Man pages for BioMM
BioMM: Biological-informed Multi-stage Machine learning framework for phenotype prediction using omics data

baseGLMnetPrediction by generalized linear regression models
baseModelBase supervised machine learning models for prediction
baseRandForestPrediction by random forest
baseSVMPrediction by SVM
BioMMBioMM end-to-end prediction
BioMMstage2predPrediction performance for stage-2 data using supervised...
cirPlot4pathwayCircular plot for a set of pathways
classifiACCCompute the classification accuracy
getDataByFilterReturn the data by feature filtering
getMetricsCompute the machine learning evaluation metrics
omics2pathlistMap individual probes into pathway
plotRankedFeaturePlot top outcome-associated features
plotVarExplainedPlot data summary statistics
predByBSBootstrap resampling prediction via supervised machine...
predByCVCross validation prediction by supervised machine learning...
predByFSPrediction by supervised machine learning along with feature...
reconBySupervisedReconstruct stage-2 data by supervised machine learning...
reconByUnsupervisedReconstruct stage-2 data by PCA
BioMM documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 11:04 p.m.