
"showStructure" <-
function(x, maxlen=20, describeAttributes=TRUE, short=NULL,
         prefix="", attri=FALSE,
  # Describe the structure of object x, recursively.
  # Args:
  #   maxlen: integer; if x is a list of length longer than maxlen, only list
  #           the names of the components.  May be a vector, then the Kth
  #           element is used for Kth level of recursion.
  #   describeAttributes: if FALSE, then only give names of attributes.
  #   short:  logical, this argument may be used by methods
  #           (currently used by bdFrame and bdVector methods in S-PLUS)
  #   prefix: for internal use in recursive calls, for indenting levels
  #   attri:  for internal use in recursive calls; if TRUE then attributes
  #           are being printed, use & instead of $ or @
  #   ... :   passed to methods
  # Returns:
  #   invisible(NULL) # this function prints the description

  # This function has not been tested with all kinds of objects,

    cat(prefix, "environment",
	if(class(x)[1] != "environment") paste("of class", class(x)[1]),

  # Determine attributes to be shown
  ax <- attributes(x)
  ax$dim <- NULL
  ax$class <- NULL
  if(is.list(x) )
    ax$names <- NULL

  # Determine attributes to be shown separately
  #  -- none if !describeAttributes,
  #  -- otherwise everything but dim, class, names and dimnames
    # ax1 = attributes to just list, ax2 = attributes to show separately
    ax1 <- ax[match(c("names", "dimnames"), names(ax), nomatch=0)]
    if(!is.recursive(x)) ax1$names <- NULL
    ax2 <- ax
    ax2$names <- NULL
    ax2$dimnames <- NULL
  } else {
    ax1 <- ax
    ax2 <- NULL

  # Is the object an S4 class (not including classes like "matrix")
  S4 <- isS4(x)

  # In R, attributes(x) includes S4 slots
    ax2 <- ax2[!is.element(names(ax2), slotNames(x))]

  # In S+, unclass turns an S4 object into a list; not in R.
  ux <- try(unclass(x), silent = TRUE)
  if(is(ux, "try-error")){
    cat(prefix, "object of class", class(x)[1], "\n", sep="")
  len <- length(ux)
    len <- length(slotNames(x))

  # Loop over list components or slots
    if(mode(x) == "numeric" && is.null(dim(x)) && len == 1){
      cat(prefix, "scalar", sep="")
    } else if(is.null(x)) {
      cat(prefix, "NULL")
    } else {
      cat(prefix, mode(x), "[", sep="")
      if(is.null(dim(x))) {
	cat(" length", len)
      } else {
	cat(dim(x), sep=",")
    } # Don't print "\n" yet.

    # List class after name of object.  Note that cat() handles
    # vectors by collapsing into a single vector.
    if(S4) {
      cat("  S4 class:", class(x), "\n")
    } else {
      if(length(attr(x, "class"))) {
        cat("  S3 class:", oldClass(x), "\n")
      } else {
        cat("  class:", class(x), "\n")

  # Attributes
    cat(prefix, "attributes:", names(ax1), "\n")
  if(length(ax2)) # Describe attributes separately
    Recall(ax2, maxlen = if(length(maxlen) > 1) maxlen[-1] else maxlen,
	   prefix = prefix, describeAttributes=TRUE, attri=TRUE,
           short=short, ...)

  # work around bug in slotNames, for a character string (as of R 2.7.0)
  nn <- ifelse1(identical(class(x), "character") && length(x) == 1,
                is.element(".S3Class", slotNames(x)),
  slotted <- length(nn) && !is.element(class(x)[1], c("named", "structure"))
    nn <- names(x)
      nn <- 1:len
  if(S4 || (is.list(ux) && len)){
    if(len <= maxlen){
      nn[nn == ""] <- (1:len)[nn == ""]
      nn <- format(nn, justify="left")
      for(i in 1:len){
            ifelse1(attri, " &", S4 || slotted, " @", " $"),
	    nn[i], " ", sep="")
	Recall(ifelse1(S4, slot(x, slotNames(x)[i]), ux[[i]]),
	       maxlen = if(length(maxlen) > 1) maxlen[-1] else maxlen,
	       prefix = paste(prefix, "  ", sep=""),
	       describeAttributes=describeAttributes, short=short, ...)
    } else {
      cat(prefix, "length > maxlen,",
          ifelse1(!slotted && is.null(names(x)), "No names",
                  c("names= ", ifelse1(len > 100,
                                       c(nn[1:100], "...(more than 100)"),

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splus2R documentation built on May 2, 2019, 5:24 p.m.