1]
		rhs <- eqn[2]
		if (length(grep("^[cC]\\(", lhs)) > 0){
			if (length(grep("\\)$", lhs)) == 0) stop("Parse error in equation: ", eq,
						"\n  Unbalanced parentheses.")
			lhs <- sub("[cC]\\(", "", lhs)
			lhs <- sub("\\)", "", lhs)
			variables <- strsplit(lhs, ",")[[1]]
			if (length(variables) != 2) stop("Parse error in equation: ", eq,
						"\n  A covariance must be in the form C(var1, var2) = cov12")
			if (not.number(rhs)){
				par.start <- par.start(rhs, eq)
				if (not.number(par.start[2]) && (par.start[2] != "NA")) 
					stop("Parse error in equation: ", eq,
							"\n  Start values must be numeric constants.")
				ram <- paste(variables[1], " <-> ", variables[2], ", ", par.start[1], ", ", par.start[2], sep="")
				ram <- paste(variables[1], " <-> ", variables[2], ", NA, ", rhs, sep="")
		else if (length(grep("^[vV]\\(", lhs)) > 0){
			lhs <- sub("[vV]\\(", "", lhs)
			if (length(grep("\\)$", lhs)) == 0) stop("Parse error in equation: ", eq,
						"\n  Unbalanced parentheses.")
			lhs <- sub("\\)", "", lhs)
			if (not.number(rhs)){
				par.start <- par.start(rhs, eq)
				if (not.number(par.start[2]) && (par.start[2] != "NA")) 
					stop("Parse error in equation: ", eq,
							"\n  Start values must be numeric constants.")
				ram <- paste(lhs, " <-> ", lhs, ", ", par.start[1], ", ", par.start[2], sep="")
				ram <- paste(lhs, " <-> ", lhs, ", NA, ", rhs, sep="")
			terms <- strsplit(rhs, "\\+")[[1]]
			terms <- strsplit(terms, "\\*")
			ram <- character(length(terms))
			for (term in 1:length(terms)){
				trm <- terms[[term]]
				if (length(trm) != 2) stop("Parse error in equation: ", eq,
							'\n  The term  "', trm, '" is malformed.',
							'\n  Each term on the right-hand side of a structural equation must be of the form "parameter*variable".')
				coef <-  trm[1]
				if (not.number(coef)){
					par.start <- par.start(coef, eq)
					if (not.number(par.start[2]) && (par.start[2] != "NA")) 
						stop("Parse error in equation: ", eq,
								"\n  Start values must be numeric constants.")
					ram[term] <- paste(trm[2], " -> ", lhs, ", ", par.start[1], ", ", par.start[2], sep="")
					ram[term] <- paste(trm[2], " -> ", lhs, ", NA, ", coef, sep="")
	equations <- scan(file=file, what="", sep=";", strip.white=TRUE, comment.char="#")
	ram <- unlist(lapply(equations, parseEquation))
	specifyModel(file=textConnection(ram), ..., quiet=TRUE)

cfa <- function(file="", covs=paste(factors, collapse=","), reference.indicators=FALSE, ...){
	Lines <- scan(file=file, what="", sep=";", strip.white=TRUE, comment.char="#")
	lines <- character(0)
	current.line <- ""
	for (line in Lines){
		if (current.line != "") line <- paste(current.line, line)
		if (length(grep(",$", line)) > 0){
			current.line <- line
		current.line <- ""
		lines <- c(lines, line)
	nfactor <- length(lines)
	factors <- rep("", nfactor)
	ram <- character(0)
	for (i in 1:nfactor){
		Line <- line <- lines[[i]]
		line <- gsub(" ", "", line)
		line <- strsplit(line, ":")[[1]]
		if (length(line) == 1){
			factors[i] <- paste("Factor.", i, sep="")
			variables <- strsplit(line, ",")[[1]]
		else if (length(line) == 2){
			factors[i] <- line[1]
			variables <- strsplit(line[2], ",")[[1]]
		else stop("Parse error in ", Line)
		if (reference.indicators){
			ram <- c(ram, paste(factors[i], " -> ", variables[1], ", NA, 1", sep=""))
			variables <- variables[-1]
		for (variable in variables){
			if (length(grep("\\(", variable)) > 0){
				if (length(grep("\\)", variable)) == 0) stop ("Parse error in ", Line)
				variable <- sub("\\)", "", variable)   
				var.start <- strsplit(variable, "\\(")[[1]]
				if (length(var.start) != 2) stop("Parse error in ", Line)
				variable <- var.start[1]
				start <- var.start[2]
				if (not.number(start)) stop ("Bad start value ", start, " in ", Line)
			else start <- "NA"
			ram <- c(ram, paste(factors[i], " -> ", variable, ", lam[", variable, ":", factors[i], "], ", start, sep=""))
	ram <- if (reference.indicators) {
				c(ram, sapply(factors, function(factor) paste(factor, " <-> ", factor, ", ", paste("V[", factor, "]", sep="") , ", NA", sep="")))
				c(ram, sapply(factors, function(factor) paste(factor, " <-> ", factor, ", NA, 1", sep="")))
	specifyModel(file=textConnection(ram), covs=covs, ..., quiet=TRUE)

# the following function (not exported) checks whether a text string can be converted into a number

not.number <- function(constant){
	save <- options(warn = -1)

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