
Defines functions model.frame.systemfit.equation model.frame.systemfit fitted.systemfit.equation fitted.systemfit vcov.systemfit.equation vcov.systemfit residuals.systemfit.equation residuals.systemfit coef.summary.systemfit.equation coef.systemfit.equation coef.summary.systemfit coef.systemfit se.ratio.systemfit correlation.systemfit

Documented in coef.summary.systemfit coef.summary.systemfit.equation coef.systemfit coef.systemfit.equation correlation.systemfit fitted.systemfit fitted.systemfit.equation model.frame.systemfit model.frame.systemfit.equation residuals.systemfit residuals.systemfit.equation se.ratio.systemfit vcov.systemfit vcov.systemfit.equation

## this function returns a vector of the
## cross-equation corrlations between eq i and eq j
## from the results set for equation ij
correlation.systemfit <- function( results, eqni, eqnj ) {
  nCoefEq <- NULL
  for( i in 1:length( results$eq ) ) {
     nCoefEq <- c( nCoefEq, length( coef( results$eq[[ i ]] ) ) )
  cij <- vcov( results )[(1+sum(nCoefEq[1:eqni])-nCoefEq[eqni]):(sum(nCoefEq[1:eqni])),
  cii <- vcov( results )[(1+sum(nCoefEq[1:eqni])-nCoefEq[eqni]):(sum(nCoefEq[1:eqni])),
  cjj <- vcov( results )[(1+sum(nCoefEq[1:eqnj])-nCoefEq[eqnj]):(sum(nCoefEq[1:eqnj])),
  rij <- NULL

  for( i in 1:nrow( residuals( results ) ) ) {
    xik    <- model.matrix( results$eq[[eqni]] )[i,]
    xjk    <- model.matrix( results$eq[[eqnj]] )[i,]
    top    <- xik %*% cij %*% xjk
    bottom <- sqrt( ( xik %*% cii %*% xik ) * ( xjk %*% cjj %*% xjk ) )
    rijk   <- top / bottom
    rij    <- rbind( rij, rijk )

## determines the improvement of resultsj (3sls) over
## resultsi (2sls) for equation i and returns a matrix
## of the values, so you can examine the range, mean, etc
se.ratio.systemfit <- function( resultsi, resultsj, eqni ) {
  ratio <- NULL
  for( i in 1:nrow( residuals( resultsi ) ) ) {
    xik    <- model.matrix( resultsi$eq[[eqni]] )[i,]
    top    <- sqrt( xik %*% vcov( resultsi$eq[[eqni]] ) %*% xik )
    bottom <- sqrt( xik %*% vcov( resultsj$eq[[eqni]] ) %*% xik )
    rk     <- top / bottom
    ratio  <- rbind( ratio, rk )

## return all coefficients
coef.systemfit <- function( object, modified.regMat = FALSE, ... ) {
   if( modified.regMat ){
      if( is.null( object$restrict.regMat ) ){
         stop( "coefficients of the modified regressor matrix are not available,",
            " because argument 'restrict.regMat' has not been used in this estimation." )
      } else {
         return( drop( solve( crossprod( object$restrict.regMat ),
            t( object$restrict.regMat ) %*% coef( object ) ) ) )
   } else {
      return( object$coefficients )

## return all coefficients, std.errors, t-values and p-values
coef.summary.systemfit <- function( object, modified.regMat = FALSE, ... ) {
   if( modified.regMat ){
      if( is.null( object$coefModReg ) ){
         stop( "coefficients of the modified regressor matrix are not available,",
            " because argument 'restrict.regMat' has not been used in this estimation." )
      } else {
         return( object$coefModReg )
   } else {
      return( object$coefficients )

## return the coefficients of a single equation
coef.systemfit.equation <- function( object, ... ) {

## return coefficients, std.errors, t-values and p-values of a single equation
coef.summary.systemfit.equation <- function( object, ... ) {

## return all residuals
residuals.systemfit <- function( object, ... ) {
   result <- data.frame( obsNo = c( 1:length( residuals( object$eq[[1]] ) ) ) )
   for( i in 1:length( object$eq ) ) {
      result[[ object$eq[[i]]$eqnLabel ]] <- residuals( object$eq[[i]] )
   result$obsNo <- NULL
   rownames( result ) <- names( residuals( object$eq[[ 1 ]] ) )
   return( result )

## return residuals of a single equation
residuals.systemfit.equation <- function( object, na.rm = FALSE, ... ) {
   if( na.rm ) {
      return( object$residuals[ !is.na( object$residuals ) ] )
   } else {
      return( object$residuals )

## return the variance covariance matrix of the coefficients
vcov.systemfit <- function( object, modified.regMat = FALSE, ... ) {
   if( modified.regMat ){
      if( is.null( object$restrict.regMat ) ){
         stop( "coefficients of the modified regressor matrix",
            " and their covariance matrix are not available,",
            " because argument 'restrict.regMat' has not been used in this estimation." )
      } else {
         txtxInv <- solve( crossprod( object$restrict.regMat ) )
         result <- txtxInv %*% t( object$restrict.regMat ) %*% vcov( object ) %*%
            object$restrict.regMat %*% txtxInv
         return( result )
   } else {
      return( object$coefCov )

## return the variance covariance matrix of the coefficients of a single equation
vcov.systemfit.equation <- function( object, ... ) {

## return the fitted values
fitted.systemfit <- function( object, ... ) {
   nEq <- length( object$eq )
   fitted.values <- matrix( NA, length( object$eq[[1]]$fitted.values ), nEq )
   colnames( fitted.values ) <- as.character( 1:ncol( fitted.values ) )
   for(i in 1:nEq )  {
      fitted.values[ , i ]           <- object$eq[[ i ]]$fitted.values
      colnames( fitted.values )[ i ] <- object$eq[[ i ]]$eqnLabel
   rownames( fitted.values ) <- names( fitted( object$eq[[ 1 ]] ) )
   return( as.data.frame( fitted.values ) )

## return the fitted values of e single euation
fitted.systemfit.equation <- function( object, na.rm = FALSE, ... ) {
   if( na.rm ) {
      return( object$fitted.values[ !is.na( object$fitted.values ) ] )
   } else {
      return( object$fitted.values )

## return model frame of the entire system
model.frame.systemfit <- function( formula, ... ){
   mfColNames <- NULL
   for( i in 1:length( formula$eq ) ) {
      mfi <- model.frame( formula$eq[[ i ]] )
      if( i == 1 ) {
         result <- mfi
      } else {
         for( j in 1:ncol( mfi ) ) {
            if( ! names( mfi )[ j ] %in% names( result ) ) {
               result[[ names( mfi )[ j ] ]] <- mfi[ , j ]
   return( result )

## return model frame of a single equation
model.frame.systemfit.equation <- function( formula, ... ){
   if( !is.null( formula$model ) ) {
      result <- formula$model
   } else {
      stop( "returning model frame not possible. Please re-estimate",
         " the system with control variable 'model'",
         " set to TRUE" )
   return( result )

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systemfit documentation built on March 31, 2023, 3:07 p.m.