
npreg.rbandwidth <- function (bws, txdat = stop("training data 'txdat' missing"), 
    tydat = stop("training data 'tydat' missing"), exdat, eydat, 
    gradients = FALSE, residuals = FALSE, ...) 
    no.ex = missing(exdat)
    no.ey = missing(eydat)
    txdat = toFrame(txdat)
    if (!(is.vector(tydat) | is.factor(tydat))) 
        stop("'tydat' must be a vector or a factor")
    if (!no.ex) {
        exdat = toFrame(exdat)
        if (!txdat %~% exdat) 
            stop("'txdat' and 'exdat' are not similar data frames!")
        if (!no.ey) {
            if (!(is.vector(eydat) | is.factor(eydat))) 
                stop("'eydat' must be a vector or a factor")
            if (dim(exdat)[1] != length(eydat)) 
                stop("number of evaluation data 'exdat' and dependent data 'eydat' do not match")
            if (!identical(coarseclass(eydat), coarseclass(tydat))) 
                stop("type of evaluation data 'eydat' does not match that of 'tydat'")
    else if (!no.ey) {
        if (dim(txdat)[1] != length(eydat)) 
            stop("number of training data 'txdat' and dependent data 'eydat' do not match")
    if (length(bws$bw) != length(txdat)) 
        stop("length of bandwidth vector does not match number of columns of 'txdat'")
    ccon = unlist(lapply(txdat[, bws$icon, drop = FALSE], class))
    if ((any(bws$icon) && !all((ccon == class(integer(0))) | 
                    (ccon == class(numeric(0))))) || (any(bws$iord) && !all(unlist(lapply(txdat[, 
                            bws$iord, drop = FALSE], class)) == class(ordered(0)))) || 
        (any(bws$iuno) && !all(unlist(lapply(txdat[, bws$iuno, 
                            drop = FALSE], class)) == class(factor(0))))) 
        stop("supplied bandwidths do not match 'txdat' in type")
    if (dim(txdat)[1] != length(tydat)) 
        stop("number of explanatory data 'txdat' and dependent data 'tydat' do not match")
    goodrows = 1:dim(txdat)[1]
    rows.omit = attr(na.omit(data.frame(txdat, tydat)), "na.action")
    goodrows[rows.omit] = 0
    if (all(goodrows == 0)) 
        stop("Training data has no rows without NAs")
    txdat = txdat[goodrows, , drop = FALSE]
    tydat = tydat[goodrows]
    if (!no.ex) {
        goodrows = 1:dim(exdat)[1]
        rows.omit = eval(parse(text = paste("attr(na.omit(data.frame(exdat", 
                    ifelse(no.ey, "", ",eydat"), ")), \"na.action\")")))
        goodrows[rows.omit] = 0
        exdat = exdat[goodrows, , drop = FALSE]
        if (!no.ey) 
            eydat = eydat[goodrows]
        if (all(goodrows == 0)) 
            stop("Evaluation data has no rows without NAs")
    if (residuals) {
        resid <- tydat - npreg(txdat = txdat, tydat = tydat, 
            bws = bws)$mean
    tnrow = dim(txdat)[1]
    enrow = ifelse(no.ex, tnrow, dim(exdat)[1])
    ncol = dim(txdat)[2]
    if (is.factor(tydat)) {
        tydat <- adjustLevels(data.frame(tydat), bws$ydati)[, 
        tydat <- (bws$ydati$all.dlev[[1]])[as.integer(tydat)]
    else tydat <- as.double(tydat)
    if (no.ey) 
        eydat <- double()
    else {
        if (is.factor(eydat)) {
            eydat <- adjustLevels(data.frame(eydat), bws$ydati, 
                allowNewCells = TRUE)
            eydat <- toMatrix(eydat)[, 1]
        else eydat <- as.double(eydat)
    txdat <- adjustLevels(txdat, bws$xdati)
    if (!no.ex) 
        exdat <- adjustLevels(exdat, bws$xdati, allowNewCells = TRUE)
    if (no.ex) 
        teval <- txdat
    else teval <- exdat
    txdat = toMatrix(txdat)
    tuno = txdat[, bws$iuno, drop = FALSE]
    tcon = txdat[, bws$icon, drop = FALSE]
    tord = txdat[, bws$iord, drop = FALSE]
    if (!no.ex) {
        exdat = toMatrix(exdat)
        euno = exdat[, bws$iuno, drop = FALSE]
        econ = exdat[, bws$icon, drop = FALSE]
        eord = exdat[, bws$iord, drop = FALSE]
    else {
        euno = data.frame()
        eord = data.frame()
        econ = data.frame()
    myopti = list(num_obs_train = tnrow, num_obs_eval = enrow, 
        num_uno = bws$nuno, num_ord = bws$nord, num_con = bws$ncon, 
        int_LARGE_SF = ifelse(bws$scaling, SF_NORMAL, SF_ARB), 
        BANDWIDTH_reg_extern = switch(bws$type, fixed = BW_FIXED, 
            generalized_nn = BW_GEN_NN, adaptive_nn = BW_ADAP_NN), 
        int_MINIMIZE_IO = ifelse(options("np.messages"), IO_MIN_FALSE, 
            IO_MIN_TRUE), kerneval = switch(bws$ckertype, gaussian = CKER_GAUSS + 
                bws$ckerorder/2 - 1, epanechnikov = CKER_EPAN + bws$ckerorder/2 - 
                1, uniform = CKER_UNI), ukerneval = switch(bws$ukertype, 
            aitchisonaitken = UKER_AIT, liracine = UKER_LR), 
        okerneval = switch(bws$okertype, wangvanryzin = OKER_WANG, 
            liracine = OKER_LR), ey_is_ty = no.ey, do_grad = gradients, 
        regtype = switch(bws$regtype, lc = REGTYPE_LC, ll = REGTYPE_LL), 
        no.ex = no.ex, mcv.numRow = attr(bws$xmcv, "num.row"))
    myout = .C("np_regression", as.double(tuno), as.double(tord), 
        as.double(tcon), as.double(tydat), as.double(euno), as.double(eord), 
        as.double(econ), as.double(eydat), as.double(c(bws$bw[bws$icon], 
                bws$bw[bws$iuno], bws$bw[bws$iord])), as.double(bws$xmcv), 
        as.double(attr(bws$xmcv, "pad.num")), as.integer(myopti), 
        mean = double(enrow), merr = double(enrow), g = double(ifelse(gradients, 
                enrow * ncol, 0)), gerr = double(ifelse(gradients, 
                enrow * ncol, 0)), xtra = double(6), PACKAGE = "np")[c("mean", 
            "merr", "g", "gerr", "xtra")]
    if (gradients) {
        myout$g = matrix(data = myout$g, nrow = enrow, ncol = ncol, 
            byrow = FALSE)
        rorder = numeric(ncol)
        rorder[c((1:ncol)[bws$icon], (1:ncol)[bws$iuno], (1:ncol)[bws$iord])] = 1:ncol
        myout$g = as.matrix(myout$g[, rorder])
        myout$gerr = matrix(data = myout$gerr, nrow = enrow, 
            ncol = ncol, byrow = FALSE)
        myout$gerr = as.matrix(myout$gerr[, rorder])
    ev <- eval(parse(text = paste("npregression(bws = bws,", 
                "eval = teval,", "mean = myout$mean, merr = myout$merr,", 
                ifelse(gradients, "grad = myout$g, gerr = myout$gerr,", 
                    ""), ifelse(residuals, "resid = resid,", ""), "ntrain = tnrow,", 
                "trainiseval = no.ex,", "gradients = gradients,", "residuals = residuals,", 
                "xtra = myout$xtra, rows.omit = rows.omit)")))
    ev$call <- = FALSE)
    environment(ev$call) <- parent.frame()

npregbw.default <- function (xdat = stop("invoked without data 'xdat'"), ydat = stop("invoked without data 'ydat'"), 
    bws, bandwidth.compute = TRUE, nmulti, remin, itmax, ftol, 
    tol, small, regtype, bwmethod, bwscaling, bwtype, ckertype, 
    ckerorder, ukertype, okertype, ...) 
    xdat <- toFrame(xdat)
    if (!(is.vector(ydat) | is.factor(ydat))) 
        stop("'ydat' must be a vector")
    mc.names <- names( = FALSE))
    margs <- c("regtype", "bwmethod", "bwscaling", "bwtype", 
        "ckertype", "ckerorder", "ukertype", "okertype")
    m <- match(margs, mc.names, nomatch = 0)
    any.m <- any(m != 0)
    tbw <- eval(parse(text = paste("rbandwidth(bws", ifelse(any.m, 
                    ",", ""), paste(mc.names[m], ifelse(any.m, "=", ""), 
                    mc.names[m], collapse = ", "), ", nobs = dim(xdat)[1],", 
                "xdati = untangle(xdat),", "ydati = untangle(data.frame(ydat)),", 
                "xnames = names(xdat),", "ynames = deparse(substitute(ydat)),", 
                "bandwidth.compute = bandwidth.compute)")))
    mc.names <- names( = FALSE))
    margs <- c("bandwidth.compute", "nmulti", "remin", "itmax", 
        "ftol", "tol", "small")
    m <- match(margs, mc.names, nomatch = 0)
    any.m <- any(m != 0)
    tbw <- eval(parse(text = paste("npregbw.rbandwidth(xdat=xdat, ydat=ydat, bws=tbw", 
                ifelse(any.m, ",", ""), paste(mc.names[m], ifelse(any.m, 
                        "=", ""), mc.names[m], collapse = ", "), ")")))
    mc <- = FALSE)
    environment(mc) <- parent.frame()
    tbw$call <- mc

npregbw.rbandwidth <- function (xdat = stop("invoked without data 'xdat'"), ydat = stop("invoked without data 'ydat'"), 
    bws, bandwidth.compute = TRUE, nmulti, remin = TRUE, itmax = 10000, 
    ftol = 1.19209e-07, tol = 1.49012e-08, small = 2.22045e-16, 
    xdat <- toFrame(xdat)
    if (missing(nmulti)) {
        nmulti <- min(5, dim(xdat)[2])
    if (!(is.vector(ydat) | is.factor(ydat))) 
        stop("'ydat' must be a vector")
    if (length(bws$bw) != dim(xdat)[2]) 
        stop("length of bandwidth vector does not match number of columns of 'xdat'")
    ccon = unlist(lapply(xdat[, bws$icon, drop = FALSE], class))
    if ((any(bws$icon) && !all((ccon == class(integer(0))) | 
                    (ccon == class(numeric(0))))) || (any(bws$iord) && !all(unlist(lapply(xdat[, 
                            bws$iord, drop = FALSE], class)) == class(ordered(0)))) || 
        (any(bws$iuno) && !all(unlist(lapply(xdat[, bws$iuno, 
                            drop = FALSE], class)) == class(factor(0))))) 
        stop("supplied bandwidths do not match 'xdat' in type")
    if (dim(xdat)[1] != length(ydat)) 
        stop("number of regression data and response data do not match")
    goodrows = 1:dim(xdat)[1]
    rows.omit = attr(na.omit(data.frame(xdat, ydat)), "na.action")
    goodrows[rows.omit] = 0
    if (all(goodrows == 0)) 
        stop("Data has no rows without NAs")
    xdat = xdat[goodrows, , drop = FALSE]
    ydat = ydat[goodrows]
    nrow = dim(xdat)[1]
    ncol = dim(xdat)[2]
    if (is.factor(ydat)) 
        ydat <- dlev(ydat)[as.integer(ydat)]
    else ydat <- as.double(ydat)
    xdat = toMatrix(xdat)
    runo = xdat[, bws$iuno, drop = FALSE]
    rcon = xdat[, bws$icon, drop = FALSE]
    rord = xdat[, bws$iord, drop = FALSE]
    tbw <- bws
    if (bandwidth.compute) {
        myopti = list(num_obs_train = dim(xdat)[1], iMultistart = ifelse(nmulti == 
                    0, IMULTI_FALSE, IMULTI_TRUE), iNum_Multistart = nmulti, 
            int_use_starting_values = ifelse(all(bws$bw == 0), 
                USE_START_NO, USE_START_YES), int_LARGE_SF = ifelse(bws$scaling, 
                SF_NORMAL, SF_ARB), BANDWIDTH_reg_extern = switch(bws$type, 
                fixed = BW_FIXED, generalized_nn = BW_GEN_NN, 
                adaptive_nn = BW_ADAP_NN), itmax = itmax, int_RESTART_FROM_MIN = ifelse(remin, 
                RE_MIN_TRUE, RE_MIN_FALSE), int_MINIMIZE_IO = ifelse(options("np.messages"), 
                IO_MIN_FALSE, IO_MIN_TRUE), bwmethod = switch(bws$method, 
                cv.aic = BWM_CVAIC, = BWM_CVLS), kerneval = switch(bws$ckertype, 
                gaussian = CKER_GAUSS + bws$ckerorder/2 - 1, 
                epanechnikov = CKER_EPAN + bws$ckerorder/2 - 
                    1, uniform = CKER_UNI), ukerneval = switch(bws$ukertype, 
                aitchisonaitken = UKER_AIT, liracine = UKER_LR), 
            okerneval = switch(bws$okertype, wangvanryzin = OKER_WANG, 
                liracine = OKER_LR), nuno = bws$nuno, nord = bws$nord, 
            ncon = bws$ncon, regtype = switch(bws$regtype, lc = REGTYPE_LC, 
                ll = REGTYPE_LL))
        myoptd = list(ftol = ftol, tol = tol, small = small)
        myout = .C("np_regression_bw", as.double(runo), as.double(rord), 
            as.double(rcon), as.double(ydat), as.integer(myopti), 
            as.double(myoptd), bw = c(bws$bw[bws$icon], bws$bw[bws$iuno], 
                bws$bw[bws$iord]), fval = double(2), PACKAGE = "np")[c("bw", 
        rorder = numeric(ncol)
        rorder[c((1:ncol)[bws$icon], (1:ncol)[bws$iuno], (1:ncol)[bws$iord])] = 1:ncol
        tbw$bw <- myout$bw[rorder]
        tbw$fval <- myout$fval[1]
        tbw$ifval <- myout$fval[2]
    tbw$sfactor <- tbw$bandwidth <- tbw$bw
    nfactor <- nrow^(-2/(2 * tbw$ckerorder + tbw$ncon))
    if (tbw$nuno > 0) {
        if (tbw$scaling) {
            tbw$bandwidth[tbw$xdati$iuno] <- tbw$bandwidth[tbw$xdati$iuno] * 
        else {
            tbw$sfactor[tbw$xdati$iuno] <- tbw$sfactor[tbw$xdati$iuno]/nfactor
    if (tbw$nord > 0) {
        if (tbw$scaling) {
            tbw$bandwidth[tbw$xdati$iord] <- tbw$bandwidth[tbw$xdati$iord] * 
        else {
            tbw$sfactor[tbw$xdati$iord] <- tbw$sfactor[tbw$xdati$iord]/nfactor
    if (tbw$ncon > 0) {
        dfactor <- EssDee(rcon) * nrow^(-1/(2 * tbw$ckerorder + 
        if (tbw$scaling) {
            tbw$bandwidth[tbw$xdati$icon] <- tbw$bandwidth[tbw$xdati$icon] * 
        else {
            tbw$sfactor[tbw$xdati$icon] <- tbw$sfactor[tbw$xdati$icon]/dfactor
    tbw <- rbandwidth(bw = tbw$bw, regtype = tbw$regtype, bwmethod = tbw$method, 
        bwscaling = tbw$scaling, bwtype = tbw$type, ckertype = tbw$ckertype, 
        ckerorder = tbw$ckerorder, ukertype = tbw$ukertype, okertype = tbw$okertype, 
        fval = tbw$fval, ifval = tbw$ifval, nobs = tbw$nobs, 
        xdati = tbw$xdati, ydati = tbw$ydati, xnames = tbw$xnames, 
        ynames = tbw$ynames, sfactor = tbw$sfactor, bandwidth = tbw$bandwidth, 
        rows.omit = rows.omit, bandwidth.compute = bandwidth.compute)

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