Man pages for synDss
Recombination detection using synonymous distances

calc.DssCalculate the Dss statistic
calc.Dss.synCalculate the Dss statistic using synonymous distances
calc.null.pbootCalculate the null distribution of the Dss statistic using...
calc.null.pboot.synCalculate the null distribution of the Synonymous Dss...
conv.evolSimulate convergent evolution function, used by sim.codon.
make.datInternal function, used by sim.codon.
make.mj.alignConvert alignment to be readable for synonymous distance... nucleotide sequence alignment to a codon sequence... squares phylogenetic estimation with an exhaustive...
paml.codemlEstimate parameters from the M3 codon substitution model
read.phylosimConvert alignment to be readable for synonymous distance...
sim.codonSimulate a codon sequence alignment
synDss-packagesynDss: Recombination detection with synonymous distances
synDss documentation built on May 2, 2019, 5:40 p.m.