contigs_qc: Filtered and annotated contigs of TCR from mice

Description Usage Format


Data for c57bl6 and balbc mice TCR were downloaded from 10x Genomics website as shown in system.file('script/10XMouseTCR_v3_chem.R', package = 'CellaRepertorium'). Additional processing of these data is done in the vignette mouse_tcell_qc and are serialized to serve as an examples for other vignettes and documentation.




A data frame of 3399 contigs and 22 fields, all except 4 are originally defined in The following fields were defined ex post facto.

  1. anno_file: Path to original csv file

  2. pop: Mouse strain.

  3. sample: An artificial "replicate" from the original data defined by subsampling with replacement

  4. celltype: The putative cell type of the contig.

CellaRepertorium documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 7:48 p.m.