
Defines functions gcCorrectMain

Documented in gcCorrectMain

gcCorrectMain <- function(Ms, chr, starts, samplechr = "", increms = 0, maxwins, 
    jittercorrection = FALSE, returnOnlyTV = FALSE, onlyGC = FALSE, providedGC = NULL, 
    build, verbose = FALSE) {
    do.call(library, list(paste("BSgenome.Hsapiens.UCSC.", build, sep = "")))
    pkgname <- paste("BSgenome.Hsapiens.UCSC.", build, sep = "")
    ## EITAN: These should be declared in the DESCRIPTION library('RColorBrewer')
    ## library('multicore') library('foreach') library('grDevices') library('doMC')
    ## library('DNAcopy') registerDoMC(nodes) ## do at command line
    narrays <- ncol(Ms)
    ## if(is.null(providedGC)){ ##otherwise, its a vector of GC scores
    uniqchrs <- unique(chr)
    if (samplechr[1] == "") 
        samplechr <- uniqchrs
    remainingChr <- uniqchrs[is.na(match(uniqchrs, samplechr))]
    if (increms[1] == 0) 
        increms <- maxwins
    nparts <- maxwins[1]/increms[1]
    for (ii in seq_along(increms)) {
        ## Eitan: why not stop('Bad increment values') ? if(nparts !=
        ## maxwins[ii]/increms[ii]){readline('Bad Increment Values')}
        if (nparts != maxwins[ii]/increms[ii]) 
            stop("maxwins/increms must have a single unique value")
    strategyuse <- 2
    ## useM <- as(Ms[chr %in% samplechr, ], 'matrix')
    useM <- Ms[chr %in% samplechr, , drop = FALSE]
    ## RS: I think you need to have the annotation package in your foreach call
    ## otherwise, its a vector of GC scores
    if (is.null(providedGC)) {
        gcFracBoth <- gcFracAllWin(maxwins, increms, chr, starts, samplechr, uniqchrs, 
            strategyuse, annotation.pkg = pkgname, verbose = verbose)
    } else if (is.list(providedGC)) {
        gcFracBoth <- do.call(cbind, providedGC)
    } else if (is.vector(providedGC)) {
        gcFracBoth <- as.matrix(providedGC)
    } else gcFracBoth <- providedGC
    if (is.null(providedGC) | ncol(gcFracBoth) > 1 | returnOnlyTV) {
        ## first TVscore
        tvScore <- calctvScore(gcFracBoth, nparts, useM, narrays, increms, verbose = verbose)
        rown = list()
        for (ii in seq_along(increms)) {
            rown[[ii]] = seq(increms[ii], maxwins[ii], increms[ii])
        dimnames(tvScore) <- list(unlist(rown), colnames(Ms))
        if (returnOnlyTV) 
        maxTVscores <- rep(0, narrays)
        correctionVals <- list()
        optWins <- rep(0, narrays)
        gmaxvals <- apply(tvScore, 2, max)
        gmaxvalsInd <- apply(tvScore, 2, which.max)
        priorFracWremaining <- getGCinBestWindowGenome(gcFracBoth, starts, nparts, 
            chr, samplechr, remainingChr, increms, gmaxvals, gmaxvalsInd, tvScore, 
            verbose = verbose)
        if (is.list(priorFracWremaining)) 
            names(priorFracWremaining) <- unique(as.numeric(rownames(tvScore))[gmaxvalsInd]) else {
            priorFracWremaining <- as.matrix(priorFracWremaining)
            colnames(priorFracWremaining) <- unique(as.numeric(rownames(tvScore))[gmaxvalsInd])
        if (onlyGC) 
    } else {
        priorFracWremaining <- providedGC
        userProvidedGC <- TRUE
        gmaxvalsInd <- tvScore <- gcFracBoth <- nparts <- gmaxvals <- increms <- gcFracBoth <- 0
        samplechr <- ""
    correctedM <- CorrectM(Ms, chr, starts, priorFracWremaining, narrays, userProvidedGC, 
        gmaxvalsInd, jittercorrection, tvScore, gcFracBoth, nparts, samplechr, increms, 
        verbose = verbose)
    ## (gcFracBoth, useM, Ms, starts, narrays, nparts, chr, samplechr, remainingChr,
    ## increms, gmaxvals, gmaxvalsInd, tvScore, jittercorrection, verbose=verbose)
    result <- correctedM
    ## if(returnOnlyTV) { rownames(result) <- paste(c(seq(increm, maxwin, increm),
    ## seq(increm2, maxwin2, increm2)), 'bp', sep='') }
    if (!is.null(colnames(Ms))) 
        colnames(result) <- colnames(Ms)
    ## if(is.list(priorFracWremaining)) names(priorFracWremaining) <-
    ## unique(as.numeric(rownames(tvScore))[gmaxvalsInd])
    resultList <- list(tvScore, optimalwins <- as.numeric(rownames(tvScore))[gmaxvalsInd], 
        maxTVscores <- gmaxvals, gcVals <- priorFracWremaining, result)
    names(resultList) <- c("tvScore", "optimalWin", "maxTVscore", "GCvals", "correctedVals")

## impleGcCorrect <- function(){ ## why should I have to calculate the tvScore
## correctedM <- CorrectM(Ms, chr, starts, priorFracWremaining,narrays,
## userProvidedGC, gmaxvalsInd, jittercorrection, tvScore, gcFracBoth, nparts,
## samplechr, increms, verbose=verbose)


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ArrayTV documentation built on April 28, 2020, 9:02 p.m.