
Defines functions L.matrix E.matrices u.vectors vec gauss.quad

## --------------------------------------------------------- #
## Author:       Reto Burgin
## E-Mail:       rbuergin@gmx.ch
## Date:         2014-09-08
## Description:
## Unexported functions imported from other packages
## References:
## colorspace:      http://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/colorspace/index.html
## statmod:         http://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/statmod/
## matrixcalc:      http://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/matrixcalc/
## Contents:
## stats:                       safe_pchisq
## colorspace:                  "rainbowPalette", "divergePalette"
## statmod:     version 1.4.15  gauss.quad 
## matrixcalc:  version 1.0-2   vec, u.vectors, E.Matrices, L.matrix
## --------------------------------------------------------- #

safe_pchisq <- function (q, df, ...) {
    df[df <= 0] <- NA
    pchisq(q = q, df = df, ...)

"rainbowPalette" <- structure(c("#C3687C", "#AE783C", "#838A0A", "#31964F", "#00998B", "#0090B6", "#847AC4", "#B966AE"))

"divergePalette" <- structure(list(c("#023FA5", "#E2E2E2", "#8E063B"), c("#023FA5", "#BEC1D4", "#D6BCC0", "#8E063B"), c("#023FA5", "#A1A6C8", "#E2E2E2", "#CA9CA4", "#8E063B"), c("#023FA5", "#8C94BF", "#D2D3DC", "#DDD0D2", "#C18692", "#8E063B"), c("#023FA5", "#7D87B9", "#BEC1D4", "#E2E2E2", "#D6BCC0", "#BB7784", "#8E063B"), c("#023FA5", "#727EB5", "#AEB2CD", "#D8D9DE", "#DFD7D9", "#D0AAB1", "#B56B7A", "#8E063B"), c("#023FA5", "#6A76B2", "#A1A6C8", "#CBCDD9", "#E2E2E2", "#DBC9CC", "#CA9CA4", "#B16273", "#8E063B"), c("#023FA5", "#6371AF", "#959CC3", "#BEC1D4", "#DBDCE0", "#E0DBDC", "#D6BCC0", "#C6909A", "#AE5A6D", "#8E063B"), c("#023FA5", "#5D6CAE", "#8C94BF", "#B3B7CF", "#D2D3DC", "#E2E2E2", "#DDD0D2", "#D2B0B6", "#C18692", "#AB5468", "#8E063B")))

gauss.quad <- function(n,kind="legendre",alpha=0,beta=0) {
#	Calculate nodes and weights for Guassian quadrature.
#	Adapted from Netlib routine gaussq.f
#	Gordon Smyth, Walter and Eliza Hall Institute
#	4 Sept 2002. Last modified 6 Aug 2012.

	n <- as.integer(n)
	if(n<0) stop("need non-negative number of nodes")
	if(n==0) return(list(nodes=numeric(0), weights=numeric(0)))
	kind <- match.arg(kind,c("legendre","chebyshev1","chebyshev2","hermite","jacobi","laguerre"))
	i <- 1:n
	i1 <- i[-n] # 1:(n-1)
	switch(kind, legendre={
		muzero <- 2
		a <- rep(0,n)
		b <- i1/sqrt(4*i1^2-1)
	}, chebyshev1={
		muzero <- pi
		a <- rep(0,n)
		b <- rep(0.5,n-1)
		b[1] <- sqrt(0.5)
	}, chebyshev2={
		muzero <- pi/2
		a <- rep(0,n)
		b <- rep(0.5,n-1)
	}, hermite={
		muzero <- sqrt(pi)
		a <- rep(0,n)
		b <- sqrt(i1/2)
	}, jacobi={
		ab <- alpha+beta
		muzero <- exp((ab+1)*log(2) + lgamma(alpha+1) + lgamma(beta+1) - lgamma(ab+2))
		a <- i
		a[1] <- (beta-alpha)/(ab+2)
		i2 <- 2:n
		abi <- ab+2*i2
		a[i2] <- (beta^2-alpha^2)/(abi-2)/abi
		b <- i1
		b[1] <- sqrt(4*(alpha+1)*(beta+1)/(ab+2)^2/(ab+3))
		i2 <- i1[-1] # 2:(n-1)
		abi <- ab+2*i2
		b[i2] <- sqrt(4*i2*(i2+alpha)*(i2+beta)*(i2+ab)/(abi^2-1)/abi^2)
	}, laguerre={
		a <- 2*i-1+alpha
		b <- sqrt(i1*(i1+alpha))
		muzero <- gamma(alpha+1)
	A <- rep(0,n*n)
	A[(n+1)*(i-1)+1] <- a
	A[(n+1)*(i1-1)+2] <- b
	A[(n+1)*i1] <- b
	dim(A) <- c(n,n)
	vd <- eigen(A,symmetric=TRUE)
	w <- rev(as.vector( vd$vectors[1,] ))
	w <- muzero * w^2
	x <- rev( vd$values )

## imported from the matrixcalc package, version 1.0-2

vec <- function( x )
### this function returns a column vector that is a stack of the columns of x
### Parameters
### x = a numeric matrix
    if ( !is.matrix( x ) ) {
        stop( "argument x is not a matrix" )
    if ( !is.numeric( x ) ) {
        stop( "argument x is not a numeric matrix" )
    return( t( t( as.vector( x ) ) ) )

u.vectors <- function( n )
### This function constructs an identity matrix I of order
### p = n * ( n +1 ) / 2.  It also builds a lower triangular square matrix of
### order n.  The value of element [i,j] is the column number
### in the identify matrix.  It is the mapping from the coordinates
### to the column vector in the identity matrix.
### argument
### n = a positive integer value
    if ( n != trunc( n ) )
        stop( "argument n is not an integer" )
    if ( n < 2 )
        stop( "argument n is less than 2" )
    p <- n * ( n + 1 ) / 2
    I <- diag( rep( 1, p ) )
    k <- matrix( 0, nrow=n, ncol=n )
    for ( j in 1:n ) {
        for ( i in j:n ) {
            k[i,j] <- ( j - 1 ) * n + i - 0.5 * j * ( j - 1 )
    return( list( k=k, I=I ) )

E.matrices <- function( n )
### This function creates a list of lists.  The number of components
### in the higher level list is n.  For each component i in the
### higher level list, the number of components in the sub-list
### is n.  Each component j of the sub-list is an n by n matrix
### e_i %*% t ( e_j ).  Each of the arrays is a vector in an
### n by n identity matrix
### argument
### n = a positive integer value greater than or equal to 2
    if( missing( n ) )
        stop( "argument n is missing" )
    if ( !is.numeric( n ) )
        stop( "argument n is not numeric" )
    if ( n != trunc( n ) )
        stop( "argument n is not an integer" )
    if ( n < 2 )
        stop( "argument n is less than 2" )
    I <- diag( rep( 1, n ) )
    E <- list()
    for ( i in 1:n ) {
        E[[i]] <- list()
        for ( j in 1:n ) {
            E[[i]][[j]] <- I[i,] %o% I[j,]
    return( E )

L.matrix <- function( n )
### This function constructs the elimination matrix as a mapping
### from vec(A) to vech(A)
### Arguments
### n = a positive integer value for the order of the matrix
    if ( missing( n ) )
        stop( "argument n is missing" )
    if ( !is.numeric( n ) )
        stop( "argument n is not numeric" )
    if ( n != trunc( n ) )
        stop( "argument n is not an integer" )
    if ( n < 2 )
      if ( n == 1) {
        return(matrix(1, 1, 1))
      } else if ( n == 0) {
        return(matrix(, 0, 0))
      } else {
        stop( "argument n is less than 0" )
    u <- u.vectors( n )
    E <- E.matrices( n )
    k <- u$k
    I <- u$I
    p <- n * ( n + 1 ) / 2
    nsq <- n * n
    L <- matrix( 0, nrow=p, ncol=nsq)
    for ( j in 1:n ) {
        for ( i in j:n ) {
            L <- L + I[,k[i,j]] %*% t( vec( E[[i]][[j]] ) )
    return( L )

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