#' Perform Mean and Variance batch variation analysis
#' @param data Given data
#' @param groups a character vector indicating sample group membership
#' @param plot Indicate whether to generate plot
#' @param groupCol group color
#' @param robustSample Indicate whether to use robust sample-wise test
#' @param robustGene Indicate whether to use robust gene-wise test
#' @return Mean and Variance batch variation Overall and Pairwise p-values
#' @import gplots moments
#' @export
#' @examples
#' nbatch <- 3
#' ncond <- 2
#' npercond <- 10
#' data.matrix <- rnaseq_sim(ngenes=50, nbatch=nbatch, ncond=ncond, npercond=
#' npercond, basemean=10000, ggstep=50, bbstep=2000, ccstep=800,
#' basedisp=100, bdispstep=-10, swvar=1000, seed=1234)
#' batch <- rep(1:nbatch, each=ncond*npercond)
#' batchQC_shapeVariation(data.matrix, groups=batch)
batchQC_shapeVariation = function(data, groups, plot = FALSE,
groupCol = NULL, robustSample = FALSE, robustGene = FALSE) {
groupsorder <- order(groups)
sortdata <- data[,groupsorder]
sortgroups <- groups[groupsorder]
groupCol <- groupCol[groupsorder]
gnormdata <- gnormalize(sortdata)
#Y = fitMoments(sortdata)
Y = fitMoments(gnormdata)
ps <- overallPvalue(Y, sortgroups, robust=robustSample)
#batch_ps <- batchEffectPvalue(sortdata, sortgroups)
batch_ps <- batchEffectPvalue(gnormdata, sortgroups, robust=robustGene)
mpval = ps[1]
vpval = ps[2]
spval = ps[3]
kpval = ps[4]
mpvaltext <- round(mpval, 4)
if (mpvaltext == 0) {
mpvaltext <- "< 0.0001"
vpvaltext <- round(vpval, 4)
if (vpvaltext == 0) {
vpvaltext <- "< 0.0001"
spvaltext <- round(spval, 4)
if (spvaltext == 0) {
spvaltext <- "< 0.0001"
kpvaltext <- round(kpval, 4)
if (kpvaltext == 0) {
kpvaltext <- "< 0.0001"
mpval2 = batch_ps[1]
vpval2 = batch_ps[2]
spval2 = batch_ps[3]
kpval2 = batch_ps[4]
mpvaltext2 <- round(mpval2, 4)
if (mpvaltext2 == 0) {
mpvaltext2 <- "< 0.0001"
vpvaltext2 <- round(vpval2, 4)
if (vpvaltext2 == 0) {
vpvaltext2 <- "< 0.0001"
spvaltext2 <- round(spval2, 4)
if (spvaltext2 == 0) {
spvaltext2 <- "< 0.0001"
kpvaltext2 <- round(kpval2, 4)
if (kpvaltext2 == 0) {
kpvaltext2 <- "< 0.0001"
if (plot) {
pal = colorRampPalette(c("red", "orange", "white", "steelblue3",
"navy"))(n = 99)
main = paste0(
"\n\nBatch Effect Variation Analysis \nMean p-value: Sample-wise = "
, mpvaltext, ", Gene-wise = ", mpvaltext2,
"\nVariance p-value: Sample-wise = ", vpvaltext, ", Gene-wise = ",
vpvaltext2, "\nSkewness p-value: Sample-wise = ", spvaltext,
", Gene-wise = ", spvaltext2, "\nKurtosis p-value: Sample-wise = ",
kpvaltext, ", Gene-wise = ", kpvaltext2)
gplots::heatmap.2(t(Y), trace = "none", Rowv = FALSE,
Colv = FALSE, dendrogram = "none", col = pal, ColSideColors =
groupCol, = "none", scale = "row", cexRow = 1.15,
colsep = cumsum(table(sortgroups)), main = main)
legend("bottomleft", legend = unique(sortgroups), pch = 19,
col = unique(groupCol), title = "Batch")
c(ps, batch_ps)
fitMoments <- function(x) {
# Compute Mean and Variance
smean <- apply(x, 2, mean)
svariance <- apply(x, 2, var)
sskew <- apply(x, 2, skewness)
skurt <- apply(x, 2, kurtosis)
sfit <- cbind(smean, svariance, sskew, skurt)
colnames(sfit) = c("Mean", "Variance", "Skew", "Kurtosis")
rownames(sfit) = colnames(x)
#' Perform Genewise Normalization of the given data matrix
#' @param dat Given data matrix
#' @return gnormdata Genewise Normalized data matrix
#' @export
#' @examples
#' dat <- matrix(1:10, 2)
#' gnormdata <- gnormalize(dat)
gnormalize <- function(dat) {
# Compute Genewise Mean and Standard deviation
smean <- apply(dat, 1, mean)
ssd <- apply(dat, 1, sd)
smeanmat <- apply(row(dat), c(1,2), function(x, smean) smean[x], smean)
ssdmat <- apply(row(dat), c(1,2), function(x, ssd) ssd[x], ssd)
# Genewise normalize the data
gnormdata <- matrix(mapply(
function(x, smean, ssd) ((x-smean)/ssd),
dat, smeanmat, ssdmat), nrow = nrow(dat))
overallPvalue <- function(Y, groups, robust) {
n <- dim(Y)[1]
ngroups <- nlevels(as.factor(groups))
if (ngroups <= 1) {
ps <- rep(1, n)
mod1 = model.matrix(~as.factor(groups), data = data.frame(Y))
# model with batch
mod0 = model.matrix(~1, data = data.frame(Y)) # reduced model
### Standard F test ###
df1 <- dim(mod1)[2]
df0 <- dim(mod0)[2]
resid <- t(Y) - t(Y) %*% mod1 %*% solve(t(mod1) %*% mod1) %*% t(mod1)
# residuals full model
rss1 <- rowSums(resid * resid) ## SSE full model
resid0 <- t(Y) - t(Y) %*% mod0 %*% solve(t(mod0) %*% mod0) %*% t(mod0)
# residuals reduced model
rss0 <- rowSums(resid0 * resid0) ## SSE reduced model
delta <- n * (apply(t(Y), 1, mean) * 0.05)^2
#delta <- (apply(t(Y), 1, mean) * 0.01)^2
delta <- 0
Fstat = ((rss0 - rss1)/(df1 - df0))/(delta + rss1/(n - df1))
# Compute p-value
ps = 1 - pf(Fstat, df1 - df0, n - df1)
delta_f.pvalue <- function(dat, mod, mod0, robust) {
## F-test (full/reduced model) and returns R2 values
## (full/reduced) as well.
mod00 <- matrix(rep(1, ncol(dat)), ncol = 1)
n <- dim(dat)[2]
m <- dim(dat)[1]
df1 <- dim(mod)[2]
df0 <- dim(mod0)[2]
p <- rep(0, m)
resid <- dat - dat %*% mod %*% solve(t(mod) %*% mod) %*% t(mod)
rss1 <- rowSums(resid * resid)
if (df0 > 0) {
resid0 <- dat - dat %*% mod0 %*% solve(t(mod0) %*% mod0) %*% t(mod0)
} else {
resid0 <- dat
rss0 <- rowSums(resid0 * resid0)
resid00 <- dat - dat %*% mod00 %*% solve(t(mod00) %*% mod00) %*% t(mod00)
rss00 <- rowSums(resid00 * resid00)
r2_full <- 1 - rss1/rss00
r2_reduced <- 1 - rss0/rss00
#delta <- (apply(dat, 1, mean) * 0.01)^2
delta <- n * (apply(dat, 1, mean) * 0.05)^2
delta <- 0
p <- 1
if (df1 > df0) {
fstats <- ((rss0 - rss1)/(df1 - df0))/(delta + rss1/(n - df1))
p <- 1 - pf(fstats, df1 = (df1 - df0), df2 = (n - df1))
return(list(p = p, r2_full = r2_full, r2_reduced = r2_reduced))
batchEffectPvalue <- function(data, batch, robust) {
nbatch <- nlevels(as.factor(batch))
if (nbatch <= 1) {
batch_ps <- rep(1, 4)
batch1 <- as.factor(batch)
batch2 <- split(which(batch == batch1), batch1)
meanbatch <- unlist(lapply(1:length(batch2), function(x) apply(data[,
batch2[[x]]], 1, mean)))
varbatch <- unlist(lapply(1:length(batch2), function(x) apply(data[,
batch2[[x]]], 1, var)))
skewbatch <- unlist(lapply(1:length(batch2), function(x) apply(data[,
batch2[[x]]], 1, skewness)))
kurtbatch <- unlist(lapply(1:length(batch2), function(x) apply(data[,
batch2[[x]]], 1, kurtosis)))
batcheffectmatrix <- rbind(meanbatch, varbatch, skewbatch,
numgenes <- dim(data)[1]
batch3 <- rep(1:length(batch2), each = numgenes)
#genes <- rep(1:numgenes, length(batch2))
#genes_mod <- model.matrix(~as.factor(genes))
batch_mod <- model.matrix(~as.factor(batch3))
#mod <- cbind(genes_mod, batch_mod[, -1])
pdata <- data.frame(batch3)
#mod00 <- model.matrix(~-1+0, data=pdata)
mod00 <- model.matrix(~1, data=pdata)
# reduced model for batch adjusted data
#batch_test <- delta_f.pvalue(batcheffectmatrix, mod, genes_mod)
batch_test <- delta_f.pvalue(batcheffectmatrix, batch_mod, mod00, robust=robust)
batch_ps <- batch_test$p
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