#---------- process knowledge: the model relating microbial parameters to observations
modMetaICBMDemo <- function(
### Creating Meta-information for ICBMDemo.
##seealso<< \code{\link{twCreateModMeta}}, \code{\link{twSetModMetaAuxGroups}}
modMeta <- twCreateModMeta(
rowNames = c('Y','O','R')
#,csts = list( cis=c('c12','c14'), nis = c('n15') )
,csts = list( cis=c('c12','c14') )
modMeta$iR14CStandard <- c14Constants$iR14CStandard
auxGroups <- list(
#csums = paste("csums",modMeta$rowNames,sep="_") #sum across all c compartments
inputLeaf = paste("inputLeaf",modMeta$colNames,sep="_")
,inputRoot = paste("inputRoot",modMeta$colNames,sep="_")
,decY = paste("decY",modMeta$colNames,sep="_")
,decO = paste("decO",modMeta$colNames,sep="_")
,respY = paste("respY",modMeta$csts$c,sep="_")
,respO = paste("respO",modMeta$csts$c,sep="_")
#,dxSums = paste("dxSums",modMeta$csts$c,sep="_") #sum across all c compartments
auxGroupsSolve <- list( # additional outputs calculated from the state in solve function after integrating the model
cStock = "cStock" #sum over 12C of all SOM pools
,F14C = paste("F14C",modMeta$rowNames,sep="_") #fraction modern of soil carbon pools
,F14CT = "F14CT" #fraction modern of entire soil (mixing model across pools)
#,respF14C = paste("respF14C",modMeta$rowNames,sep="_") #fraction modern of respiration from soil carbon pools
,respF14CT = "respF14CT" #fraction modern of total respiration
modMeta <- twSetModMetaAuxGroups(modMeta,auxGroups)
#copy2clip(paste("enum AUX_OUTPUT_NAMES {",paste(c(modMetaICBMDemo()$auxOutputNames,"N_AUX"),collapse=","),"}; //generated in ICBMDemo.R",sep="")) #to adjust icbm1.c
initStateICBMDemo <- function(
### Creating initial state variables for ICBMDemo.
xc12, cn=0, iR
,modMeta=modMetaICBMDemo() ##<< may pass pre-calulated modMeta for efficiency.
x <- initStateModMeta(xc12,cn,iR,modMeta=modMeta)
### Numeric matrix (nPool, nIsotopes) of state variable mass.
solveICBMDemo <- function(
### solve the ODE of \code{\link{derivICBMDemo}}
x0 ##<< numeric vector or matrix at t=0
,times ##<< times at which explicit estimates for y are desired. The first value in times must be the initial time.
,parms ##<< list of model parameters
,input ##<< list with dataframes entries leaf and root each with columns yr and obs
,modMeta=modMetaICBMDemo() ##<< metaInformation from model. Pass for efficiency or when using different units.
,useRImpl=FALSE ##<< flag indicating to use the R implementation instead of C implementation.
##seealso<< \code{\link[deSolve]{lsoda}}
# Tried to works with lsoda(..., atol=0). Else microbial biomass may become truely zero insteald of
# small values, and derivative functions produces NaNs. But still gets 0
parms$modMeta <- modMeta #a way to pass it to the derivative function
# -- create the forcing according to time lag for root input 14C
fLeaf12C <- if( nrow(input$leaf) == 1) function(t){as.vector(input$leaf[1,2])} else
approxfun(x=input$leaf[,1], y=input$leaf[,2], method="linear", rule=2)
fRoot12C <- if( nrow(input$root) == 1) function(t){as.vector(input$root[1,2])} else
approxfun(x=input$root[,1], y=input$root[,2], method="linear", rule=2)
#for 14C we need an input each year, because it changes with atmospheric 14c-Activity
iTimes <- {tmp<-range(times); seq( tmp[1], tmp[2], by=1 )}
input$leaf14C <- cbind( yr=iTimes, obs=fLeaf12C(iTimes)*fFmAtmosphere(iTimes-parms$tLagLeaf) )
input$root14C <- cbind( yr=iTimes, obs=fRoot12C(iTimes)*fFmAtmosphere(iTimes-parms$tLagRoot) )
res0 <- if( useRImpl ){
#lsoda( x0, times, derivICBMDemo, parms, atol = 0 )
# the forcing functions; rule = 2 avoids NaNs in interpolation
fLeaf14C = approxfun(x=input$leaf14C[,1], y=input$leaf14C[,2], method="linear", rule=2)
fRoot14C = approxfun(x=input$root14C[,1], y=input$root14C[,2], method="linear", rule=2)
parms$fInput <- function(t){
c(leaf12C = fLeaf12C(t), leaf14C=fLeaf14C(t), root12C=fRoot12C(t), root14C=fRoot14C(t))
lsoda( x0, times, derivICBMDemo, parms )
}else {
forcings <- input[c("leaf","root","leaf14C","root14C")]
lsoda( x0, times, dllname = "twModMeta", func = "deriv_icbmDemo", initfunc = "init_soilmod_icbmDemo", parms = parms, nout = modMeta$nAux, outnames = modMeta$auxOutputNames, initforc = "forcc_icbmDemo", forcings=forcings) #head(res0 <- lsoda( x0, times, dllname = "howlandInversion", func = "deriv_icbmDemo", initfunc = "init_soilmod_icbmDemo", parms = parms, nout = modMeta$nAux, outnames = modMeta$auxOutputNames, initforc = "forcc_icbmDemo", forcings=forcings))
auxF14C <- cbind, lapply( modMeta$rowNames, function(cname){(res0[,paste(cname,"c14",sep="_")]/res0[,paste(cname,"c12",sep="_")]) } )) / modMeta$iR14CStandard
colnames(auxF14C) <- paste("F14C",modMeta$rowNames,sep="_")
cStock <- rowSums(res0[,c("Y_c12","O_c12")])
res <- cbind( res0
#,inputLeaf12C=leaf12C(times), inputLeaf14C=leaf14C(times), inputRoot12C=root12C(times), inputRoot14C=root14C(times)
,F14CT=rowSums(auxF14C[,c("F14C_Y","F14C_O")]*res0[,paste(c("Y","O"),c("c12"),sep="_")]) / cStock
,respF14CT=rowSums(res0[,c("respY_c14","respO_c14")])/rowSums(res0[,c("respY_c12","respO_c12")]) / modMeta$iR14CStandard
### result of \code{\link{lsoda}}
derivICBMDemo <- function(
### Derivative function of Basic Colimitation model.
t, x, p
## Calls forcing function p$fInput which should (see \code{\link{forcings}}).
# Meta information of this model passed with p
mm <- p$modMeta
# the derivative
dx <- mm$matrixTemplate
# auxiliary outputs
a <- mm$auxOutputTemplate
# ode solvers provide x as a vector, attach attributes to have access as a mtrix.
if( !is.matrix(x) ){
dim(x) <- c(mm$nRow, mm$nCol)
dimnames(x) <- dimnames(dx)
decY <- p$kY * x["Y",]
respY <- decY[mm$csts$cis] * (1-p$h)
decO <- p$kO * x["O",]
respO <- decO[mm$csts$cis]
resp <- rbind(respY,respO)
input <- p$fInput(t)
inputLeaf <- c(input["leaf12C"],input["leaf14C"])
inputRoot <- c(input["root12C"],input["root14C"])
dx["Y",] <- +inputLeaf +inputRoot - decY
dx["O",] <- +p$h*decY - decO
dx[,"c14"] <- dx[,"c14"] -x[,"c14"]*c14Constants$lambda #radioactive decay see c14Utils
dx["R",] <- +respY +respO
#a[ mm$auxGroups$csums ] = csums
a[ mm$auxGroups$inputLeaf ] = inputLeaf
a[ mm$auxGroups$inputRoot ] = inputRoot
a[ mm$auxGroups$decY ] = decY
a[ mm$auxGroups$decO ] = decO
a[ mm$auxGroups$respY ] = respY
a[ mm$auxGroups$respO ] = respO
#a[ mm$auxGroups$cStock] = sum(x[c("Y","O"),"c12"])
#a[ mm$auxGroups$F14C] = (x[,"c14"]/x[,"c12"]) / mm$iR14CStandard
#a[ mm$auxGroups$F14CT] = sum(a[mm$auxGroups$F14C][c("F14C_Y","F14C_O")]*x[c("Y","O"),"c12"])/a[ mm$auxGroups$cStock]
#a[ mm$auxGroups$respF14C] = (resp[,"c14"]/resp[,"c12"]) / mm$iR14CStandard
#a[ mm$auxGroups$respF14CT] = (sum(resp[,"c14"])/sum(resp[,"c12"])) / mm$iR14CStandard
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