Man pages for DAVIDQuery
Retrieval from the DAVID bioinformatics data resource into R

affyToUniprotObtain Affymetrix probeset IDs for given Uniprot IDs.
bracketedStringsExtract bracketed substrings.
catalogDAVIDResultsByToolCreate a catalog of types of DAVID results.
convertIDListRetrieves conversions from one DAVID ID type in the input ID...
DAVIDQueryLoopAccess DAVID multiple times.
DAVIDQuery-packageRetrieval from DAVID bioinformatics data resource.
DAVIDToolChoicesChoices for the DAVID query parameters
DAVIDURLBaseBase URL for the DAVID database.
findInBracketsExtract the substring(s) between the left and right...
formatDAVIDResultFormat the character table returned by DAVID.
getAffyChipTypesRetrieve all Affymetrix array type available from DAVID...
getAffyProbesetListRetrieve Affy probeset IDs from DAVID.
getAnnotationChoicesRetrieve all possible annotation values used in the...
getHTMLChoicesGet (name,value) pairs from the HTML page selection box...
getIdConversionChoicesRetrieve all possible values defining the type of the...
removeHTMLCommentsRemove HTML comments from character string representing the...
requestIDConversionRequest a conversion for a previously uploaded ID List...
testGene2GeneTest DAVID gene2gene tool
uniprotToAffyObtain Affymetrix probeset IDs for given Uniprot IDs.
uploadIDListUpload an ID list to the DAVID query system...
DAVIDQuery documentation built on Sept. 12, 2016, 6:11 a.m.