
### Temporal interaction functions for twinstim()

test_that("Step kernel of a single type agrees with numerical approximations",
         steptiaf <- tiaf.step(c(7,20), maxRange=25, nTypes=1)
         logvals <- log(c(1.2,0.2))
         ##curve(steptiaf$g(x, logvals), 0, 30, n=301)

         ## check G
         Gana <- steptiaf$G(0:30, logvals)
         Gnum <- sapply(0:30, function (upper) {
             integrate(steptiaf$g, 0, upper, logvals, rel.tol=1e-8)$value
         expect_equal(Gana, Gnum, tolerance = 1e-8)

         ## check deriv
         if (requireNamespace("maxLik", quietly = TRUE)) {
             checkderiv <- maxLik::compareDerivatives(
                 f = function(pars, x) steptiaf$g(x, pars),
                 grad = function(pars, x) steptiaf$deriv(x, pars),
                 t0 = logvals, x = c(0.5,2,5,7,10,15,20,25,30),
                 print = FALSE)
             expect_true(checkderiv$maxRelDiffGrad < 1e-8)

         ## check Deriv
         for (paridx in seq_along(logvals))
                 steptiaf$Deriv(0:30, logvals)[,paridx],
                 sapply(0:30, function (upper)
                     integrate(function(...) steptiaf$deriv(...)[,paridx],
                               0, upper, logvals, rel.tol=1e-6)$value),
                 tolerance = 1e-6,
                 label = paste0("steptiaf$Deriv()[,",paridx,"]"),
                 expected.label = "integrate() approximation"

test_that("Step kernel with maxRange>max(eps.t) is equivalent to maxRange=Inf",
          data("imdepi", package="surveillance")
          imdfit_steptiafInf <- twinstim(
              endemic  = ~offset(log(popdensity)) + I(start/365 - 3.5),
              epidemic = ~1, siaf = siaf.constant(),
              tiaf = tiaf.step(c(7,20), maxRange=Inf),
              data = imdepi, optim.args = NULL, verbose = FALSE)
          maxepst <- max(imdepi$events$eps.t)
          imdfit_steptiaf30 <- update.default(
              ## update() might call an update.list-method registered by another
              ## package, e.g., gdata (2.18.0) implicitly loaded in other tests
              tiaf = tiaf.step(c(7,20), maxRange=maxepst+0.1))
          coefs <- c(-20, -0.05, -15, -0.5, 0.2, -1)

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surveillance documentation built on July 14, 2024, 3 p.m.