
#' Migration report for one DC, one species and one stage
#' This class performs a migration summary. A migration monitoring operation can correspond to a single
#' horodate (in the case of some video monitoring operation) or comprise a period which does not necessarily
#' span a full day. The daily migration is calculated by splitting the operation between days, and the migration is either
#' grouped or split according to the lenth of the different time spans.
#' @include ref_taxa.R
#' @include ref_stage.R
#' @include ref_timestep_daily.R
#' @include report_df.R
#' @include report_dc.R
#' @include report_ope.R
#' @slot dc Object of class \link{ref_dc-class}: the control device
#' @slot taxa Object of class \link{ref_taxa-class}: the species
#' @slot stage Object of class \link{ref_stage-class} : the stage of the fish
#' @slot timestep Object of class \link{ref_timestep_daily-class} : the time step
#' constrained to daily value and 365 days
#' @slot data Object of class \code{data.frame} with data filled in from the connect method
#' @slot calcdata A "list" of calculated daily data, one per dc, filled in by the calcule method
#' @slot coef_conversion A data.frame of daily weight to number conversion coefficients, filled in by the connect
#' method if any weight are found in the data slot.
#' @slot time.sequence Object of class \code{POSIXct} : a time sequence of days generated by the calcule method
#' @note In practise, the report_mig class uses methods (calcule, connect...) from the more elaborate \link{report_mig_mult-class}
#' @author Cedric Briand \email{cedric.briand@eptb-vilaine.fr}
#' @family report Objects
#' @keywords classes
#' @aliases report_mig
#' @example inst/examples/report_mig-example.R
#' @export
		Class = "report_mig",
		representation =
						dc = "ref_dc",
						taxa = "ref_taxa",
						stage = "ref_stage",
						timestep = "ref_timestep_daily",
						data = "data.frame",
						calcdata = "list",
						coef_conversion = "data.frame",
						time.sequence = "POSIXct"
		prototype = prototype(
				dc = new("ref_dc"),
				taxa = new("ref_taxa"),
				stage = new("ref_stage"),
				timestep = new("ref_timestep_daily"),
				data = data.frame(),
				calcdata = list(),
				coef_conversion = data.frame(),
				time.sequence = as.POSIXct(Sys.time())
# report_mig= new("report_mig")

setValidity("report_mig", function(object)
			rep1 = length(object@dc) == 1
			rep2 = length(object@taxa) == 1
			rep3 = length(object@stage) == 1
			rep3 = length(object@timestep) == 1
			rep4 = (object@timestep@nb_step == 365 |
						object@timestep@nb_step == 366) # constraint 365 to 366 days
			rep5 = as.numeric(strftime(object@timestep@dateDebut, '%d')) == 1 # contrainte : depart = 1er janvier
			rep6 = as.numeric(strftime(object@timestep@dateDebut, '%m')) == 1
			return(ifelse(rep1 &
									rep2 &
									rep3 &
									rep4 &
									rep5 &
									rep6 , TRUE , c(1:6)[!c(rep1, rep2, rep3, rep4, rep5, rep6)]))

##' handler for calculations report_mig
##'  internal use
##' @param h handler
##' @param ... additional parameters
##' @author Cedric Briand \email{cedric.briand@eptb-vilaine.fr}
##' @keywords internal
#  if (exists("report_mig",envir_stacomi)) {
#	report_mig<-get("report_mig",envir_stacomi)
#  } else {
#	funout(gettext("You need to launch computation first, clic on calc\n",domain="R-stacomiR"),arret=TRUE)
#  }
#  report_mig<-charge(report_mig)
#  report_mig<-connect(report_mig)
#  report_mig<-calcule(report_mig)

#' connect method for report_mig
#' uses the report_mig_mult method
#' @param object An object of class \link{report_mig-class}
#' @param silent Boolean default FALSE, if TRUE information messages not displayed
#' @return report_mig with slot \code{@data} filled from the database
#' @aliases connect.report_mig
		signature = signature("report_mig"),
		definition = function(object, silent = FALSE) {
			report_mig <- object
			report_mig_mult <- as(report_mig, "report_mig_mult")
			report_mig_mult <- connect(report_mig_mult, silent = silent)
			report_mig@data <- report_mig_mult@data
			report_mig@coef_conversion <- report_mig_mult@coef_conversion
#' command line interface for report_mig class
#' The choice_c method fills in the data slot for ref_dc, ref_taxa, ref_stage, and refref_timestep_daily and then
#' uses the choice_c methods of these object to select the data.
#' @param object An object of class \link{report_mig-class}
#' @param dc A numeric or integer, the code of the dc, coerced to integer,see \link{choice_c,ref_dc-method}
#' @param taxa Either a species name in latin or the SANDRE code for species (ie 2038=Anguilla anguilla),
#' these should match the ref.tr_taxon_tax referential table in the stacomi database, see \link{choice_c,ref_taxa-method}
#' @param stage A stage code matching the ref.tr_stadedeveloppement_std table in the stacomi database see \link{choice_c,ref_stage-method}
#' @param datedebut The starting date as a character, formats like \code{\%Y-\%m-\%d} or \code{\%d-\%m-\%Y} can be used as input
#' @param datefin The finishing date of the report, for this class this will be used to calculate the number of daily steps.
#' @return An object of class \link{report_mig-class} with data selected
#' @author Cedric Briand \email{cedric.briand@eptb-vilaine.fr}
#' @aliases choice_c.report_mig
		signature = signature("report_mig"),
		definition = function(object, dc, taxa, stage, datedebut, datefin) {
			# code for debug using r_mig example
			#report_mig<-r_mig;dc=5;taxa="Liza ramada";stage="IND";datedebut="2015-01-01";datefin="2015-12-31"
			report_mig <- object
			report_mig@dc = charge(report_mig@dc)
			# loads and verifies the dc
			# this will set dc_selected slot
			report_mig@dc <- choice_c(object = report_mig@dc, dc)
			# only taxa present in the report_mig are used
			report_mig@taxa <-
					charge_with_filter(object = report_mig@taxa, report_mig@dc@dc_selected)
			report_mig@taxa <- choice_c(report_mig@taxa, taxa)
			report_mig@stage <-
					charge_with_filter(object = report_mig@stage,
			report_mig@stage <- choice_c(report_mig@stage, stage)
			report_mig@timestep <-
					choice_c(report_mig@timestep, datedebut, datefin)

#' Loads additional data on migration control operations, df (fishway) dc (counting device).
#' this method creates additional classes in envir_stacomi for later use in plot (operations,
#' DF operation, DC operation). So unlike in most report classes where the charge method is only
#' used by the graphical interface, it is necessary to run charge for report_mig.
#' @param object An object of class \code{\link{report_mig-class}}
#' @param silent Should the program be returning messages
#' @return An object of class \link{report_mig-class} with slots filled from values assigned in \code{envir_stacomi} environment
#' @author Cedric Briand \email{cedric.briand@eptb-vilaine.fr}
#' @aliases charge.report_mig
		signature = signature("report_mig"),
		definition = function(object, silent = FALSE) {
			report_mig <- object
			#pour l'instant ne lancer que si les fenetre sont fermees
			# funout(gettext("launching updateplot \n",domain="R-stacomiR"))
			if (exists("ref_dc", envir_stacomi)) {
				report_mig@dc <- get("ref_dc", envir_stacomi)
				dc <- report_mig@dc@dc_selected
				df <- report_mig@dc@data$df[report_mig@dc@data$dc %in% dc]
			} else {
								"You need to choose a counting device, clic on validate\n",
								domain = "R-stacomiR"
						arret = TRUE
			if (exists("ref_taxa", envir_stacomi)) {
				report_mig@taxa <- get("ref_taxa", envir_stacomi)
			} else {
						gettext("You need to choose a taxa, clic on validate\n", domain = "R-stacomiR"),
						arret = TRUE
			if (exists("ref_stage", envir_stacomi)) {
				report_mig@stage <- get("ref_stage", envir_stacomi)
			} else
						gettext("You need to choose a stage, clic on validate\n", domain = "R-stacomiR"),
						arret = TRUE
			if (exists("timestep", envir_stacomi)) {
				report_mig@timestep <- get("timestep", envir_stacomi)
			} else {
								"Attention, no time step selected, compunting with default value\n",
								domain = "R-stacomiR"
						arret = FALSE
								"Attention, no time step selected, compunting with default value\n",
								domain = "R-stacomiR"
			# loading data for other classes associated with report_mig_mult
			report_df = new("report_df")
			report_dc = new("report_dc")
			report_ope = new("report_ope")
					get("timestep", envir_stacomi)@"dateDebut",
			assign("report_dc_date_fin", as.POSIXlt(end_date(get(
											"timestep", envir_stacomi
									))), envir_stacomi)
					get("timestep", envir_stacomi)@"dateDebut",
			assign("report_df_date_fin", as.POSIXlt(end_date(get(
											"timestep", envir_stacomi
									))), envir_stacomi)
					get("timestep", envir_stacomi)@"dateDebut",
											"timestep", envir_stacomi
			report_ope <- charge(report_ope)
			# charge will search for ref_dc (possible multiple choice), report_ope_date_debut
			# and report_ope_date_fin in envir_stacomi
			# charge will search for ref_dc (possible multiple choice), report_dc_date_debut
			# and report_dc_date_fin in envir_stacomi
			report_dc <- charge(report_dc)
			ref_df = new("ref_df")
			ref_df <- charge(ref_df)
			ref_df <- choice_c(ref_df, df)
			assign("ref_df", ref_df, envir = envir_stacomi)
			# charge will search for ref_df (possible multiple choice), report_df_date_debut
			# and report_df_date_fin in envir_stacomi
			report_df <- charge(report_df)
			# the object are assigned to the envir_stacomi for later use by the connect method
			assign("report_df", report_df, envir = envir_stacomi)
			assign("report_dc", report_dc, envir = envir_stacomi)
			assign("report_ope", report_ope, envir = envir_stacomi)

#' Transforms migration per period to daily migrations, and performs the conversion from weights to number is data
#' are stored as weights (glass eel).
#'  The calculation must be launched once data are filled by the connect method. Currently the negative argument
#' has no effect.
#' @param object An object of class \code{\link{report_mig-class}}
#' @param negative a boolean indicating if a separate sum must be done for positive and negative values, if true, positive and negative counts return
#' different rows
#' @param silent Boolean, if TRUE, information messages are not displayed, only warnings and errors
#' @note The class report_mig does not handle escapement rates nor
#' 'devenir' i.e. the destination of the fishes.
#' @return report_mig with calcdata slot filled. It is a list with one element per counting device containing
#' \describe{
#' \item{method}{In the case of instantaneous periods (video counting) the sum of daily values is done by the \link{fun_report_mig_mult} method and the value indicated in method is "sum".
#'  If any migration monitoring period is longer than a day, then the migration is split using the \link{fun_report_mig_mult_overlaps} function and the value indicated in the
#' method is "overlaps" as the latter method uses the overlap package to split migration period.}
#' \item{data}{the calculated data.}
#' \item{contient_poids}{A boolean which indicates, in the case of glass eel, that the function \link{fun_weight_conversion} has been run to convert the weights to numbers using the weight
#' to number coefficients in the database (see link{report_ge_weight}).}
#' \item{negative}{A parameter indicating if negative migration (downstream in the case of upstream migration devices) have been converted to positive numbers,
#' not developed yet}}
#' @aliases calcule.report_mig
		signature = signature("report_mig"),
		definition = function(object,
				negative = FALSE,
				silent = FALSE) {
			if (!silent) {
				funout(gettext("Starting migration summary ... be patient\n", domain = "R-stacomiR"))
			report_mig <- object
			if (nrow(report_mig@data) > 0) {
				#				report_mig@data$time.sequence=difftime(report_mig@data$ope_date_fin,
				#						report_mig@data$ope_date_debut,
				#						units="days")
				debut = report_mig@timestep@dateDebut
				fin = end_date(report_mig@timestep)
				time.sequence <- seq.POSIXt(
						from = debut,
						to = fin,
						by = as.numeric(report_mig@timestep@step_duration)
				report_mig@time.sequence <- time.sequence
				lestableaux <- list()
				datasub <- report_mig@data
				dic <- unique(report_mig@data$ope_dic_identifiant)
				stopifnot(length(dic) == 1)
				datasub$duree = difftime(datasub$ope_date_fin, datasub$ope_date_debut, units =
				if (any(datasub$duree > (report_mig@timestep@step_duration / 86400))) {
					# reports with overlaps
					data <-
									time.sequence = time.sequence,
									datasub = datasub,
									negative = negative
					# to remain compatible with report_mig
					data$taux_d_echappement = -1
					lestableaux[[stringr::str_c("dc_", dic)]][["data"]] <- data
					lestableaux[[stringr::str_c("dc_", dic)]][["method"]] <-
					contient_poids <- "poids" %in% datasub$type_de_quantite
					lestableaux[[stringr::str_c("dc_", dic)]][["contient_poids"]] <-
					lestableaux[[stringr::str_c("dc_", dic)]][["negative"]] <-
					if (contient_poids) {
						coe <-
								report_mig@coef_conversion[, c("coe_date_debut", "coe_valeur_coefficient")]
						data$coe_date_debut <- as.Date(data$debut_pas)
						data <- merge(data, coe, by = "coe_date_debut")
						data <- data[, -1] # removing coe_date_debut
						data <-
								fun_weight_conversion(tableau = data,
										time.sequence = report_mig@time.sequence,
					lestableaux[[stringr::str_c("dc_", dic)]][["data"]] <- data
				} else {
					#report simple
					data <-
									time.sequence = time.sequence,
									datasub = datasub,
									negative = negative
					data$taux_d_echappement = -1
					contient_poids <- "poids" %in% datasub$type_de_quantite
					if (contient_poids) {
						coe <-
								report_mig@coef_conversion[, c("coe_date_debut", "coe_valeur_coefficient")]
						data$coe_date_debut <- as.Date(data$debut_pas)
						data <- merge(data, coe, by = "coe_date_debut")
						data <- data[, -1] # removing coe_date_debut
						data <-
								fun_weight_conversion(tableau = data,
										time.sequence = report_mig@time.sequence,
					} else {
						data$coe_valeur_coefficient = NA
					lestableaux[[stringr::str_c("dc_", dic)]][["data"]] <- data
					lestableaux[[stringr::str_c("dc_", dic)]][["method"]] <- "sum"
					lestableaux[[stringr::str_c("dc_", dic)]][["contient_poids"]] <-
					lestableaux[[stringr::str_c("dc_", dic)]][["negative"]] <-
				# TODO developper une methode pour sumneg
				report_mig@calcdata <- lestableaux
				assign("report_mig", report_mig, envir_stacomi)
				if (!silent) {
									"Summary object is stocked into envir_stacomi environment : write report_mig=get('report_mig',envir_stacomi) \n",
									domain = "R-stacomiR"
									"To access calculated data, type report_mig@calcdata\n",
									domain = "R-stacomiR"
			} else {
				# no fish...
								"There are no values for the taxa, stage and selected period\n",
								domain = "R-stacomiR"

##' handler to print the command line
##' @param h a handler
##' @param ... Additional parameters
##' @author Cedric Briand \email{cedric.briand@eptb-vilaine.fr}
##' @keywords internal
#houtreport_mig=function(h=null,...) {
#  if (exists("ref_stage",envir_stacomi)) 	{
#	report_mig<-get("report_mig",envir_stacomi)
#	print(report_mig)
#  }
#  else
#  {
#	funout(gettext("Please select DC, taxa, and stages for a complete command\n",domain="R-stacomiR"),arret=TRUE)
#  }

#' Method to print the command line of the object
#' @param x An object of class report_mig
#' @param ... Additional parameters passed to print
#' @return NULL
#' @author cedric.briand
#' @aliases print.report_mig
#' @export
		signature = signature("report_mig"),
		definition = function(x, ...) {
			sortie1 <- "report_mig=new('report_mig');"
			sortie2 <- stringr::str_c(
					stringr::str_c(x@dc@dc_selected, collapse = ","),
					stringr::str_c(shQuote(x@taxa@data$tax_nom_latin), collapse = ","),
					stringr::str_c(shQuote(x@stage@stage_selected), collapse = ","),
					shQuote(strftime(x@timestep@dateDebut, format = "%d/%m/%Y")),
					shQuote(strftime(end_date(x@timestep), format = "%d/%m/%Y")),
			# removing backslashes
			funout(stringr::str_c(sortie1, sortie2), ...)

#' Plots of various type for report_mig.
#' \itemize{
#' 		\item{plot.type="standard"}{calls \code{\link{fungraph}} and \code{\link{fungraph_glasseel}} functions to plot as many "report_mig"
#' 			as needed, the function will test for the existence of data for one dc, one taxa, and one stage}
#' 		\item{plot.type="step"}{creates Cumulated graphs for report_mig_mult.  Data are summed per day for different dc taxa and stages}
#' 		\item{plot.type="multiple"}{Method to overlay graphs for report_mig_mult (multiple dc/taxa/stage in the same plot)}
#' }
#' @param x An object of class report_mig
#' @param y From the formals but missing
#' @param plot.type One of "standard","step". Defaut to \code{standard} the standard report_mig with dc and operation displayed, can also be \code{step} or
#' \code{multiple}
#' @param silent Stops displaying the messages.
#' @param color Default NULL, argument passed for the plot.type="standard" method. A vector of color in the following order : (1) working, (2) stopped, (3:7) 1...5 types of operation,
#' (8:11) numbers, weight, NULL, NULL (if glass eel), (8:11)  measured, calculated, expert, direct observation for other taxa. If null will be set to brewer.pal(12,"Paired")[c(8,10,4,6,1,2,3,5,7)]
#' @param color_ope Default NULL, argument passed for the plot.type="standard" method. A vector of color for the operations. Default to brewer.pal(4,"Paired")
#' @param ... Additional arguments passed to matplot or plot if plot.type="standard", see ... in \link{fungraph_glasseel} and \link{fungraph}
#' @return Nothing, called for its side effect
#' @author Cedric Briand \email{cedric.briand@eptb-vilaine.fr}
#' @aliases plot.report_mig
#' @export
		signature(x = "report_mig", y = "ANY"),
		definition = function(x,
				plot.type = "standard",
				color = NULL,
				color_ope = NULL,
				silent = FALSE,
				...) {
			report_mig <- x
			#                 standard plot
			if (plot.type == "standard") {
				if (!silent)
					print("plot type standard")
				if (!silent)
					funout(gettext("Statistics about migration :\n", domain = "R-stacomiR"))
				taxa = report_mig@taxa@data[1, "tax_nom_latin"]
				stage = report_mig@stage@data[1, "std_libelle"]
				dc = as.numeric(report_mig@dc@dc_selected)[1]
				data <- report_mig@calcdata[[stringr::str_c("dc_", dc)]][["data"]]
				if (!is.null(data)) {
					if (nrow(data) > 0) {
						if (!silent) {
											"taxa" = taxa,
											"stage" = stage,
						if (any(duplicated(data$No.pas)))
							stop("duplicated values in No.pas")
						data_without_hole <- merge(
										No.pas = as.numeric(strftime(
														report_mig@time.sequence, format = "%j"
												)) - 1,
										debut_pas = report_mig@time.sequence
								by = c("No.pas", "debut_pas"),
								all.x = TRUE
						data_without_hole$CALCULE[is.na(data_without_hole$CALCULE)] <- 0
						data_without_hole$MESURE[is.na(data_without_hole$MESURE)] <- 0
						data_without_hole$EXPERT[is.na(data_without_hole$EXPERT)] <- 0
						data_without_hole$PONCTUEL[is.na(data_without_hole$PONCTUEL)] <- 0
						if (report_mig@calcdata[[stringr::str_c("dc_", dc)]][["contient_poids"]] &
								taxa == "Anguilla anguilla" &
								(stage == "civelle" | stage == "Anguille jaune")) {
							# report migration with weights (glass eel)
									report_mig = report_mig,
									table = data_without_hole,
									time.sequence = report_mig@time.sequence,
									taxa = taxa,
									stage = stage,
									dc = dc,
									color = color,
									color_ope = color_ope,
						}	else {
							# report migration standard
									report_mig = report_mig,
									tableau = data_without_hole,
									time.sequence = report_mig@time.sequence,
									color = color,
									color_ope = color_ope,
					} # end nrow(data)>0
				} # end is.null(data)
				#                 step plot
				# FIXME problem with negative numbers
			} else if (plot.type == "step") {
				taxa  <-  as.character(report_mig@taxa@data$tax_nom_latin)
				stage  <-  as.character(report_mig@stage@data$std_libelle)
				dc  <-  as.numeric(report_mig@dc@dc_selected)
				if (report_mig@timestep@step_duration == 86400 &
						report_mig@timestep@step_duration == 86400) {
					grdata <- report_mig@calcdata[[stringr::str_c("dc_", dc)]][["data"]]
					grdata <- fun_date_extraction(
							nom_coldt = "debut_pas",
							annee = FALSE,
							mois = TRUE,
							quinzaine = TRUE,
							semaine = TRUE,
							jour_an = TRUE,
							jour_mois = FALSE,
							heure = FALSE
					grdata$Cumsum <- cumsum(grdata$Effectif_total)
					# pour sauvegarder sous excel
					annee <-
							unique(strftime(as.POSIXlt(report_mig@time.sequence), "%Y"))[1]
					dis_commentaire <-
							as.character(report_mig@dc@data$dis_commentaires[report_mig@dc@data$dc %in%
					update_geom_defaults("line", aes(size = 2))
					p <- ggplot(grdata) +
											x = debut_pas,
											y = Cumsum,
											colour = mois
									)) +
							ylab(gettext("Cumulative migration", domain = "R-stacomiR")) +
											"Cumulative count %s, %s, %s, %s",
									)) +
							theme(plot.title = element_text(size = 10, colour = "navy")) +
									values = c(
											"01" = "#092360",
											"02" = "#1369A2",
											"03" = "#0099A9",
											"04" = "#009780",
											"05" = "#67B784",
											"06" = "#CBDF7C",
											"07" = "#FFE200",
											"08" = "#DB9815",
											"09" = "#E57B25",
											"10" = "#F0522D",
											"11" = "#912E0F",
											"12" = "#33004B"
				} else {
									"Warning, this function applies for annual summaries\n",
									domain = "R-stacomiR"
			} else {
				stop("unrecognised plot.type argument, plot.type should either be standard or step")


#' summary for report_mig
#' calls functions funstat and funtable to create migration overviews
#' and generate csv and html output in the user data directory
#' @param object An object of class \code{\link{report_mig-class}}
#' @param silent Should the program stay silent or display messages, default FALSE
#' @param ... Additional parameters (not used there)
#' @return Nothing, calls the \link{summary.report_mig_mult} method
#' @author Cedric Briand \email{cedric.briand@eptb-vilaine.fr}
#' @aliases summary.report_mig
#' @export
		signature = signature(object = "report_mig"),
		definition = function(object, silent = FALSE, ...) {
			report_mig_mult <- as(object, "report_mig_mult")
			summary(report_mig_mult, silent = silent)


#' Command line method to write the daily and monthly counts to the t_bilanmigrationjournalier_bjo table
#' Daily values are needed to compare migrations from year to year, by the class \link{report_mig_interannual-class}. They are added by
#' by this function.
#' @param object an object of class \linkS4class{report_mig}
#' @param silent : TRUE to avoid messages
#' @param check_for_bjo : do you want to check if data are already present in the bjo table, and delete them,
#' this param was added otherwise connect method when called from report_mig_interannual runs in loops
#' @note the user is asked whether or not he wants to overwrite data only when silent is FALSE, if no
#' data are present in the database, the import is done anyway. 
#' @return Nothing, just writes data into the database
#' @author Cedric Briand \email{cedric.briand@eptb-vilaine.fr}
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' stacomi(database_expected=FALSE)
#' data("r_mig")
#' r_mig<-calcule(r_mig)
#' write_database(report_mig=r_mig,silent=FALSE)
#' }
#' @aliases write_database.report_mig
#' @export
		signature = signature("report_mig"),
		definition = function(object,
				silent = TRUE,
				check_for_bjo = TRUE) {
			# object=bM			
			report_mig <- object
			if (!inherits(report_mig, "report_mig"))
				stop("the report_mig should be of class report_mig")
			if (!inherits(silent, "logical"))
				stop("the silent argument should be a logical")
			dc = as.numeric(report_mig@dc@dc_selected)[1]
			data = report_mig@calcdata[[stringr::str_c("dc_", dc)]][["data"]]
			# keep one line if there is one species in one day with as much up as down...
			if (nrow(data) > 1)
				data = data[data$Effectif_total != 0, ]
			jour_dans_lannee_non_nuls = data$debut_pas
			col_a_retirer = match(c("No.pas", "type_de_quantite", "debut_pas", "fin_pas"),
			col_a_retirer = col_a_retirer[!is.na(col_a_retirer)] # as in the case of glass eel and weight
			# the columns are not the same
			data = data[, -col_a_retirer]
			# below again the taux_d_echappement not there if glass eel and weights
			if (is.null(data$taux_d_echappement))
				data$taux_d_echappement <- NA
			data$taux_d_echappement[data$taux_d_echappement == -1] <- NA
			if (!is.null(data$coe_valeur_coefficient)) {
				data$coe_valeur_coefficient[data$"coe_valeur_coefficient" == 1] <- NA
			} else {
				data$coe_valeur_coefficient <- NA
			cannotbenull = match(c("taux_d_echappement", "coe_valeur_coefficient"),
			if (nrow(data) > 1)
				data[, -cannotbenull][data[, -cannotbenull] == 0] <- NA
			annee <-
											as.POSIXlt(report_mig@time.sequence), "%Y"
			if ("Poids_total" %in% colnames(data)) {
				aat_reportmigrationjournalier_bjo = cbind(
						# une valeur
						rep(jour_dans_lannee_non_nuls, ncol(data[, c(
						utils::stack(data[, c(
			} else {
				aat_reportmigrationjournalier_bjo = cbind(
						# une valeur
						rep(jour_dans_lannee_non_nuls, ncol(data[, c(
						utils::stack(data[, c(
			aat_reportmigrationjournalier_bjo = stacomirtools::killfactor(aat_reportmigrationjournalier_bjo[!is.na(aat_reportmigrationjournalier_bjo$values), ])
			colnames(aat_reportmigrationjournalier_bjo) <-
			# Ci dessous conversion de la classe vers migration Interannuelle pour utiliser
			# les methodes de cette classe
			bil = as(report_mig, "report_mig_interannual")
			# the argument check_for_bjo ensures that we don't re-run the connect method
			# in loop when the write_database is called from within the report_mig_interannual connect method
			# check = FALSE tells the method not to check for missing data (we don't want that check when the
			# write database is called from the report_mig class
			# so far bil@data has no data
			if (check_for_bjo)			bil = connect(bil, silent = silent, check = FALSE)	# now should have data in the data slot		
			confirm = function() {
				con <- new("ConnectionDB")
				con <- connect(con)
						name = "aat_reportmigrationjournalier_bjo", 
				sql <-
								"INSERT INTO ",
								"t_bilanmigrationjournalier_bjo (",
								" SELECT * FROM  aat_reportmigrationjournalier_bjo;"
				# con already created above
				#CHECKME : i removed the capture output is it OK
				# utils::capture.output(pool::dbExecute(con@connection, statement = sql))		
				pool::dbExecute(con@connection, statement = sql)	
				if (!silent) {
					funout(gettextf("Writing daily summary in the database %s \n", annee))
				# ecriture egalement du report mensuel
				taxa <- report_mig@taxa@data[report_mig@taxa@data$tax_code %in% report_mig@taxa@taxa_selected,"tax_nom_latin"]
				stage <- report_mig@stage@data[report_mig@stage@data$std_code %in% report_mig@stage@stage_selected,"std_libelle"]
				DC <- as.numeric(report_mig@dc@dc_selected)
				tableau <- report_mig@calcdata[[stringr::str_c("dc_", DC)]][["data"]]
				resum = funstat(
						tableau = tableau,
						time.sequence = tableau$debut_pas,
						silent = silent
				fun_write_monthly(report_mig, resum, silent = silent)
			}#end function hconfirm
			# below we write if !silent and "yes", if silent and if no data in the db
			# we don't write write !only don't write if not silent and "no" 
			if (nrow(bil@data) > 0) # this means also check_for_bjo
				if (!silent) {
					choice <- menu(
							c("yes", "no"),
							graphics = TRUE,
							title = gettextf(
									"Summary exists :%s Overwrite ?",
					if (choice=="yes"){
				} else { # silent write anyways
			} else { # no data in bjo so we write anyways

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stacomiR documentation built on Sept. 9, 2022, 3:10 p.m.