multi_tissue: data objects for multi-tissues mixing samples

Description Usage Format Author(s) Examples


a list containing:

1) data frame providing the RPKM of nine mixing samples.

2) x.signatures: a data frame providing the expression values from pure brain, muscle, lung, liver and heart samples.

3) x.signatures.filtered: a data frame providing the expression values from pure brain, muscle, lung, liver and heart samples after filtering.

4) x.signatures.filtered.optimal: a data frame providing the expression values from pure brain, muscle, lung, liver and heart samples used for the example in DeconRNA-Seq.

5)fraction: a data frame providing the fractions from 5 tissues in the mixing samples




A list 1) a matrix with all the genes' expression in the mixing samples: the first two columns are corresponding to the RefSeq accession numbers and gene symbols

2) a martix whose rows are gene symbols and columns are RPKM expressions from pure tissues.

3) a martix whose rows are gene symbols and columns are RPKM expressions from pure tissues: the genes with RPKM less than 200 within any of the five tissues have been filtered.

4) a martix whose rows are gene symbols and columns are RPKM expressions from pure tissues: based on the filtered signature matrix, the optimal number of genes have been selected for the deconvolution according to the condition numbers

5) a martix whose rows are mixing samples' name and columns are fractions from pure tissues including brain, muscle, lung, liver and heart


Ting Gong Joseph D. Szustakowski



DeconRNASeq documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 7:51 p.m.