Man pages for CellaRepertorium
Data structures, clustering and testing for single cell immune receptor repertoires (scRNAseq RepSeq/AIRR-seq)

canonicalize_cellFind a canonical contig to represent a cell
canonicalize_clusterFind a canonical contig to represent a cluster
cash-ContigCellDB-methodAccess public members of ContigCellDB object.
ccdb_exA preconstructed 'ContigClusterDB' from the 'contigs_qc' data
ccdb_joinJoin dataframe or SingleCellExperiment object with...
cdhitR interface to CDHIT/CDHITest
cdhit_ccdbUse 'cdhit()' to cluster a 'ContigCellDB()'
cluster_filtersetA filtration of clusters
cluster_germlineCluster contigs by germline properties
cluster_logistic_testTest clusters for differential usage
cluster_permute_testTests for independence between labels and covariates using...
cluster_plotMake a plot showing properties of the clustering
ContigCellDB-funConstruct a ContigCellDB
contigs_qcFiltered and annotated contigs of TCR from mice
crosstab_by_celltypeCount contig UMIs by celltype
dot-cluster_permute_testCell permutation tests (internal)
entropyCalculate the entropy of a vector
enumerate_pairingCategorize the pairing present in a cell
equalize_ccdbTake the intersection of keys in tables in 'x'
fancy_name_contigsGenerate a legible name for a series of contigs
fine_clusteringPerform additional clustering of sequences within groups
fine_cluster_seqsCalculate distances and perform hierarchical clustering on a...
generate_pseudobulkGenerate "pseudobulk" data from a 'ContigCellDB'
guess_celltypeGuess the cell type of a contig from the chain ID
hushWarningSelectively muffle warnings based on output
left_join_warnPerform a 'dplyr::left_join()' but check for non-key...
map_axis_labelsColor axis labels
mutate_cdbCreate new or update existing columns of 'ContigCellDB'...
pairing_tablesGenerate a list of tables representing clusters paired in...
purityCalculate number of cluster-subject singletons for the...
rank_prevalence_ccdbRank contigs, per cell, by experiment-wide prevalence of...
rbind-ContigCellDB-methodCombine 'ContigCellDB' along rows (contigs, cells or...
split_cdbSplit into a list of 'ContigCellDB()' by named fields
sub-sub-ContigCellDB-character-missing-method'data.frame'-like mutation/accessor generics for...
CellaRepertorium documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 7:48 p.m.