Defines functions GetHRIaluejakokartat GetOmakaupunki GetPalvelukartta

Documented in GetHRIaluejakokartat GetOmakaupunki GetPalvelukartta

# This file is a part of the soRvi program (http://louhos.github.com/sorvi/)

# Copyright (C) 2010-2012 Louhos <louhos.github.com>. All rights reserved.

# This program is open source software; you can redistribute it and/or modify 
# it under the terms of the FreeBSD License (keep this notice): 
# http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BSD_licenses

# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, 
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of 

#' Preprocess 'aluejakokartat' from HRI
#' Preprocess 'aluejakokartat' from Helsinki Region Infoshare
#' @author Juuso Parkkinen \email{sorvi-commits@@lists.r-forge.r-project.org}
#' @export
GetHRIaluejakokartat <- function() {
  stop("Function GetHRIaluejakokartat is currently broken, we are working on it...")
  message("Loading aluejakokartat from HRI...")
  # Need to install package rgdal
  # Mac users, see http://www.r-bloggers.com/installing-rgdal-on-mac-os-x-2/


  # Download KML files from http://www.hri.fi/fi/data/paakaupunkiseudun-aluejakokartat/
  # Substitute manually "xsd:sting" in <SimpleField type="xsd:string" name="KOKOTUN"> and other similar fields with "string" to read whole metadata
  pks.pienalue <- rgdal::readOGR(dsn="data/PKS_Kartta_Rajat_KML2011/PKS_pienalue.kml2", layer="pks_pienalue")
  pks.pienalue@data$id <- rownames(pks.pienalue@data) # Add IDs
  pks.points <- ggplot2::fortify(pks.pienalue, region="id") # Get point data
  pks.points$group <- sub(".1", "", pks.points$group) # Regex PIEN to joinable format
  pks.df <- merge(pks.points, pks.pienalue@data, by.x="group", by.y = "id") # Put everything together
  pks.df <- pks.df[order(pks.df$order),] # sort DF so that polygons come out in the right order
  # Fix encoding
#  pks.df$Nimi <- factor(iconv(pks.df$Nimi, from="ISO-8859-1", to="UTF-8"))
#  pks.df$NIMI_ISO <- factor(iconv(pks.df$NIMI_ISO, from="ISO-8859-1", to="UTF-8"))
  pks.df$Name <- factor(iconv(pks.df$Name, from="ISO-8859-1", to="UTF-8"))
#  pks.pienalue@data$Nimi <- factor(iconv(pks.pienalue@data$Nimi, from="ISO-8859-1", to="UTF-8"))
#  pks.pienalue@data$NIMI_ISO <- factor(iconv(pks.pienalue@data$NIMI_ISO, from="ISO-8859-1", to="UTF-8"))
  pks.pienalue@data$Name <- factor(iconv(pks.pienalue@data$Name, from="ISO-8859-1", to="UTF-8"))
  return(list(pienalue=pks.pienalue, pienalue.df=pks.df))

#' Access Omakaupunki data
#' Access Omakaupunki data through the API. Using the API requireds a password 
#' and an API key. For more details and API documentation see
#' http://blogit.hs.fi/hsnext/omakaupungin-meno-ja-palvelutiedot-avoimena-rajapintana
#' @param query API query, e.g. "event" or "directory" (services)
#' @param login Personal username (required)
#' @param password Personal password (required)
#' @param api_key Personal API key (required)
#' @param ... Additional parameters to the API (optional). See details from the API documentation
#' The data is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 3.0. 
#' @return List of results
#' @author Juuso Parkkinen \email{sorvi-commits@@lists.r-forge.r-project.org}
#' @export
#' @examples # event.categories <- GetOmakaupunki("event/categories", LOGIN, PASSWORD, API)
GetOmakaupunki <- function(query, login, password, api_key, ...) {

  api.url <- "http://api.omakaupunki.fi/v1/"
  query.url <- paste(api.url, query, sep="")
  curl <- RCurl::getCurlHandle(cookiefile = "")
  params <- list(login=login, password=password, api_key=api_key, ...)
  val <- RCurl::getForm(query.url, .params=params, curl=curl, binary=FALSE)
  res <- rjson::fromJSON(val)

#' Access Paakaupunkiseudun Palvelukartta data
#' Access Paakaupunkiseudun Palvelukartta data from the it's API (version 2). 
#' Using the API is free. For more details and API documentation see
#' http://www.hel.fi/palvelukarttaws/rest/ver2.html.
#' For licensing terms pf the data see http://www.hel2.fi/palvelukartta/REST.html.
#' @param category API query category, e.g. "service"
#' @param ... Additional parameters to the API (optional). See details from the API documentation
#' @return List of results
#' @author Juuso Parkkinen \email{sorvi-commits@@lists.r-forge.r-project.org}
#' @export
#' @examples # pk.services <- GetPalvelukartta("service")
GetPalvelukartta <- function(category, ...) {

  api.url <- paste("http://www.hel.fi/palvelukarttaws/rest/v2/", category, "/", sep="")
  curl <- RCurl::getCurlHandle(cookiefile = "")
  params <- list(...)
  val <- RCurl::getForm(api.url, .params=params, curl=curl)
  res <- rjson::fromJSON(val)

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Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

sorvi documentation built on May 2, 2019, 6:16 p.m.