
Defines functions is.twsInstrument Contr_From_Instr Instr_From_Contr twsInstrument buildIBcontract

Documented in buildIBcontract Contr_From_Instr Instr_From_Contr is.twsInstrument twsInstrument

## Given a symbol, conId (chr or numeric), twsInstrument, instrument, 
## instrument name, or twsContract, these functions will create a 
## twsInstrument with as much information as can be found.

#implemented: STK,OPT,FUT,CASH,IND
#not implemented: FOP

# FinancialInstrument.type  |  twsContract.sectype  #
#    stock                  |       STK             #
#    synthetic              |       IND             #
#    option_series          |       OPT             #
#    future_series          |       FUT             #
#    exchange_rate          |       CASH            #

#' @export
#' @rdname buildIBcontract
is.twsInstrument <- function(x) {
    if (inherits(x, 'twsInstrument')) {
    } else if (inherits(x, 'instrument') && 
                !is.null(x$IB) && 
                inherits(x$IB, 'twsContract') ) {
    } else FALSE

#Any of these will create a twsInstrument object

#' @export
#' @rdname buildIBcontract
Contr_From_Instr <- function(instrument, tws=NULL, 
        addIBslot=FALSE, updateInstrument=FALSE, 
        include_expired="0", assign_i=FALSE, assign_c=TRUE, verbose=TRUE, silent=FALSE) 
    if (is.numeric(output))
        output <- c('contract','symbol','nothing','instrument')[output]
    buildIBcontract(symbol=instrument, tws=tws, addIBslot=addIBslot,
        updateInstrument=updateInstrument, output=output[1], 
        assign_i=assign_i, assign_c=assign_c, verbose=verbose, silent=silent)

#' @export
#' @rdname buildIBcontract
Instr_From_Contr<- function(contract, tws=NULL, 
        addIBslot=FALSE, updateInstrument=TRUE, 
        include_expired="0", assign_i=FALSE, assign_c=TRUE, verbose=TRUE, silent=FALSE) 
    if (is.numeric(output)) 
    buildIBcontract(symbol=contract, tws=tws, addIBslot=addIBslot,
        updateInstrument=updateInstrument, output=output[1],
        assign_i=assign_i, assign_c=assign_c, verbose=verbose, silent=silent)

#' @export
#' @rdname buildIBcontract
twsInstrument <- function(symbol, tws=NULL, 
        addIBslot=TRUE, updateInstrument=TRUE, 
        include_expired="0", assign_i=TRUE, assign_c=TRUE, verbose=TRUE, silent=FALSE)
    if (is.numeric(output)) 
        output <- c('nothing','symbol','instrument','contract')[output]
    buildIBcontract(symbol=symbol, tws=tws, addIBslot=addIBslot,
            updateInstrument=updateInstrument, output=output, 
            assign_i=assign_i, assign_c=assign_c, verbose=verbose, silent=silent)

#' buildIBcontract and wrappers
#' create twsInstrument, or create twsContracts using previously defined
#' FinancialInstruments, or create FinancialInstruments from previously defined
#' twsContract
#' see ?\sQuote{twsInstrument-package} for \code{\link{twsInstrument-package}} help page.
#' Using metadata that has already been defined for an instrument, create a
#' twsContract object and fill in any missing information. Can either add an IB
#' slot to the instrument, or update the entire instrument creating slots as
#' needed.
#' buildIBcontract is the main function; the rest are wrappers.
#' symbol can be the name of an instrument, an instrument, a twsContract,
#' twsInstrument or a conId (unique numeric contract identifier used by
#' Interactive Brokers).  Using the information given, it will create an
#' instrument and a twsContract.  It will then make a call to
#' reqContractDetails to fill in any missing information. (If you give it a
#' string and there is no instrument by that name, then: (a) If the string ends
#' in a period, it will treat it as a currency pair using "USD" as the base
#' currency. (b) if the string can be coerced to numeric, it will be used as
#' the conId in a call to \code{\link{getContract}} (which in turn calls
#' \code{\link{reqContractDetails}} to get a twsContract object.  (c)
#' Otherwise, it will be passed to \code{\link{instrument.auto}} which will try
#' to create an instrument that can be updated.  If the string is something
#' other than the name of a \code{FUT}, \code{OPT}, or \code{CASH} -- for
#' example, if it is the name of a \code{STK} or \code{IND} -- it will be
#' assumed that it is a \code{STK}.  If the request for contract details fails,
#' it will be tried again as an \code{IND} (Note that if you want an index, but
#' request a stock, it is more likely that you will get a stock of a different
#' currency than that the request will fail. Therefore, you should always
#' define your instruments first.  Wrapping the symbol with something like
#' \code{synthetic('SPX','USD')} or \code{stock('SPY','USD')} will ensure that
#' you get the \code{sectype} of \code{twsContract} you are after).
#' if addIBslot is TRUE it will store the contract in the IB slot of the
#' instrument (creating the slot if necessary.)  If updateInstrument is TRUE it
#' will add/replace information directly in the instrument object.
#' It is recommended that you do not pass it a twsconn object, in which case it
#' will create a temporary one. If you pass it a twsconn object you are more
#' likely to encounter errors.  If you pass a connected twsconn object it will
#' be disconnected after the request.
#' twsInstrument is a wrapper that will create a twsInstrument classed object.
#' By default, It creates a twsContract and an instrument (if necessary) and
#' places the twsContract in the IB slot of the instrument. The twsInstrument
#' class is automatically added to any instrument that has an IB slot.
#' Instr_From_Contr is a wrapper to create an instrument using a twsContract.
#' It does not create an IB slot or store the twsContract in the instrument by
#' default, and therefore does not add the twsInstrument class to the
#' instrument.
#' Contr_From_Instr is a wrapper to create a twsContract using an instrument.
#' By default, it does not make any changes to the instrument, and therefore
#' does not add the twsInstrument class to it.
#' Instr_From_Contr and Contr_From_Instr are essentially the same functions,
#' but with different default outputs.
#' \code{ouput} should be a character string describing what to return. Valid
#' values are c(\sQuote{"nothing}, \sQuote{symbol}, \sQuote{instrument},
#' \sQuote{contract}
#' @aliases buildIBcontract twsInstrument Instr_From_Contr Contr_From_Instr
#' is.twsInstrument
#' @param symbol An instrument, The name of an instrument, a twsContract, or a
#' conId.
#' @param tws twsconn object. Not required.
#' @param addIBslot Boolean. Should an IB slot be created in the instrument
#' object?)
#' @param updateInstrument Should all the attributes of the instrument be
#' updated with the information retrieved from IB?
#' @param output what should be returned. one of
#' 'nothing','symbol','instrument','contract'
#' @param include_expired is the requested contract expired?
#' @param assign_i boolean. Should the instrument be stored in the instrument
#' environment?
#' @param assign_c boolean. If a currency isn't defined, should it be?
#' @param verbose be verbose?
#' @param silent silence warnings?
#' @param instrument for wrapper, alias for symbol
#' @param contract for wrapper, alias for symbol
#' @param x what to test for is.twsInstrument
#' @return Usually called for its side-effect. It will return what is defined
#' by the output argument. See details.
#' @author Garrett See
#' @seealso instrument, twsContract, addIBslot,
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' twsInstrument('SPY') #assumes it's a stock
#' #Now something that isn't denominated in USD
#' twsInstrument(twsFUT(symbol='NIY',exch='GLOBEX',expiry='201109',
#'                      currency='JPY'))
#' #As a wrapper for instrument wrappers
#' Contr_From_Instr(synthetic('SPX','USD'))
#' Instr_From_Contr(twsFUT(symbol='ES',exch='GLOBEX',expiry='201112', currency='USD'))
#' buildIBcontract(twsSTK("GOOG"),updateInstrument=TRUE, addIBslot=FALSE, output='nothing')
#' stock('AAPL','USD')
#' buildIBcontract('AAPL', updateInstrument=FALSE) #uses instrument
#' ls_instruments()
#' }
#' @export
#' @rdname buildIBcontract
buildIBcontract <- function(symbol, tws=NULL, 
        addIBslot=FALSE, updateInstrument=FALSE, 
        include_expired="0", assign_i=FALSE, assign_c=TRUE, verbose=TRUE, silent=FALSE)
    #TODO: Allow for vector of symbols, instruments, or contracts
    if (is.xts(symbol)) stop('symbol can be the name of an xts object, but not the object itself.')    
    if (inherits(symbol, 'twsContractDetails')) symbol <- getContract(symbol) #TODO: give user the option to not reqContractDetails again.
    if (!is.list(symbol) && (is.numeric(symbol) || !is.na(suppressWarnings(as.numeric(symbol))))) symbol <- getContract(symbol)    
    primary_id <- NULL
    right <- NULL    
    contract <- NULL
    instr <- NULL    
    ambiguous <- FALSE #Is it unclear what type of instrument/contract we're making
    if (is.twsContract(symbol)){ #then make an instr
        #also create instrument (but it will only be assigned if updateInstrument==TRUE) &| assign_i==TRUE
        #need at least primary_id, currency, multiplier, tick_size, identifiers, type
        contract <- symbol
        symbol <- contract$symbol

        #make sure the currency is defined for this product
        tmpccy <- try(getInstrument(contract$currency, silent=TRUE),silent=TRUE)
        if (inherits(tmpccy, 'try-error') || !is.instrument(tmpccy) ) {
            if (assign_c)    {        
                if (!silent) warning(paste("Creating currency ", contract$currency))   
            } else stop (paste(contract$currency, 'cannot be found, and assign_c=FALSE'))
        #primary_id <- symbol
        identifiers <- list(conId=contract$conId, local=gsub(" ","",contract$local))
        identifiers <- identifiers[!identifiers %in% c("0","")]                    
        instr <- switch(contract$sectype, 
                    primary_id <- contract$symbol
                    instrument.tws(primary_id=primary_id, exchange=contract$exch, currency=contract$currency, multiplier=1,
                                    tick_size=NULL, identifiers=identifiers, type='synthetic', assign_i=FALSE)
                    primary_id <- contract$symbol                    
                    #stock(primary_id=primary_id, currency=contract$currency, exchange=contract$exchange)
                    instrument.tws(primary_id=primary_id, currency=contract$currency,multiplier=1,
                                tick_size=0.01, identifiers=identifiers, type='stock', assign_i=FALSE)
#                   primary_id <- paste('.', contract$symbol,sep="")
                    if (!is.null(contract$local) && contract$local != "") {
                        ylocal <- gsub("   ","",contract$local)#take out the triple space
                        si <- gsub(contract$symbol,"",ylocal) #suffix_id
                        #id <- paste(primary_id,suffix_id,sep="_")
                        expiry <- substr(si,1,6)
                        right <- substr(si,7,7)
                        strike <- as.numeric(substr(si,8,15))/1000
                        #local <- paste(symbol, si, sep="   ")      
                        primary_id <- paste(contract$symbol, "_", expiry, right, strike, sep="")
                    } else {
                        if (any(nchar(contract$expiry) == c(6,8))) {
                            m <- substr(contract$expiry,5,6)
                            y <- substr(contract$expiry,1,4)
                        } else if (!identical(integer(0),grep('-',contract$expiry))) {
                            ss <- strsplit(contract$expiry,"-")[[1]]
                            m <- ss[2]
                            y <- ss[1]    
                        expiry <- paste(y,sprintf("%02d",as.numeric(m)),sep="")                        
                        right <- contract$right    
                        strike <- contract$strike
                        primary_id <- option_id(underlying_id=contract$symbol, strike=strike, 
                                                month=m, year=y, right=right)
                    callput <- switch(right, C=,c=,call='call', P=,p=,put='put')
                    #option(primary_id=primary_id, currency=contract$currency,
                    #    multiplier=contract$multiplier, expires=contract$expiry, right=contract$right,
                    #    strike=contract$strike, exchange=contract$exchange, underlying_id=contract$symbol)
                    instrument.tws(primary_id=primary_id, currency=contract$currency,
                        multiplier=as.numeric(contract$multiplier), tick_size=NULL, 
                        identifiers=identifiers, expires=contract$expiry, right=right, callput=callput,
                        strike=contract$strike, exchange=contract$exch, type=c('option_series','option'), 
                        underlying_id=contract$symbol, assign_i=FALSE)
                    primary_id <- symbol
                    instrument.tws(primary_id=primary_id, currency=contract$currency, 
                        multiplier=as.numeric(contract$multiplier), tick_size=NULL,
                        identifiers=identifiers, expires=contract$expiry, 
                        exchange=contract$exch, type=c('future_series','future'), 
                        underlying_id=contract$symbol, assign_i=FALSE) #maybe shouldn't specify exchange here
                    if (contract$local == "") {
                        primary_id <- paste(contract$symbol, contract$currency, sep="") #will be contract$local after update
                    } else primary_id <- contract$local
                    #exchange_rate(primary_id=primary_id, currency=contract$currency, second_currency=contract$symbol)
                    instrument.tws(primary_id=primary_id, currency=contract$currency, multiplier=1, 
                                tick_size=0.01, identifiers=identifiers, counter_currency=contract$symbol, 
                                type=c("exchange_rate","currency"), assign_i=FALSE)
                    #currency(primary_id=contract$symbol, currency=contract$currency, exchange=contract$exch, type='currency')
                }) #End switch on sectype
         #TODO: Implement for bonds and other instruments        
         #if (updateInstrument==FALSE) warning(paste('Created ', primary_id, ' instrument because it could not be found.',sep=''))    
    } #End if (is.twsContract(symbol))
#If it was a twsContract, we 
#(1) copied it to a temporary contract (contract)
#(2) figured out the symbol, and primary_id
#(3) built a temporary instrument (instr)

    if (is.instrument(symbol)) { #assign to instr, and redefine symbol
        instr <- symbol
        primary_id <- instr$primary_id #TODO: check for suffix_id
        if (!is.null(instr$underlying_id)) { 
            symbol <- instr$underlying_id
        } else if (!is.null(instr$counter_currency)) {
            symbol <- instr$counter_currency
        } else symbol <- instr$primary_id
    #if it was an instrument, we copied it to instr, figured out the primary_id, and the symbol 
    } else if (!is.twsContract(symbol)) { 
    #not an instrument or contract 
    #(if it was initially a twsContract or instrument, 
    #symbol has been overwritten with symbol name)
        if (length(symbol) > 1) { 
            #TODO: allow for vector of symbols, instruments, twsContracts, or twsInstruments 
            #TODO2: allow for named lists.
            stop('symbol must be an instrument, twsInstrument, twsContract, or the name of an instrument')
        } else {
    #we'll get here if the symbol argument given was a string (e.g. "SPY") or a twsContract
            if (is.null(primary_id)) { #i.e. if it wasn't a twsContract
                #if it has a space, it's probably a B-share
                #e.g. primary_id of "BRK B" would be "BRKb"
                tmpss <- strsplit(symbol, " ")[[1]]
                primary_id <- if (length(tmpss) == 2) {
                    paste(tmpss[1], tolower(tmpss[2]), sep="")
                } else primary_id <- make.names(symbol)
            if (is.null(instr) && length(primary_id) ==1 )  {
        #instr will be null if we were given a string.
                instr <- try(getInstrument(primary_id,silent=TRUE),silent=TRUE)
#Now unless we were given a string, we have value for symbol, primary_id, instr, and contract. 
#if it was a string, we only have primary_id, and probably have instr
#(if we got instr from a string, it may not have succeeded. we'll check for that next.)

    if (inherits(instr,'try-error') || !is.instrument(instr)) {
        #TODO: allow for EUR/USD format also.
        pid <- parse_id(symbol)
        if ( (nchar(symbol) == 6 ) && any(pid$type == 'root') && !identical(integer(0), grep(symbol, toupper(symbol))) ) { #6 letters, all uppercase
            ccys <- c(substr(symbol, 1, 3),substr(symbol,4,6))         
            contract <- twsCASH(ccys[1], ccys[2])
            primary_id=paste(contract$symbol, contract$currency, sep="") #consistent with blotter, but I think it should be sep="."
            instr <- instrument.tws(primary_id=primary_id, 
                        type=c("exchange_rate","currency"), assign_i=FALSE)
        } else if (!identical(grep('\\.',symbol), integer(0)) && nchar(symbol) == 7) {
            #if it has 7 characters and one of them is a period, treat it as an FX pair (e.g. EUR.USD)            
            ccys <- strsplit(symbol, "\\.")[[1]]            
            contract <- twsCASH(ccys[1], ccys[2])
            primary_id=paste(contract$symbol, contract$currency, sep="") #consistent with blotter, but I think it should be sep="."
            instr <- instrument.tws(primary_id=primary_id, 
                        type=c("exchange_rate","currency"), assign_i=FALSE)
        } else if (nchar(symbol) == 4 && substr(symbol,4,4) == "." ) {
            contract <-twsCASH(substr(symbol,1,3))
            #instr <- Instr_From_Contr(contract)
            primary_id=paste(contract$symbol, contract$currency, sep="") #consistent with blotter, but I think it should be sep="."
            instr <- instrument.tws(primary_id=primary_id, 
                        type=c("exchange_rate","currency"), assign_i=FALSE)        
        } else { 
            #warning(paste("Unable to find or infer instrument, ",
            #        symbol, ".\n  Trying with type = \"stock\"", sep=""))
            ccys <- ls_currencies()
            instr <- instrument.auto(primary_id=primary_id, silent=TRUE, assign_i=FALSE)
            ccys <- ls_currencies()[!ls_currencies() %in% ccys]
            if (!identical(ccys, character(0))) rm_currencies(ccys) #if instrument.auto created a currecy, remove it
            instr$currency <- "" # since we don't know it, we'll have to let IB guess for us (IB may be wrong!)

    if (is.instrument(instr) && !is.twsContract(instr$IB) && is.null(contract)) { #make contract
        primary_id <- instr$primary_id
        pid <- parse_id(instr$primary_id)
        #figure out sectype
        if (is.null(instr$sectype) ) {
            if (is.null(instr$type) || 
                (!is.null(instr$type) && instr$type == "unknown") ) 
            { #future_series or option_series created with instrument.auto when no root existed
                instr$multiplier <- ""
                if (any(pid$type == 'future')) {
                    instr$type <- 'future_series' #a future object would parse out to 'root', not 'future'
                } else if (any(pid$type == 'option')) {
                    instr$type <- 'option_series' #an option object would parse out to 'root', not 'option'
                } else if (any(pid$type == 'root')) {
                    instr$type <- 'stock'
                    ambiguous <- primary_id == toupper(primary_id) #will be TRUE except for B Shares like BRKb
                    #if (!silent) warning(paste(instr$primary_id, "is of an ambiguous format. ",
                    #            "Trying with type = \"stock\""))
                    instr$multiplier <- 1
            } else pid <- NULL
            #currencies don't have type by FinancialInstrument default. #FIXME: They do now; this can be updated
            if (inherits(instr,'currency') || 
                (!is.null(instr$type) && any(instr$type == 'currency') ) ) {
                sectype <- "CASH"
                if (!is.null(instr$counter_currency)) {
                    symbol <- instr$counter_currency
                } else if (!is.null(instr$second_currency)) {
                    symbol <- instr$second_currency
                } else if (nchar(instr$primary_id) == 6) { #TODO: make sure it's 6 letters
                    symbol <- substr(instr$primary_id,1,3)
                } else if (nchar(instr$primary_id) == 7) { 
                    symbol <- strsplit(instr$primary_id,"\\.")[[1]][1]                 
                } else if (nchar(instr$primary_id) == 7) { #e.g. if it was EUR/USD, then the last line didn't change it
                    symbol <- strsplit(instr$primary_id,"/")[[1]][1]
                } else symbol <- instr$primary_id
           } else if (inherits(instr,'option') || 
                any(instr$type == "option") || 
                any(instr$type == "option_series") ||
                any(instr$type == "OPT") ) {
                    sectype <- "OPT"
                    if (!is.null(instr$underlying_id) 
                           && !instr$underlying_id == "") {
                        symbol <- instr$underlying_id
                    } else symbol <- instr$root_id
                #TODO: treat option and option_series differently
            } else if (inherits(instr,'future_series') || 
                any(instr$type == "future_series") ||
                any(pid$type == "SSF")) {
                    sectype <- "FUT" 
                    if(is.null(instr$root_id)) instr$root_id <- parse_id(primary_id)$root
                    if(is.null(instr$suffix_id)) instr$suffix_id <- parse_id(primary_id)$suffix        
                    symbol <- instr$root_id
            } else if (inherits(instr,'future') ||
                any(instr$type == 'future')) {
                    sectype <- 'FUT'
                    symbol <- primary_id <- gsub("\\.","",primary_id)
            } else if (inherits(instr,'stock') || inherits(instr, 'fund') ||
                any(instr$type == "stock") || any(instr$type == 'fund') ||
                any(instr$type == "STK")) {
                    sectype <- "STK"                
            } else if (inherits(instr,'synthetic') ||
                any((instr$type == 'synthetic')) ||
                any((instr$type == 'IND'))) {
                    sectype <- 'IND'
            } else { 
                stop(paste('Cannot determine sectype; ', symbol , 
                    ' does not appear to be a stock, ',
                    'option, future or currency.', sep=""))
        } else sectype = instr$sectype
        if (is.null(contract$conId) || contract$conId == 0) { #This if statement isn't necessary
            conId <- 0        
            pid <- parse_id(primary_id)
            if ((any(instr$type == "future_series") || any(instr$type == "option_series") ) && is.null(instr$expires) && is.null(instr$expiry)) {
                if (!silent) warning("Expiry not defined for future or option... Inferring from id.") 
                instr$expires <- format(as.Date(paste(pid$month,pid$year,15),origin='1970-01-01',format='%b%Y%d'),format='%Y%m')
            if (any(instr$type == "option_series") ) {
                if (is.null(instr$strike)) {
                    if (!silent) warning("strike is not defined for option... Inferring from id.")
                    instr$strike <- pid$strike
                if (!is.null(instr$callput)) {
                    right <- switch(instr$callput, call=,c=,C="C",put=,p=,P="P")
                } else if (!is.null(instr$right)) {
                    right <- switch(instr$right, call=,c=,C="C",put=,p=,P="P") #instr$right
                } else {
                    right <- pid$right
                    if (!silent) warning("right of option is neither call nor put... Inferring from id.")
                    right <- instr$right
        } else conId <- contract$conId

        #set multiplier
        multiplier <- ""
        if (sectype == "STK") { # || sectype == "CASH") {
            exchange <- 'SMART'
        } else if (sectype == "CASH") {
            exchange <- "IDEALPRO"
        } else if (sectype == 'IND') {
            exchange <- instr$exchange
        } else {
            multiplier <- instr$multiplier            
            exchange <- instr$exchange #Should exchange and primary both be the same ?        
        primary <- "" # should this be instr$exchange ?

        if (is.null(instr$expires) && !is.null(instr$expiry)) {
            expiry <- paste(instr$expiry)
        } else if (!is.null(instr$expires)) {
            expiry <- paste(instr$expires) 
        } else expiry <- ""
        IBexpiry <- expiry
        if(sectype == "FUT") {
            if (nchar(IBexpiry) == 10) {
                IBexpiry <- format(as.Date(IBexpiry, origin='1970-01-01', format="%Y-%m-%d"),"%Y%m")
            } else if (nchar(IBexpiry) == 7) IBexpiry <- gsub("-","",IBexpiry)
        #IB uses the Friday before expiration Saturday for expiry
        #except for EOM options.
        if (!is.null(IBexpiry) && is.character(IBexpiry) && IBexpiry != "") {
            if (nchar(IBexpiry) == 8) {
                expdate <- as.Date(IBexpiry, origin='1970-01-01', format="%Y%m%d")
                if (weekdays(expdate) == "Saturday") {
                    IBexpiry <- format(expdate - 1,"%Y%m%d")
            } else if (nchar(IBexpiry) == 10) {
                expdate <- as.Date(IBexpiry, origin='1970-01-01', format="%Y-%m-%d")
                if (weekdays(expdate) == "Saturday") {
                    IBexpiry <- format(expdate - 1, "%Y%m%d")
        } else IBexpiry = ""

        strike <- instr$strike

        currency <- instr$currency
#        right <- instr$right
        #TODO: try to add other info here: local,etc.

        #change the NULL values to empty character strings
        if (is.null(primary) || primary == "N/A") primary <- ""
        if (is.null(exchange)) {
            if (sectype == 'STK') {
                exchange <- 'SMART' 
            } else if (sectype == 'CASH') {
                exchange <- 'IDEALPRO'
            } else exchange <- ''
        if (is.null(expiry)) expiry <- ""
        if (is.null(strike)) strike <- ""
        if (is.null(right)) right <- ""

        #local <- paste(symbol, TODO                
        #create/get initial contract
        #FIXME: Should exch="" here? or instr$exchange? or 'SMART'?        
        contract <- twsContract(conId=conId, symbol=symbol, exch=exchange,primary=primary,
                        sectype=sectype, expiry=IBexpiry, strike=strike, currency=currency,
                        right=right, local="", multiplier=multiplier, combo_legs_desc="",
                        comboleg="", include_expired=include_expired) 
    } else if (is.null(contract) && is.instrument(instr)) contract <- instr$IB
        #done getting twsContract object
    #Establish a connection, and download contract details from IB. on error: disconnect
    if ( (contract$sectype != "CASH") || 
         ((contract$sectype == "CASH") && !is.instrument(instr)) ||
          (is.instrument(instr) && instr$currency != instr$primary_id) ) {
        #|| (contract$symbol != contract$currency) ) {        
        # || is.exchange_rate(instr) #no function for this

        if (is.null(tws) || (is.twsConnection(tws) && !isConnected(tws)) ) 
            tws <- ConnectIB(c(100:104, 150))
            if (suppressWarnings(isConnected(tws))) {
                if (verbose) cat(paste('Connected with clientId ', tws$clientId, '.\n',sep=""))    
                if (tws$clientId == 150) warning("IB Trader Workstation should be restarted.")                    
                #request that IB fill in missing info.                
                details <- try(suppressWarnings(reqContractDetails(tws,contract)),silent=TRUE)
                if (length(details) == 0) {
                    if ( (contract$include_expired == 0 ||
                            contract$include_expired == "0" ||
                            !isTRUE(contract$include_expired)) && 
                         (is.null(contract$sectype) ||
                            (!is.null(contract$sectype) && any(contract$sectype == c("FUT","OPT","FOP","BAG")))) ) 
                        if (verbose) cat("Trying to resolve error in contract details. Using include_expired=1\n")              
                        contract$include_expired <- "1"
                        details <- try(suppressWarnings(reqContractDetails(tws,contract)),silent=TRUE)
                if (length(details) == 0 && !identical(integer(0), grep("\\.", contract$symbol) )) {
                    if ( is.null(contract$sectype) || (!is.null(contract$sectype) && (any(contract$sectype == c('STK','IND')))))
                        contract$symbol <- strsplit(contract$symbol, "\\.")[[1]][1]
                        details <- try(suppressWarnings(reqContractDetails(tws,contract)), silent=TRUE)
                        if (length(details) > 0 && verbose) cat("Resolved error in contract details by omitting exchange info from ticker.\n")
                if (length(details) == 0) {
                    if ( is.null(contract$sectype) || (!is.null(contract$sectype) && (contract$sectype == 'STK')))
                        if (verbose) cat("Trying to resolve error in contract details. Using sectype='IND'\n")
                        contract$sectype <- 'IND'
                        contract$exch <- ""
                        details <- try(suppressWarnings(reqContractDetails(tws,contract)), silent=TRUE)
                if (length(details) > 0 && !is.instrument(getInstrument(details[[1]]$contract$currency,type='currency',silent=TRUE))) {
                    if (verbose) cat("Checking to see if other 'type's have a pre-defined currency.\n")                
                    tmpcontract <- contract
                    tmpcontract$sectype <- switch(tmpcontract$sectype, STK='IND', 'STK')
                    tmpcontract$exch <- switch(tmpcontract$sectype, IND="", STK=,OPT="SMART", CASH='IDEALPRO')
                    tmpdetails <-  try(suppressWarnings(reqContractDetails(tws,tmpcontract)), silent=TRUE)
                    if (length(tmpdetails) > 0 && is.instrument(getInstrument(tmpdetails[[1]]$contract$currency,type='currency',silent=TRUE))) {
                        details <- tmpdetails
                        instr$type <- switch(details[[1]]$contract$sectype, STK='stock',IND='synthetic',OPT='option',FUT='future',CASH='exchange_rate')
            } else cat('Could not connect to tws.\n') #shouldn't get this message because we should get an error first
        },finally=try(twsDisconnect(tws), silent=TRUE)) #End tryCatch 

        if (length(details) == 0) {
            uc <- contract
            details <- NULL
            addIBslot <- FALSE                        
            stop(paste('Could not create valid twsContract.\n', 
                contract$symbol, ' may not be a valid ', contract$sectype, 
                '.\nDisconnected.\n', sep=""))
        } else { 
            details <- details[[1]]
            uc <- details[["contract"]] #updated contract
            uc$include_expired <- contract$include_expired #FIXME: IBrokers:::reqContractDetails overwrites include_expired    
            if (uc$sectype != 'FUT' && uc$sectype != 'OPT') uc$include_expired <- ""    
            if (verbose) {
                cat(paste('Request complete: ',
                        paste(uc$symbol, uc$sectype, uc$currency), '.\nDisconnected.\n', sep=""))
    } else {
        warning(paste(primary_id, 'is not a tradeable currency pair.'))
        addIBslot = FALSE        
        uc <- contract
        details <- NULL    
    if(ambiguous && !silent) warning(paste(instr$primary_id, "is of an ambiguous format. Make sure the type is what you wanted.")) 
    if (any(parse_id(gsub(" ","",uc$local))$type == "SSF") && !any(parse_id(primary_id)$type == "SSF") && !silent) {
        warning('Returning SSF. If this is not what you want make sure your expiration month is valid.')
    #make sure the currency is defined for this product
    tmpccy <- try(getInstrument(uc$currency, silent=TRUE),silent=TRUE)
    if ( (inherits(tmpccy, 'try-error') || !inherits(tmpccy,'currency') )
          && assign_c) {
    #FIXME: is.currency calls getInstrument on whatever is passed to it, but
    #getInstrument throws a ton of warnings if you pass something with length > 1
    #So, 2 problems: is.currency is FALSE if you don't pass it a string.
    #and, getInstrument doesn't check length of pattern before grep'ing    
        if (!is.null(uc) && !is.null(uc$currency)) {
            if(!silent) warning(paste("Creating currency ", uc$currency))   
    #If the instrument doesn't exist, create it, unless assign_i==FALSE    
    #tmpinstr <- try(getInstrument(primary_id),silent=TRUE)
    if (is.null(instr) || inherits(instr, 'try-error') || !is.instrument(instr)) {    
    #chances are, you got here by giving symbol a name instead of an instrument or contract
#    if (inherits(tmpinstr,'try-error') || !is.instrument(tmpinstr)) {
        updateInstrument <- TRUE
        cat(paste("Attempting to create instrument", primary_id,'.\n'))
        instr <- NULL #this line shouldn't be necessary, but it doesn't hurt
    } else {
        if (addIBslot && !updateInstrument) {
            instr$IB <- uc       
            if (!is.null(instr$type)) 
                tclass <- unique(c('twsInstrument', instr$type, 'instrument'))                     
            class(instr) <- tclass
            if (assign_i) {
                assign(primary_id, instr, pos=FinancialInstrument:::.instrument)        

    if (updateInstrument) { # && assign_i) {
        instr$primary_id <- primary_id
        instr$currency <- uc$currency
        #instr$identifiers <- unique(c(instr$identifiers, list(conId=uc$conId, local=gsub(" ","",uc$local))))
        # Get nammed and unnamed unique identifiers separately
        ident <-  c(instr$identifiers, list(conId=uc$conId, local=gsub(" ","",uc$local)))
        unnamed <- which(names(ident)=="")
        uident <- unique(ident[unnamed])
        ident.names <- unique(names(ident)[names(ident) != ""])
        ident <- ident[ident.names]
        instr$identifiers <- c(uident, ident)
        instr$local <- uc$local
        instr$IB.primary.exch <- uc$primary
        instr$exchange <- uc$exch #ok to overwrite 'SMART' ?         
        mN <- details$marketName
        instr$marketName <- if (mN == "NMS") { 
            if (!silent) warning('marketName of "NMS" was replaced by symbol')
        } else mN
                instr$type <- unique(c(instr$type,'synthetic'))
                instr$multiplier <- 1
                instr$type <- unique(c(instr$type,'stock'))
                instr$multiplier <- 1
                instr$type <- unique(c(instr$type,'option')) 
                instr$multiplier <- as.numeric(uc$multiplier)
                instr$expires <- if (nchar(uc$expiry) == 8) {
                    } else uc$expiry
                instr$strike <- uc$strike
                instr$right <- uc$right
                instr$type <- unique(c(instr$type,'future'))
                instr$multiplier <- as.numeric(uc$multiplier)
                instr$expires <- if (nchar(uc$expiry) == 8) { 
                    } else uc$expiry
                iblocal <- uc$local

                tmpx <- suppressWarnings(try(as.numeric(iblocal)))
                if (!inherits(tmpx, 'try-error') && !is.na(tmpx) && is.numeric(tmpx)) { #make suffix_id
                    tmpd <- as.Date(instr$expires)
                    Y <- format(tmpd, "%y")                    
                    M <- month.abb[as.numeric(format(tmpd, "%m"))]
                    instr$suffix_id <- paste(M2C(M), Y, sep="")
                    rm('tmpd', 'Y', 'M')
                si <- if (is.null(instr$suffix_id)) {
                        parse_id(gsub(" ","",iblocal), root=details$marketName)$suffix
                    } else instr$suffix_id
                primary_id <- paste(contract$symbol,si,sep="_")
                primary_id <- gsub(" ","",primary_id)
                instr$primary_id <- primary_id
                instr$suffix_id <- gsub(" ","",si)
                instr$type <- unique(c(instr$type,'currency'))
                instr$multiplier <- 1            
            },{} ) #End switch on sectype
        #the rest of these may not work in the future, because, as I understand it, 
        #the IB API event that provides them has been deprecated.
        if (uc$sectype != "CASH" || (instr$currency != instr$primary_id)) {
        #we don't have this info for non-tradeable base currency                
            instr$tick_size <- as.numeric(details$minTick)
            instr$priceMagnifier <- as.numeric(details$priceMagnifier)
            instr$longName <- details$longName
            instr$industry <- details$industry
            if (!is.null(details) && details$contractMonth != "") 
                instr$contract_month <- details$contractMonth
            instr$category <- details$category
            instr$subcategory <- details$subcategory
            instr$timeZoneId <- details$timeZoneId

            formatHours <- function(tH) {
                tH <- strsplit(tH, ":")[[1]]
                tH <- tH[length(tH)]
                tH <- strsplit(tH, ",")[[1]]
                tH <- strsplit(tH, "-")
                tH <- do.call(c, lapply(tH, function(x) paste(paste(substr(x, 1, 2), substr(x, 3, 4), "00", sep=":"), collapse="/T")))
                tH <- paste("T", tH, sep="")                
                names(tH) <- paste('session', 1:length(tH), sep="")

            tH <- details$tradingHours
            lH <- details$liquidHours
            instr$tradingHours <- tH
            instr$liquidHours <- lH
            if (nchar(tH) > 0) instr$tradingHours <- formatHours(tH) 
            if (nchar(lH) > 0) instr$liquidHours <- formatHours(lH)
            tH <- instr$tradingHours
            lH <- instr$liquidHours
            if (nchar(details$tradingHours) > 0) {
                if (details$tradingHours == details$liquidHours) {
                    if (length(instr$tradingHours) == 3) { #use middle one as primary
                        instr$primary_start <- sub("T", "", strsplit(tH[2], "/")[[1]][1])
                        instr$primary_end <- sub("T", "", strsplit(tH[2], "/")[[1]][2])
                        instr$electronic_start <- gsub("T", "", strsplit(tH[1], "/")[[1]][1])
                        instr$electronic_end <- strsplit(gsub("T", "", tH[3]), "/")[[1]][2]
                    } else if (length(instr$tradingHours) == 2) { #use second one as primary
                        instr$primary_start <- sub("T", "", strsplit(tH[2], "/")[[1]][1])
                        instr$primary_end <- sub("T", "", strsplit(tH[2], "/")[[1]][2])
                        instr$electronic_start <- sub("T", "", strsplit(tH[1], "/")[[1]][1])
                        instr$electronic_end <- sub("T", "", strsplit(tH[1], "/")[[1]][2])
                    } else if (length(instr$tradingHours) == 1) {
                        times <- gsub("T", "", strsplit(tH, "/")[[1]])
                        instr$primary_start <- instr$electronic_start <- times[1]
                        instr$primary_end <- instr$electronic_end <- times[2]
                } else {
                    ltimes <- gsub("T", "", strsplit(lH, "/")[[1]])
                    instr$primary_start <- ltimes[1]
                    instr$primary_end <- ltimes[2]
                    ttimes <- gsub("T", "", strsplit(tH, "/")[[1]])
                    instr$electronic_start <- ttimes[1]
                    instr$electronic_end <- ttimes[2]
            instr$validExchanges <- details$validExchanges
        }  #End deprecated

        tmptype <- switch(instr$type[1],
        if (addIBslot) {
            instr$IB <- uc 
            tclass <- unique(c(tmptype,'twsInstrument','instrument'))        
        } else tclass <- unique(c(tmptype,"instrument")) 
        #update info about where & when the instrument was updated
        instr$defined.by <- paste(c(instr$defined.by, "IB"), collapse=";")
        db <- instr$defined.by
        if (!is.null(db)) {
            db <- unlist(strsplit(db,";"))
            db <- rev(unique(c("IB", rev(db))))
            db <- paste(db,collapse=";") 
        } else db <- "IB"
        instr$updated <- Sys.time()    
        class(instr) <- tclass 
        #Put instr back in the .instrument environment        
        if (assign_i || output=='nothing') {
                if (!is.null(instr$primary_id) && 
                    instr$primary_id != "" &&
                    instr$currency != "" &&
                    instr$multiplier != "")
            assign(primary_id, instr, pos=FinancialInstrument:::.instrument)        

    switch (output[1], 
            contract =, 
            contr =,
            Contract = {uc}, 
            instrument =,
            Instrument =,
            twsInstrument =, 
            symbol =,
            symbols =,
            Symbol =,
            primary_id = {primary_id},
            nothing={invisible()} )

Try the twsInstrument package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

twsInstrument documentation built on May 2, 2019, 5:24 p.m.