
#     Description of this R script:
#     R interface rotine for fitting a sparse group lasso regularization path
#     Intended for use with R.
#     Copyright (C) 2014 Martin Vincent
#     This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
#     it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#     the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
#     (at your option) any later version.
#     This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#     but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#     GNU General Public License for more details.
#     You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
#     along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>

#' Fit a sparse group lasso regularization path. 
#' A sequence of minimizers (one for each lambda given in the \code{lambda} argument) of 
#' \deqn{\mathrm{loss}(\beta) + \lambda \left( (1-\alpha) \sum_{J=1}^m \gamma_J \|\beta^{(J)}\|_2 + \alpha \sum_{i=1}^{n} \xi_i |\beta_i| \right)}
#' where \eqn{\mathrm{loss}} is the loss/objective function specified by \code{module_name}.
#' The parameters are organized in the parameter matrix \eqn{\beta} with dimension \eqn{q\times p}.
#' The vector \eqn{\beta^{(J)}} denotes the \eqn{J} parameter group.  
#' The group weights \eqn{\gamma \in [0,\infty)^m} and the parameter weights \eqn{\xi = (\xi^{(1)},\dots, \xi^{(m)}) \in [0,\infty)^n} 
#' with \eqn{\xi^{(1)}\in [0,\infty)^{n_1},\dots, \xi^{(m)} \in [0,\infty)^{n_m}}.
#' @param module_name reference to objective specific C++ routines.
#' @param PACKAGE name of the calling package.
#' @param data a list of data objects -- will be parsed to the specified module.
#' @param parameterGrouping grouping of parameters, a vector of length \eqn{p}. Each element of the vector specifying the group of the parameters in the corresponding column of \eqn{\beta}. 
#' @param groupWeights the group weights, a vector of length \code{length(unique(parameterGrouping))} (the number of groups). 
#' @param parameterWeights a matrix of size \eqn{q \times p}. 
#' @param alpha the \eqn{\alpha} value 0 for group lasso, 1 for lasso, between 0 and 1 gives a sparse group lasso penalty.
#' @param lambda the lambda sequence for the regularization path.
#' @param return the indices of lambda values for which to return fitted parameters.
#' @param algorithm.config the algorithm configuration to be used. 
#' @return 
#' \item{beta}{the fitted parameters -- a list of length \code{length(return)} with each entry a matrix of size \eqn{q\times (p+1)} holding the fitted parameters.}
#' \item{loss}{the values of the loss function.}
#' \item{objective}{the values of the objective function (i.e. loss + penalty).}
#' \item{lambda}{the lambda values used.}
#' @author Martin Vincent
#' @export
#' @useDynLib sglOptim .registration=TRUE
#' @import Matrix
sgl_fit <- function(module_name, PACKAGE, data, parameterGrouping, groupWeights, parameterWeights, alpha, lambda, return = 1:length(lambda), algorithm.config = sgl.standard.config) {
	args <- prepare.args(data, parameterGrouping, groupWeights, parameterWeights, alpha)
	#TODO check that return is valid
	return <- as.integer(sort(unique(return))) - 1L
	call_sym <- paste(module_name, "sgl_fit", sep="_")
	res <- .Call(call_sym, PACKAGE = PACKAGE, args$data, args$block.dim, args$groupWeights, args$parameterWeights, args$alpha, lambda, return, algorithm.config)

	## Create R sparse matrix
	res$beta <- lapply(1:length(res$beta), function(i) sparseMatrix(p = res$beta[[i]][[2]], i = res$beta[[i]][[3]], x = res$beta[[i]][[4]], dims = res$beta[[i]][[1]], index1 = FALSE))

	# Dim names
	res$beta <- lapply(res$beta, function(x) { dimnames(x) <- list(args$data$group.names, args$data$covariate.names); x })
	# Restore org order
	res$beta <- lapply(res$beta, function(x) x[, order(args$group.order), drop = FALSE])
	res$nmod <- length(res$beta)
	# Set version, type and class and return
	res$sglOptim_version <- packageVersion("sglOptim")
	res$type <- "fit"
	class(res) <- "sgl"

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sglOptim documentation built on May 2, 2019, 5:55 p.m.