Man pages for tools4uplift
Tools for Uplift Modeling

barplot.PerformanceUpliftUplift barplot
BestFeaturesQini-based feature selection
BinUpliftUnivariate quantization
BinUplift2dBivariate quantization
DualUpliftTwo-model estimator
InterUpliftInteraction estimator
LassoPathLASSO path for the penalized logistic regression
lines.PerformanceUpliftQini curve
PerformanceUpliftPerformance of an uplift estimator
plot.PerformanceUpliftQini curve
predict.BinUpliftPrediction from univariate quantization
predict.DualUpliftPredictions from a two-model estimator
predict.InterUpliftPredictions from an interaction estimator
QiniAreaQini coefficient
qLHSQini-based uplift regression
SimUpliftSynthetic data for uplift modeling
SplitUpliftSplit data with respect to uplift distribution
UpliftPerCatUplift barplot for categorical variables
tools4uplift documentation built on Jan. 11, 2022, 3 a.m.