multiframe: Dual-frame and multi-frame surveys

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multiframeR Documentation

Dual-frame and multi-frame surveys


Given a list of samples from K different sampling frames and information about which observations are in which frame, constructs an object representing the whole multi-frame sample. If an unit is in the overlap of multiple frames in the population it is effectively split into multiple separate units and so the weight is split if it is sampled. To optimise the split of frame weights, see reweight


multiframe(designs, overlaps, estimator = c("constant", "expected"), theta = NULL)



List of survey design objects


list of matrices. Each matrix has K columns indicating whether the observation is in frames 1-K. For the 'constant'-type estimator, this is binary. For the expected estimator the entry in row i and column k is the weight or probability that observation i would have had if sampled from frame k. (weights if all >=1, probabilities if all <=1)


"constant" specifies Hartley's estimators in which the partition of weights is the same for each observation. "expected" weights each observation by the reciprocal of the expected number of times it is sampled; it is the estimator proposed by Bankier and by Kalton and Anderson.


Scale factors adding to 1 for splitting the overlap between frames


It is not necessary that the frame samples contain exactly the same variables or that they are in the same order, although only variables present in all the samples can be used. It is important that factor variables existing across more than one frame sample have the same factor levels in all the samples.

All these estimators assume sampling is independent between frames, and that any observation sampled more than once is present in the dataset each time it is sampled.


Object of class multiframe


Bankier, M. D. (1986) Estimators Based on Several Stratified Samples With Applications to Multiple Frame Surveys. Journal of the American Statistical Association, Vol. 81, 1074 - 1079.

Hartley, H. O. (1962) Multiple Frames Surveys. Proceedings of the American Statistical Association, Social Statistics Sections, 203 - 206. Hartley, H. O. (1974) Multiple frame methodology and selected applications. Sankhya C, Vol. 36, 99 - 118.

Kalton, G. and Anderson, D. W. (1986) Sampling Rare Populations. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Ser. A, Vol. 149, 65 - 82.

See Also

svydesign, reweight

For a simple introduction: Metcalf P and Scott AJ (2009) Using multiple frames in health surveys. Stat Med 28:1512-1523

For general reference: Lohr SL, Rao JNK. Inference from dual frame surveys. Journal of the American Statistical Association 2000; 94:271-280.

Lohr SL, Rao JNK. Estimation in multiple frame surveys. Journal of the American Statistical Association 2006; 101:1019-1030.


A_in_frames<-cbind(1, DatA$Domain=="ab")

Bdes_pps<-svydesign(id=~1, fpc=~ProbB, data=DatB,pps=ppsmat(PiklB))
Ades_pps <-svydesign(id=~1, fpc=~ProbA,data=DatA,pps=ppsmat(PiklA))

## optimal constant (Hartley) weighting
svymean(~Lei, mf_pps)

svyby(~Lei, ~Size, svymean, design=mf_pps)
svytable(~Size+I(Lei>20), mf_pps,round=TRUE)

survey documentation built on Aug. 28, 2024, 3 a.m.