
Defines functions .snpsById_OldFashionSNPlocs .snpsByOverlaps_OldFashionSNPlocs .snpsBySeqname_OldFashionSNPlocs .get_GPos_by_seqname_from_SNPlocs .snpid2grange_OldFashionSNPlocs .snpid2alleles_OldFashionSNPlocs .snpid2loc_OldFashionSNPlocs .snpid2rowidx .normarg_snpid .get_rsid_offsets .SNPlocsAsGRanges .get_ufsnplocs .load_raw_snplocs .load_rsids .get_SNPlocs_data .create_object newSNPlocs

Documented in newSNPlocs

### =========================================================================
### OldFashionSNPlocs objects
### -------------------------------------------------------------------------
### Implement old fashion on-disk storage used by SNPlocs packages < 0.99.20.
### TODO: Remove once all SNPlocs packages < 0.99.20 are gone.

        ## Absolute path to local directory where to find the serialized
        ## objects containing the SNPs.



### - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
### Constructor

### Not intended to be used directly.
### 'download_url' argument is for backward compatibility with SNPlocs
### packages < 0.99.20.
newSNPlocs <- function(provider, provider_version,
                       release_date, release_name,
                       source_data_url, download_date,
                       reference_genome, compatible_genomes,
                       data_pkgname, data_dirpath, download_url="")
    if (missing(source_data_url))
        source_data_url <- download_url

    if (file.exists(file.path(data_dirpath, "header.rds")))
        return(new_ODLT_SNPlocs(provider, provider_version,
                                release_date, release_name,
                                source_data_url, download_date,
                                reference_genome, compatible_genomes,
                                data_pkgname, data_dirpath))

    data_serialized_objnames <- c(
        paste(seqlevels(reference_genome), "_snplocs", sep="")
        .data_cache=new.env(hash=TRUE, parent=emptyenv()))

### - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
### snpcount()

### Creates objects "on-the-fly" (not serialized).
### WARNING: Improper calls to .get_SNPlocs_data() by the .create_object()
### function can lead to infinite recursive loops!
.create_object <- function(objname)
    if (objname == "empty_snplocs") {
        obj <- data.frame(loc=integer(0), alleles=raw(0))
    if (objname == "empty_ufsnplocs") {
        obj <- data.frame(RefSNP_id=character(0),

    # add more here...
    stop("don't know how to create object '", objname, "'")

.get_SNPlocs_data <- function(x, objname, caching=TRUE)
    datacache <- x@.data_cache
    not_cached <- !exists(objname, envir=datacache)
    if (not_cached) {
        if (objname %in% x@data_serialized_objnames) {
            filename <- paste(objname, ".rda", sep="")
            filepath <- file.path(x@data_dirpath, filename)
            load(filepath, envir=datacache)
        } else {
            assign(objname, .create_object(objname), envir=datacache)
    ans <- get(objname, envir=datacache)
    if (not_cached && !caching)
        rm(list=objname, envir=datacache)

setMethod("snpcount", "OldFashionSNPlocs",
        objname <- "SNPcount"
        ans <- .get_SNPlocs_data(x, objname)
        if (!is.integer(ans) || !identical(names(ans), seqlevels(x)))
            stop("internal error: '", objname, "' data set is broken.\n",
                 "       Please contact the maintainer of the ",
                 x@data_pkgname, "\n       package.")

### - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
### snplocs()
### Used internally for SNP injection. Not intended for the end user.
### Must return a 2-col data-frame-like object with columns "loc" (integer)
### and "alleles_as_ambig" (character).

### Load rs ids for a given sequence. Return them in an integer vector.
.load_rsids <- function(x, seqname)
    all_rsids <- .get_SNPlocs_data(x, "all_rsids")
    seq_pos <- match(seqname, names(snpcount(x)))
    offset <- .get_rsid_offsets(x)[seq_pos]
    idx <- seq_len(snpcount(x)[seq_pos]) + offset

### Load raw snplocs.
.load_raw_snplocs <- function(x, seqname, caching)
    objname <- paste(seqname, "_snplocs", sep="")
    ans <- .get_SNPlocs_data(x, objname, caching=caching)
    empty_snplocs <- .get_SNPlocs_data(x, "empty_snplocs")
    if (!identical(sapply(ans, class), sapply(empty_snplocs, class)))
        stop("internal error: unexpected col names and/or col types\n",
             "       for the '", objname, "' data set.\n",
             "       Please contact the maintainer of the ",
             x@data_pkgname, "\n       package.")
    if (nrow(ans) != snpcount(x)[seqname])
        stop("internal error: nb of rows in object '", objname, " ",
             "doesn't match the\n       nb of SNPs reported by snpcount().\n",
             "       Please contact the maintainer of the ",
             x@data_pkgname, "\n       package.")

### Get user-friendly snplocs.
.get_ufsnplocs <- function(x, seqname, caching)
    rsids <- as.character(.load_rsids(x, seqname))
    snplocs <- .load_raw_snplocs(x, seqname, caching)
    alleles <- decode_bytes_as_letters(snplocs$alleles)

.SNPlocsAsGRanges <- function(x, ufsnplocs, seqname)
    if (is(seqname, "Rle")) {
        if (length(seqname) != nrow(ufsnplocs)
         || !identical(levels(seqname), seqlevels(x)))
            stop("when an Rle, 'seqname' must be a factor Rle ",
                 "of length 'nrow(ufsnplocs)' and levels 'SEQNAMES'")
        ans_seqnames <- seqname
    } else {
        if (!is.factor(seqname))
            seqname <- factor(seqname, levels=seqlevels(x))
        if (length(seqname) == 1L)
            ans_seqnames <- Rle(seqname, nrow(ufsnplocs))
        else if (length(seqname) == nrow(ufsnplocs))
            ans_seqnames <- Rle(seqname)
            stop("'length(seqname)' must be 1 or 'nrow(ufsnplocs)'")
    if (nrow(ufsnplocs) == 0L)
        ans_ranges <- IRanges()
        ans_ranges <- IRanges(start=ufsnplocs$loc, width=1L)
    ans_strand <- Rle(strand("*"), nrow(ufsnplocs))
    ans <- GRanges(seqnames=ans_seqnames,
    seqinfo(ans) <- seqinfo(x)

### Returns a data frame (when 'as.GRanges=FALSE') or a GRanges object
### (when 'as.GRanges=TRUE').
setMethod("snplocs", "OldFashionSNPlocs",
    function(x, seqname, as.GRanges=FALSE, caching=TRUE)
        if (!is.character(seqname) || any(is.na(seqname)))
            stop("'seqname' must be a character vector with no NAs")
        if (!all(seqname %in% seqlevels(x)))
            stop("all 'seqname' elements must be in: ",
                 paste(seqlevels(x), collapse=", "))
        if (!isTRUEorFALSE(as.GRanges))
            stop("'as.GRanges' must be TRUE or FALSE")
        if (!isTRUEorFALSE(caching))
            stop("'caching' must be TRUE or FALSE")
        if (!as.GRanges) {
            if (length(seqname) != 1L)
                stop("'seqname' must be of length 1 when 'as.GRanges' is FALSE")
            return(.get_ufsnplocs(x, seqname, caching))
        if (length(seqname) == 0L) {
            empty_ufsnplocs <- .get_SNPlocs_data(x, "empty_ufsnplocs")
            ans <- .SNPlocsAsGRanges(x, empty_ufsnplocs, character(0))
        list_of_ufsnplocs <- lapply(seqname,
                                    .get_ufsnplocs, x=x, caching=caching)
        ufsnplocs <- do.call(rbind, list_of_ufsnplocs)
        seqnames <- Rle(factor(seqname, levels=seqlevels(x)),
                        unlist(lapply(list_of_ufsnplocs, nrow), use.names=FALSE))
        .SNPlocsAsGRanges(x, ufsnplocs, seqnames)

### - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
### Old SNPlocs extractors (deprecated in BioC 3.5):
###    snpid2loc()
###    snpid2alleles()
###    snpid2grange()

### Returns a named integer vector where each (name, value) pair corresponds
### to a supplied SNP id (typically an rs id). The name is the chromosome of
### the SNP id and the value is its position on the chromosome.
setGeneric("snpid2loc", signature="x",
    function(x, snpid, ...) standardGeneric("snpid2loc")

### Returns a named character vector where each (name, value) pair corresponds
### to a supplied SNP id (typically an rs id). The name is the chromosome of
### the SNP id and the value is a single IUPAC code representing the associated
### alleles.
setGeneric("snpid2alleles", signature="x",
    function(x, snpid, ...) standardGeneric("snpid2alleles")

setGeneric("snpid2grange", signature="x",
    function(x, snpid, ...) standardGeneric("snpid2grange")

.get_rsid_offsets <- function(x)
    offsets <- c(0L, cumsum(snpcount(x)))
    offsets <- offsets[-length(offsets)]
    names(offsets) <- names(snpcount(x))

.normarg_snpid <- function(snpid)
    if (!is.vector(snpid))
        stop("'snpid' must be an integer or character vector")
    if (S4Vectors:::anyMissing(snpid))
        stop("'snpid' cannot contain NAs")
    if (is.numeric(snpid)) {
        if (!is.integer(snpid))
            snpid <- as.integer(snpid)
    if (!is.character(snpid))
        stop("'snpid' must be an integer or character vector")
    prefixes <- unique(substr(snpid, 1L, 2L))
    if ("rs" %in% prefixes) {
        if (!setequal(prefixes, "rs"))
            stop("'snpid' cannot mix ids that are prefixed with \"rs\" ",
                 "with ids that are not")
        ## Drop the "rs" prefix.
        snpid <- substr(snpid, 3, nchar(snpid))
    snpid <- suppressWarnings(as.integer(snpid))
    if (S4Vectors:::anyMissing(snpid))
        stop("cannot extract the digital part of some ids in 'snpid'")

### Returns a named integer vector where each (name, value) pair corresponds
### to a supplied SNP id (typically an rs id). The name is the chromosome of
### the SNP id and the value is the row index in the serialized snplocs data
### frame corresponding to the SNP id.
.snpid2rowidx <- function(x, snpid)
    if (length(snpid) == 0L) {
        idx <- integer(0)
    } else {
        all_rsids <- .get_SNPlocs_data(x, "all_rsids")
        idx <- match(snpid, all_rsids)
        bad_snpid_idx <- which(is.na(idx))
        if (length(bad_snpid_idx) != 0L) {
            bad_snpid <- snpid[bad_snpid_idx]
            bad_snpid_in1string <- paste(bad_snpid, collapse=", ")
            stop(wmsg("SNP id(s) not found: ", bad_snpid_in1string,
                      "\n\nPlease note that rsid2loc(), snpid2loc(), ",
                      "rsid2alleles(), snpid2alleles(), rsidsToGRanges(), ",
                      "and snpid2grange() are superseded by snpsById(). ",
                      "The latter can be called with 'ifnotfound=\"drop\"' ",
                      "to drop unknown SNP ids. See '?snpsById' for more ",
                      "information.\n\n "))
    seqidx <- findInterval(idx - 1L, cumsum(snpcount(x))) + 1L
    rowidx <- idx - .get_rsid_offsets(x)[seqidx]
    names(rowidx) <- names(snpcount(x))[seqidx]

.snpid2loc_OldFashionSNPlocs <- function(x, snpid, caching=TRUE)
    rowidx <- .snpid2rowidx(x, snpid)
    if (length(rowidx) == 0L) {
        ans <- integer(0)
    } else {
        rowidx_list <- split(unname(rowidx), names(rowidx))
        loc_list <- lapply(names(rowidx_list),
            function(seqname) {
                idx <- rowidx_list[[seqname]]
                .load_raw_snplocs(x, seqname, caching)$loc[idx]
        ans <- unsplit(loc_list, names(rowidx))
    names(ans) <- names(rowidx)

setMethod("snpid2loc", "OldFashionSNPlocs",
    function(x, snpid, caching=TRUE)
        .Deprecated(msg=wmsg("snpid2loc() is deprecated. ",
                             "Please use snpsById() instead."))
        snpid <- .normarg_snpid(snpid)
        if (!isTRUEorFALSE(caching))
            stop("'caching' must be TRUE or FALSE")
        .snpid2loc_OldFashionSNPlocs(x, snpid, caching=caching)

.snpid2alleles_OldFashionSNPlocs <- function(x, snpid, caching=TRUE)
    rowidx <- .snpid2rowidx(x, snpid)
    if (length(rowidx) == 0L) {
        ans <- raw(0)
    } else {
        rowidx_list <- split(unname(rowidx), names(rowidx))
        alleles_list <- lapply(names(rowidx_list),
            function(seqname) {
                idx <- rowidx_list[[seqname]]
                .load_raw_snplocs(x, seqname, caching)$alleles[idx]
        ans <- unsplit(alleles_list, names(rowidx))
    ans <- decode_bytes_as_letters(ans)
    names(ans) <- names(rowidx)

setMethod("snpid2alleles", "OldFashionSNPlocs",
    function(x, snpid, caching=TRUE)
        .Deprecated(msg=wmsg("snpid2alleles() is deprecated. ",
                             "Please use snpsById() instead."))
        snpid <- .normarg_snpid(snpid)
        if (!isTRUEorFALSE(caching))
            stop("'caching' must be TRUE or FALSE")
        .snpid2alleles_OldFashionSNPlocs(x, snpid, caching=caching)

.snpid2grange_OldFashionSNPlocs <- function(x, snpid, caching=TRUE)
    snpid <- .normarg_snpid(snpid)
    if (!isTRUEorFALSE(caching))
        stop("'caching' must be TRUE or FALSE")
    loc <- .snpid2loc_OldFashionSNPlocs(x, snpid, caching=caching)
    alleles <- .snpid2alleles_OldFashionSNPlocs(x, snpid, caching=caching)
    ufsnplocs <- data.frame(RefSNP_id=as.character(snpid),
    .SNPlocsAsGRanges(x, ufsnplocs, names(loc))

setMethod("snpid2grange", "OldFashionSNPlocs",
    function(x, snpid, caching=TRUE)
        .Deprecated(msg=wmsg("snpid2grange() is deprecated. ",
                             "Please use snpsById() instead."))
        .snpid2grange_OldFashionSNPlocs(x, snpid, caching=caching)

### - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
### NEW API: snpsBySeqname(), snpsByOverlaps(), snpsById() (similar to API
### for querying an XtraSNPlocs object)

.get_GPos_by_seqname_from_SNPlocs <- function(x, seqnames, drop.rs.prefix)
    gr <- snplocs(x, seqnames, as.GRanges=TRUE)
    if (!drop.rs.prefix && length(gr) != 0L)
        mcols(gr)$RefSNP_id <- paste0("rs", mcols(gr)$RefSNP_id)
    as(gr, "GPos")

.snpsBySeqname_OldFashionSNPlocs <- function(x, seqnames, drop.rs.prefix=FALSE)
    if (!is.character(seqnames)
     || any(is.na(seqnames))
     || any(duplicated(seqnames)))
        stop(wmsg("'seqnames' must be a character vector ",
                  "with no NAs and no duplicates"))
    if (!all(seqnames %in% seqlevels(x)))
        stop(wmsg("'seqnames' must be a subset of: ",
                  paste(seqlevels(x), collapse=", ")))
    if (!isTRUEorFALSE(drop.rs.prefix))
        stop(wmsg("'drop.rs.prefix' must be TRUE or FALSE"))
    .get_GPos_by_seqname_from_SNPlocs(x, seqnames, drop.rs.prefix)

setMethod("snpsBySeqname", "OldFashionSNPlocs",

.snpsByOverlaps_OldFashionSNPlocs <- function(x, ranges,
                                              drop.rs.prefix=FALSE, ...)
    ranges <- normarg_ranges(ranges)
    dots <- list(...)
    if (isTRUE(dots$invert))
        stop(wmsg("snpsByOverlaps() does not support 'invert=TRUE'"))

    ## The only purpose of the line below is to check that 'x' and 'ranges'
    ## are based on the same reference genome (merge() will raise an error
    ## if they are not).
    merge(seqinfo(x), seqinfo(ranges))
    seqlevels(ranges, pruning.mode="coarse") <-
        intersect(seqlevels(x), seqlevelsInUse(ranges))
    snps_by_seqname <- .snpsBySeqname_OldFashionSNPlocs(x,
    subsetByOverlaps(snps_by_seqname, ranges, ...)

setMethod("snpsByOverlaps", "OldFashionSNPlocs",

.snpsById_OldFashionSNPlocs <- function(x, ids,
                                 ifnotfound=c("error", "warning", "drop"))
    user_rowids <- ids2rowids(ids)
    ifnotfound <- match.arg(ifnotfound)
    x_rowids <- .get_SNPlocs_data(x, "all_rsids")
    rowidx <- rowids2rowidx(user_rowids, ids, x_rowids, ifnotfound)
    gr <- .snpid2grange_OldFashionSNPlocs(x, rowidx[[2L]])
    mcols(gr)[ , "RefSNP_id"] <- rowidx[[2L]]
    as(gr, "GPos")

setMethod("snpsById", "OldFashionSNPlocs", .snpsById_OldFashionSNPlocs)

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BSgenome documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 7:48 p.m.