
Defines functions linear.hypothesis.systemfit linearHypothesis.systemfit

Documented in linearHypothesis.systemfit

linearHypothesis.systemfit <- function( model,
      hypothesis.matrix, rhs = NULL, test = c( "FT", "F", "Chisq" ),
      vcov. = NULL, ... ){

   thisCall <- match.call()
   test <- match.arg( test )

   modelName <- deparse( substitute( model ) )

   if( test == "Chisq" ){
      result <- car::linearHypothesis.default( model,
         hypothesis.matrix = hypothesis.matrix, rhs = rhs, test = test,
         vcov. = vcov., ... )

      attributes( result )$heading[ 1 ] <-
         "Linear hypothesis test (Chi^2 statistic of a Wald test)\n\nHypothesis:"

      modelPos <- grep( "^Model 1: .*Model 2:", attributes( result )$heading )
      attributes( result )$heading[ modelPos[ 1 ] ] <-
         sub( "Model 2:.*$",
            paste( "Model 2: ", modelName, sep = "" ),
            attributes( result )$heading[ modelPos[ 1 ] ] )

   } else if ( test == "F" ) {
      result <- car::linearHypothesis.default( model,
         hypothesis.matrix = hypothesis.matrix, rhs = rhs, test = test,
         vcov. = vcov., ... )

      attributes( result )$heading[ 1 ] <-
         "Linear hypothesis test (F statistic of a Wald test)\n\nHypothesis:"

      modelPos <- grep( "^Model 1: .*Model 2:", attributes( result )$heading )
      attributes( result )$heading[ modelPos[ 1 ] ] <-
         sub( "Model 2:.*$",
            paste( "Model 2: ", modelName, sep = "" ),
            attributes( result )$heading[ modelPos[ 1 ] ] )

   } else if ( test == "FT" ) {
      if( is.character( hypothesis.matrix ) ) {
         R.restr <- car::makeHypothesis( names( coef( model ) ),
            hypothesis.matrix, rhs )
         if( is.null( dim( R.restr ) ) ){
            R.restr <- t( R.restr )
         q.restr <- R.restr[ , ncol( R.restr ), drop = FALSE ]
         R.restr <- R.restr[ , -ncol( R.restr ), drop = FALSE ]
         rownames( R.restr ) <- hypothesis.matrix
      } else {
         R.restr <- hypothesis.matrix
         if( is.null( rhs ) ) {
            q.restr <- rep( 0, nrow( hypothesis.matrix ) )
         } else {
            q.restr <- rhs

      result <- as.data.frame( matrix( NA, nrow = 2, ncol = 4 ) )
      names( result ) <- c( "Res.Df", "Df", "F", "Pr(>F)" )
      rownames( result ) <- c( 1, 2 )

      ftest <- .ftest.systemfit( object = model,
         restrict.matrix = R.restr, restrict.rhs = q.restr,
         vcov. = vcov. )
      result[ 1, 1 ] <- ftest$df.residual.sys + ftest$nRestr
      result[ 2, 1 ] <- ftest$df.residual.sys
      result[ 2, 2 ] <- result[ 1, 1 ] - result[ 2, 1 ]
      result[ 2, 3 ] <- ftest$statistic
      result[ 2, 4 ] <- ftest$p.value

      title <- "Linear hypothesis test (Theil's F test)\n\nHypothesis:"
      topnote <- paste( "Model 1: restricted model",
         "\nModel 2: ", modelName, sep = "" )
      if( is.null( vcov. ) ){
         note <- ""
      } else {
         note <- "\nNote: Coefficient covariance matrix supplied.\n"
      attributes( result )$heading <- c( title,
         car::printHypothesis( R.restr, q.restr, names( coef( model ) ) ),
         "", topnote, note )
      class( result ) <- c( "anova", "data.frame" )
   } else {
      stop( "unknown test statistic '", test, "'. Please use 'F', 'FT', or 'Chisq'" )

   return( result )

linear.hypothesis.systemfit <- function( ... ) {
   .Deprecated( "linearHypothesis.systemfit", package = "systemfit" )
   return( linearHypothesis.systemfit( ... ) )

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systemfit documentation built on March 31, 2023, 3:07 p.m.